Isekai Nonbiri Nouka

Chapter 836: Adding Pools

Chapter 836: Adding Pools

Recently, Suaruriu and Suarukou are often assigned as my escorts.

Are they having specialized work now that their population has increased?

I don’t really mind adding Suaruriu and Suarukou to the ranks of my guard even though I’m always accompanied by the kuros and spiderlings.

What I mind is that Suaruriu and Suarukou always perform a skit unique to twins.

I think it’s brilliant since it’s exclusive to twins but for me, I’ve seen more and better on TV before so it doesn’t really appeal to me.

Though I must admit, I feel a bit nostalgic.

However, I’m not sure how I should react.


Well, with Suaruriu and Suarukou in tow, I came to Village Two.

I came here to build a swimming pool.

The minotaurs of Village Two offered me a large number of reward medals to ask me to build one for them.

If they really need to go to a swimming pool, they could have just used the one in Big Tree Village. However, the minotaurs are all big.

They were concerned that if they swam as they wished, they would cause trouble to others.

Thus, they decided to build a swimming pool in Village Two where they could swim to their heart’s content.

That’s how it happened.

Since they gave out reward medals, a pool must be made.

The pool will be used as a swimming pool in summer and a reservoir in other seasons.

It will not be wasted.

I quickly dig using the AFT and complete it.

The size of the pool is around 40 meters on each side.

It would have been wider but it was decided to make it this big because it will be difficult for the lifeguard to monitor the pool if it’s too big.

Well, it’s made for minotaurs so it’s reasonably deep.

When children are swimming, I want them to have a good lifeguard.

This is the end of my task in Village Two.


Then, we moved to Village Three.

Yeah, we need to build a swimming pool in Village Three too.

The centaurs living in Village Three are also big.

They want a pool for the same reason.

They don’t want to inconvenience people around them when swimming.

However, the centaurs of Village Three did not seek a swimming pool for the sake of swimming but as a place for bathing.

「Centaurs can swim but if you’re going to ask me if we are good at it, I won’t know how to respond.」

Glueworld, the acting village chief of Village Three, explains shyly.

The centaurs do not like to swim because their hooves get damaged if they are immersed in water for a long time.

Centaurs who go to war only learn to swim reluctantly in order to survive.

However, centaurs feel the heat of summer too.

Even if they don’t swim, they would want to go to the pool.

「But having a pool and not swimming at all is kind of……」

You don’t have to worry about that.

Some of us are just floating around on floats.

Also, since you used reward medals to request for a pool, I can’t say no.

Let’s just dig one using the AFT and be done with it.

And it was completed without any incident.


On the way back from Village Three, I talked to Jack, the acting village chief of Village One.

I asked him if Village One needs a pool too.

No no no, I’m not saying that you must have one.

I’m just asking.

「We can always use the pool in Big Tree Village. Besides, the children are still too young.」

They are afraid of accidents if there’s a pool in the village.

I see.

That is indeed something to consider.

The kuros and the spiderlings who are guarding the village are also basically watching for attacks of monsters and demon beasts from the outside rather than securing the inside of the village.

The children are watched by those who are available in the village so……a pool might be dangerous.


What the village needs is one of those plastic pools and not a big pool.

Since we can’t get vinyl here, perhaps we can use……boards to build a pool?

No, that would be difficult.


A small floating garden that can also be used as aquariums.

I’ll ask Loo to distribute one of those aquariums to Shashaato City and each of the villages.

Yeah, each village.

Village Two and Village Three both have used reward medals so we can’t just give Village One one for free.

No, it’s not like they necessarily need to use it as a pool.

Let’s hope that each village will use it in various ways.


When I asked Loo for more water tanks/aquariums, she said we have more than planned.

「I thought maybe we’ll need them.」


As expected of Loo!


So, what made you think we’ll need them?

「An aquarium is basically a fish cage. The maids even requested to add more.」

Ah, I see.

Then, can you give the oni maids more too?

「I’ve prepared them expecting you’ll request some like this.」

Sorry, and thanks.

「It’s alright. You can return the favor in the medicinal herb garden.」


Of course.

I’ve already prepared a new medicinal herb garden for you.


When I went to the royal capital to give an encouragement speech for the auction, I was shown some rare medicinal herbs.

