Kaleidoscope of Death

Chapter 47: Drama School

As a matter of fact, if Zhu Meng truly disliked someone, she didn’t bother to waste words on them, much less speak ill of them; she would very much rather just wreak vengeance on the spot. Although that fellow, Li Dongyuan, seemed to have changed ways after having become absolutely smitten, Lin Qiushi still couldn’t forget when the other plotted against them. Had it not been for Lin Qiushi’s luck at the time, perhaps all of them would have played right into Li Dongyuan’s hands and fallen into his trap.

Those who passed their eighth door were, by no means at all, fair or kind, and this could especially be said for Li Dongyuan, whose charismatic appearance inside the door world was completely different from his harmless baby-faced image in the real world.

The next door they were to enter with Li Dongyuan was the fourth door of a White Deer member. They didn’t exactly who this member was, but regardless, Ruan Nanzhu had already received the clue to this door in advance.

There was but a single word written on the note: Satchan1.

After receiving the clue, Ruan Nanzhu instantly went to work, researching almost everything he could on it, before giving Lin Qiushi a brief rundown on what he had found. Satchan was a Japanese urban legend that had been composed into a nursery rhyme. Legend had it that a young schoolgirl was hit by an oncoming train on a winter night; immediately on impact, her legs were severed from her torso, and she slowly bled out, eventually dying a tragic death. Several days after her accident, someone wrote a song dedicated to her. The lyrics were, as follow2:

Satchan’s name is actually Sachiko

But she’s called herself Satchan ever since she was little

Oh, how funny!

Satchan really loves bananas

But she can only eat half of her favourite bananas

Oh, how pitiful!

Satchan has left for a faraway place

And she’ll soon forget about me

Oh, how lonely, Satchan!

However, the person who wrote this song mysteriously died not too long after. His lower body, missing…

There was also one final verse to this song: “My legs are gone, so won’t you give me yours?”

It was said that Satchan would always pay a visit to those who’ve sung this song, and rip off their legs.

Upon hearing the backstory of the clue, Lin Qiushi rubbed the goosebumps on his arms, “This is pretty scary.”

“It’s not that bad.” Ruan Nanzhu, on the other hand, thought it wasn’t scary at all. He appraised the note, “The hint this time is quite useful and concise. At least it’s told us one very important condition for death.”

“Well, that’s true,” agreed Lin Qiushi. “So, when will we go in?”

Ruan Nanzhu: “In three days. Are you ready?”

Lin Qiushi: “More or less.”

Ruan Nanzhu: “Good.”

In the next few days, Lin Qiushi, who had already put on his special bracelet, simply roamed about in the villa, while Ruan Nanzhu, who had long changed into women’s clothes, continued making preparations. It was truly incredible just how natural he looked, it was though he was born for this; there wasn’t anything even slightly off or weird about him in women’s clothes. Lin Qiushi had seen him crossdressing plenty of times before, so he was almost accustomed to it by now. He secretly thought in his heart that the female Ruan Nanzhu was too beautiful…of course, he only thought this and didn’t dare say it aloud.

Three days passed by rather quickly. Lin Qiushi was watching the television, calmly awaiting the door’s arrival, when he suddenly felt an abnormal change in the atmosphere around him. No sooner, he realized that everyone in the villa had vanished into thin air.

He stood up from the sofa and randomly opened the nearest door to him. Sure enough, he was greeted by the sight of twelve familiar doors.

Three of the twelve doors had been sealed. Lin Qiushi stepped forward and pulled on the handle of the fourth door.

The iron door creaked heavily as it opened. The scenery before Lin Qiushi’s eyes distorted, and before he knew it, he was walking down a black trail. The dark path was shadowed by a dense shroud of foliage overheard. Lin Qiushi scanned his surroundings, and quickly ascertained his location—he was at an academy, surrounded by neat school buildings. As of right now, the first glimmers of dawn had kissed the sky’s horizon and a strange tranquility had blanketed the world. The only sounds that could be heard were the faint whispers of the mild breeze, gently caressing the leaves at the treetops.

Lin Qiushi cautiously proceeded onward, when he soon caught sight of a man observing his surroundings up ahead. Although the man had an unfamiliar face, his temperament was inexplicably familiar. Lin Qiushi hesitated for a moment. He then removed the bracelet on his wrist and called out to the other.

