Kamen Rider, the Mission Must Be Fulfilled!

Page 208

Chapter 40: The Shadow of Choice

Even if the adults' battle was not full of gunfire, it had already kicked off in a frenzy.Only the children couldn't find what they could do in this race against time. They had nothing to do except follow the arrangement and come to the dormitory area of ​​the Archangel together.

Even at the moment when one person is eager to be used by two people, the personnel of the Earth Army on the Archangel still have a certain degree of wariness towards the children—or, to put it bluntly, Kira as an adjuster.In addition, this is a group of greenhouse flowers born in the neutral environment of Heliopolis after all, and no one ever expected them to be of any help.

It's just the same, no one wants children to cause trouble for them.

This is not only a buffer time for the children to recuperate, but also a form of house arrest.

"Kira, he can sleep in this situation."

Glancing at Kira who was sleeping against the wall on the upper bunk, Katz couldn't help sighing.

"Because I'm tired. After all, it's not easy to directly participate in the battle as a pilot."

Millie looked at Kira who was sleeping soundly. Even though everyone's voices were not lowered, he was not awakened by the sound of words. He was obviously in a deep sleep.

Katz pondered for a while, and the corner of his mouth slightly evoked a smile that he didn't know whether it was self-deprecating or helpless.

"Isn't it easy...?"

"Adjusters are also human beings, shouldn't they be tired?"

Thor, with his head buried, raised his eyes and looked at Katz, with a certain emotion suppressed in his words. It seems that the impact of the incident on the tarmac just now had not completely disappeared.

Katz was not dissatisfied with Thor's subtle tone, he shook his head slightly: "I don't mean anything else, I just think it's... Let's put it this way, you should know that MS is going to be manipulated through the OS system We have all learned this under the hands of the professor. It is not easy for a driver to use a mobile suit. Almost every driver needs to make adaptive corrections to the os to make the mobile suit run well. But that As a new body, how long has it been since Kira got it? Being able to show such accuracy and movement in the attack shows that the os system is relatively complete."

Turning his head to glance at Kira, Katz considered his words, closed his eyes and looked back.

"Kira, when did you finish all this?"


"Adjusters...they only need [tiring] to do this. When I think of the ZAFT army are all such people, I don't think it is good news to be in the warships of the Earth Army."

The boy's bitter smile was unexpectedly contagious, perhaps because the current situation was really not optimistic, and the atmosphere inside everyone was a little dark for a while.

Until Zheng Yi, who was watching them closely by the gate, suddenly made a sound.

"So, do you want to go back to Heliopolis?"

Zheng Yi's words made the children turn their eyes away, and Zheng Yi could clearly see a clear reflection of himself from those eyes full of confusion, confusion, shrinking, and resentment.

"If you can, of course you want to!"

As the more emotional girl and the only girl here, Millie responded to Zheng Yi's inquiry almost without thinking: "Mom and Dad should be in the satellite shelter, if the people from the Earth Army leave Helio Boris, then ZAFT has no reason to continue attacking here, right?"

"You're right, if this battleship and that mobile suit leave Heliopolis, ZAFT probably won't kill a meaningless independent resource satellite. Or, what will happen to Heliopolis in the end? For ZAFT Saying it doesn't matter, their purpose wasn't here in the first place."

Zheng Yi did not deny the girl's words.

However, except for Millie, the boys kept silent when facing Zheng Yi's question.Thor looked at Millie, and for a moment he hesitated to speak, but he still didn't choose to speak.



Zheng Yi rarely interrupted the girl's speech. He looked at Millie tenderly with his eyes, but his expression never relaxed as if he was accommodating.

The indifferent and straightforward eyebrows and eyes are like a judge who is reading out the verdict.

"That must also be after the warships of the Earth Army can leave Heliopolis safely."


Millie blinked.

The girl couldn't turn her head all of a sudden, but she didn't rashly refute Zheng Yi's words, but looked at Thor who had maintained a silent posture until now with doubts.

Sensing Millie's gaze, Thor clasped his palms together and sighed softly: "For the ZAFT army, it doesn't matter what happens to Heliopolis in the end... Millie, what this sentence means is that they I don’t care about letting Heliopolis go, and of course I don’t care about turning this battleship and that mobile suit into cosmic dust together with Heliopolis.”

"Heliopolis is almost turning into the coffin of this battleship and that mobile suit."

These words, whether Thor or Sayy, even Katz, who is a little slow, knows it well.

But precisely because of the awareness, no one was the first to propose leaving the Archangel.

What Zheng Yi said was nothing more than bringing to the fore the troubles that no one wanted to bring up.

Faced with such a reality, Millie obviously wavered for a moment.But in this era, even the flowers in the greenhouse have their own rationality and tenacity.

The girl didn't become hysterical because of the bad news. She even tried her best to suppress the panic and fear in her heart. After taking a few deep breaths, she opened her closed eyes again with the last trembling that couldn't be calmed down.

"Then... what should we do now?"

Seeing the children's reactions, Zheng Yi actually breathed a sigh of relief.

It is not easy to be this [bad guy].

Since he wanted to say what everyone didn't want to say, Zheng Yi was naturally prepared to appease the children.In fact, if the children are really determined to leave the Archangel under such circumstances, Zheng Yi will respect their choice and help them leave.

