Kaleidoscope of Death

Chapter 54: The Sixth Door

After a few months, Lin Qiushi was about to face his sixth door. 

He thought that Cheng Qianli, who was also going through his sixth door, would be going in with them just like last time. Unexpectedly, however, Ruan Nanzhu had decided to let them go separately this time round.

Although the reason for this decision was unclear, Ruan Nanzhu always has his own reasons for doing things, so Lin Qiushi decided not to pry.

They were still around a dozen of days away when Cheng Qianli got a hold of his clue ahead of time. According to the usual routine, everyone would help out with researching on the clue, but this time was an exception. Cheng Qianli’s clue remained a secret to everyone within the villa except to himself and his brother.

Cheng Qianli was pretty happy when he got the clue. When Lin Qiushi asked him what exactly he was so happy about, Cheng Qianli answered, “Hehehe, my brother won’t let me tell you.”

Lin Qiushi: “……” Although Cheng Qianli was sometimes muddle-headed, he was quite obedient to his brother’s orders when it came to important matters.

When Cheng Qianli was done giggling, he said to Lin Qiushi, “I’ll tell you on the fly after I come out. Have you gotten yours yet?”

Lin Qiushi shook his head, “Not yet.” For the time being, Ran Nanzhu hasn’t given his hint; he seemed to be pondering over something.

“You have big brother Ruan to accompany you, so don’t worry. Nothing would happen,” said Chen Qianli. 

“En. ” Lin Qiushi nodded his head, “Hopefully everything will go smoothly for the both of us.”

Cheng Qianli gave a simple-minded smile, “Cheers to a smooth journey.”

A few more days later, Lin Qiushi finally received the clue to his door. This time, it was only one word: Slenderman. 

“What is this?” Lin Qiushi asked, “A folklore?”

“It’s an foreign urban legend,” Ruan Nanzhu answered. “It’s also popularly known as “Slenderman” Have you ever heard of it?”

After pondering over it, Lin Qiushi nodded his head: “I think I have an impression.” He remembered watching a movie in this genre. 

Ruan Nanzhu tossed him some files: “At a look at these first. Although there isn’t much information, it’s still better than none.”

Liu Qiushi picked up the file and began to read.

The file recorded detailed information about slenderman. This is an urban legend about a faceless, humanoid monster with long, thin limbs. Its long and thin limbs made it look like a spider with the appearance of a human. These creatures usually roamed in the wilderness or in small towns. They mainly preyed on children who were left out alone. Of course, they could and would lay their hands on adults. The targeted children would inexplicably disappear and the targeted adults would experience ominous indications such as constant nosebleeds, nightmares, and even hallucinations of their worst fears.

These information  also included a detailed list of the methods and special characteristics of how these slendermen murdered their victims. For example, they liked to impale their victims on tree branches and let them bleed to death. They also liked to dig out their viscera to place into plastic bags…. In short, even outside the world of the doors, those who were faint of heart would probably be a little afraid even when reading about this urban legend. 

Lin Qiushi finished reading through the information very quickly. Just when he had thought that these were all the needed preparations, he found out that Ruan Nanzhu wanted to take him out shopping for clothes. 

Lin Qiushi was baffled, “Shopping for clothes? What clothes?”

Ruan Nanzhu smiled, “The clothes you’ll wear inside the door.”

Then, under the pitying gaze of the others in the villa, Lin Qiushi with a staggered expression, was led out by Ruan Nanzhu to the shopping mall. At first, the clothes were regular men’s wear. Then, the two arrived at the women’s clothing section…

Ruan Nanzhu was evidently familiar with the routine. He said that he was shopping for clothes on behalf of his girlfriend, yet he kept glancing towards Lin Qiushi. 

At first Lin Qiushi did not figure it out, and a little dumbly, asked, “Nanzhu, do you have a girlfriend?”

Ruan Nanzhu: “Nope.”

Lin Qiushi: “Then why are you buying women’s clothing?”

