Kamen Rider, the Mission Must Be Fulfilled!

Page 37

Apocalypse has indeed been one of the necessary openings for various harem texts for a long time, but in my book, I can seriously and without hesitation say that it has not become that kind of thing.

But 1 readers have 1 Hamlets in their hearts. My writing is limited, and I really can't satisfy everyone.

I'm beyond my strengths, sorry.


Chapter 25: My Part

All the way up the stairs, there are security cameras in the teaching building, especially the stairs on each floor, so no matter how anxious Zheng Yi is, he can't just transform himself in the corridor.Fortunately, even with a human posture, Zheng Yi now has a running speed close to [-] meters and [-] seconds.

Feeling the full strength in his body, Zheng Yi rejoiced that his gradually deteriorating body came in handy at this time, but at the same time he couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Put on the belt, entrust your life and faith to the spirit stone on your waist, and hold the miraculous power called "Kull Self". The price you have to pay for this is that Zheng Yi as a "human" will disappear step by step.First from the minutiae of the body, then to the brain related to the ego, and finally devoured the soul named Zheng Yi, leaving only the body and strength that existed as the biological decisive weapon of [Kull Self].

Suffering from cocoons, slow death.

For those who have been lodged with spirit stones, every time they transform into an empty self, it is to further accelerate the pace of losing themselves.With each transformation, the desire for power and the consciousness of fighting, the special substance extended by the spirit stone will erode the user's body more and more quickly.

In the end, only the obsession to become stronger was left alone, and he became a monster who didn't know love and pain.

This transformation is almost irreversible. As long as the user still has a reason to fight and still needs the miraculous power called Kullo, then every fist, kick, or sword stick is a countdown to the end of the user. .

The holy spring will eventually dry up.

At that time, Zheng Yi will no longer be Zheng Yi.

"It's really nerve-wracking..."

Jumping up from the stairs suddenly, Zheng Yi stepped on the handrail of the stairs, and while finding the fulcrum, exerted his strength again, and his vigorous figure jumped into the air again.The fully stretched arms grabbed the handrail of the stairs on the first floor, and then the amazing power contained in the arms flowed out. Relying on the traction of the arms alone, Zheng Yi's tall body jumped up like a dry field. .

The whole movement looks relaxed and freehand, just like doing a simple pull-up.

The young man who was at ease even had the time to mutter a few words.

"At a time like this, rather than worrying about the future, I really wish I could be better."

Going back and forth like this several times, relying on unreasonable physical ability and gravity to play a dazzling game, Zheng Yi took off from the second floor to the fourth floor in the blink of an eye by relying on simple but direct movements of his limbs. The corner of the stairs on the roof.

Holding on to the handrail with all his strength, Zheng Yi's strong and powerful body was as light as a feather, drawing a beautiful arc in mid-air around the handrail as if he had no weight. Immediately, he loosened his hands and landed firmly on the last spot in front of the rooftop gate. up a ladder.

Zheng Yi has never systematically studied parkour techniques. At most, he has seen some wonderful highlight videos or promotional videos on the Internet. Zheng Yi has never done such a series of flawless climbing movements. Once it was used to hurry during the trial.

However, even without any technical elements, and with little knowledge of professional knowledge and technology, Zheng Yi simply relied on superhuman athletic ability and reflexes to roughly reproduce the climbing movements he had seen before.It does not contain any performance-oriented fancy movements, but the simple and direct body movements are full of a simple beauty that highlights strength.

Obviously, going up like this is much faster than taking the stairs honestly.

Between two points, the straight line is the shortest!

Feel sorry!Everyone on duty today!Later I'll stay and help you clean all the banisters again!

From the bottom of his heart, he hurriedly apologized to the students on duty who were in charge of the staircase plot today, and Zheng Yi strode forward.

Because it was an emergency evacuation, Sayaka and Xiao Meiyan didn't have time to close the old iron door on the roof again.So as soon as Zheng Yi came up, he saw the scene on the other side of the rooftop through the wide open door.

—no one was there.

Facing the empty rooftop with a clear look, Zheng Yi crossed the door and actually came to the rooftop.

