Ivil Antagonist

Chapter Twenty-Two - Chemistry

Chapter Twenty-Two - Chemistry

There was some actual evidence that tea, herbal or otherwise, could have an effect on a human body which would lead to an effect on the human mind.

Ivil was quite certain that her brain lacked any chemistry that could be impacted by any amount of tea, and yet she still found herself relaxing as the ritual carried on. Sonic had poured them all a second cup, this time with less fanfare, and the discussion had turned towards a somewhat contentious topic; personal political beliefs.

"I never understood it," Ivil said. "It's a waste of time, and you know that the votes don't matter."

"The votes don't..." Aurora sat up in her seat and pointed right at Ivil. "Yours, alone, might not, but it's the weight of votes that matter. The political apparatus only exists because of the will of the people. And the will of the people needs to be aimed. It's not just about voting on an issue, it's about making yourself heard in a calm, rational way, and also seeing what your co-citizens think as well."

"Yes, sure, but do you know how few people actually vote at all?" Ivil asked.

Some time ago, when Mars was still young as a nation, it had tried to adopt a 'true democracy' system. Every citizen of age and of sound mind had a vote. Votes came up almost on a weekly basis, covering a wide range of subjects and issues. Essentially, every action and piece of legislation passed by the civilian government was only passed by vote.

With a few trusted intelligences observing the voting procedure, there had only been a few historical moments of fraud or duplicity.

Which didn't matter, in Ivil's opinion, because of two large reasons. "And besides the fact that only one in a few hundred thousand people actually vote on anything, the real reins of power aren't in the hands of the civilians. It's all in the military."

Aurora crossed her arms with a humph. "That's a Mars problem. You've let too much power fall into the hands of the army, and not enough is retained with the people. But even setting that aside, I think that the full right to vote is still important. It adds legitimacy to the government and its actions."

"Actions which only matter as long as no one truly powerful steps in," Ivil added.

Aurora raised her head, displaying her nostrils at Ivil. "Do you truly think that anyone is powerful enough to really stand against the bulk of what humanity has to offer? Individually, a person alone might be weak, but by participating in the growth of their nation they create something more powerful than themselves!"

"That wouldn't matter to any one of the Emperors," Ivil said.

Aurora rolled her eyes and leaned back in her chair. "Arguments like these always devolve when those three are mentioned."

"I don't know," Ivil said. "I think it's telling that the three greatest powers all have an Emperor. And that those same Emperors aren't tied to the political powers of the nations they represent. That's probably for the best."

"At least you can recognize that stripping the people's power and giving it to one sole person would be tyrannical," Aurora said.

"Hmm? Oh, no, I think it's best because I firmly believe that at least two out of the three Emperors are massive pieces of... well, best not to say in polite company."

Aurora blinked, then broke out into giggles. She relaxed some, her shoulders dropping and some of the tension leaving her. Ivil enjoyed the sound of her laughter, though, if she were being honest with herself, she'd enjoyed Aurora's passion too.

"So, only two out of three?" Aurora asked. "Does that mean you don't have an issue with one of them?"

"I have a soft-spot for the Empress of Mars," Ivil admitted. She didn't dislike herself, most of the time.

Aurora shook her head. "You would. You shouldn't believe all of that Martian propaganda about her. She's as rotten as the rest."

Sonic chose that moment to cough, causing both Ivil and Aurora to jump and turn her way. Ivil had almost forgotten that the Tech Maid was even in the room with them, and it seemed the same for Aurora.

"Are you well?" Aurora asked. "Did you choke on..." She glanced at Sonic's untouched food and tea. "Did you choke?"

"I'm well. Forgive me," Sonic said. "Though, we might want to consider starting the end-rituals for this session. I believe I hear Missy and the captain coming this way."

No sooner had she finished did Missy step into the room. She paused by the entrance, taking the three of them in for a moment before dismissing them and moving to the head of the room where a small navigation console sat.

"Is something the matter?" Ivil asked.

Missy was moving with alacrity. On a ship that was already underway, there were few things that should cause the crew to want to move quickly. One of those was the turn and burn that they'd eventually have to execute, but they were well over a week shy of that manoeuvre. Every other scenario that popped into Ivil's mind was more dire than the last.

"Nothing you need to worry about," Missy said. She sounded distracted even as she said it. The woman locked eyes on the navigation computer's screen, then tugged the seat out, sat, and pulled a cord from the computer. A moment later it was wired into the base of her skull, and she was glaring at the machine.

Ivil frowned, then schooled her features. Aurora and Missy were here and accounted for. They were as safe as could be. Twenty-Six might not be.

With a twist of her will, her senses expanded, encompassing all of the Held Together and several kilometres of empty space beyond in an instant.

Sonic glanced her way, but kept mum as Ivil took in the ship and all of its occupants. There was... more rust than she'd imagined, and several parts on the ship that were rattling in disconcerting ways, but not serious damage. Twenty-Six was in her room, fiddling with some small part on her workbench, the rest of the crew was spread around, working or cooking.

She pulled her attention back to herself and let out a small breath. Everything was fine. Everything that she could perceive without giving anything away, in any case. "What's the matter?" she asked, this time with less give.

"Fuck," Missy said plainly as she unhooked herself and stood. "Stay here." She left, heading back into the cockpit and tugging the door shut behind her.

"That's concerning," Aurora said.

"I'm sure it'll be fine," Ivil said.

She wanted to do something, of course. These last couple of days had been... strangely passive. She was used to either taking direct action, or being on the path to do so, but right now she'd been forced to sit back and wait. It was a bizarre change of pace.

There was motion in the cockpit, Missy and the captain arguing over something in hushed tones.

Ivil was preparing to listen in when Aurora stood and moved over to the navigation computer. She fished out the same wire Missy had used, then squinted at it. "This thing is ancient," she said.

"Were you going to plug yourself into the ship's systems without permission?" Ivil asked.

"I have good ICE," Aurora said. "I'd be fine. I can't imagine the Held Together has great security. Then again... I suppose it's protected by obsolescence."

"May I?" Sonic asked as she stood, brushed down the front of her outfit, then swept over to the console. Her mask tilted to the side and she plucked the wire away, slipping it under the mask.

Ivil and Aurora both watched as the Tech Maid stood very still for some long moments. "Ah. we are being chased," Sonic replied. "Three ships. All of larger tonnage, on vectors that will have them catching up to us within six hours."

"What kinds of ships?" Ivil asked. Could it be Mars? Though she'd imagine that they'd be more subtle about their pursuit if they tried.

"The Held Together's sensor suite is... about as old as everything else, I'm afraid," Sonic said.

"Well, give us what you have, at least," Ivil suggested.

"No IFFs on any of the three ships... no, wait, one of them is a cargo freighter registered in Ceres, but its ID's mass and the suggested mass reading from the sensors don't add up. Two of them are going to arrive earlier than the third. No weapons readouts, but I don't think this system could do that."

"Pirates," Aurora said. She leaned back, hands falling to her sides. "They're pirates. From Ceres."

"Well, that'll spice up the trip, won't it?" Ivil asked.


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