The man turned around and smiled at Lin Qiushi, “Did you also come through a door?”

Lin Qiushi hummed, before tentatively uttering the secret code they had all agreed upon, “Friend, do you like to chew honeydew-flavoured gum?”

“Yup.” The man replied. “But I have to watch out for my sensitive fourth tooth.”

“Li Dongyuan?” inquired Lin Qiushi.

The man nodded, “Lin Qiushi?”

Having confirmed each other’s identity, the two gripped the other’s outstretched hand and shook lightly. Although it was already a given, Lin Qiushi had to admit that Li Donyuan’s appearance in the door world and in the real world were vastly different. In the door world, the other was much taller, and his cute babyface was nowhere to be seen. Although he exuded a particular gentleness, one could clearly perceive a hidden imposing presence within him.

“Let’s move on. The gathering spot should be the school building up front,” reckoned Li Dongyuan, who was experienced with such situations. He then added, “My name in the door worlds is still Meng Yu. Don’t call me by the wrong name.”

Lin Qiushi said, “My name is Yu Linlin.”

As the two walked to their destination, they engaged in a small conversation about the door worlds. Naturally, both sides were very cautious when discussing this topic; when all was said and done, they were still opponents, so they didn’t want to reveal too much.

As they approached the school building, Lin Qiushi spotted around eight or nine individuals standing near the building.

“Five men and four women. That’s eleven of us in total.” Li Dongyuan swept his eyes over the crowd. “Zhu Meng should be there, too.”

Lin Qiushi replied, “Let’s look for her.”

In truth, Lin Qiushi had already recognized Zhu Meng at first glance, because he was the tallest among the four women. He was wearing a pastel-coloured dress Lin Qiushi had seen him wear before, and had a crystal rabbit brooch pinned to his chest.

He raised his head when Lin Qiushi came over; his eyes curved into lovely crescents as he let out a sweet smile. Lin Qiushi’s heart thumped at the sight of the other’s beauty.

Li Dongyuan didn’t react with such exaggerated excitement as he did in the real world. He merely asked, “Is that her?”

Lin Qiushi nodded.

Li Dongyuan calmly praised, “She truly is as beautiful as ever.”

Lin Qiushi thought to himself, it sure would’ve been nice if you gave the same mild reaction when Zhu Meng cursed the hell out of you in the real world…

They walked over to the crowd, only to see a raging individual, roaring and lashing out at everyone. Lin Qiushi had long become used to such unsurprising sights. The other probably thought he had been kidnapped, and that the situation he had been thrust into was some damned TV program.

This time around, there were two newcomers—a male and a female. The woman’s face was drained of blood, and she looked to be on the verge of fainting; the man wasn’t looking any better than her, either. On the brink of a mental breakdown, the two cagily questioned everyone, demanding where they were, who they were, why they were here, how they could call the police…

“If no one is going to do anything, then I will!” Having yelled for a long time, only to be completely disregarded, the man finally blew up and furiously declared that he would leave. The others simply glanced at him with pity or impatience, but not a single person concerned themselves with him.

Lin Qiushi had originally wanted to stop the other, but Li Dongyuan grabbed his arm and shook his head slightly.

“Why?” asked Lin Qiushi.

Li Donyuan replied, “Fear not, he’ll come running back sooner or later.”

Lin Qiushi uttered, “Oh.”

Sure enough, it was as Li Dongyuan had said. Not even five minutes had passed after the man angrily stormed off, before he returned, the expression on his face, even worse than when he had first left. He looked as though he would completely collapse in the very next second; god knew what ghastly things he’d seen out there.

At any rate, however, he quieted down and didn’t continue causing a loud ruckus with his clamourous shouts.

As the group stood below the roof of the school building, they began to mingle with each other, slowly approaching the best-looking and most agreeable in the group and softly introducing themselves.

Lin Qiushi and the other eventually managed to get a turn to meet Ruan Nanzhu.

Ruan Nanzhu flashed a lovely smile and greeted, “My name is Zhu Meng. And you?”

“Meng Yu.” Li Dongyuan stretched his hand towards Ruan Nanzhu.

