Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 69: So What?

I sat silently at the top of the expensive carriage and watching the scene in the ground with an unassuming expression.

In front of my eyes, I saw a scene that could make ordinary people vomit when they see it. 


The loser duke son Piter a.k.a the dog bastard, screamed in pain as his skin on his back being peeled little by little with a dagger by one of the silver wolf members. yes! I brought 5 of the other silver wolf member with me when I teleported around this area.

Anyway, the woman seems unleashed her grudge toward this loser bastard after hearing he was the one behind the suffering that they experienced before.

'even so, the people in this world are really brutal! if you guys think that I calm while seeing this scene, you're totally wrong!! It's just my gore resistance that does the work, as for myself? hell no! an itchy and tingling weird sensation could be felt on my back as I looking at that dog! but as their leader, I have to calm myself and observed what they're doing silently.'

'Sigh... is this what people call "you reap what you sow"? or "karma is real, bitch!" whichever is it, but this duke son have to pay the price after playing with people lives after all~'

Enough with this loser.

[So, did you already finish adjusting yourself with your new strength? how is it? it's quite decent practice "bag", right?]

I looked at Chali who suddenly appeared behind me. I could see her majestic Wolfish appearances started to revert back to her human form slowly as she took her breath heavily. 

'It looks she moved her body a lot.'

[Ah~, he has quite decent strength and has quite good mastery in many weapons, as expected of a Unique skill wielder. Nevertheless, thanks to him, I could control my strength better, huhuhu~]

She continued after calmed her breathing more

[For now, I think it's Silvi's turn to beat him up, I didn't know if he could last for long though~ Ah! she's done already, did I drained his power too much?]

I turned my head and saw Silvi dragging a beaten up man roughly like garbage to the front of the carriage that I sat down. For some reason, she has a sour and disappointed expression on her face as she dragging the man body

[What's with that sour face for, Silvi? did you not beaten him enough?]

[Young Master, his power already plummeted down to the bottom when it's my turn to train... Lady Chali seems drained his strength too far and left him barely alive...]

After hearing her word I moved my gaze toward the beaten-up man, Yes! he is the one that interjected my speech before. After choked him for a while, I sobered up from that "guy" who suddenly snapped.

'huhft.. I think with my growing strength I can slightly control it better'

After sobering up, I decided to hold my anger back as its kinda wasteful if I just killed him as it is, so I gave him a choice where he should defeat Chali or Silvi if he wanted me to spare his life, after hearing the condition, he seems to raise his spirit up and came back to life again...


'But... Looking at his appearance now, I doubt that he was the same proud man from before...'

[groan..i-impossible.. this genius me, couldn't be losing to some weak woman... y-yeah this is a dream! mwhahah-hahah hahaha ahhahahah this just a dream mwahahah I will wake up soon and this nightmare will gone soon mwhaha-hahah hahah]

'Sigh... it seems he was already broken.'

'These women, how strong are they after being enhanced by my skill! let's checked their status!'


name : Chaliope

Age : 36

Job : Beast Fighter

race : Werewolf

Lv 35

HP : A

MP : S




Skill : Descendant of the Moon III[Uncommon], Beast Transformation II[Uncommon], HP Up Medium[Uncommon], Fist Art Mastery III[Common], Block II[Common], Regeneration I[Common]

slot: Dragonkin III[Unique] Lord Class Monster[Unique] Sky Monarch I[Unique] Absolute Stealth IV[Unique] Herculean Strength[Rare]


[Silvia Salvatore]

Name : Silvia Salvatore

Age : 42

Job : Thief (ArchAssassin)

Race : Night Elf (Cursed)

Lv 64

HP : A

MP : S




Skill : ShortSword Mastery VII[Rare] Swift Step VI[Rare] Dual Wielding V[Rare] Cutlass Master[Rare] Critical Strike V[Uncommon] Assassination IV[Uncommon] Shadow Movement IV[Uncommon] Invisibility III[Rare] AGI Up large[Uncommon] Attack Speed Boost large[Uncommon] Scout III[Uncommon] Steal III[Uncommon] Etiquette II[Common]

Dragonkin III[Unique] Sky Monarch I[Unique] Absolute Stealth IV[Unique] [__] [__]

'Eh?... Right!! It's because of my Immortal Bloodline skill! It seems the Otherwolder appraisal affected by it too, somehow! or maybe... at the grandmaster level, the number became nothing? or is this some sign that the world system couldn't count my status abnormality again? and Silvi, as expected she is not a human, hey! why i just not appraised her before to check her race?! sigh, stop thinking about this for now... anyway, I don't care about whatever her race is... as long as they are my type mwehehehe~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Right! Let's checked my status too while I am at it... with this rating system, somehow I became blurry as to what extend is A,B,C rank is..'

Status Open!