Indeed, as Sayaka said today, the enchantment of the witch is imperceptible from the outside, at least for me who has no magic power for the time being, I cannot see it clearly.

After looking around for a while, Zheng Yi focused on observing the position five or six meters in front of the rooftop gate, and Zheng Yi gently closed the gate behind him.

Here, there are no security cameras.

Zheng Yi spread his hands to both sides.

The will to go to the battlefield surged through the young man's body at an incalculable speed, passing through the flesh and bones, skillfully and without hindrance, all of it poured into the spirit stone in his abdomen.The power of faith erupted into a dazzling brilliance through the conversion of the spirit stone, and the brilliance induced by the soul flowed around Zheng Yi's waist at high speed, and in the blink of an eye, it solidified from an irregular streamer into a metallic shape.

That is the symbol of being a "warrior".

And the spirit stone, which is the source of Kuraga's power, is firmly embedded in the middle of the belt.

The boy took a deep breath——


The Lingshi ignited a crimson fire!

Every muscle fiber was continuously stretched and thickened, every inch of bone was smashed and recast from it, and even the skin was rendered with a dark and deep color.Fists, shoulders, and upper body, the crimson biological carapace tore away the flesh and blood on the surface, quickly forming an armor with both protection and flexibility.The serious face was completely replaced by a ferocious face, slightly opening and closing the sharp mouthparts broken by broken stones, Zheng Yi's crimson compound eyes reflected the sunset gradually sinking into the horizon.

The boy's body completed the transformation from human to inhuman in an instant.

As if being ignited by the setting sun, Zheng Yi's body seemed to be ignited with a blazing and compelling fire. With him as the center, an invisible wave of heat rippled towards the surroundings.

[When an evil thing appears, add the spirit stone of hope to your body, and turn into a raging fire to defeat the evil warrior]

Ego and Almighty Form

Clenching his fists, compared to the previous transformations, this time Zheng Yi will not be shaken or distracted by the changes in his body.The feeling of using his arms and fingers subconsciously calmed down his agitated heart every eve of the battle, and the warm fluctuations from his waist also gave Zheng Yi a subtle sense of comfort.

I have gradually gotten used to this feeling.

However, whether the horns and the muscles of the limbs have become a little bigger, it always feels like something is different.

He took a look at his own arms, Zheng Yi was not sure if there was a change without a comparison object, and there were more important things at the moment, so fortunately he put this matter behind him.

"The next step is to try to open the barrier and get in."

According to Sayaka, there are only two ways for people on the outside to enter the witch's enchantment. One is to be invited by the witch, that is, to be actively included in the hunting range by the witch.Of course, this is actually no different from witches' usual predation of human beings, so there is a lot of randomness and uncertainty. Now this situation is naturally left for later use.

The second is to directly use magic power to tear open the outer layer of the enchantment and intervene in it.This is a technique that every magical girl can naturally learn after signing a contract with Chubby.After every magical girl discovers the witch, she uses this method to enter the witch's barrier to get rid of the witch.

Overall, it's not a difficult technique.

Because witches almost never do reinforcements for the barrier, they only need to determine the location of the barrier, and then use magic power to tear a hole in the outer layer of the barrier to intervene inside.

After all, the inside of the enchantment is not only the witch's hunting ground, but also the witch's home field. If the enemy is willing to fight in a place that is powerful to him, the witch will naturally not refuse.

Zheng Yi has no magic power.

But if it's just a matter of tearing a hole in the enchantment and getting in, he can barely do it.

Sealed energy can also have an effect on magic power, which Zheng Yi has confirmed in previous battles.

Taking a few steps forward, Zheng Yi stood where Xiao Meiyan and the others were before they were drawn into the witch's enchantment.

After transforming, Zheng Yi discovered that although he had no magic power, he was not completely unable to detect the traces of the witch's enchantment.

In this place, in this area, there is a strong sense of incongruity in Zheng Yi's senses that have been strengthened dozens of times in the almighty form.

It's like a painting depicting a desert scene. In the vast sand sea, there is only one energetic penguin in the center of the picture.

You don't want to see it all hard.

——For Zheng Yi, it was such a striking incongruity.

After confirming the location, all that remains is to knock on the door and say hello to the witch.