Ruan Nanzhu didn’t receive the other’s hand in his own; he simply shifted his attention to Lin Qiushi. Helplessness flashed across Lin Qiushi’s features, “Yu Linlin.” Under Li Dongyuan’s resentful stare, he gripped the other’s open hand and shook.

“My name is Xia Rubei.” The person Li Dongyuan entered the door with was a young lady. The woman had the appearance of a weak, delicate beauty, and she also seemed possess a rather gentle and meek personality. After quietly introducing herself, she said, “I look forward to working with you all.”

Ruan Nanzhu beamed, “Same here.”

They stood in place for ages, when the morning bell rang from inside the building, indicated the start of school. Countless students outside the gates flocked to the school grounds and entered the school building one after another. None of the incoming students showed surprise at the sight of the crowd. Before long, the pitch-black windows of the school buildings began to light up as students flooded the classrooms.

Just when everyone was wondering what they should do, a middle-aged man came down to receive them. He introduced himself as the head teacher, and said he would bring them to their dormitory.

“Just wait patiently for a few more days. You can all start working once the students have ended their final exams.” As they walked, the teacher added, “However, the school grounds haven’t been peaceful as of late, so be careful…”

“Not peaceful?” Someone asked. “What do you mean by it isn’t peaceful? What happened?”

The head teacher merely remained silent and shook his head, avoiding the question entirely. Eventually, he became irritated with incessant queries, so he snapped, “This is not a matter that concerns you all.”

The crowd fell silent.

Lin Qiushi soon figured out their identities after listening to the other. They were apparently a group of renovators who were asked by the school to redesign the classrooms. The school wished to renovate the old school building, so they reached out to a team of contractors and requested for service after the students’ final exams have ended. It’s just that no one knew how many days were left until the final exams…

The head teacher brought them over to an old dormitory building. The dormitory was a rather obsolete rotunda with several floors. Only one bathroom existed on every floor, and various junk items haphazardly scattered the corridors of each level.

“You all will have to be content with this place for now.” The head teacher stated. “You won’t have to stay here for long…”

“Does no one else live here?” Li Dongyuan wondered. “Is it just us?”

The head teacher responded, “Our school has many teachers, and this dormitory originally wasn’t big enough to house all of them, rendering it rather useless. This building was going to be demolished anyways, so everyone already moved out. At any rate, since you all will only be staying here temporarily, I do hope you can put up with it for a few days.”

The atmosphere of this filthy dormitory could only be described as foul and unpleasant. The ceilings were covered with cobwebs, the walls were smirched with black rot and unrecognizable stains, and the floors were bestrewn will all kinds of rubbish. Entirely uninhabited and absolutely unkempt, who knew just how many years this place had been withering away.

The head teacher gave them the keys to the dormitory, then mentioned that the old school building they were to renovate was located at the borders of the playground, indicating they were free to check it out whenever they had time to spare.

“Will you not be showing us the way?” Ruan Nanzhu inquired. “After all, we are not familiar with the school grounds in the slightest.”

An ever so subtle change came over the head teacher’s expression at Ruan Nanzhu’s question. At last, he simply shook his head, stating that he had a class to teach. How could he possibly show them the way to the old school building if he barely had time in his schedule? If they truly wished to go, they would have to go by themselves; furthermore, he highly suggested that they only check out the place during the day… As for why, although he didn’t explicitly state the reason, there was no need to, for everyone clearly knew it in their hearts.

With these last words, the head teacher hurried away without looking back; his departing figure revealed his reluctance to get further involved with them.

Li Dongyuan, who was leaning against the railing while chewing on a piece of gum, hummed thoughtfully, “That NPC is quite interesting.”

Lin Qiushi: “What’s interesting about him?”

Li Dongyuan: “NPCs generally aren’t afraid of death. But one look at that man, and you can tell he’s very afraid.”

Lin Qiushi didn’t quite understand what Li Dongyuan was suggesting, so he didn’t continue the conversation.

“The world is still a vast place of mystery and wonder. A matter such as this shouldn’t come off as a surprise to us.” Ruan Nanzhu indifferently remarked. “Let’s take a look at our rooms.”

The dormitory only had four-person rooms with two bunk beds.

