Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 52: Silvia Salvatore

My name is Silvia Salvatore, even though I looked like a human, my race actually is Night Elves.

We the Night Elves were one of the almost extinct races in this world. Our Ancestor told us that we used to live in the Southern Continent, but since "The Sun Goddess Rage" incident more than 1000 years ago, the land there started to change and the climate became hotter, the Biggest fertile land in Southern Continent hit by drought and almost made all the fertile land changed to a desert.

After a long time, the dweller of the South Continent started the war for their survival.

The people from different races started waging war to seizure Oasis that rarely formed in the wide Desert.

As the elf races, we excel at the forest terrain and not at the desert. furthermore, the Night Elf race ability that increased our status in the night and blending with the night to became invisible, heavily influenced by the desert terrain and rendered it became useless, the desert couldn't cover our invisible body like the forest did, and the cold desert night made our combat capability plummeted sharply as the cold temperature that almost freeze up our blood, what its the use of increase stat if we couldn't fight properly because of the cold?

In the end, Our Ancestor chooses to flee the Southern Continent a.k.a Atlanticcana Continent as the Southern Continent well known for its archipelago. I asked my grandfather who told me the story why we just didn't move to another island? the grandfather just smiled at me gently.

Later that I know, when I grow up and heard about the Southern Continent in more detail, I know what grandpa smile means.. the Archipelago is famous as the Spice Island, in there, dwell an incredibly and mysterious strong people called Pandekar. The rumor said they are battle maniac that has weird combat technique and strange mysterious way to fight, somehow they never relied on the status that this world provided and always fought with brute power and sharp technique, some people said, if you wanted to become a real powerhouse you have to go there once...

Anyway, I will continue my Grandfather's story, in sort, Our race used the elder ability to crossed the Death Sea that split the four continents apart in the middle.

The four continent is, The Southern Continent Atlanticcana in the South, The Western Continent Guilmoreth in the West, The Northern Continent Arckanian in the North, and The Eastern Continent Wuxialong Continent in the East, somehow the east continent is the most mysterious continent, I heard some rumor the people there didn't believe in the goddess and choose to cultivate their own martial arts... its almost the same as Pandekar, which one is stronger? no one knows as they were a group of mysterious people after all. anyway, the Archipelago is one of the Deadliest places in this world.

We used our Artifact the Black Siren's Ship that only the Elder could control to cross and sailed in the Death Sea.

the Death sea, a famed Sea that rumored as the dwelling place of the cursed Devil Race, the mortal enemy of the goddesses. The legend said the goddess trapped the immortal devil in the Death Sea and made a countless tier of hell to torture them forever, but somehow they could resist the hellish environment and adapt themselves there before made Hell as their habitat instead.... what terrifying race... but I didn't know why they didn't escape from there? or maybe they just couldn't escape from there...

Anyway, The Devil Race is different from the Demon race, as the Devils were an immortal race meanwhile the demon race just an ordinary mortal race.

We back to the grandpa story...

During the terrible journey on the Dead Sea, Our Ancestors faced trials and hell.

The cursed Mermaid that had the average power as Master of Sword inhabited the wide Death Sea, they are just small fries in there but already had that kind level of power, until now, the stories about the Death Sea still chilling my body and freeze my blood if I remembered how my grandpa told me about it dreadfulness, the hideous Kraken, and the gigantic Dark Whales fishmans, its all has the power of SS rank class Monster and its littering around there like an ordinary monster....

Maybe if our Ancestor didn't have The Black Siren's Ship our race already Extinct since along time ago... but, Our race could cross and sailed the Death sea wasn't for free! Because of the Red Moon that only happened once in 100 years, Our race inflicted by the Immortal Devil Curse that weakened us from the roots! Our dark blue skin became pale white while our dark blue navy hair became silver, the long lifespan that our race characteristic had, became short like a human.