Ruan Nanzhu: “I’m not buying, you are.”

Lin Qiushi: “But I don’t have a girlfriend either…”

Ruan Nanzhu, who was holding a few bags in his hands as he walked in the front, turned around upon hearing this, “They’re going to be worn by you. Why would you want a girlfriend?”

Lin Qiushi’s brain shut down for three seconds. Finally, he realized what this was all about. 

There was unparalleled alarm in his eyes: “Nanzhu— For me to wear? Me? Wear?”

Ruan Nanzhu confirmed, “Correct. For you to wear.”

“But— I’m like this, can I even wear women’s clothing–” objected Lin Qiushi.

Ruan Nanzhu gave him an expression that spoke volumes, “What do you think of your looks?”

Lin Qiushi replied, “Like a nobody?”

Ruan Nanzhu sank into a taciturn silence as he looked at Lin Qiushi with increasing disbelief. Lin Qiushi felt goosebumps at this gaze of his. He did not dare inquire further and obediently followed Ruan Nanzhu back to the villa. 

On the third day, Ruan Nanzhu dragged out Lin Qiushi, who was hiding in his room, and began to change his clothes. 

As someone who spent most of his time sitting in the office, Lin Qiushi did not have a robust physique but only that of an ordinary adult man. His facial features made him look gentle and refined. He had double eyelids, and although his eyes weren’t exactly big, they curved beautifully when he smiled. After making him sit properly, Ruan Nanzhu brought out his equipment and got ready to apply makeup. 

Lin Qiushi was so disturbed that he couldn’t tear his eyes away. “Nanzhu…can we discuss this a little?”

Ruan Nanzhu scoffed, “Discuss what?”

Lin Qiushi quietly said, “Can we not do this?” 

Ran Nanzhu expressionless said, “Didn’t you ask me if crossdressing was fun? No matter how many words I say, it’s nothing compared to experiencing it for yourself.” His eyes curved into a very unconvincing smile, “Don’t worry, after we go in, I’ll protect you very well.”

Lin Qiushi was a hair’s out of reach from crying.

He did not know a single thing about the makeup products that were in front of him. He felt Ruan Nanzhu apply makeup to his face for a long time, so long that when he was just about to fall asleep, Ruan Nanzhu finally straightened, dusted his hands off and said, “Done.”

Lin Qiushi, “…”

Ruan Nanzhu handed him a mirror: “Take a look first, and then choose a hairstyle you like.”

Lin Qiushi took the mirror and at first glance he was a little dazed. In the mirror was the face of a woman, not one who was drop jaw stunning but still pretty enough to attract other people’s gaze. It was a gentle face, and probably because its owner was feeling a sense of injustice, it made “her” look the right amount of pitiable that would trigger another’s protective instinct. 

Lin Qiushi was not able to hold it in and said, “Fuck.”

“A girl shouldn’t say profanities,” Ruan Nanzhu lectured, then asked, “Do you like long hair or short hair?”

Lin Qiushi replied, “Long hair…” His intention was to say that he likes girls with long hair, but who would have guessed that Ruan Nanzhu would pick up a wig and begin to adjust it on Lin Qiushi’s head. 

Lin Qiushi: “…”

After the wig was secured, Ruan Nanzhu began the final touches. He probably originally wanted Lin Qiushi to wear a skirt, but seeing that Lin Qiushi was startled to the edge of fainting, he had decided not to overstimulate him as it was his first time. So instead, he chose an outfit that was on the androgynous side. 

Forced into the outfit, Lin Qiushi simply just wanted to turn and run— he won’t ever carelessly let loose his lips again. 

Once all the preparations were ready, Ran Nanzhu looked at the person in front of him with a satisfied smile. Lin Qiushi’s appearance is of the clear, refined type. His face was not made of any harsh lines and was rather gentle. With a face like his, a bit of makeup was enough to hide any obvious discrepancies . Adding in the fact that Lin Qiushi’s personality was gentle to begin with, this new appearance seemed quite harmonious. 