That being said, the most appropriate step to take was to divide the eleven of them into three rooms.

“This place is so shabby and stuffy. The smell of mold is everywhere. It’s rather nauseating.” As soon as she entered the dorm room, Xia Rubei, the person who was brought in by Li Dongyuan, began to complain in a soft voice.

“Beggars can’t be choosers. Get used to it.” Li Dongyuan said. “Besides, we won’t be staying here for that long.”

Ruan Nanzhu didn’t nitpick at the room; he simply climbed into the bed above Lin Qiushi’s, reached out, and touched the blanket. “I don’t know how long this place has been neglected for, but the blankets are cold and damp.”

Li Dongyuan instantly offered, “I’ll warm them up it for you.”

Upon hearing the other, Xia Rubei’s lips twitched. One could conclude she was probably thinking about the obvious difference in treatment between the two of them, wondering why she wasn’t treated the same as Ruan Nanzhu. She shot a glance at Ruan Nanzhu, before lowering her eyes. Although she was feeling rather bitter and irritated, she still tried containing herself, not wanting to show the ugly side of her.

Of course, Ruan Nanzhu had always been very sensitive to other people’s emotions. He could clearly perceive the Xia Rubei’s inner turmoil at first glance. His eyes twinkled with obvious mischief, and with the wave of his hand, he beckoned Lin Qiushi over, “Linlin, help warm it up for me.”

Lin Qiushi: “…” He wasn’t a stranger to that expression Ruan Nanzhu was wearing. Although he was oblivious to what was going on, the moment he caught sight of Ruan Nanzhu’s face, he instantly knew the other was up to absolute no good.

“Fine. I’ll start a fire then.” Lin Qiushi said.

“Oh, how kind of you, Linlin,” crooned Ruan Nanzhu.

Lin Qiushi got up to walk outside, when he was abruptly stopped by Li Dongyuan. Li Dongyuan took a long, hard look at him, before firmly declaring, “I’ll be going.”

Lin Qiushi: “…”

Li Dongyuan: “Mengmeng, wait for me.”

With that, he rushed out to the corridor to get some coal for the fire.

Upon witnessing this, Xia Rubei’s mood grew even worse. They soon found she was far from the kind, open-hearted and gentle-natured damsel she posed as. The moment Li Dongyuan left the room, she dropped all pretenses and scoffed, disdainfully sneeringly and mocking, “You people from Obsidian are so finicky and weak. To think you actually had to trouble big brother Li to warm up your blanket, just because you didn’t like it. How absurd.”

Ruan Nanzhu immediately brought a finger to his lips after hearing what the other had to say. Feigning deep fear and anxiety, he softly hushed the girl, then fretfully whispered, “Shh. It’s big brother Meng, not big brother Li. Your voice is so loud. What if someone heard you just now?”

Xia Rubei’s face turned several shades darker, and the veins in her forehead practically bulged with pure rage. Looking at her fuming to the point of turning purple, Lin Qiushi felt somewhat sympathetic. When the boss decided to act out a drama, who could possibly stop him…

Li Dongyuan finally started a fire. While warming up the blanket for Ruan Nanzhu, he said, “When should we check out the old school building?”

“In the afternoon.” Ruan Nanzhu replied. “Let’s eat first, before heading over to the school building to search around for clues.”

“Sounds good.” Li Dongyuan nodded in assent.

As Li Dongyuan continued drying the blanket, Lin Qiushi decided to check around the dormitory. The dorm was, surprisingly, quite spacious; unfortunately, the damage time had afflicted on the place detracted from this aspect. The paint on the walls were peeling off, and more than half of the ceiling had crumbled apart, revealing black reinforced concrete slabs beneath.

There was even a small balcony attached to their dorm. All that greeted him when he looked out the balcony was an overgrown lawn, and a bit further into the distance were the school gates. It seemed that the dormitory was on the very edge of the school grounds.

Lin Qiushi examined the room one last time. He truly didn’t expect to find anything on his second round of investigating, but who would’ve imagined he’d discover a peculiar object sticking to the corner of the cabinet. It was a red paper talisman3. It was attached to the innermost section of the cabinet, and it was rather easy to overlook, if one didn’t pay careful attention.

“There’s a talisman in here,” announced Lin Qiushi.

