Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 72: Monster Horde #2

Nyamo : Gaart!! I am hungry nyaa!! hachu~!!

Gart : bear with it for a while, we have to ready ourselves to fight now.

As Nyamo and Gart bantering, all of a sudden, a group of town guards lead by a blonde elf woman wearing a feminine full-body armor that had a heroic aura strongly surrounding her, suddenly appeared and head toward the gate direction. She is Elizabeth, the Federic House butler as well as the hidden powerhouse within this town that not many people know.

The Guards group stopped before the gate as they stand still waiting for Elizabeth's order.

Elizabeth : All guards wait here! 

After she gave her command, she walked toward the group of people where Guildmaster Harminton and the others standing

Elizabeth : Good afternoon, SwordSaint Harmint sir~ may I ask, if the adventurers are ready to assist us to deal with the impending monster army?

Harminton : Ghahahah!! Eliz, long time no see~ you still stiff as ever eh? of course, we already issued special quest! with the reward that Federic house provides, I guess that rowdy bunch will come for sure Ghahahahaha! speaking of the devil~ see? they are already here

Harminton pointed in a direction with his chin. Elizabeth who saw his gesture turned her head toward the direction where Harminton pointing into.

Upon turning her head, the scene of a small army of adventurer rowdily moving toward the gate greeted her eyes. Elizabeth, who saw this scene, relaxes her expression before gazed gratefully at Harminton in front of her.


As the adventurer arrived at the gate, all of a sudden a group of wyvern leads by majestic giant black iron skin wyvern suddenly appear from the sky right above the town!

Murmur* murmur*

Adventurer A : W-What the hell did that "thing" suddenly appear above the Arkhaim town sky?!!!

Advanturer B : H-hey.. did you guys see it properly? why its appearance the same as the Lord Rank Monster I saw in the bestiary inside the guild before?!

Adventurer C : Because it is! you idiot bastard!

Adveturer B : who did you call idiot?! your mom is idiot! this idiot!!

Adventurer D : stop fighting among yourself and prepare your weapon these idiots!!

Adventurer B : You are the one who idiot! your whole family is idiots!!

Adventurer D : How old are you? really...



murmur* murmur*

While the adventurer started to gasp and perplexed... as well as doing the childish fight.

Meanwhile, at the same time in the Harminton and the others place

Harminton : Huhh?!!! it can't be!! Lord Class Rank, the Iron Blood Wyverns!!! how it can be here!! Gart!! what is the meaning of this! you said that the Iron Blood Wyverns already dead, but why is it here now?!!

Gart : I-I don't know, w-we just find the traces of its battling with something, I saw a lot of its scale already splattered around the ground but somehow we c-couldn't find its body, that's why I just speculated that maybe its already dead, Guildmaster! I already write it in the report before, it stated "50% possibly already death!" did you read it carefully?!!

Harminton : Right! is not that important now, we should prepare for the battles with this thing first!

Gart : Guildmaster! stop changing the conversation! sigh... it's not the time for this, guys! prepare your weapon! when I give you the signal, lure those things outside the town and if possible lured it toward the monster horde direction and make them fight each other! are you clear?!

Alexa/Damian/Goro/Kurt : Ha!

All of sudden, Elizabeth, who just trembled in fear with a shocked expression, since the group of wyverns suddenly appear all this time, changed her expression greatly after seemingly realized that there're peoples riding at each wyvern's back!

She stopped trembling and focusing her eyes on that peoples, but before she could focus her eyes more, a petite cat-eared girl near her shouted the word that made her doubt herself more!

Nyamo : Munyaaaa!!!!! I see a lot of people silhouette riding above the wyverns mnyaaaa!!! emnya?! Dragon Rider nyaaa!!! COOOLLL!! Gasps* W-wait mnyaa! T-this smell! I-its CRINGE KING ALEX NYA!!! He rides the Black Wyvern Nyaaaa!!!! Nyahahahahat!!! Cringe King Alex!!! I will call you Cringe Immortal Dragon Rider Alex for now on Nya!!! Nyahahahahat!!! huh? I stop sneezing nyaa?! nyahahahahat!!! as expected of the Cringe Immortal Dragon Rider Alex NYyyaaa!!!

??? : T-This Brat!!! H-How did you know!!! I-it's Impossible!!!

All of sudden a strong shocking voice with a hint of disbelief in it reverberated throughout the town and made the building and the ground slightly trembled! 

Upon hearing the voice that sourced from seemingly a young man above the Black Wyvern back, Elizabeth gasped in shock before opened her mouth in disbelieve

Elizabeth : Alex?! is that really you?!!

Not only her but also all the people around her started reacting after hearing these male voices!

Harminton : Ooooohh!!! is that the super rookies? Ghaha-hh? eh?..... T-this!! G-grandmaster power level presence!! it can't be!!

Grat : G-Guildmaster?!!! what are you talking about?! it can't be... but this aura...

Anna : this presence... is the same or maybe stronger than the S class lesser dragon I met before...

Anni : ..... is he the one who killed "that" bastard?....

Alexa : ...was he one of the dragon race descendants? but it's quite impossible... I heard they already stopped mating with other races in these recent 200 years after all...

Goro : hmm... should I tell this news to father? with this Nyamo marriage partner is settled! ghohoho

Kurt : Sigh... I think the rumor about him slaying the orc king is not a bull. what do you think Damian?

