Kamen Rider, the Mission Must Be Fulfilled!

Page 196

In other words, it is an expression of the darkin-Aatrox's power.

In other words, in the form of the black sun, Zheng Yi finally has a real air combat capability.

Not only that, as Yake said, although Zheng Yi doesn't know where the limit of the pair of flesh and blood wings wrapped in black armor is, but as far as the two mobile suits in front of him are concerned, even if it takes some time to deal with this blocker Can intercept another MS before it lands.

What's more, it didn't take much time for Zheng Yi to deal with a mobile suit that lost its head.

"The process may be a little rough..."

Whispering, Zheng Yi's wings spread wantonly——

"But for your life, bear with it."


the second

If I have time, I will read another chapter tonight

If you don't have time, just...


good afternoon


Chapter 23: Blooming Consciousness

Initially, it was the right arm.

Next, the left arm.

Then, the left leg.

Finally, the right leg.

Judging from the somatosensory time, the four attacks almost seemed to be completed at the same time. The strong vibration and the sound of the alloy being torn apart were combined together, like an annoying death heavy metal song, death Death haunted his ears.

The sub-camera installed on the abdomen does not have the accurate high-speed dynamic capture capability of the main camera on the head. Facing an enemy that the main camera has not even captured when it is attacked, it is almost impossible to fight against it with only the sub-camera on the abdomen and the enemy-finding radar. It is impossible.

Of course he understands this.

But as a soldier, you don't just have to "understand" and you can choose to give up.

Just like natural people have good or bad talents, even in ZAFT, adjusters also have a difference in strength and weakness.For this old soldier who is already quite old, he has never experienced such a helpless situation like this moment.From the standpoint of ZAFT, when facing natural persons, no matter how many opponents, they will often be defeated by ZAFT's more advanced mobile suits and more professional driver skills.

He could hardly remember the last time he encountered such a suffocating and desperate situation.

It's just a simple two confrontation - no, it's not a confrontation at all.

From a complete Jean to the wreckage of only the torso, he couldn't even raise the muzzle of the gun once.The moment the figure on the display screen raised some kind of combat idea in his mind, he had already completed the disassembly of Jean.

Removing the limbs and keeping the torso, all available weapons were disarmed in a simple and clear physical sense.

"What the hell is this..."


Natural man's new weapon?


The messy information was like a hurricane sweeping through his mind, raging in his mind.

Gritting his teeth with all his strength as if he was about to squeeze blood out of his gums, this veteran soldier who is worthy of the name is holding the joystick that has no meaning at all, and pressing his head with a wide helmet against the display screen, It seemed that he could pass through the thin lens and question the ghost outside who was clasping the stump with his palm and pulling him like a piece of debris.

Why not kill me? !

He didn't think that a guy who could turn Genn into scrap metal in the blink of an eye couldn't turn him into fireworks.

The pride of being an adjuster, the pride of being a member of the ZAFT army, the dignity of being an experienced fighter and driver, these things that filled his soul in the past were crumpled like a roll of waste paper .

Rather than end up like this, it’s better to die—this kind of thought has just arisen, as if there are heavy and cold chains shooting out from a certain damp and dirty corner in the bottom of my heart, binding me impermeably. every inch of his skin.

Can't move.

That is the inevitable fear and shrinking of death as a living person.

Obviously his hand was already on the self-explosion button, but he found that he really couldn't do anything other than howling stiffly like this.

The ejection mechanism had been destroyed along with the jetpack in that fleeting attack, which meant that as long as the button was pressed, he had no other options.

It is always easier to be killed than to kill yourself.

Because people who need to make awareness are different.

Just like now, when it came to his head, he realized one thing.

In the face of death, is there any difference between a regulator and a natural person?


Taking a deep breath, he put the other palm on top of the self-explosion button.


Staring at the back of the rapidly approaching mobile suit, Zheng Yi held the remaining mobile suit torso in his left hand, raised his right hand slightly, and first lingered on the jet pack of Jean for a moment, and then fell on it holding the live ammunition rifle. on the mechanical arm.

If you destroy the jetpack, at this height, a crashed MS can do as much damage as an intercontinental missile, and doing so is equivalent to detaining the pilots of these two Zeons on Heliopolis .

