Kamen Rider, the Mission Must Be Fulfilled!

Page 227

After a little organization of the language, the clerk gave a conclusion in a slightly trembling tone: "...it is a dark black, huge creature like a large insect."


For a moment, everyone in the command room looked unhappy as if they were choking on their throats. The exclamations and doubts suppressed in their throats were faintly visible, but they couldn't blurt out after several rounds.

If this kind of intelligence had been heard before today, most of the people here would immediately show a sneer, and regard the content of this intelligence as nonsense used by the Earth Army to disrupt the enemy's situation.

But it happened to be today...

Only a few hours ago, all the people here actually witnessed the so-called [huge creature].

This is not a rumor or groundless rumors, but a shocking news that is indeed possible.

Not to mention, this is news from the internal channel of the War Information Department.

"Is there any connection between this?"

Nicole's question sounded a little unclear to the guest of honor, but there were no fools in the audience, so they naturally understood what he meant.

Standing at the table, Diego narrowed his eyes slightly.

He was recalling possible interlocking points in this series of upheavals, trying to grasp the connections.

Can cause resource satellites to crash.

A huge biological attack without warning.

If these are connected...

"Could it be that the light particle..."

"It seems that you have some ideas, Diego."

"It's just a guess, Captain Kruse."

Without refusing the right to speak from Kruse, Diego thought for a moment, then stretched out his hand to touch the route map slightly.

There are coordinates where Heliopolis "was" located.

"It is very likely that the Valkyrie 3 incident was also caused by that strange light particle. If so, the headquarters may hope that we will return immediately to assist in the investigation after receiving the battle report here."

Speaking of this, he spread his hands helplessly: "After all, we have already achieved the minimum expected goal, and judging from the situation of Valkyrie No. 3, I am afraid that the headquarters is also at a loss as to the complete situation at that time. "

Raising his eyebrows, Diego smiled with a faint self-mockery.

"In other words, for this kind of [giant biological attack], the [experimenters] who are [still alive] are probably the only ones on this battleship left in the entire PLANT."

"But we haven't dealt with those guys yet! How can we just evacuate like this? There's still a new ship and a new MS left over there!"

He took a hard shot of Alutaimis on the route map, and the anger in Yitzhak's eyes seemed to be able to ignite the fortress on the screen.

Nicole raised his hand to hold Yitzhak who was about to hit the route map, frowning with concern.

"But Mr. Yizhak, this is an order from the headquarters. I understand you...but we cannot violate the decision of the headquarters."

"That kind of order—"

"All right."

Raising his hands, Cruze's voice was not loud, but it directly suppressed Yitzhak, who was about to make a noise, making everyone stop unconsciously and turn their attention to him.

Looking around at the crowd, Kruse nodded: "First of all, as Mr. Nicole said, we must follow the instructions of the headquarters and must return to the plant, even if there are still a few difficult guys here."

"But, captain!"


Interrupting Yitzhak's impatient words, Kruse crossed the long table and came to the route map.

He gently stretched out his index finger

"We still have a little bit of [retouching] time before returning to aid."

The index finger with the white glove swam quietly and landed on a certain place on the route map without making a sound.

"Isn't it? Gentlemen."

There, the name of Miss Alutai is clearly marked.

"However, Captain Kruse, the defense mechanism of Arutaimis can't be penetrated by live ammunition or light weapons. We don't have-"

"—No, there are means."

Turning around, Kruse shook the document in his hand.

That is the machine function report updated in real time after Kruzer's maintenance team captured four mobile suits.

Seeing Nicole who seemed to realize something, the corners of Kreuzer's lips twitched.

"Right? Mr. Nicole."


Woo woo

I will try my best in July


Long tonight, work tomorrow

Busy like a dog at the end of the month∪?ω?∪


Good night (?3[▓▓]


Chapter 65: Raid

"You said you wanted to contact the Moon headquarters?"

Leaning against the edge of the table and slowly propping up his body, the commander looked at the completely unusable weapon in his hand, but fortunately he dropped it casually and left it on the corner of the table beside him.

