Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1374: One Vs Six

Outmatched and out-skilled, the Hexagon Six team has only one option, and it is their last resort.

Each of them takes out a dark-colored Pokeball. Seeing the balls in their hand, Julian knows what they are thinking, but he doesn't stop them.

With each throw of the Pokeball, a shadow pokemon comes out and surrounds Marshadow.

Shadow Houndoom, Shadow Claydol, Shadow Ampharos, Shadow Shiftry, Shadow Walrein, Shadow Swalot.

Each of these pokemon would be a threat on their own, but now they are working as a group. On top of that, they have been turned into shadow pokemons, meaning they will continue to fight past their limits and never stop unless rendered useless, or incapable of moving.

Red "Let's see how you handle our shadow pokemons. Boys, let's show this fucker what we are made of."

The red member speaks, encouraging his team to fight.

Red "Houndoom, Fire Fang,"

Brown "Claydol, Psybeam"

Yellow "Ampharos, Thunderbolt"

Green "Shiftry, Leaf Blade"

Blue "Walrein, Aurora Beam"

Purple "Sludge Bomb"

All six of them call out specific moves related to their pokemon's type and attack Marshadow simultaneously.

All six of these attacks were not normal in nature, due to the pokemons' shadowfication, these attacks also have shadow elements making them more devastating.

Julian "Protect"

Julian orders as the shadow-empowered Thunderbolt, Psybeam, and Aurora Beam combine to form a singular devastating energy blast. Usually moves only combine when they complement each other, for example, a Hydro Pump and Thunderbolt as water conducts electricity.

But in this case, these three moves being of the elements electricity, psychic, and ice, they don't mix together but because of the shadowfication of the moves as well, these three non-compatible moves are able to combine to unlock incredible power.

Marshadow immediately conjures up an energy barrier to block the fusion move. The multi-color shadowy beam crashes into the energy barrier and immediately cracks it.

Marshadow grits his teeth and tries to reinforce the barrier, but the Sludge Bomb that was lagging due to its low speed finally catches up and hits the barrier and starts eroding it.

Julian "Dodge,"

Marshadow has no other option but to dodge hearing Julian's order, as the power behind this combined attack is too much for him to handle.

Marshadow is still not at a level where he can solo six elite-level pokemons on his own, and these pokemons are even more ridiculous because of shadowfication.

Marshadow dodges while letting the energy barrier collapse. The barrier was able to hold the beam long enough for Marshadow to dodge it, but his problems were not over.

As soon as Marshadow was out of the beam's trajectory, he was immediately attacked from both sides by Shadow Houndoom and Shadow Shiftry.

They attacked in a scissor formation, Houndoom from the left and Shiftry from the right.

Julian "Sucker Punch, then Shadow Sneak"

Sucker Punch is a move that will always be faster than the opponent, so it managed to smash the snout of Houndoom. Houndoom was the best target for Sucker Punch because its defense is lesser than Shiftry. Though both Houndoom and Shiftry are resistant to dark-type moves, the move still managed to cancel our Houndoom's Fire Fang.

Marshadow then immediately used Shadow Sneak and disappeared into the shadow, causing Shiftry to continue forward with its attack on Houndoom, who is now in its receiving end.

The Leaf Blade lands clean on Houndoom and sends it flying. Marshadow then appears right behind Shiftry and hits the back of Shiftry's head with overwhelming force.

Marshadow disappears again using Shadow Sneak appears behind Claydol and smacks it with dark energy as well, sending the physic-type pokemon crashing into the hot sand.

As these exchanges take place, Julian notices something. When Shiftry's Leaf Blade landed on Houndoom, it did very little damage to Houndoom.

Sure, Houndoom is resistant to grass-type attacks, but the damage was still too low.

Julian 'Looks like shadow pokemons are resistant to shadow-enhanced moves,'

Julian concludes.

Though Marshadow managed to get the upper hand in the exchange, it couldn't do much to produce an outcome. These are shadow pokemons, they will ignore all the injuries they have and continue to push their body to the physical limits, even if it means causing self-harm.

Julian 'Marshadow is not strong enough to handle all six of these, but it should be good training for him.'

Julian thinks that this battle will push Marshadow to his limit so he can understand his powers a little better, learn to control them more efficiently, and continue to grow stronger.

The three pokemons that were dropped got back to their feet immediately, even after taking multiple attacks. Claydol is the one that suffered the most damage as it is weak to dark-type moves, but it too shows no sign of fatigue.

The hexagon members immediately go on the attack again. They throw multiple attacks at Marshadow, and Marshadow continues to counter, dodge, and attack them when the opportunity arises. His Shadow Sneak becomes a major factor in the battle as it allows him to not only dodge but also get right behind the enemy and deliver powerful blows.

But this will only work a few times. The Hexagon team is an experienced bunch, so they easily find a counter to this annoying move,

They order their pokemons to guard each other's backs and because of this, whenever Marshadow tries to use Shadow Sneak; he gets countered and hit by one of the shadow pokemons.

Whenever Julian thinks that Marshadow is in a pinch, he steps in and turns the tide once again in Marshadow's favor.

The Hexagon Six notices this and decides to do something about it.

Red "Let's get rid of him first or he will continue to cause trouble."

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