Kamen Rider, the Mission Must Be Fulfilled!

Page 42


With the terrifying sound of the wind, a huge black figure leaped out of the thick smoke, aiming at Mami who hadn't reacted yet.


When she raised her head, in front of the girl's eyes was a big mouth full of sharp fangs.

Covering the sky and blocking out the sun, it seemed to cut off all the girl's way forward.

As far as the eye can see, there is only darkness.



When it comes to V3 stalks, everyone will immediately think of the sand sculpture subtitle group, which is inevitable even for me, so I am not polite when I play stalks.

But, there is one thing, that is, I hope everyone will be a little more scrupulous when playing tricks

Of course, it’s just a request. After all, there are still some less explicit sand sculpture words in the stalk of V3. If you want to play, compared to the explicit and uncivilized words, inserting a few symbols will immediately appear civilized and enough for sand sculptures (no)

That's it, see you tomorrow


Chapter 32: To this day, you are still my light

How long can a person's life be?

Raised for a hundred years, three generations live under the same roof, children, grandchildren, and grandchildren, even with a happy and contented smile, step by step towards the end that is gradually ushered in at an unknown time.At that time, I was lying in the coffin, my stiff and cold body could no longer sit up, and I could no longer see my relatives and lovers except for the darkness in front of my eyes. Presumably, the last second before my eyes must also be immersed in the beautiful future, revealing Sleep peacefully.

People will be greedy for happiness, but they will also be satisfied with it.Then even death seemed less painful and frightening when the time came.

A person's life can be so long.

How short can a person's life be?

50 years in the world are nothing compared to the sky.Looking at the world, dreams are like water.Let life be once, enter and perish immediately.People in the world, how beautiful it is, the Benneng Temple was burned, and it was lost.Therefore, looking at the world, within the sea and sky, is there anyone who can live forever.

No matter how proud or ordinary, 50 years, 50 years, from the end, it is still so short, so short that the past is like yesterday, so short that as long as you close your eyes, the past will clearly emerge In my heart, bits and pieces of rubbings are imprinted in my mind, as if time has never moved.Except for the weakening body and aging face, under the scouring of the long river of time, people are just gravel among the waves, with no traces or traces to be seen.

A person's life can be so short.


Ba Mami's life?

how long?But ten years.

How short is it?It has been more than ten years.

Fleeing away from the god of death alone, and living alone so far, the clock belonging to Ba Mami has stopped along with the death of her parents in that accident.

Can't move forward, because the girl named Ba Mami has already died there.

There is no way to go back, because the miracle called magic cannot save a lost life.

So Ba Mami died, and only the magical girl Ba Mami lived.

In the dead of night, more than once, facing the night girl, I thought, if I didn't make a wish at that time, but left with my parents, wouldn't it be as painful as it is now?No need to wake up from sleep because of nightmares, no need to cry alone at night because of loneliness, no need to repeatedly tear the past scars in my heart because of self-blame, let the sores gush out blood over and over again, and the red-stained girl is riddled with holes soul.

There is no need to live as if you are dead like you are now.

But every time the thought of dying like this arises, the remaining fear from facing death will crawl out from the darkness in my heart, climbing up the girl's body little by little, binding the girl's body tightly from all directions. Every inch of skin and flesh.Coldness, pain, suffocation, everything brought about by death surged in an instant, and they all hit the girl's already fragile body and mind, piercing new wounds one after another, and taking away the little hope and self that belonged to her.

Can't do it.

Ba Mamei her, don't want to die.

In this way, lingering on, using a bright and elegant appearance to cover up the precarious interior, dragging this hard-supported skin bag through day and night after day after day.

Until, two people broke into her life.

The crimson that belonged to that person.

The darkness that belongs to that person.

It is worth entrusting like-minded juniors who are behind and depend on each other.

A teacher worthy of respect and admiration, mature and reliable.

Successively, the girl's pale world was rendered in different colors.No longer facing the death struggle with the witch alone, no longer walking the road to the future alone,

How great would it be if all this was a dream?

To this day, Mami still meets that girl in her dream, as if retrieving a forgotten object, and wipes away the dust covered with memories with her tears when she wakes up.There are too many irretrievable happiness in this world. If there is no her, those dark pasts that have not been mentioned to others may just be buried in the darkness forever with Mami in a fight with the witch .