“A talisman?” Ruan Nanzhu got up and came over to the other’s side, only to see the item Lin Qiushi was pointing at. “Tsk. How troublesome.”

Li Dongyuan’s expression was looking far from good, “Is it just this one?”

Lin Qiushi said, “I only found one for now.”

After a quick search, they uncovered more than one talisman within the room. Every one of them found similar papers in their cabinets. Furthermore, each of these talismans were firmly attached to the innermost board of their cabinets and simply could not be removed intact.

“Ah…they’re even under the bed.” Xia Rubei tearfully cried out. “What in the world are these things? This is so scary.”

Upon lifting the mattress, she saw countless blood-red paper talismans chaotically pasted onto the wooden bed board, layer after layer, until they invaded the entire board. The mere sight of it made shivers run down their spines. However, the most awful part about this was that they would have to sleep on this talisman-riddled bed at night…

Ruan Nanzhu headed over to have a look. He then tilted his head to the side and remarked, “I believe these talismans are meant to drive away evil spirits.”

Li Dongyuan glanced at him, “Have you seen these before?”

Ruan Nanzhu: “I have seen these before; I just cannot seem to remember where exactly though.”

Li Dongyuan: “Then we’ll leave them on.”

It went on without saying that the average person would cower in terror at the sight of these hair-raising talismans and immediately tear them off; in fact, even cowards wouldn’t pause to think before ripping apart all of those talismans in hysterics. Xia Rubei, a small girl whose courage was even smaller, was no different. Had Li Dongyuan not prevented her in time, no doubt she would’ve long torn those talismans.

After they inspected their entire room, it was almost time for lunch. Upon exiting their room, they came across a group of members, who had been assigned to another room, quarrelling amongst themselves.

“Are you fucking insane? Why the hell would you keep these things?! What if it’s cursed and summons a ghost!” A large pile of red paper talismans was crumpled in the speaker’s hands. It seemed as though the others had also found those items in their room just now.

The other individual was just as unhappy, if not more so, “If you’re afraid that they’d summon ghosts, then tear the ones on your own goddamn side! I’m not scared of that! You say that those will attract evil spirits, but I say they’ll ward against them!”

“Fucking psycho! None of my words are getting through that thick skull of yours; I can’t reason with you anymore! You know what, you just sleep there then! I don’t want to share a room with someone like you anyways! Xiao Qin, we’ll move to the room next door.” The man hatefully threw the talismans into the trash bin. “Wards off evil spirits, my ass. You really believe that, huh? Tell me, which NPC isn’t looking forward to us dying? And you say they’re trying to help us ward off evil spirits? Bullshit.” With that last statement, the man turned around and took the girl to the next room; a loud bang soon resounded in the halls following the man angrily slamming the door shut.

Ruan Nanzhu and the others all witnessed this commotion from start to finish. Xia Rubei, who was already quite frightened, grew even more afraid after seeing this. With a trembling voice, she fearfully asked, “Big brother Meng, do you think they might be telling the truth? What if those things will really attract ghosts…”

Before Li Dongyuan could even respond, Ruan Nanzhu leaned against Lin Qiushi’s, buried his head into Lin Qiushi’s shoulder, and whimpered in the same exact frightened tone Xia Rubei used, “Big brother Linlin, I’m so afraid.”

Lin Qiushi: “…” What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that you won’t be admitted into the drama school of your dreams with a talent like yours?

As soon as Ruan Nanzhu snuggled up to Lin Qiushi, Li Dongyuan instantly whipped his head around and maliciously glared daggers at Lin Qiushi, seemingly wanting to stab him to death.

Lin Qiushi: “…” It’s no use glaring at me like that, brother.

Seeing that Li Dongyuan completely ignored her, Xu Rubei resentfully bit her lower lip. Deep pain marred her features, and she appeared to be on the verge of sobbing. If this were the previous world, perhaps Li Dongyuan would’ve comforted her. Unfortunately for her, this was the world where Ruan Nanzhu, a man who played the role of a heroine better than any true heroine, existed. Just the inexplicably captivating slight of him with sorrowful downcast eyes was enough to arouse the pity of others. Faint glimmer of tears glistened within those beautiful crystal eyes of his. He gently bit his lower lip, and softly whispered, “I’ll try my best not to be afraid.”