“Am I going to wear this inside?” In the face of this great master, Lin Qiushi dared to feel angry but did not dare to voice it. He could only swallow the injustice as he attempted to persuade Ruan Nanzhu. 

“Nanzhu, I was wrong, can I—”

Ran Nanzhu raised an eyebrow, “No.”

Lin Qiushi, “…”

Lin Qiushi protested, “But I don’t know how to pitch my voice.” Although the voice Ruan Nanzhu uses within the doors tends towards adrogynous, it definitely won’t cause other people to think he’s a man. 

Ruan Nanzhu replied, “Then practice.”

Lin Qiushi: “There are only a dozen or so days left before we have to enter…”

Ruan Nanzhu gave him a half-smile, “Take it slowly, there’s no rush. There are plenty of opportunities in the future. As for this time, if you can’t do it then just pretend you’re mute.”

Lin Qiushi, “…”

Ruan Nanzhu tapped his finger on the table, “A delicate and fragile mute girl, isn’t this persona quite interesting?”

Lin Qiushi, “…” Tan Zaozao, come take him into the entertainment industry and the next Oscar will definitely be China’s.

Although Ruan Nanzhu said that, he finally, in a “fair and considerate of the views of others” manner, gave Lin Qiushi a plan B: if he didn’t want to play mute, he could just say that he’s a man whose hobby was dressing in women’s clothing. 

In the end, Lin Qiushi decided to suffer in silence for the greater good, and chose to pretend to be mute. He didn’t want to experience the odd gazed others would throw at him.

And because of this whole dress up incident, Lin Qiushi also had to suffer through the laughter of the others in the villa. 

“Hahahaha Lin Qiushi you’re finally getting your share.” Cheng Qianli was the one who did not spare him an ounce of dignity. “Though, you look really good like this, so much better than Chen Fei.”

Lin Qiushi: “Huh?”

Chen Fei’s, who was standing off to the side, expression darkened, “You have the gall to talk trash about me? Cheng Qianli, go find a mirror and look at yourself.”

Cheng Qianli: “Hmph. Even if I was a girl, I’d be a peerless beauty.”

Ruan Nanzhu chuckled, “Is that so?”

Cheng Qianli, upon hearing Ruan Nanzhu’s voice, experienced a whole body shiver and said, “No no no, big brother Ruan, I was just joking.”

Ruan Nanzhu glanced at him and sat down by the table, “How are your preparations with your brother?”

Cheng Qianli: “Pretty good. The world this time seems to be quite simple.” 

Ruan Nanzhu casually replied with an “En,” and did not show further interest. It appears that he was confident in Cheng Yixie, only that Lin Qiushi did not know what exactly that quarrel he had heard between them on the roof was about. 

Keeping in mind Cheng Yixie’s personality, it just doesn’t seem like he would easily get into a dispute with other people.

However, Lin Qiushi knew nothing about all of this because the time to enter the door was quickly approaching. 

On a certain afternoon in those dozen or so days, while Lin Qiushi was snacking with Cheng Qianli in the living room, before Cheng Qianli suddenly disappeared. 

At first, Lin Qiushi thought Cheng Qianli probably went to the bathroom. Only after waiting a bit, not seeing any sign of Cheng Qianli returning, did Lin Qiushi realize that Cheng Qianli probably had entered the door. 

About a half an hour later, Cheng Qianli abruptly appeared on the sofa. 

His face was deathly pale, hand grasping at his chest as he gasped for breath. Lin Qiushi, seeing this, asked: “Are you alright? Qianli?”

Cheng Qianli looked at Lin Qiushi with a frightened expression, and rushed upstairs without a word.

Lin Qiushi seeing his frenetic state, hurried after him.

Cheng Qianli beelined for Cheng Yixie’s bedroom, skipped knocking, and yanked the door open.

The opened door revealed Cheng Yixie who was sitting on the bed. He also seemed to have just gotten back, and he was just as expressionless as before.