Damian : I could feel the goddess aura coming from him ever since the first time we met. It's an unfamiliar aura that I never felt before when I do my prayer in the church... I thought its just my illusion... but after seeing his growth speed, maybe he was one of the "blessed one"?

Tom : T-that smelly brat! he became an admirable man within these few days! or maybe he just hiding his identity before? but... to even shocked the Swordsaint Harmint.. it seems this town is saved now... anyway, with just that wyverns army under him we didn't have to afraid the monster horde anymore.

Guard A : D-did you mean he was the brat that came to this town a few days before?!





At the same time the Harminton, Galiust Sword, Elizabeth, Tom, and Guard A discussing their own respective thought, Meanwhile, in the rowdy adventurer bunch, the discussion became heated after seeing the one riding the Lord Class monster was the infamous personage they tried to avoid the most all this time!

Adventurer B : You guys' all family are idiots!! your grandpa is idiot! your grandma is idiot!! your Ancestors is idiots!!!!!!!!!!

Adventurer D : someone! please shut this bastard up, please!!

Adventurer A : Ignored him, maybe he just want to escape the reality, anyway, did you guys heard? the lady there said the one who rides the Lord Class wyvern is "Him"!! that guy... maybe it's not just beginner luck when he said he slew the orc king?!

Adveturer C : I know right! but still... is it possible, for... you know, people with a disease like that to slay the orc king?

Adventurer D : the disease aside, the aura that comes from him is the same, no! It's even stronger than Mithril rank adventurer I ever met before!

Adventurer B : hey? Are you an idiot? it's impossible for that Cringe King can be that strong, as expected, you are an idiot, your who- GHa!

Before Adventure B could speak more, Adventurer D hit his head with a hammer all of a sudden.

Adventurer D : Annoying bastard! Anyway, what you guys think? is that Alex we are talking about. his growth speed is too tremendous! I suspect he is one of that Unique skill wielder

Adventurer C : ...

Adventurer A : .....



As such, The Adventurer group continued their discussion about the depth strength that Cringe King Alex had







Meanwhile, In the sky above the town, a handsome black-haired young man wearing a black jacket and shorts pants with a sneaker on his feet above the Lord Rank Class, the Iron Blood Wyvern's back, looking at the Harminton and others direction.

Especially, for some reason, his gaze somehow focussed on the petite cat-eared girl who just shouting his ridiculous name that was supposed to be known only by him.

Behind him, Chali who still embracing him from his back watched this sudden situation amusingly as she started teasing him playfully

Chali : huhuhu~ it seems master Immortal Dragon became very~ well known soon~

Alex, who heard her teasing helplessly sighed

Alex : Sigh... that Nyamo... I wonder how could she know.. but looking at her expression, she seems just spewing out random names unconsciously... what a terrifying girl...

While Alex and Chali still leisurely chit-chatting around, all of a sudden, a wyvern flew closer beside Sable(The iron Blood Wyvern) that he rides.

Above the wyvern, a silver-haired mature woman, that wore Alex old armor, the Night Stalker, shouted toward Alex

Silvia : Master, do we go straight to the monster horde or landed at the Elizabeth location first?

Alex : hmm.. I think it'll be better if we go straight to the monster horde, you know, it's time for EXP fest after all!! the more monster we hunt the more we level up!

Hearing the "EXP-fest" from Alex mouth, Silvi- no, it's just not her. but all the woman in Silver Wolf who ride their respective wyvern as well as Chali behind Alex, shined their eyes in excitement! if you looked closely at it, you could see their eyes became green as it tinted with desire! yes! to the people of this world, level up means to get more power!

But for some reason, Silvia expression changed once again after a moment, somehow, she looked troubled for some reason. She hesitated for a while before chose to tell her to worry to her master, Alex

Silvia : Master, is that really okay? I wonder how will lady Elizabeth reacted if we suddenly attack the monster without telling her, looking at the town guards that she brought, she seems already make a strategy to deal with the monster horde after all...

Alex touched his chin for a while before smirking. he gazed at Silvi who riding the wyvern not far beside him before opening his mouth

Alex : it's simple, we just have to tell her now...


Hey! Elizabeth!! we will deal with the monster horde right now! if you want to get experience, you better hurry! don't cry later if there are only a few monsters left!!! ADIOS!!


Silver Wolf!!! Assemble!!



With his message to Elizabeth reverberated throughout the sky as it echoed to the ground below him, Alex continued to command his force and led them to fly toward the monster horde direction in his horizon!


The excited screams of many wyverns echoed majestically in the sky as it reverberated to the whole town below them!

With this majestic intriguing Wyverns scream, even the commoner that hide in their shelters started coming out one by one before started making commotion after seeing a group of more than wyverns with people riding its back flew in an orderly manner!

Elizabeth : A-ALEX T-this Bastaaaaaardd!!!!!! don't be reckless!!

before long, Elizabeth's shocked voice could be heard, but since Alex already far away, he seems couldn't hear it properly- more precisely, he didn't bother to hear it and continued to fly toward the monster horde direction!



At this time, Elizabeth didn't know that her intimate way of calling Alex made the people around the town start spreading a rumor about the Federic house and the infamous Cringe Immortal Dragon King, Alex relationship!

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