Name : Alex

Age : 26

Job : Magic Swordsman

Titles : [Otherworlder] [Warlord Class] [Superhuman] [Puhi Slayer] [Become The one with mana] [Magic swordsmen] [Loved by Thunder] [Embraced by Coldness] [Legendary] [Immortal] 

Lv 19

HP : S








Item : - (mortal Item can't affect your status anymore)

Skill :

Active : Online Shopping I[Mythical] Absolute Copy V(Locked)[Legendary] Swordmaster Sensitivity[Unique +] Slash VIII[Rare] Illusive Step VI[Rare] Combat Enhancement III[Rare] Ice Armor [Rare] Lightning Strike [Rare] 

Passive : Immortal Bloodline[Legendary+](semi) Sword Qi[Unique +](semi) Heavy Sword Expert[Rare] STR up large[Uncommon] ATK Boost large[Uncommon] Taming[Uncommon] Otherwolder [???]

Mastery : Sword Mastery VIII[Rare]

Magic : Space&Time Magic (max)[Unique] Blood Magic V[Unique] Lightning Magic VIII[Rare] Fire Magic VI[Rare]

skill slot : Magic Eye[Unique+] WarLord Class Being[Unique+] Sky monarch V[Unique] Dragon Breath I[Unique] Storm Incarnation[Unique] [__] [__] [__] [__] [__]

Otherwolder [???] (+) [- [select to look Detailed information]

Rating :

] SSS = God level [HP/MP 100 mil +] (immortal)

] SS = Demigod/Hero level [HP/MP 15 mil ~ 100 mil] (immortal)

] S = Grandmaster level [HP/MP 500k ~ 15 mil.] (mortal)

] A = Saint level (mortal)

] B = Master level (mortal)

] C ~ F = Ordinary Mortal level

After checking my own status, Somehow the notification explained to me about the new rating system. 

'As expected, the Grandmaster upward has their number become ridiculous, so the world system using the rating system to make it easier... it seems my MP already reached the demigod level... but to increase to the God level, I wonder how many passive skills should I copy?'

'Nevertheless, Chali and Silvi power already reach Saint-level even their MP reach the Grandmaster level! I didn't know that 10% of my stat could enhance them a lot!'

[HAha hahah haha]

Hearing the crazed laughter of the beaten-up man, I sobered up from the tranced state and gazed at the man who already has his mind broke. 

'Sigh... this noble son really weak-minded. I didn't know that I could get useful information from him or not now after he was in this state'

[Young Master, what do we do with this expensive staff "Zeeus Eye"? I suggest we sold this magic tool to the black market. for your information, this tool is very expensive as it has the same price as a city if we sold it normally. but it still fetches a large sum even if we sell this to the black market. maybe we could get around 100 million Rham.]

All of a sudden, Silvi took out the weird staff that once belonged to the crazed man. after hearing its price, I became flabbergasted and look at the weird staff dumbfoundedly. I decided to appraise the weird staff after became intrigued about how could this thing had a ridiculous price?!

[Item] [Magic tool]

(Zeeus eye) [Epic]


Type: Support Item

Skill : Sky God Perception[Unique +]

Sky God Perception : After activation, radiated magic power wave that could detect any Stealth Unit that has their Stealth Skill activated [up to Unique rating]

'So, the magic power wave I feel before is originated from this staff? Luckily I could detect its wave with my Magic eye skill before! come to think of it, did my Illusive barrier skill considered a stealth skill? anyway, since it uses magic energy, I could use my Space&time magic to cancel it somehow.


Right! this is not important now!! this item has a skill slot!! so! maybe I could copy this unique rating skill?!! AH!!! I just recalled that my absolute copy is still hibernating...


Let's keep this item for a while, and try my speculation after the Absolute Copy finished consolidate its rating.'

[Silvi, I think we should keep that thing for ourselves as I planned to do something with that staff]

[As Young master wish~]

Silvi nodded her head in affirmation and tried to give me the staff but stopped after a while. She looked at the crazed beaten up man in her hand for a while before looking at me inquiringly

[Young Master, what should we do with this guy? I think we should just kill him... I doubt we could get any useful information from him]

[[Fra-Franklin Y-young Master! YOU!!!]]

After hearing that we going to kill their young master the Five knights who had their limbs broken and paralyzed in the ground started shouting hurriedly as their eyes gazed at me venomously.

'Huh? did they already woke up?'

I decided to ignore this losing dog and gave a killing signal by moving my thumb across my neck to Silvi as I looking at the 5 knights coldly

Looking at my signal, Silvi draw her cutlass before beheading the crazed Duke Son without hesitation!




All the knights became pale after seeing their young master's head tumbled and rolling into the ground. they looked dazedly at their young master body that flinched for awhile before stopped moving lifelessly forever.

One of the knights sobered up before gazed at me with hatred as he opened his bruised mouth



Before he could finish his sentence, I used the Sword Qi and control it to penetrated his dirty mouth before made his head exploded! Looking at this scene, the other 4 knights flinched before trembling in fear

I, who still sat leisurely on the top of my carriage looking at the four of them as I answering the knight that just die, threat

[So what?]

'Like I care with something like that. he and his family was the one who trying to touch my women first anyway... sigh... somehow, I became more cold blooded along the time, since I came to this world... it can't be helped, if you working with violence and corpses often, your mind could be easily twisted after all... I wonder is a good thing or a bad thing for me...'


I sighed tiredly after having this thought in my mind...

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