Zheng Yi does not think that Heliopolis, which has a cooperative relationship with the Earth Army, will really continue its [neutral] approach.

Zheng Yi has always been respectful and indifferent to the fact that the emperor does not kill the scholar, but the scholar dies for the emperor.

The best possibility is that the opponent is willing to take his teammates to retreat after losing one arm and two legs, so that Zheng Yi doesn't have to tear open their cockpit, so that these ZAFT pilots have to be exposed to such a high altitude Go face to face with yourself.


It seems that Zheng Yi, who was chasing up behind him, was detected by radar or some kind of enemy tracking method. Jin, who had not been able to fly very far, suddenly accelerated forward in the air, and at the same time adjusted the direction of the one-sided nozzle of the jet pack. The huge The strength forcibly turned this steel weapon around, from facing away from Zheng Yi to facing Zheng Yi head-on.

At the same time, the gun was aimed straight at Zheng Yi's body.

Only this time, this Gene didn't pull the trigger decisively, but after a slight pause in mid-air, he kept the posture of holding a gun and watched Zheng Yi quickly close the distance between the two sides.

Obviously, it was because of Zheng Yi's teammates.

To be honest, Zheng Yi really did not have the idea of ​​taking hostages. Even if this Gene did not hesitate to shoot, Zheng Yi would protect the ZAFT pilot in the cockpit with the remaining torso from being attacked.

But the current situation is really what Zheng Yi hopes for.

Just dismantle the necessary weapons...

After dismantling one, and knowing the distribution of Jean's armed forces, Zheng Yi's goal this time became clearer, and his eyes were locked on the necessary parts.

He has a sword in his hand——

【Zheng Yi!Hurry up and throw away that Mai Tai thing! 】

The moment Yake's impatient shout sounded, Zheng Yi noticed the change of the wreckage in his hand.

But he didn't choose to let go of it, but subconsciously pulled it further in front of him. He retracted the palm that was going to snatch the right arm of another MS, and wanted to tear the thick reinforced alloy on the outside of the torso cockpit. .

this distance...

can do it!

Like a sharp knife cutting into tofu, Zheng Yi's fist penetrated straight through the outer alloy protective layer.

Immediately afterwards, the wreckage, which was even bigger than Zheng Yi, suddenly swelled up under the high heat——


A deafening explosion.

The fragments of the parts splashed by the explosion mixed with the billowing smoke, entangled with the gorgeous orange fire, and bloomed in the sky above Heliopolis.

Among the fireworks, no figure or appearance could be seen.


first change


Chapter 24: Foreign Objects


Mikil slapped the screen violently, but no matter how hard he slammed, he couldn't change the sacrifice that happened right in front of his eyes.

"I shouldn't... I shouldn't!"

At the moment of the explosion, he didn't receive Zell's pop-up signal, and ruled out the possibility that only the signal transmitter was damaged and the ejection device was unaffected. It is obviously more likely that Zell was involved in the explosion. big.

As everyone knows, how powerful Jean's standard detonation device is, Mikir knows it all too well.In the case of unsuccessful ejection, it is almost the same as holding a bomb to spontaneously ignite.

In other words, there is no doubt about death.

Knowing that that ghost thing is not something that Zell's residual function can deal with... I clearly know it!

Clenching his fists tightly, Mikkel adjusted his breathing, letting the stagnation in his chest, which was almost out of breath, dissolve a little.Forcing his slightly trembling body to regain control of the joystick, when the young soldier raised his head again, the self-blame and anger in his eyes had sunk to the bottom of the lake, pressing down at the bottom of his mind.

He understood that now was no time for him to feel sorry for himself.

Sacrifice for the mission can only be counted as a valuable sacrifice if the mission is accomplished.

He won't let Zell's sacrifice be worthless.

After taking a last look at the smoke and dust that was gradually scattering, Mikil was about to turn around the machine and continue to move towards the firefighting site of Aslan's team.

But it was this look that prevented him from twisting Jean's body.

In the smoke and dust that drifted away with the wind, there was a faint and huge figure that gradually became clear.

Now, Mikil would never mistake the pair of flesh and blood wings that made him almost lose his reason.


As if trying to squeeze out a sound from his teeth, Mikil's rationality is clamoring for him to complete the mission, but his sensibility is like a surging river, washing away the little remaining rationality.

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