Journey of the Immortal Grandmaster

Chapter 77: Single Elimination Bracket

Mo Nianzu against Su Xialu. The air parted as the two sped towards each other. Su Xialu was the first to breach that momentum as he executed a beautiful rotation and tens of cuts simultaneously targeted his opponent from different angles. Mo Nianzu eyes widened at those qi projections approaching from all sides.

In his mind, was seeing a different scene; the image of a gentle tree swaying in the wind but bringing a profound sense of death. Mo Nianzu’s mind was shaken but his movements didn’t show hesitation as he used an ability to dash to the side while launching qi in a defensive style. He complemented that quick response with a Wave of light blue qi, his main attack.

This attack managed to sweep all the cuts on its way but they kept arriving from every direction as Su Xianlu weaved around with shocking fluidity.

Mo Nianzu felt that he was getting ever more overwhelmed, as if the branches of that tree were reaching out and entangling him further. Soon, cuts and scary gashes began appearing on his body. The more he tried to struggle and the more he felt as if he was sinking under those branches and getting trapped. His movement became more and more restricted and his qi was expanding at a terrifying speed… Until he gave up resisting.

Sensing he had won, Su Xialu stopped attacking and Mo Nianzu was left standing groggily and completely stunned.

“I- I give up.” He whispered wide eyed. Was this young man in afront of him 12 years old and at the same cultivation level? How was the difference so vast? His only relief was that he would get another chance for a better ranking at the next phase, in the loser’s bracket.

Most disciples in the audience hadn’t felt the terror that Mo Nianzu went through but still witnessed a magnificent display of sword play and movements at the qi cultivation level. More accurately, the Elders could see through all those moves and made mental notes on that incredible disciple.

This remarkable showcase came as a small shock for Han Lingyun. In his usual style, he immediately focused on analyzed the events he had just witnessed.

‘What did Su Xialu did differently to dominate Mo Nianzu? His qi appeared to be slightly less dense and even by looking at their respective skills, this outcome just shouldn’t have happened in theory. Yet, it never looked like Mo Nianzu had a chance in that confrontation.

However, I definitely sensed something more with Su Xialu: an unyielding, somewhat undying and tentacular nature. If I sensed something like that, it should come from the nature of his qi and perhaps his own comprehension and dao. There is a sort of unwavering confidence in his fighting style, to advance relentlessly, like if he already found his path.

I hadn’t realized that the gap could be that important! So, how could I adapt my fighting style to fit my own path? I think that I have already made several steps in that direction, by attuning myself to the black bird art, and with my use of arrays. I can still imagine ways to progress further though. Imagining the extreme, I think that one of my ideals would be to defeat or kill without taking any risks myself. I should be able to increase my comprehension by using my own formation arrays in combat, being able to install those while fighting and disappearing completely from by opponent’s senses. Following that reasoning of killing undetected, I could also look more into long range weapons.

These are all interesting directions to follow later, by that won’t help me right now for the duels.’

Han Lingyun thought back to the plans he had already made. ‘I should keep them simple. Even by knowing an opponent there are many variables in those close fights. I’ll stick with basic strategies but make contingency plans for every situation. The goal is to not lose time thinking when fighting. I should be like a cold computer executing my targets. I shall become undefeatable with superior calculating power, putting my adversaries on a chess board to play a game where the computer is guaranteed to crush the human.

Start with simple strategies that provide a definite advantage and prepare a counter for every possible move with cold calculating accuracy. That will be my philosophy. With time, I shall demonstrate the absolute power of reason and logic.’

The next couple of duels didn’t present any new surprises. It must be said that the fact that the Elder’s wouldn’t intervene to save disciples really gave many second thoughts on risking their lives just to challenge someone stronger. This actually sped up the proceedings and it was now Han Lingyun’s first time on stage. He knew everything of his opponent. Shao Jinghua of the minor Red Sparrow Sect, a 3rd grade talent at the Marrow strengthening stage. He specialized in concealment and speed, in a reminiscent way to Han Lingyun’s own beginnings. Most notably, Shao Jinghua obtained a remarkable 16th place in the rankings for body strengthening disciples.