With a long sigh, Zheng Yi slowly relaxed his body, relying only on his will to maintain and feel the connection with the spirit stone.

It is not difficult to release the sealed energy. For Zheng Yi, this is actually similar to the concentration of the mind in battle. The difference is that he consciously drives himself to concentrate, or he naturally concentrates with the high-pitched desire to fight during the battle.

But now Zheng Yi has to do something a little different.

It is not to use the sealed energy to attack the enchantment, because he is not sure if it will cause an explosion like when he killed the familiar. Even if there is no explosion, it will be quite troublesome if it causes problems in the entire witch enchantment things.

It can be seen from the previous battles that the enchantment of the witch is an indispensable part of the battle no matter which side it is for. It can reduce the impact of the battle on the real world and ordinary residents.

But if the barrier collapsed because of Zheng Yi's reckless attack, he didn't know whether the witch would choose to retreat and die along with the barrier, or simply be exposed to the eyes of ordinary people.

After all, he still knows too little about the so-called [magic power] in this world.

So to be on the safe side, what Zheng Yi has to do now is to attach the sealed energy to his body, and then get involved in the enchantment by devouring part of the magic power that is in contact with Zheng Yi on the witch enchantment.

Yes, devour the magic.

Not to destroy nor to offset, but to devour.

Lingshi will respond to the deepest desires of the user. Sometimes even if the user has no clear inclination, the passionate emotions in the battle will more directly convey the user's intentions to the spirit stone, thereby affecting the sealing energy and even the space. My overall abilities lead differently.

In the ultra-ancient period, the sealing energy held by Rick, who was the first Kurangi, combined with the sealing technique of Linduo, could exert great pressure on Gulangi, and finally sealed the entire Gulangi family, and he himself In order not to become the ultimate darkness, resources were sealed in coffins, and the Gurangi clan was suppressed for an unknown period of time.

In the year of Heisei 2000, the fifth generation, as the second Kuraga, blatantly chose the path of fighting alone against the Gurangi clan that caused great panic and casualties in modern human society.Compared with Rick, the sealed energy held by Mr. Wudai showed a more lethal side, and it was directly directed towards the purpose of "killing" Gurangi.

Now, after several battles, Zheng Yi's sealed energy has also produced his own direction after feedback from Lingshi.


After the last battle, Zheng Yi found that he was completely unresponsive to magic power from the beginning, and gradually began to feel the influence of magic power to a certain extent.When I met Ba Mami again the next morning, I could even tell the difference between Ba Mami and ordinary people to a certain extent.This feeling became even more pronounced when facing Akami Homura in class.

This time I could feel the incongruity of the witch's barrier on the rooftop because of this reason.

— That is to say, Zheng Yi's sealed energy began to have the adaptability and pertinence to magic power through devouring.

In yesterday's battle, a large part of the magic power contained in the countless familiars was absorbed into the spirit stone along the scarlet thunder wrapped around the sword body when they were killed by the Titan sword. Together with the remaining sealed energy, an incompatible explosion is produced.At that time, Zheng Yi was still wondering why he could clearly feel the energy of the seal being released, and why the scale of the explosion produced when the familiar was beheaded was quite small, and every time one was beheaded, the energy of the seal that was released would be blown away by the waist. The spiritual stones in the room are continuously replenished.

It's like an inexhaustible bottomless well.




Different from the momentary stimulation during the battle, Zheng Yi flows the surging sealing energy in the spirit stone to the limbs and bones through the control ring of the wrist and ankle at this time, and it is not in the body, but the surging sealing energy is contained On the surface of the body, a personal force field composed of sealed energy is formed.




It's now!

This time it was no longer the illusion created by the aura, the red-gold raging flame instantly enveloped Zheng Yi's whole body.The scorching heat wave directly distorted the scene around the young man. The concrete floor under Zheng Yi's feet was melted away in an instant, and an unpleasant smell of burnt air swept up along the horrific steam that was steaming upwards. From a distance, it looks as dazzling as a rising sun.


The metal mouthpiece roared like a bell, and Zheng Yi's tall and heterogeneous body was wrapped in a raging fire, and he slammed into the front with amazing momentum

ps: 4000 words, completed

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