The face still covered with cold sweat made him look a little lacking in confidence when he tried to be tough, but facing Zheng Yi's direct gaze, he still raised his eyelids vigorously, and did not avoid the focus of those dark eyes.

"I can understand Captain Fraga's eagerness and reason for wanting to contact the Moon Headquarters, but it's you, brat..."

As if to find some traces on Zheng Yi's face, the commander barely pulled the corners of his mouth, revealing a low-quality smile that was uglier than crying.

"An ordinary citizen from Heliopolis, what do you want to reveal to the headquarters of our Earth Army? Why should I believe your words? Rely on your neutral position belonging to Orb? Or is this hand held by you? Rubbish like scrap metal?"

After all, he even put on a look of interest, and scratched the discarded gun body at his hand.

"I admit that if you can reach this point, maybe... no, at least in this command room, I'm afraid there is nothing that can threaten you in a real sense. But this has nothing to do with me agreeing with your direct connection with the Lunar Headquarters, brat. "

"Here, Arutaimis, in fact, is just a dispensable independent fortress for the current situation, even if you riot here, even kill me or paralyze the entire function of Arutaimis, It won't have much impact on the current situation. Then the problem comes—"

Straightening the brim of his hat, the commander's expression became more and more rigid.

"Why should I take the risk to let you get the opportunity to contact the moon headquarters in this situation? Let's not talk about whether you will kill the donkey, I don't even know what kind of remarks you will spread, take a step back Say, what if you took advantage of this to record a classified channel, which led to a larger military incident?"

"Although I am greedy for life and afraid of death, I am very happy with my achievements. Sometimes even my subordinates may think that I am stupid. But at this age, how can I have a little perseverance."

He raised a finger: "For example, loyalty."

"No matter how I detain Captain Ramias and the others, this is the internal situation of our Earth Army. Rolling around, that is, the credit is on my head, but the actual combat power and technology still remain in the Earth Army. Interests will not be compromised."

"But you are different."

Pressing down with his fingers, his fingertips pointed straight at Zheng Yi.

"I can provide you with the opportunity to contact, but before that, I need to know what you want to convey to the headquarters, otherwise even if you break my neck here like a piece of broken copper, I will Will not let subordinates provide you with channel serials and passwords."

"After all, the biggest reason why you would be willing to talk to me like this, excluding your own personality and behavior, is that you don't know how to use the corresponding communication equipment, don't you, Brother Kongtiao?"

Zheng Yi blinked.

"...Even if you can't verify the authenticity of my answer?"

"You have to be a smart ghost."

The commander shrugged his shoulders, that slightly stubborn attitude didn't seem to match his calm age: "I have to listen to what you have to say, even if you fooled me and suddenly changed your words during the communication, it's you What happened after you lied to me."

Withdrawing his palm and pressing his hands down, he stared at Zheng Yi's face.

"Now, please tell me, if I gamble with my own life, what answer can I get?"

Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him who was trying to suppress the lingering trembling of his body, and still did not try to escape from his sight in this situation, Zheng Yi once again realized the multi-faceted nature of each individual in the human group. .

A person can be greedy or generous.

It can be mean or it can be noble.

Just like the person in front of him, he could deliberately detain Ma Liu and his party for selfish desires, or he could sacrifice his life to negotiate with Zheng Yi with almost no chance of winning because of his loyalty as a soldier.

He is not smart.

But not stupid either.

Contradictory and reasonable, strong and fragile.

Sure enough, in the final analysis...

"Boy, why are you laughing all of a sudden?"

Looking at the boy in front of him who suddenly raised the corners of his lips, the commander widened his eyes: "I'm not telling you a joke."

"No, I understand. It's not something that people can't know. If you want to know, I will say it, but..."

"But what?"

"I haven't asked your honorable name yet."

"You know how to ask now?"

Frowning, the commander rubbed the center of his brows: "Tsk... Tongshan!"


Seeing the commander's blond hair and blue eyes, Zheng Yi was stunned.

"Hey what? I'm Eurasian! My full name is Kiriyama Che! Can I say it now? Isn't it you who are in a hurry?!"

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