Kamen Rider, the Mission Must Be Fulfilled!

Page 13

Looking at the shortcut marked by Hirano with a red pen from the corner of his eye, Zheng Yi stepped over the dumpster on the ground, flicked his right wrist, and turned the wooden knife in his hand against the ordinary individual who rushed over from the alley on the right. .The right shoulder resisted the blade of the wooden knife and withdrew forcefully. The moment the center of gravity of the ordinary individual was disturbed, the right foot swept violently, and at the same time, the wrist turned, and the wooden knife also attached to the shoulder and whizzed in mid-air, facing the zombies. The exposed back of the neck was severed.

Vigilance Ryuki Taisao Type·Fengba

The body touch technique from the Asayama Ichitsu is also a common sword-holding technique in the ancient style of swordsmanship. It uses only half of the body to lure the opponent to lose its center of gravity, so that it can kill the owl with a single blow.

He didn't go to see if the zombies on the ground were killed. Zheng Yi cared more about what he heard when he swung his knife than about such a boring thing.

Although it was quite weak, he figured the sound should be gunshots.

And it was that kind of continuous gunfire.

Zheng Yi did not have as much life experience as Hirano, and he was not keen on the knowledge of military advisors, but he had heard the real gunshots before, so he could naturally tell the difference.Hearing continuous gunshots less than two streets away from the police station made Zheng Yi heave a sigh of relief.

Because this means that his judgment is correct, the armed forces in this city have not been completely silent, which means that the degree of mutation is still within a manageable range.

As for why he chose the police headquarters as his first destination?

In Japan's special armed force system, is there any place that has more intelligence than the police headquarters near the mutation center!

If you want to get enough information, the police headquarters where there are still people who have survived and are still maintaining a state of resistance is definitely the best choice.

PS: chapter push

"Infinity, the Traveler's Way"

Author: Wings of the Sky

The Evolutionary Journey of the Anti-Hero Player

"Hesha's Monster Daddy"

Author: Kotomine Satsuki

Miss Touma Yoko

Young girl Touma and yarn

Compared with the harem, I love this family affection more


Chapter 20: During the absence of Zheng Yi

On the other hand, Budao and Ju Chuan's group did not encounter too many problems on the way back. Although there were occasional zombies blocking the way along the way, the group of zombies that did not form a cluster was not enough for the large bus that was traveling.

For these zombies blocking the road in twos and threes, Ju Chuan's father and daughter drove directly to them with an unwavering attitude. Therefore, when two large buses slowly drove into the empty parking lot from the back door, their wheels and cars There is a small amount of greasy gray-white liquid sticking to the bottom. These almost coagulated blood and brains are deeply rubbed into the texture of the tire during the high-speed friction between the rubber tire and the concrete floor. You can even smell it when you get close. The indescribable smell is choking.

Pull the handbrake in neutral, pull out the key and put it next to him. School doctor Ju Chuan and Saeko Busujima got out of the bus from the open door. The head teacher and Hirano students who came down first to open the back door also gathered.

The expressions on the faces of both of them were not very good-looking.

"what happened?"

Looking blankly at the gloomy faces of his father and the little chubby who had protected him all the way, the school doctor Ju Chuan turned around and looked at Saeko Busujima, and found that this tall girl who always looked heroic was also deeply moved at this time. He frowned, as if he had discovered something serious.

"It's gone, isn't it, Director."

"As you think, Busushima-san, although I can guess who did it, I didn't expect him to actually do it."

The rear parking lot that was originally full of vehicles was quite empty at this time. Except for the two new buses driven by the four, the other vehicles had long since disappeared, even the school bus had disappeared.

Clenching his teeth as if he was going to let out some kind of dull roar, the veins on the back of this sturdy middle-aged man's hand holding the wooden knife are throbbing, his well-trained shoulder and back muscles rise and fall with his heavy breathing, and his thick chest muscles The rhomboid muscles and rhomboid muscles agitated as if they were about to break free from the pure white shirt.

It was the first time for Ju Chuan Shizuka to see her father showing such an angry expression.

