Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1332: Deserved Punishment

With the Shadow Toxicroak being taken care of, Julian brings his attention to Guzma, who has passed away from experiencing overwhelming fear.

Julian walks up to Guzma and kicks his leg to see if he is up or is just faking it. Seeing no reaction from Guzma, Julian pulls out a water bottle from his dimensional pouch and, as he was about to pour it on Guzma, he feels someone looking at him.

He lifts his head and looks in the direction and sees Plumeria hiding behind a rock, sneaking peaks and spying on him.

Julian 'I have to give it to her. She is at least loyal,'

Julian thinks and brings his attention back to Guzma and starts pouring the water on his face making him wake up.

Guzma wakes up with a jolt as he feels like he is being drowned. As soon as he wakes up, he sees Julian standing right in front of him with a water bottle in his hand.

Guzma looks around and can't find his pokemon anywhere. The only pokemon he sees in the vicinity is the massive black Charizard. As he thinks of his pokemon, he suddenly remembers why he is in such a state, so he hurriedly looks down in fear to check if the terrifying entity is still in his shadow or not.

Finding nothing, he sighs in relief but is quickly brought to reality by Julian.

Julian "Don't feel relieved. If I want, I can make you experience that hell again"

Julian speaks coldly.

Guzma once again brings his attention back to Julian and stares right into his cold eyes, and this time, he feels fear. He has nothing that can stop this man from hurting him or making him experience that dread again.

Julian "If you are smart enough, start speaking. Where is the person who told you to cause trouble all around Alola?"

Julian got straight to the point.

Guzma gulped down and decided to talk.

Guzma "Look man, I am just doing what I was told to do, I am not behind this shit"

He tries to deflect, but Julian isn't having any of it.

Julian "I didn't ask you that. I want answers to my questions, nothing else"

Julian says coldly.

Guzma is sweating in fear, and he should be. The man standing in front of him took out his whole gang and his modified super pokemon with ease. He can't do anything but accept his fate.

Guzma "Ok, ok, I don't know who this person is, but he came here and spoke directly to me. He told me to use my gang and start harassing the people of Alola and keep the officials of the region busy. Instead, he will pay me a lot of money"

Julian "Why did he want you to do so? Did he give you any reason? How long was this harassment planned to take place?"

Julian asked one question after the other rapidly.

Guzma "He didn't give me any reason. He just told me to do it and he said the reward will be massive. He also gave me that very powerful pokemon. Told me to use it if an elite trainer comes and confronts me. As for how long I had to continue harassing the people, he told me to do it till he contacts me himself."

Guzma said.

Julian frowned upon hearing this. Guzma was not much of a help. He is no different from the handymen that Julian has been dealing with.

Cipher is becoming a pain in the ass for him with how they work, but he gets it. If it was him, he would do the same as well.

Julian "How did he contact you in the first place?"

Julian asks. If he can't get anything from Guzma, then he might get it directly from the source.

Guzma "He just came out of nowhere, man. I was about to go to sleep when this dude suddenly spoke to me. It freaked me out at first, but he then give me instructions. He gave me that pokemon and 20 percent of the payment beforehand"

He says.

Julian "What does he look like?"

Guzma "It was dark, and he was wearing all-black clothing with a black mask as well"

Julian "What type of clothes?"

Guzma "It was a one-piece tactile suit. That was the only thing I could make out in the dark"

He said.

Julian stopped questioning after this. He couldn't get much from Guzma, but it was still enough for him to start somewhere.

As for this person who Guzma is talking about, Julian is sure that he is somewhere in Alola, keeping an eye on the situation so he can report back to the headquarters.

Guzma "Hey man, I told you everything you needed to know, so can you let me go?"

Guzma asks.

Julian looks at him coldly and speaks.

Julian "Get up"

Julian orders.

Guzma gets to his feet thinking that Julian is finally going to let him go or else he would have not told him to stand. Guzma himself wouldn't have done that if he was in Julian's position.

As soon as Guzma gets to his feet, he gets rattled as Julian smacks him with a hard slap. Guzma feels his ear ringing, but Julian doesn't stop with just one.

He grabs Guzma's collar and starts slapping the shit out of Guzma's face, straight hand, backhand, straight hand, backhand, he continues to slap Guzma till his face completely swells up as there are visible bruises and cuts all over his face from just the slaps.

But it doesn't just end there. Julian then makes and fist and starts pummeling Guzma's face with straight punches, breaking his nose and most of his front teeth in the process.

He then gut kicks and sends Guzma rolling on the ground, leaving him a bloody mess.

Julian "This is for all those innocent people who were severely injured by your goons under your orders. Make sure you inform all your goons about this and tell them to get out of the streets. If I see anyone of them harassing people again. I will personally break their bones and send them to the infirmary. Then I will come back here and beat the shit out of you again.

And if you go into hiding, I will flip the whole region of Alola to find you and then beat the shit out of you and it will be much worse than this"

Julian threatened coldly as Guzma just whimpered in pain.

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