He looked up at the panicking Cheng Qianli: “What?”

“Brother—” Cheng Qianli threw himself at his brother, grabbing tightly at Cheng Yixie, “I thought you wouldn’t be able to come out. thought you wouldn’t be able to come out—”

Cheng Yixie said nothing and lightly patted Cheng Qianli’s back to placate him. 

Cheng Qianli seemed to have experienced quite a scare, his face pastely white. His complexion seemed even worse than Cheng Yixie. 

The two brothers hugged for a while, and when the mood stabilized, Cheng Qianli seemed a little embarrassed, and sheepishly crawled out of Cheng Yixie’s embrace.

He rubbed at his nose and said: “I’m hungry. I’m going first to eat something.”

Cheng Yixie did not stop him and watched him leave. 

Seeing that nothing major was wrong, Lin Qiushi also decided to take his leave. Unexpectedly, Cheng Yixie’s voice came from behind him. 

He said, “Lin Qiushi, if one day, something happens to me, would you help Cheng Qianli?”

Lin Qiushi was taken aback. 

“Nevermind, it’s nothing,” Cheng Yixie said. “You can go.”

After saying that, he closed the door, not giving Lin Qiushi an opportunity to respond. 

Truthfully speaking, Cheng Yixie behaved nothing like a youth of sixteen years old. He was cold and steady, appearing to resemble Ruan Nanzhu instead. Perhaps the dangers he’d experienced in the sixth door this time had made him say something like that.

Having returned to the living room, Cheng Qianli once again began to eat his snacks, but this time he ate soulessly with fatigue written all over his face.

Lin Qiushi asked him a few questions and learned that the world within the door this time was an ancient battlefield and that they had experienced many dangers. 

Fortunately, they were able to safely escape. 

“My brother and I suffer from a hereditary disease,” Cheng Qianli ate as he started talking about things he hadn’t told Lin Qiushi before. “We couldn’t exercise, and when it was really bad, we couldn’t even walk. The doctors said that we wouldn’t be able to live past eighteen.

Lin Qiushi listened as he spoke.

“Then my brother entered the door,” Cheng Qianli said, “And his symptoms began to improve… and then I entered as well.” 

Scratching at his head, Cheng Qianli smiled, “Sometimes I’d think that actually the doors aren’t so scary. If it weren’t for the doors, I wouldn’t have been able to live like a normal person and live until now. I’ve already had more than what I was given.”

“Don’t think that way, the days are still long.” Lin Qiushi consoled him.

“Right, the days are still long,” Cheng Qianli’s gaze became a little vacant. “And I don’t know how my life will end.”

As Lin Qiushi listened, he felt a little sad. Only at times like these, he would become aware of the fact that everybody in this villa are people on the brink of death. Some are mentally prepared, some are not, but without exception, they’ve all smelled the scent of death. 

“May your next door go smoothly,” Cheng Qianli suddenly stood up. “I’m going to get some rest, I’m so tired.”

Lin Qiushi nodded and watched as he headed towards the stairs, yawning. 

It was probably due to not having strong desires in his heart, Lin Qiushi was rather calm when he entered the doors. He could accept death but was also willing to embrace a new life. 

The time between Lin Qiushi’s door and that of Cheng Qianli wasn’t very far apart, so later that night, Lin Qiushi woke up with a start. When he opened the door of his bedroom, he saw the twelve iron doors appearing in the corridor. 

The first five iron doors were sealed up and the last six doors could not be opened. Only the iron door positioned at the sixth place could be easily opened by Lin Qiushi. 

After that familiar dizzying sensation, Lin Qiushi appeared on an asphalt road. There was nothing around the road other than a black sign that pointed ahead. On it were 2 words: WaterwayTown.