Although since she was a child, this tall man gave her the impression that she was a little irritable and irritable, but no matter what kind of anger he was able to be patient a second before the outbreak.Whether it's her mischievousness as a child, or his mother's occasional unreasonable troubles, this man will suppress his impulse at the moment before he is on the verge of eruption, and instead communicate with the other party in a polite and peaceful tone.

It was the first time that school doctor Ju Chuan saw his father's face like this, as if he would pick up the wooden knife in his hand and take someone's life in the next moment.

"In short, let's go in and see if there are many people left behind."

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and spun the wooden knife with his wrist shaking. When the dean opened his eyes again, he had regained his usual calmness and rationality. If someone came across, my father would probably slash at him without saying a word.

The three of them had no objection to the dean's proposal. The reason why they took the risk of driving the bus back was to transfer the teachers and students of the whole school to a safe place.Although the school's vehicles can fill the parking lot, most of them are four-seater commercial vehicles. Except for the school bus that can accommodate up to forty people, there is not even a six-seater family car.

There are more than 200 people in the school at least, and it is impossible to take all the teachers and students away with those cars!

Following the dean, the dean of the team naturally assumed the role of captain after losing Zheng Yi.The four of them walked into the teaching building within a few steps, and they saw what they didn't want to see the most.

Corridors strewn with blood and stumps.

Broken windows and overturned tables and chairs.

as well as--

Zombies in school uniform wandering aimlessly in the atrium.

"... Hirano-san."


"Is there enough ammunition?"

"Thanks to Senior Zheng Yi's blessing, it's full."

"Student Poison Island."

"I'm here."

"You protect the school doctor Ju Chuan and classmate Hirano."


"Shizuka, with my friend Pojima-san and Hirano-san."

The school doctor Ju Chuan, who was always able to keep up with the rhythm at critical moments, did not lose the chain this time. She nodded quietly, without asking or looking, but obediently obeyed her father's words and followed Saeko Busujima. behind.

The dean raised the wooden knife and said in a hoarse voice.

"With me as the vanguard, search for survivors layer by layer."

During Zheng Yi's absence, this temporary team launched a new battle once again.

"Movement begins."

------------Dividing line------------

With the help of Hirano's air nail gun, relying on the terrain characteristics of the corridor and fighting along the corridors and stairs, the team quickly cleaned up most of the zombies in the entire teaching building, and found all the survivors in the teaching building. By.

A total of 22 people, male and female, these children did not lose their minds due to panic when they were attacked. Some of them pulled their friends to act together, some hid in the cabinets, and some immediately went to the high place on the roof to rely on The terrain resisted the zombies, and some people simply mobilized the surviving people to use tables and chairs against the doors and windows, and accumulated books as a sound insulation layer to deceive the zombies. What's more, they relied on the limited materials and terrain in the teaching building to muster up their courage. fought back.

Yes, some of these little guys also relied on their own observation skills to discover the characteristics of zombies that have no vision but strong hearing in such a crisis, and used it.

In the end, the team of four successfully gathered all the survivors they could find in the staff room at the end of the first floor, asked what happened in the school, and prepared to organize everyone to get in the car and evacuate to Linshi.

Time is tight, but compared to running around like headless chickens, it is more cost-effective to spend some time sorting out the information, clarifying the status quo, and adjusting the mood of the team at the same time - this is the first thing the four of the team learned from Zheng Yi .

From sobbing or numb or angry voices, the four members of the team all learned a similar message.

"That is to say, not long after we left, that Wisteria guy used the radio to broadcast the matter to the whole school, relying on public opinion to guide the students to kidnap all the teachers and drive away the students who supported him..."

"The reason why zombies attack the school is probably because the movement of cars and the noise of riots attracted them. This is why there are so few zombies in the school."

Busujima wiped the smudges on the wooden knife with a rag on one side of the table, and echoed the dean's summary.

