I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?

Chapter 321 Taking over a city

321  Taking over a city

*Crack* *Bang* *Snap*

Taking a seat on Teivel's desk, I watched as the maids dragged Teivel to the middle of the room and began beating him to death. There were about eight of them, all attacking him without any restraint. Some were even crying joyfully as they let out all their frustrations, especially the headmaid. In fact, once she had the go-ahead she even let out a maniacal laugh before swiftly moving on Teivel. The one kitsune that I kept alive watched in horror while witnessing his previous lord be humiliated by the very people they considered low lives. 'Hmm, what to do with him? Eventually I will kill him, but I still need to act like a ruler for a while so having some minions might come in handy.' Some tests had to be done to see if he truly would accept me as his Queen. For all I knew, it was all an elaborate plan to kill me eventually. "W-what is it, my Queen?" When he noticed my gaze, he bowed again, placing his head on the ground. "I want you to make preparations for my big announcement. Time to let everyone know that I'd be taking over this city." I might as well make use of him for now, so I assigned him some tasks. "A-as you wish! Do you want everyone to gather in the main square or will you broadcast your announcement city-wide?" When given the two options, the best one was probably to show myself to everyone rather than just sending a message. "Gather them all." "Right away." He quickly rose from the floor and exited the room. "Are you sure about that?" Alice floated over, licking her bloodied fingers. As soon as she walked into the room with the maids, she went straight for the bodies that were still dripping with blood. "No, but things are moving more quickly than I anticipated. I expected Teivel to teach me everything before he was killed, but instead he tried to bind my soul, which as you can see did not go well for him." I was still uneasy about the situation, but there was not much I could do about it. I had to accept it and live with the decisions I had made.

If I had it my way, I would have played along with the soul binding, but rejecting it caused my peaceful approach to crumble.

"It shouldn't be too much of a problem. From what I've seen, the people here are brainwashed, so as long as you don't make any radical changes they will follow you." When Alice gave her opinion, I raised an eyebrow. Since when did she leave the mansion and interact with the people outside? "And how do you know this will be the case?" I did not know when she could have left considering we spend almost every waking moment together... So she must have been sneaking out at night. Not that I can tell whether it is night half the time, but it makes sense now. She does not need to sleep, so she probably uses the opportunity to explore the city to pass the time. "Ahaha, it looks like you figured it out. Trust me, I made sure to not attract any attention. I just took some blood every now and again while watching idiots fight each other." Since I was giving her an unimpressed look, Alice let out a nervous laugh. "Whatever, not like it matters anymore." It was pointless to be angry, and I did not want to control her as if she were a dog on a leash. She is experiencing a new world, so it is probably for the best that she is exploring. 'There is only so much I can teach her through words.' Focusing back on the bashing, I saw that Teivel had long died. His eyes no longer had any life in them, but the maids didn't stop hitting him. They were determined to completely mince his body until there was nothing left. 10:50

Focusing back on the bashing, I saw that Teivel had long died. His eyes no longer had any life in them, but the maids didn't stop hitting him. They were determined to completely mince his body until there was nothing left. "Good job ladies. He is dead so feel free to head back, but by all means keep going if you want to." I praised the maids for their efforts. However, they were just wasting time at this point. The Headmaid was the first to stop as the others still had not finished venting, which came as a surprise. I would have thought she harboured the most amount of anger yet she was the first to stop. "Headmaid Malinda is at your service." She kneeled right before me, presenting yet another unexpected development. "Are you sure? This is your chance to regain your freedom." It wasn't that much of a hassle to release them and I'm sure that is what they are all yearning for. "I understand that you can grant us our freedom, but I've heard of the kindness you've shown Yumi and have concluded you are a kind person. So, I speak for all us maids when I say that we would like to give you a hand. At the very least, we would like to repay you for our newfound freedom." Malinda did not waver in her words and it prompted the other maids to follow suit. Despite the pools of blood on the floor, they still got on one knee and bowed to me. "Hah, today sure is full of surprises. I will gladly accept your help then. Besides, I still need your assistance in locating all of Teivel's possessions." Hearing how willing they were to help me made clear that getting information out of Malinda would be much easier than expected. "Of course, I'll do the best I can to provide as much information as possible." "Good, If you are finished with Teivel's corpse, then a clean-up is in order. After that, I want you to gather everything in this room related to the Dahlias. I want books, items and anything else that may be of significance. Of course, find me if you need a hand with anything." Giving out my orders, all the maids nodded and Malinda led the charge. She delegated tasks, with some cleaning up the blood and others searching for my requested items. "At least things are going smoothly now." Alice kicked her legs in the air and floated around as if she was in space. I had no idea how her wings allowed her to defy physics, but I did not have time to investigate. "Yep, although I don't know what I should be doing. I've never ruled over anything before in my life." It was becoming increasingly apparent to me that I had no idea what the hell I was doing. "First, you should clean yourself up." Alice gestured to all the blood on my clothes and skin. "That is a good first step. A bath will probably do me good, and it will also give me a chance to explain the situation to Shaman." Some relaxation was in order, so I hopped off the desk and made my way back to my room. "Novella, stay in the office and report to me about anything that happens." If there was anything that needed my immediate attention, Alice could let me know straight away. "Understood ma'am." Alice gave a small salute, making me question where she even learned that gesture. *

Opening the door to my room, I spotted Yumi, who was humming away while cleaning some dust. "Elysia! You're back!" She hurried over and hugged me as soon as she saw me enter. "Yes, I am back in one piece." "What happened?" Curious about what had happened in Teivel's office, Yumi looked up at me. Her fellow protective maids sent the young girl to hide when the commotion started, and with their newly assigned workload it would seem she was left out of the loop. "I have some great news, Teivel is dead and I am now the ruler of this place." Casually explaining what happened, I saw the dumbfounded look on Yumi's face when hearing the news. "Wait, really? You are not joking? I am free of that bastard?" I can imagine it being hard to believe at first, but there wasn't anything more to it. "Yes really. You are free now." Reassuring her that everything I said was true, Yumi quickly burst into tears. She hadn't been serving at the mansion for long, but the pain she had already gone through was too much for such a young girl. With her parents avenged, she could now move on with her life, knowing that monster was no longer alive. "I-I-I…" Yumi was unable to form any words, but she didn't need to. "Shhh, it's okay." Yumi sobbed into my chest as I wrapped my arms around her. She was covered in blood from hugging me, but that was the least of her worries. "T-thank you so much." Yumi managed to get some words out through her sobs. Not that there was any need to thank me, since killing him was always part of my plan all along. "There is no need to thank me. How about we go jump into the bath and calm ourselves down?" Offering to head to the bath, Yumi loosened her grip around me and looked up at me, nodding. We then both headed to the bathroom to get some much-needed relaxation.  

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