Isekai Ascension

EX-Ranked Unique Growth Skill, Truck-Kun’s Retribution

Chapter 4



|Roll (Lvl 2)|

Truck-kun just barely evaded a red slash aimed straight for his throat. “I guess that’s a hard no on the friendly cohabitation,” he muttered in a dire tone. Without wasting any more time on fruitless efforts, he skidded off the ground and dashed in a direction without savage humans. Yet, in every direction, there were more Night Howlers, their numbers seemingly endless. “C-Can’t you humans just leave me alone!?” He shouted frantically as he dodged and swerved multiple times a second. His figure transformed into some form of extremely flexible and highly reflexive blow-up man, with his life hanging on the edge.

How did things end up like this!? One second, he was having weird thoughts about a different kind of life that didn't involve ramming into people, and then the very next second, he was thrown into a faraway land with evil humans! Was this their way of getting revenge on him for all the times he smashed into them!? Did they want to kill him to soothe the hearts of those who had been truck-kunned!?

“I-I am sorry, friends!” Truck-kun shouted at the top of his lungs while falling and tumbling all over the place. As his body crashed through a store brick wall that was just broken down, his voice turned genuinely apologetic as snot ran down his face. “I-I didn't want to hit any of your fellow humans, but I didn't have a choice! Th-The only thing I could do was sit within my own body, watching as I viciously rammed into your kind and many other species! F-For that, I am sorry… I am sorry that I couldn't stop myself from splattering your bodies across the ground…!”



Several red slashes glided through the air and crashed into a brick building that Truck-kun was fleeing under. The building exploded into many pieces, with all of the chunks flying overhead, a few of which hit him and caused his head to bleed.

Then, as if that were the prerequisite for something fantastical, the emotionless robotic voice resounded, saying:

[Ding! You have received the EX-Ranked Unique Growth Skill ‘Truck-kun’s Retribution’]

[It grants the user the ability to convert all damage dealt to him into blank stat points, which can be allocated to the user however he so pleases.]

[10,000% increased All-form Damage Resistance]

[1,000% increased Experience]

[1,000% increased Defense]

[500% increased Strength]

[500% increased Agility]

[500% increased Intelligence]

[All permanent boosts are being applied to the Host!]

“That voice again!?” Truck-kun’s eyes widened as he realized that he was pushed to a dead end, with dozens of Night Howlers leaping at him with sharpened claws. “What do I do!?” Suddenly, in his deepest point of despair, he recalled what that mysterious voice had said. “Defense and Damage Resistance — does that mean I can better take hits!?”

As ironic as it was, the one being in existence who knew how to dish out hits the best was given the ability to resist them. With this realization dawning on him, Truck-kun threw up his hands and protected his face and a few of his vital points. He just hoped that the voice was not lying when it said what it did!

‘Please work! Please work!’ He chanted inside his head, eyes shut tight. After a few seconds of shaking in trepidation, he realized that nothing was happening.

He didn't feel pain… There was a slight itch over a few parts of his body, but other than that…

“Have they even started attacking me yet?” Truck-kun asked as he blinked his eyes a couple times before fully prying them open. To his utter dumbfoundment, he saw dozens of those monstrous Night Howler clawing and gnawing away at his face and body. Yet, even with their full power, they were unable to do much more than create slightly irritating scratchiness. Annoyed, Truck-kun forehead veins bulged as he threw up his metal crowbar and smacked the Night Howler latched onto his head with its gaping mouth.


Completely out of expectations, the Night Howler’s lower jaw caved in under a slow motion effect as it was sent spiraling through the air before ultimately crashing into the third floor of a nearby shop building. Half its upper body was crushed, and its brain juices oozed out of the large hole in its head. Shocked beyond belief, Truck-kun stood below the building and looked at the dead Night Howler, then at his hand, before repeatedly flipping his gaze between the two.

Suddenly, all color left his face. “Oh no!!” He screamed out as he collapsed to his knees, with the Night Howlers still gnawing on his body. “I killed the human! It seems hitting them wasn't enough for my lousy existence! I just had to go and lose my temper, accidently killing that poor, confused human—”

[Ding! You have killed a Lvl 5 Night Howler and obtained 800 EXP!]

[Ding! You have leveled up!]

[Ding! You have leveled up!]

[Ding! You have leveled up!]

[Ding! You have…]

[Ding! You have reached Lvl 4!]

[Ding! You have leveled up from ‘Lvl 1’ → ‘Lvl 4,’ subsequently causing you to receive 1 Stat Point in each of your main attributes for each Level Up!]

[You have also obtained 2 Blank Attribute Points per Level Up, meaning that you now have 6 Blank Attribute Points or 6 BP for short!]


Truck-kun felt a wave of power wash over him as his distraught expression over the death of a ‘human’ morphed into a surprised one.

“I didn't kill a human, but instead a Night Howler!?” He shouted in delight, but at the same time, in sadness. Even though he had not killed a human, which was his prime target for ramming, another life had been taken. Simply put, his track record grew once more, and that shook him into an inexplicable state.

In this new, unfamiliar place, everything wanted to kill him. As such, was it not fair game that he killed them to defend himself?

Even if it were a human that was after his life, Truck-kun would have no choice but to kill it if he wished to survive. He didn't know why he wanted to survive or what life really even meant yet, but what he did know was that he didn't want to return to the way that things once wore.

He wanted to continue feeling, to continue seeing and tasting, to continue living.

In that moment, Truck-kun developed a genuine will to live. He wanted to experience more things, see more stuff, and maybe even try out a… sword.

But for now, there were some annoyances that had to be dealt with. Even though their slight itches had been reduced to nothing, they were still preventing him from seeing this new world of his. As such, they had to… die.


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