It was kind of cold. Lin Qiushi wrapped his clothes tighter around himself and began to walk forwards slowly. The road was very wide and it was shrouded by a dense fog. After walking for six or seven minutes, a figure asided from himself finally appeared in the distance. The figure looked familiar and when he saw it, Lin Qiushi’s eyes lit up and he shouted, “Mengmeng—”

The person ahead turned his head towards him. It was an unfamiliar face, but the temperament was familiar. 

“Have a candy?” He said.

Lin Qiushi said, “Yes, yes, yes. I like to eat mint flavoured strawberry candy”

He answered, “I don’t like to eat candy because my fourth tooth hurts.”

Having finished exchanging passwords and confirmed the identity of the person in front of him, Lin Qiushi let out a breath and said, “I didn’t think that we would meet ahead of time…. Wait, why are you dressed as a man?”  His eyes widened. 

Ruan Nanzhu answered, “Did I say I’ll dress as a girl with you?”

Lin Qiushi, “…”

Ruan Nanzhu motioned for him to be quiet and smiled, “Mute people can’t say this many words.”

Lin Qiushi was torn between laughing and crying, “Can I…”

“Nope.” Ruan Nanzhu knew what Lin Qiushi wanted to ask him and ruthlessly refused him, “Just do your part as a girl, alright?”

Lin Qiushi, “…” He pulled at his wig and discovered that it had become his own hair. And for some reason, he realized that he was also shorter than he originally was outside of the door. 

“Let’s go. We’ll talk more after we find the others,” Ruan Nanzhu looked around. “This fog really makes a person feel unwell.”

Thus the two proceeded forwards. 

Lin Qiushi, walking behind Ruan Nanzhu, stealthily pulled open his trousers and took a look. When he saw that a certain bodily organ was still healthily present, he released a deep breath. 

Fortunately only his hair changed and nothing else, otherwise he really wouldn’t even have the tears to cry. 

The two continued walking and eventually saw another landscape within the fog; a decrepit little town had appeared in front of them. Although it was a wholly western styled town, most of the signboards were in Chinese. 

Lin Qiushi was suddenly a little curious, “Have you guys ever encountered a world set outside of China?”

Ruan Nanzhu answered, “We have, isn’t the one right in front of our eyes one?”

Lin Qiushi replied, “But the signboards are in Chinese.”

Ruan Nanzhu said, “It probably takes our cultural levels into consideration, so it refrained from using English.” He looked at Lin Qiushi. “After all, some people aren’t literate even in Chinese.” 

Lin Qiushi knew that Ruan Nanzhu was making fun of him for pretending to be illiterate in the last door and awkwardly said, “Back then, the circumstances were special…”

They walked into the town and saw a group of people gathered in the town’s small plaza.

After a single sweep of his gaze Ruan Nanzhu had counted the number of the people gathered: “Eight.”

Lin Qiushi had already begun his act and did not make a sound. 

The two of them walked out from the fog, attracting some looks. Some looked at the handsome Ruan Nanzhu while others looked at Lin Qiushi. 

At that moment, Lin Qiushi, long haired, and because he had become shorter, his clothes were a little big on him. His complexion was rather pale and seemed quite afraid. A pair of black pupils looked helplessly at Ruan Nanzhu. This is what the outsiders saw, but actually…

Lin Qiushi: Fuck, oh fuck, theyre all staring at me. 

Ran Nanzhu: Let them look, it’s not like you’re missing a limb. 

Lin Qiushi: What if they figure out that I’m a man?

Ruan Nanzhu: Then take out your big guy and scare them to death. 

Lin Qiushi: …

The above conversation happened as they exchanged their glances. Lin Qiushi expressed that he had nothing left to say.

Somebody approached them. Probably because Ruan Nanzhu didn’t seem like someone easy to get along with, that person set the seemingly pitiful, weak, small, and helpless Lin Qiushi as his target.

Before Lin Qiushi could react, Ruan Nanzhu reached out an arm to block that person’s path, “Something the matter?”