This is not difficult for him, and with the help of Kyoko, even conflicts will not be triggered.If they really did this, by the time the Earth Army found out that the children had disappeared, they would have already left Heliopolis for a long time.

It's just that, Zheng Yi, who needs to stay on the Archangel, cannot fully guarantee whether the children who have left the Archangel will be safe.

So if possible, he still hopes that the children can stay on the Archangel.

Fortunately, the mental maturity and endurance of these children exceeded Zheng Yi's expectations.

"ZAFT's attack did not affect too much. Although there seems to be a fierce confrontation outside the satellite, the damage inside is very small. In this case, everyone's parents should have entered the shelter safely. The shelter in Heliopolis The quality is reliable, and if something happens to the satellite, it can be transformed into an escape pod and released. So, parents don’t have to worry too much about their safety for the time being..."

Clenching their fists, Thor and Seykaz looked at each other, and then looked at Zheng Yi and Millie: "In this way, we must first ensure our own safety, instead of fooling around in the absence of a shelter. It's better to stay on this battleship temporarily."

Use wise judgment, kids.

Smiling and giving a thumbs up to Thor, Zheng Yi liked this calm and loyal young man quite a lot.

Facing Zheng Yi's encouragement, Thor showed a rare expression of embarrassment.

He scratched his hair and smiled.

In this way, only the last problem remains.

Zheng Yi withdrew his palm and looked at the capsule in his palm.

I hope Chaos will stop moving his head before successfully leaving Heliopolis...

Otherwise, it would really be a wolf in the front and a tiger in the back.


It's weird to mention it after the Dragon Boat Festival.jpg

almost forgot to update

There is only one update, and I will be with my family today

Did you eat zongzi today?

I ate both salty and sweet!

Is it because of the aftermath of the previous maintenance and the college entrance examination recently, I feel that there are so few people


good night


Chapter 41: Before Ignite

"right here."

Pointing to the clip on the screen that began to be played repeatedly under his own signal, Kruse turned his head and looked at the dignified members of the red team: "As you can see, everyone here is an elite—whether as a driver or The soldiers are all, presumably already aware of this small MS..."

After a short pause, Kreuzer looked at the hideous figure on the screen from the corner of his eye, and continued after a moment of consideration: "Let's just regard it as a small mobile suit with a strange shape, in fact, no matter what it is Whether it is essentially a biological or a machine is not the focus and core. What really matters is who it belongs to."

Gently dragging the illusory image twice with the palm of your hand, the details of the figure's body were immediately enlarged on the screen

In the end, the picture was frozen in the mid-air posture of it fluttering its wings safely after the hail of bullets.

"Mobility, destructive power, extraordinary defensive performance, unexplainable high-temperature searing technology armament, and the concealment that even the enemy radar failed to recognize it before being directly attacked by it. Putting these together, But it’s only this size. If it’s a secret weapon belonging to the Earth Army, I don’t need to elaborate on its threat.”

Kruse turned his head, and from the immature faces of the teenagers, he knew that all the team members present had understood what he wanted to express.

Roughly estimated, it was a small mobile suit that was comparable to or even surpassed the combat effectiveness of a whole Zeon team.

Whether it is in sneaking operations, moving behind enemy lines, or destroying enemy fortifications, the deterrent and destructive power of this small mobile suit far exceeds that of a mobile suit infiltration team in the conventional sense.

This is not a difficult comparison to consider.

Just imagine, when the enemy and the enemy are fighting in full swing, on such a local battlefield, such a ghost thing suddenly emerges from its own rear position and acts violently.

At that time, what kind of troubled situation will the attacked party get into?

In terms of functionality, this is a typical airframe for special operations.In a local attack and infiltration battle, this machine definitely has the ability to influence the direction of the battle.

More importantly, it is unknown.

Affiliation unknown.

The driver is unknown.

Even whether it is a biological or MS is actually relatively doubtful.

For ZAFT, for Kruse and everyone in his team, the two characters unknown are densely written all over its body.

But it is such a guy who is [unknown] to everyone, but has become the most difficult one among the several troubles that need to be dealt with right now.

Flipping through the written materials compiled by the clerk group at the fastest speed, Aslan's eyes lingered for a moment on the column describing the records of Mikkiel and Zell, and looked up at the Kruse.

"Sir, on the second part of the driver's testimony on page 3, here, in paragraph 7, Zell's description said that the MS directly relied on a method similar to synthetic voice to communicate? Does this mean that the other party is likely to be remotely The drone being piloted, rather than the pilot using the exoskeleton directly?"

——Otherwise, based on the book data obtained by predicting the various aspects of the performance of this MS through video data, the driver inside should have turned into a fishy jelly when maneuvering at high speed for the first time.

Aslan didn't say all that was in his heart, but his thoughts were actually the ones that most people present were more inclined to.

To be honest, although the evidence is right in front of our eyes, and even at this moment, we have played it repeatedly in front of our faces, but including Kluzer, everyone belonging to ZAFT does not really believe that this mobile suit is from the Earth Army itself. .

If a natural person really has this kind of technical ability, he will not always be in a state of tug-of-war with the adjusters when the number base is dominant.

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