From Qingli on the first floor to the rooftop, their team actually encountered less than [-] zombies. According to the descriptions of the students, most of the zombies may have followed Wisteria's convoy for a short distance. There were quite a few people left behind, but whether it was the attacking zombies or the students who had been bitten and mutated in the school, they all left the school with Wisteria's convoy.

This can be regarded as luck in misfortune.

If not, I am afraid that even the survivors of these 22 people would not be able to survive, and the entire school would become a dead place.

Sitting on the wooden chair, the teaching director held his forehead with both hands, his huge body curled up as if he was about to clenched tightly in the wooden chair, and murmured bitter words.

"How should I explain this to that kid Zheng Yi..."

Glancing at the dejected dean, Busujima didn't intend to go forward to comfort him. Instead, he walked to the side and turned on the TV in the staff room while turning down the volume.

The nearby zombies have confirmed that they have been cleaned up. In this era, there are no smart phones. If you want to obtain first-hand information, the TV is the best choice under the current situation.

As Saeko expected, the news-related channels on the TV were still alive, and the news channel she tuned out at this time was live broadcasting the gun battle at the city police headquarters.

On the screen, a female reporter wearing a helmet and body armor was facing the camera, showing everyone the fierce [battle] behind her.

The police followed the cover and fired sequentially at the pressing [ordinary people], not only the police revolvers, but also some automatic rifles, shotguns, and other heavy firepower.Amidst the violent gunfire, [people] in the [riot crowd] who couldn't see the end were hit and fell to the ground from time to time, but it didn't take long for these [people] who were hit to stand up again and join the advancing team.

Broken head, bloody intestines, rotten intestines, mutilated limbs—that is, the internal organs are dragging on the concrete road, and these [people] are still moving towards this side with firm steps.

"As you can see, the riots in front of the police station in our city are being broadcast for you now. We can see that the police have started shooting with live ammunition. measures, and we will—”

"Hey! Back, back!!!"

Before the female reporter finished speaking, she was interrupted by the panicked voice of a man who was probably the cameraman, and the reason why the man was so flustered was also explained to everyone in the screen.

A few zombies bypassed the front roadblock of the police station from nowhere, and appeared right behind the female reporter.

But the female reporter, who didn't know it at all, turned her head in a daze at this time, and was right in front of the rotten faces of those zombies whose blood and flesh were bloody and bones could be seen.

From the small half of her face still facing the camera, it can be seen that the woman was about to scream subconsciously after being stunned for a moment.

At this very moment——

"That, although the difference is not big, but it's okay, I hope you don't call it out."

With a somewhat frivolous tone, the familiar voice was transmitted through the microphone on the camera, and after a distance of several kilometers, it fell into the ears of Saeko and the teaching director.

A figure from the back who had just parted suddenly plunged into the picture.

PS: This chapter is not about water, it is also necessary to explain the situation on the other side

Speaking of which, although Zheng Yi is generally a decent and good boy, he actually prefers a more relaxed atmosphere than a rigid one.

Chapter 21: Ways to choose

With his left hand, he grabbed the female reporter who was still stunned on the spot and pulled it backwards. With his right hand, he pointed the wooden knife straight up and slammed the zombie's jaw. Push against the bottom of the handle of the wooden knife, and at the same time turn around to change posture, swish both wrists neatly to rotate the blade, and slide the sword body against the zombie's jaw sideways to press down on its neck.

Vigilance Ryuki Taichi Type · Kamaitachi

Kamaitachi, selected from Lishen style, is a skill based on the real sword and plain stock swordsmanship. It starts from the [horizontal frontal view] posture, relying on deceiving the opponent's eyes to make the opponent miscalculate the distance between the two sides, so as to judge the distance between the two sides. At the moment of a mistake, a violent thrust is launched from the bottom up. If the thrust fails to kill the opponent, the structure of the thrust will be changed immediately, relying on the twisting of the wrist, knee and waist, to cut the opponent's carotid artery in a dragging manner, thereby killing the opponent.

It is unexpected, fierce and secretive, and the opponent injured by this move will often not die immediately, but will die wrapped in the fear of death that is gradually approaching in the powerlessness and pain of excessive blood loss.

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