It was undoubtedly the same exact expression, but the impact couldn’t be any more different. Ruan Nanzhu’s destructive power was simply a force that couldn’t be reckoned with. Even though Lin Qiushi clearly knew the person before him was a man who was even manlier than him, he still couldn’t help but reach out to touch his shoulders, tenderly comforting the other and affectionately reassuring, “Leave everything to me.”

Naturally, Li Dongyuan wasn’t an exception either.

The current expression on Li Dongyuan’s face all but screamed that he couldn’t wait to chop off Lin Qiushi’s filthy hand that was resting on Ruan Nanzhu’s shoulder and replace it with his own.

And, unbeknownst to these men, Ruan Nanzhu and Xia Rubei were secretly communicating with their eyes.

Xia Rubei: You sure are something else. Just you wait and see.

Ruan Nanzhu: I’m fine with just waiting. Goodness, you’re so scary.

In any case, Lin Qiushi couldn’t be any more oblivious to the unspoken battle between the Xia Rubei and Ruan Nanzhu. He was still lost in thought, mulling over the purpose of those talismans; he wondered whether or not they were truly meant to ward off evil, whether or not they should actually tear them, and what consequences they would incur should they rip those talismans apart.

Before long, it was time for lunch. The four of them chatted amongst themselves as they made their way to the cafeteria.

The student body population at this school was quite large, so it was only expected that the cafeteria would be packed with countless students. This was the very first time in the door worlds that Lin Qiushi had walked into such a normal, cheerful scene. Faced with such liveliness, he momentarily forgot that he was actually in a world of nightmares.

“I find this quite terrifying.” Ruan Nanzhu expressed. “Who knows what the people before us are hiding; for all we know, they may not even be human.”

Li Dongyuan didn’t respond to Ruan Nanzhu’s statement. With a kind smile, he diverted the topic and asked the other what he wanted to eat.

Ruan Nanzhu: “I will eat whatever big brother Linlin eats.”

Li Dongyuan: “…”

Lin Qiushi: “…” Please stop glaring at me like that, brother. I swear I’m innocent.

At long last, the four individuals sat at the table with a bowl of fresh noodles in front of them. Ruan Nanzhu’s bowl of noodles was slightly different from everyone else’s; he was the only one who had two eggs in his bowl—eggs that Li Dongyuan had specially brought for him.

Xia Rubei saw the extra egg in the other’s bowl, and she gnashed her teeth so hard that they almost snapped off. She was deeply interested in Li Dongyuan, but Li Dongyuan never responded to her advances, let alone looked her way. She truly believed Li Dongyuan would eventually yield under her persistent stalking and harassment, but then this godawful woman named Zhu Meng suddenly barged into their relationship. No matter how beautiful that woman was, she was still a complete bitch at heart—and, frankly speaking, Xia Rubei had never met any girl whose bitchiness could outrival her own.

Ruan Nanzhu leisurely relished both eggs, before expressing his gratitude towards Li Dongyuan.

Li Dongyuan beamed brightly and heartily replied with, “As long as you’re happy.”

Ruan Nanzhu only returned the other’s reply with one suggestive sentence, “Of course, this white stuff was very delicious, but I would be much happier if I could get a taste of big brother Linlin’s.”4

Li Dongyuan: “…”

Numbed, Lin Qiushi’s expression froze on his face. He had already realized he couldn’t escape from Ruan Nanzhu’s scripts, but why did his body have to be brought up like this? Ruan Nanzhu, can you please speak clearly and not cause any unnecessary misunderstandings?

As they ate their meal, they asked the students beside them if something had happened in the school recently.

Most of the students were rather perplexed after hearing the other’s question. It wasn’t until they asked a third-year student, that they got a reaction. Upon hearing that question, the student’s expression changed instantly, and he immediately denied knowing anything. He then hurriedly stood up with his meal tray, wanting to leave.

However, he was blocked by Li Dongyuan.

“Student, we haven’t finished with our questions yet.” Li Dongyuan smiled gently; the expression on his face couldn’t be any kinder or harmless. Yet, the threateningly oppressive aura he exuded was anything but kind or gentle. “It’s not very polite to just leave like that, you know? Weren’t you taught any manners?”