「Eh? Eh? Eh? Rare? W-what kind of herb?」

Ah, I don’t remember the name of that medicinal herb.

It has a strange name.

The guy from the Dalfon Company said……it’s a rare medicinal herb that blooms in summer, the leaves and roots are used as medicine while the flowers are beautiful but poisonous.

「Sumer? Rare and leaves and roots are medicinal? N-n-no way, erigunger?」

I think the name was something like that.

「C-c-c-can I expect to find it in the medicinal garden now!」

S-seeing you so happy, I’m now afraid if I’m wrong.

「R-right. I should calm down.」

Yeah yeah.

「Where is that new medicinal herb garden?」


「I’ll check it out! Since it was planted by you, it should already be sprouting, right?」


It is.

「Let’s go!」


I had heard that the flowers were poisonous so the medicinal herb garden, which is around 20 by 20 meters, was built a short distance away from the village.

The medicinal herb seemed to be the erigunger that Loo wished for and she was quite pleased.

She was jumping in joy.

I’m glad she’s happy.

By the way, what does this herb do?



What’s wrong?

Why aren’t you responding?

She even stopped jumping around.

「Erigunger is universal.」

Is it?

That’s great then.

「Yes, it is. However, it can’t hold a candle against the leaves of the world tree……that’s why it’s called the substitute or degraded world tree leaf.」


Is that so?

「It is so. The leaves of the world tree are more potent than it in every way. Moreover, the leaves of the world tree are effective as they are while erigunger requires tedious preparation and procedures to be used as medicine. It takes at least a hundred days just to complete the medicine.」



I guess it’s not a very good herb……

「No, it is! This medicinal herb was the most important medicinal material after the fall of the world tree!」


「If you have a fresh one, you can get five gold coins from root to flower. Even in its dried state, it is a luxury item worth two gold coins! There were even people who spent their entire lives trying to cultivate erigunger.」

I-I see.

Did they manage to cultivate it?

「If they did, it won’t cost 5 gold coins for one.」


I heard that in the auction, the dried one’s starting price is four gold coins.

I look at the medicinal herb garden again.

There are erigunger flowers all over the place.

Perhaps this is the sight that those who set out to cultivate it wanted to see.

「It is inferior to the leaves of the world tree but that’s just because it’s wrong to compare it to it! From a pharmacist point of view, erigunger is a very important medicinal herb! It is so rare that not much research has been done on it but with this much of it, we can dream of surpassing the leaves of the world tree! Thank you, husband!」

I-I’m glad you’re pleased.

However, don’t keep it all to yourself.

If Tier or Flora want some, share them with them.

「I know, I know. Ah, can I send some to Ifrus School in Shashaato City?」

Of course, you can.

「Thanks! Fufufu, the medicine that can surpass the world tree has fallen into my hands. The history of pharmacy will move by leaps and bounds!」

I’m happy seeing Loo so happy. -0-

And before I forget, let’s distribute the floating gardens that will become aquariums or water tanks to each village.

Yeah, if we keep talking about medicinal herbs, we’re going to forget about it.



In addition to me who’s looking at the happy Loo, two of my escorts, Suaruriu and Suarukou, ask “Don’t you have anything for us to do? We’re going to do our best” as they look at me.



Let me tell you about the twin comedian skits I’ve seen on TV.

I’ll tell the two of them the skits they haven’t said yet.

It was reasonably well received on TV so it should be good.

Thus, Suaruriu and Suarukou both got new materials.


Later that day.

The angels had a good laugh.

It was nice to see the satisfied smiles of the two of them.


Suaruriu and Suarukou: From now on, our idols are the twin comedians that village chief talked about.

Suarurou: ……the day I’ll hold my grandchildren in my arms is still far away.

Raz Maria: Want to hold Roze Maria?

Suarurou: ……I do.


Loo: Erigunger needs to be processed using process A, B, (omitted), Y, and Z. Then, it will finally become a medicine.

Village Chief: yeah.

Loo: If it’s the leaf of the world tree, it is already a medicine as it is.

Village Chief: Y-yeah……

Loo: In addition, the leaf of the world tree is more effective than a processed erigunger medicine. It’s cheating, right!

Village Chief: Y-yeah. C-cheating


Guronde: When the topic about the world tree comes up, I feel a pain in my heart……

Girar: Think positive. Think positive

Oru: Bark(Who’s bullying mother?)

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