Just like now, it seems that only she can remember those painful pasts.

It seems that only Sakura Kyoko can still remember the real Ba Mamei.


I don't want this, I don't want just that.

I want to be with Madoka, I want to be with Sayaka, I want to be with Kyoko again, whether it’s about telling the pain of the past, or giving up the elegance I created, I want to be with everyone again, and I want everyone to remember the real Mami What kind of girl is she who wants to—

I want... I want to be with Teacher Zhengyi...

I want to be like the man who stretched out his palm to her again, trying to drag her out of the darkness, and confide a lot of words.

so many...

The sadness of the past and the happiness of that day, together with you who are willing to tolerate all of this, have turned into the sun that is deeply imprinted in my heart.

To this day, you are still my light.

Now, Teacher Justice, Kyoko.

I really want to live.

Faced with the death that was coming, Mami closed her eyes.

Magical girl, Mami.

Back here——

"Don't even think about it!!!!"

As if wanting to drink away the death that was closing in front of him, the boy's deafening roar was so close that before the girl's blank brain could react, her body had already reacted in the most honest way.

Bamami opened her eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the light—

-------Dividing line-------

"So, you have been hiding the matter of Kong Tiao's justice from Ba Mami."

After listening to Madoka's intermittent narration, Xiao Meiyan raised her eyes to look at Sayaka who was still sulking, and said in a blunt tone like a judge stating a crime.

"How dare you say it! If you hadn't talked too much, the matter would not have developed to this point!"

"Sayaka, calm down...Homura doesn't even know that we're hiding from Mami-senpai..."

Hearing Xiaomeiyan's tone, Sayaka's pent-up anger was ignited again, and she stepped forward angrily. If Madoka hadn't been standing between the two of them all the time, she might have turned towards Xiaomeiyan's face again. Take another punch.

Although Sayaka herself knew that she would definitely not hit the target, but for a girl with a slightly reckless personality, at least it could relieve and vent the burning anger in her chest.

Ignoring the angry Sayaka, Akami Homura raised her head, staring intently at the empty space as if she wanted to see what happened on the roof through the ceiling.She could feel the breath of the dessert witch above and the breath of Ba Mamei fading rapidly, but for Zheng Yi, she didn't have a good way of confirming it.

This, stupid hot-blooded teacher.

Withdrawing her gaze from above, Akami Homura refocused her gaze on Sayaka and Madoka.

"Come on, I'll take you two home."


"Little Flame?"

As if they had heard some incredible words, the two little guys successively showed different expressions of surprise.Facing the dazed eyes of the two, Xiao Meiyan walked outside calmly.

"Kongtiao Zhengyi told me to send the two of you home safely."

"No, no, what nonsense are you talking about, Mami-senpai and the teacher are still on top!"

"so what?"

Passing by the two of them without looking back, Xiao Meiyan walked slowly through the front hall and arrived at the door of the teaching building. Then she turned her head slightly and looked expressionlessly at the two little boys who were still standing there. girl.

"What's the reason, why don't you go up and help?"



Facing Sayaka's words, Akami Homura frowned slightly, as if she was really puzzled by the girl's words.

Sayaka choked.But before the words were in his throat, Xiao Meiyan slapped them back in a snappy manner.

"Justice is there, is there any question?"

The calm tone and the trust in the words made Sayaka and Madoka unable to find any rebuttal words for a while.

"Let's go if there's no problem, it's getting late."

Turning around, Xiao Meiyan took another step.

With that hot-blooded idiot teacher there, nothing will happen to Ba Mami.

To this day, Kujo justice is still the light of Ba Mami.

——This is something that will not change no matter which reincarnation occurs.


One of the foreshadowing revelations, readers and friends who don’t understand can go ahead and quickly go through Chapter 1 of this volume, and you will understand that I have buried the foreshadowing at the beginning of this volume.

Ba Mami is such a pitiful girl. In her sad life, she once got the light named Sakura Kyoko, but that light didn't last long, and finally disappeared into the darkness like a dream.After finally getting the light named Kamu Madoka again, this time even his last life was left in the endless darkness.

Palma has too little.

So Ba Mamei cherishes even a little bit of warmth.

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