Jar Merchant: At the beginning, Luffy activates Nika form

Chapter 058

Chapter 58 Navy Emergency Mobilization, Embarrassed Warring States!!

“Crane, ring the Oaks bell and let all the lieutenant generals come to the conference room!”

“I think it’s time to do pre-war mobilization!”

Sengoku looked at Tsuru who was writing hard, and he said to Lieutenant General Tsuru.

Since the Whitebeard Pirates have already begun to act, it is time for the Navy to act!

As far as the Warring States could see, Marin Fandor was in a busy mood at this time.

On the square of Marin Fandor, warships have been moored in front of the half-moon harbor in the square, and there is a mechanic busy checking the condition of these warships.

In this huge square, heavy cannons were densely packed, and under the sunlight, the muzzle of this venerable cannon flashed with heavy light.

On the square, there are densely packed navies shuttling through it, all of which are elite navies drawn from all over the Warring States.

Every soldier here will be domineering, and none of them are ordinary soldiers, they are all officers at the rank of colonel.

These people are not 30,000, not 50,000, in order to show respect for the Whitebeard Pirates, the Warring States Foot has drawn 100,000 elites!

“Boom! Boom! Boom! ”

With a dull ringing of the bell, all the soldiers who were busy raised their heads, and they were all listening to the sound of the Oaks bell.

The Oaks Bell, a sacred bell obtained long ago from the historically active warship “Oaks Roiz”, is ringing in a situation other than when it strikes during the New Year.

That is, when there is a major meeting in the headquarters, the Oaks bell will ring nine times in a row, which means that all the lieutenant generals gather.

No matter what you’re doing right now, whether you’re on vacation or not, you have to rush to the war room as soon as you hear this bell.

The command level of this bell is higher than all the tasks in their hands.

“Nine sounds, the Marshal of the Warring States has launched a gathering order!”

When this bell was heard, all the vice admirals and generals gathered towards the war room at the first time, and when the Warring States arrived at the war room, everyone had already arrived.

“Just now, the twenty-three pirate ships that monitored the Whitebeard Pirate Group have all been wiped out by the Whitebeard Pirate Group, and these guys have wiped out all the ships along the way, and now we don’t know the whereabouts of the Whitebeard Pirate Group at all!”

“Guys, this war has officially begun!”

Sengoku’s gaze scanned these navies, and he said to them very seriously.

When the voice of the Warring States fell, all the navies sat up straight, they had known the news before, and they were now preparing for this war.

But when they knew that the war had officially begun, these lieutenant generals still felt their blood boiling.

Because the opponent who fought with them was none other than the Whitebeard Pirates!

“Whitebeard is coming to Marin Fando, it’s really scary!”

Huang Ape held the copy of “Self-cultivation of Actors” in his hand, and his face was full of exaggerated expressions.

“No matter how strong Whitebeard is, this time I will personally end his pirate path!”

The red dog slammed the table, and he said coldly.

Now that he has healed from the injuries he was beaten by Morin, he does not dare to trouble Morin, he can only sprinkle this stomach qi on the upcoming group of white-bearded pirates.

“How’s our preparations going?”

Sengoku asked to these people.

“Now all the heavy artillery has been laid out, and the shells are in place!”

“The port battleship has been inspected, and the new cannon has been commissioned!”

“One hundred thousand navies are in place!”

“The pacifists are ready!”

With the good news one after another, the grim face of the Warring States also became soothed.

“Tamashita Nanabu Haiboya Hancock has not arrived!”

At this time, with the voice of Lieutenant General Rat Rong, everyone looked at him.

“Boya Hancock said she was too busy earning money to open jars and didn’t have time to participate in this war!”

Rong Rat recalled his previous meeting with Boya Hancock, and his heart was also full of helplessness.

The woman Boya Hancock is too oily and salty, and the rat tells her that if she refuses to answer, then Hydra Island will be destroyed by the navy, and she will be a sinner of Hydra.

“Any mistake made by a concubine will be forgiven, because the concubine body is so beautiful!”

These are the exact words of Boya Hancock.

“Jinping is now with the Whitebeard Pirates, and now he has betrayed the World ZF!”

At this time, another lieutenant general added on the side.

“Jinping, Boya Hancock, these two are His Majesty Qiwu Hai who opened jars in Morin’s jar shop!”

Sengoku chanted these two names in his mouth, and he had already decided that these two people would be removed from the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty.

“Sengoku, are we going to put a general in the Chambord Islands to guard Morin’s jar shop, if Whitebeard opens a jar at Morin’s, then things will be troublesome!”

“… Also, maybe before Whitebeard reaches Marin Fando, we can still let a few lieutenant generals go to Morin to open a few jars! ”

At this time, Lieutenant General Tsuru proposed to the Sengoku.

Now in addition to the Warring States and the Yellow Ape in the navy, there are five vice admirals who have opened the jar, and their combat power has increased rapidly, and the other vice admirals are also waiting for the opportunity to open the jar.

Akainu was originally the second batch to open the jar, because of him, the second group did not open the jar either.

Now the reputation of Morin’s jar shop has spread throughout the sea, and Jinping went to find Whitebeard after opening two diamond jars, and Whitebeard must also know about Morin’s jar.

If Whitebeard is allowed to open a jar at Morin, the war will develop in an angle that no one knows.

“If you just send a general there, then this general will easily be besieged by the Whitebeard Pirates.”

Sengoku laughed bitterly.

He also knew that Morin’s jar shop was a problem, but if he sent two generals, Whitebeard went straight to Marin Fando, the navy might not be able to hold Ace Right until the two generals returned to help.

If Hikari sends a general, then this general in the Chambord Islands is likely to be besieged by the Whitebeard Pirates.

Although there is only one general in the Whitebeard Pirates, Marko, the captain of the first team, is known as the gatekeeper of the general, and now his combat power is infinitely close to the general.

If Marko adds Diamond Joz and Foil Bista, there is indeed a chance that the general will be seriously injured by him.

The Navy cannot divide the troops now, and the division of troops before the war is a taboo, and the people on the sea will laugh at the timidity of the Navy.

And Sengoku doesn’t know if Whitebeard will go to the Chambord Islands, but one thing he is sure of, Whitebeard will definitely come to the Chambord Islands to save his son Ace.

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