The third-year student coolly responded, “It’s useless to ask me about this. If you really want to know what happened, just go to the school library and look for newspapers dating back to the past few days.”

Ruan Nanzhu quirked his brow, “What are you afraid of?”

The third-year student shook his head, not daring to answer.

Lin Qiushi noticed that the student’s hands that were gripping onto the meal tray were trembling slightly as he spoke. Although he was pretending to be calm, anyone could tell he was deeply terrified.

“Forget it. Leave him be.” Ruan Nanzhu waved his hand dismissively. “See you later.”

Li Dongyuan frowned, seemingly wanting to say something, but in the end, he didn’t say a word. He simply released his hold on the student, letting him go.

“A third-year student in Class 3.” Ruan Nanzhu observed. “Although we don’t know his name right now, we can easily find out later.”

“How did you know?” Xia Rubei looked at Ruan Nanzhu in astonishment.

Ruan Nanzhu pointed towards his chest, “Did he not have his student ID number tag hanging down to his chest? It was all written on it.”

Xia Rubei: “…”

Ruan Nanzhu: “Oh my, so you didn’t notice it?”

Xia Rubei: “…”

Ruan Nanzhu: “It’s fine. At least one of us noticed it.” He deliberately threw a sickeningly wide, insincere smile towards Xia Rubei, smirking sanctimoniously.

Xia Rubei nearly cried out of sheer frustration and rage at Ruan Nanzhu’s shamelessness…

Author’s Comment:

Ruan Nanzhu: Acting is one of my greatest joys in life.

Lin Qiushi: Not recruiting you is truly the greatest loss for the entertainment industry…

Translator’s Comment:

As everyone can tell, this is a Japanese-themed door, so I will be using Japanese names to refer to the NPCs and such; however, do realize I know zero Japanese aside from most basic, popular terms, so names might not be perfect—I’m only basing how the Chinese character would’ve translated otherwise. For instance, the characters 佐子directly translates to Zuozi in Chinese. But, according to Google-sensei, those characters translate to Sako/Sachi in Japanese—short for Sachiko, which is where the nickname Satchan is derived from. For those who are more familiar with the language, please feel free to correct me in any way. At any rate, I’ll edit names and parts of the arc itself, should there be any discrepancies with later chapters.

Also, a warning for those curious individuals who scare easily: no one is forcing you to click the links of the legends I put up, so don’t feel that you need to read more about them. Seriously. Yes, they’re real Japanese legends—all doors refer to real-life stuff. Are they actually true? God I truly hope not. After researching all of the tales this door was referencing for translation purposes, I was literally scared shitless to the point I couldn’t sleep for days.

Lastly, a notice in advance: updates will probably start slowing down again, as I will now be dying from uni on top of work and all. I’ll see how long I can keep this pace up for, but 6.5k+ every chapter, which is literally 3x the character count I’m used to, is honestly a struggle to translate without forgoing sleep and study, lol. I’ll try my very best to keep updates somewhat consistent though, but please keep in mind I’m not a chapter-churning robot but human OTL.

1A famous Japanese children’s song that has become associated with a legless schoolgirl. Several other similar, well-known scary legends are said to have been derived from this tale, which this arc will be referencing: Satchan || Teke-Teke || Reiko Kashima || Hanako of the Bathroom ||

2These aren’t the full original lyrics. The lyrics above have been shortened, and the author also changed parts up slightly for creative purposes. The full original lyrics are in the “Satchan” link above.

3Fulu in Chinese: LINK || Ofuda in Japanese: LINK || (Bujeok in Korean: LINK)

4This joke doesn’t flow as well as it does in Chinese, so I took liberties to make sense out of it in English, but…it’s pretty bad. The word “egg” in Chinese is 蛋, but add two eggs together (蛋蛋) and you get “balls/testicles”. RNZ says he wants a taste of LQS’ eggs/balls, and LQS pretty much thinks, “I expected to be dragged into RNZ’s act, but why’d you have to bring up my eggs/balls like that?” However, eggs in English are usually associated with females, so I thought it wouldn’t fit. If anyone has suggestions with how to phrase this entire part, please do share.

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