“Nothing.” The person who had approached them was a handsome looking man appearing to be in his twenties, dressed accordingly with the latest fashion trend. He seemed to be very interested in Lin Qiushi. “Just wanted to ask if you two needed any help.”

“He1 don’t seem to be able to speak.” Ruan Nanzhu stared at him, standing in front of Lin Qiushi, in the way of the man in front of him.

“Can’t speak?” The man seemed to find that interesting and said, “Nice to meet you, my name is Wang Tianxin.”

Ruan Nanzhu introduced himself, “Lu Meng.”

Wang Tianxin smiled at the protective air around Ruan Nanzhu, “Do you two know each other?”

Ruan Nanzhu replied, “We don’t but we met as soon as we entered through the door. Must be that we have some predestined affinity.” 

Lin Qiushi fished out his phone and typed something out: [My name is Yu Qiuqiu, very happy to meet both of you.]

Both of them saw what Lin Qiushi had typed. 

Wang Tianxin said, “Oh, so you’re called Yu Qiuqiu. It’s a very cute name.” He was a little shorter than Ruan Nanzhu. He bent down slightly and made a gentle expression, “My name is Wang Tianxin, and if it’s alright, I’d like to become friends with you.”

Lin Qiushi pretended to be a little frightened and retreated behind into the safety of Ruan Nanzhu’s back. One who is unaccountably solicitous hides evil intentions. Wang Tianxin obviously had a conspiracy brewing, judging by the fact that he had so abruptly behaved fervently towards a person he just met. Although he wasn’t afraid of him, Lin Qiushi wasn’t so dumb as to deliver himself on a silver platter. 

Ruan Nanzhu very bluntly said, “He seems to be afraid of you. You should distance yourself from him.”

Wang Tianxin spared Ruan Nanzhu a glare and left.

Lin Qiushi didn’t expect him to give up so easily. Ruan Nanzhu laughed coldly, as if he’d already guessed what Wang Tianxin was after. 

One by one, people arrived and the group of people filled out. 

As always, there were two new people, both men. One of them was relatively calm while the other one right away broke down, sobbing the entire way. 

Fortunately, other than crying, this new person did not do anything out of line. 

After giving up on Lin Qiushi, Wang Tianxin soon found another girl. In a short period of time, that girl and Wang Tianxin became well acquainted with each other and were chatting and laughing. 

Lin Qiushi glanced at Ruan Nanzhu.

Ruan Nanzhu knew what he wanted to ask and answered him softly: “Within the doors, there’s a type of people who always like to find a partner to team up with. Of course this team member isn’t just someone to work with; perhaps they’re also used to do something else.”

Lin Qiushi: Such as?

Ruan Nanzhu looked at him, smiling profoundly, but he did not elaborate further. 

Ruan Nanzhu’s smile caused Lin Qiushi to shudder. 

Wang Tianxin was clearly experienced in such matters and his target was very precise. Away from the others, he would find the most delicate seeming girls, ask about their wellbeing and pamper them and thus easily gaining their trust. 

And Lin Qiushi, as a mute girl who was not fully bodily able, was evidently his favoured type of target. It’s just that his plans were ruined by Ruan Nanzhu and he was forced to change targets.

“You’d be careful to stick close to me and not let yourself be tricked away.”

Lin Qiushi glared at him, thinking that even if he was tricked it’d be alright. If worst comes to worst, he’d just remove his skirt and play “let’s see who’s bigger. ”

Author’s Comment:

Ruan Nanzhu: The performance cannot be put off. Even if I’m not performing myself, I must watch someone else perform. 

Lin Qiushi: ….

Translator’s Comment:

So this chapter is actually translated by Lori who very kindly allowed us to use their translations! Actually, there are two versions of this arc (the original one was Slenderman, which Taida and I preferred to use, seeing how all KoD arcs are written after real myths and legends). However, Xizixu later changed it to The Scarecrow due to some copyright issues. Lori, however, had translated both versions, which you can find from their original tweet here!

Translated by Lori 

Edited by Dust Bunny

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