However, Shao Jinghua couldn’t find his usual playful self as he faced Han Lingyun’s cold gaze. A shiver went down his spine and he was comforted in his decision to not fight this scarecrow. His objectives had already been achieved for this competition anyway.

“I-I give up.” He stammered. For some reason, he wanted to leave this stage as fast as possible.

On the other end, Han Lingyun relaxed and joined his seat back, crossing paths with Wang Yimo who had her duel next. He was very satisfied with not having to fight at all.

Just like for him, Wang Yimo didn’t have to battle for her first duel because her opponent immediately admitted defeat.

“All right, we now made it to the top 256. First step done.” Han Lingyun smiled at Wang Yimo who sat next to him. The tension was dropping back down for the pair.

“This was easy, but the next fights will probably not be the same. Now we have a long wait with all the other duels plus the loser’s bracket.” As she so often does, Wang Yimo tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and started to ventilate herself with her fan.

Han Lingyun couldn’t help but notice these details while focusing on the conversation. “Yes, those that might have a shot for the rewards of top 64 will definitely fight for it. Thinking about it, we might not have our next match until tomorrow.”

Indeed, they had to wait for another 500 or so matches, due to the loser’s bracket commencing right after the first 256 duels.

At some point when the ranks became closer, disciples stopped giving up and duels where more and more intense and close. The difference of ranks between the 200th and the 300th weren’t significant.

The duels of the loser’s bracket were also far more disputed as all cherished this chance to display their prowess, especially the numerous disciples that had given up without a fight.

After a hard combat in the final of the loser’s bracket, it was Mo Nianzu who managed to emerge as the winner. He wasn’t the only one that deserved a higher ranking but the cultivation world was always unjust. There was no use of complaining for those that lost anyway, the consensus was that they only had their own weakness to blame. The first day of duels ended on that note.

The next morning was a repetition of the first day of duels, with the same crowd and setup. The only difference was that only 257 special seats remained for the qualified disciples: the 256 qualified plus Mo Nianzu.

The 17 old men’s arrival marked the beginning of the duels on the second day. They hadn’t shown any reactions or made any comments the previous day and had just been silently watching. The one wearing a black robe was the exception as he kept his eyes closed in a seemingly silent meditation all day.

Han Lingyun was lucky as his second opponent once again admitted defeat before the fight, even though he was a decent 4th grade talent from the Black Dragon Sect. Han Lingyun now had to wait again for a fight in the afternoon. He was even starting to get impatient due to the atmosphere, which was highly uncharacteristic of his temperament.

Wang Yimo on the other hand had to reveal a powerful attack to throw her opponent of stage.

Once again, the most entertaining duels where in the later stages of the 128 loser’s bracket. Mo Nianzu had entered that phase without any difficulties just by “challenging” a disciple that had been escorted shortly earlier from the stage in hurry as his state was uncertain. However, he failed to win all the matches to the first rank again.

Mo Nianzu, the one that had obtained the 14th rank during the first phase was eliminated outside the top 128 and his impossible climb back up ended.

Finally in the early afternoon came Han Lingyun’s turn to duel. He only had to win one duel to reach the top 64 and be in the ranks for a reward. However, his opponent had the same idea in mind. He was Zheng Shun of the Northern Wudang Sect, ranked 105th in the first phase and a grade 4 talent at the early qi condensation stage. He had a bulky and muscular physique for his age and he attacked with his fists, just like Shen Lin. His main strength was his defensive art and he could endure attacks for some time before counterattacking his opponents that have less qi in their reserves. Zheng Shun’s weaknesses was his speed and his attack somewhat lacking sharpness.

When he read about Zheng Shun, Han Lingyun immediately thought of the “tank” role in the RPG games he played.

Han Lingyun’s plan was ready, the two faced off on the arena and the match began.

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