We paid a terribly huge price by sailing and crossing the Death sea.. my grandpa always lamented that the Goddess of the Moon abandoned us because we gave up our home and stopped protecting the Moon wells. But I never thought that it was the case.. maybe we just being unlucky that day, Anyway, I still believe in the Moon Goddess virtue.

I never blamed our ancestors as its a very difficult choice at that time after all. it's about faith or our lineage? It's really hard for the religious Night Elves to make a choice in that situation.

That's my race history, and it happened a long time ago. The night elves could cross the Death Sea and we somehow survived it this west Guilmoreth Continent.

Somehow our races choose to blend with the human races and now in decline because we had a short lifespan, as you already know, we elven race is infertile in the first place, I didn't know how many Night elves family was still outside there as I came from commoner family in the first place.

Anyway, what about my own history? I just used to be a normal housewife that lived happily with my husband. My husband has a rare job called Shaman, in our night elves history, its job that could enhance our strength by drawing tattoos on our body. yes... the tattoo on my and the other Silver Wolf body was drawn by him...

If you imbued MP to the tattoos our battle power could significantly be increased. that's why he enhanced me and the other Silver Wolf with tattoos that he drew in the first place. don't get my husband wrong, he just tattooed them in visible places while mine... guhun~ lets back to my story..

Somehow our village that located in the southern border area in the Baltimore empire became more unstable, since the conflict between the two countries started escalating, our village affected a lot and famine started attacking us, the villager sold one of their children to fill the other family member belly, even some shameless man sold his wife for some silvers.

My Husband, who have the same race as me still heavily influenced by the Moon Goddess virtue. even though I still hold that virtue strongly, but my husband was more reckless and never tolerated the injustice in front of him, its that charm that could make me agree to marry him in the first place so what could I do? as his wife I could only support beside him silently. he found out that some corrupted nobles never paid the harvests from our village and made these terrible situations, that's why the village chief always silent when we complained about the little copper the villager got after harvest sell and told the farmer to not complained if they still wanted to live.

Ah! since we get money from hunting, it's not affected us that highly.

But seeing the famine and desperate situation in the village, my husband couldn't let this situation continue and started consulting his plan with me. As we used to do some adventure together in the past before settled our marriage lives, I agreed to his proposal by started building an organization called Golden Serpent and fight with him together. It's the organization that helped the poor by stealing from the evil rich in a nutshell.

In the Night Elfs folklore, there was a story where the Golden Serpent Helped the Famished Fafnir Wolf by stealing the prey of the evil dark dragon to feed the Fafnir wolf, as Golden Serpent and Fafnir Wolf were told to be fated, companion.

In our folklore, The golden Serpent was the reincarnation of jormunngar the wingless immortal dragon, while Fafnir was the reincarnation of Fenrir, The Wolf of the apocalypse. these two is a companion that used to be mortal enemy, as the wingless dragon have a duty to defend the world while the Wolf of the apocalypse has the duty to destroy it. But somehow the Devil Garragal tried to control them and they ceased their grievances and became companions to defeat the Devil.

That's the source of the organization's name, the Golden Serpent.

The Golden Serpent organization run smoothly and we could help a lot of villages that affected by the war by stealing the treasure and golds of some greedy Nobles.

We make our Organization became famous and well known as the thief of justice, Thief of virtue, Noble thieves, etc. there is a lot of nicknames that people gave to us.

But the taller we climb the stronger the wind!

After we became famous and had a lot of members, somehow the information about my husband Shaman job leaked out and its invited the greedy nobles from The Baltimore Empire that used to ignore us, showing its fang and tried to kidnapped and used my husband power to enhance their military power.

We tried to move our base a lot of times to evade the bounty hunter, but it's not long before the situation became worse. the Capital nobles started moved their riches and hired a famous criminal that used to be Mithril Rank adventurer, Edward Athrast, the one-eyed Banshee.

He is a human who sold his soul to a Grand-duke Vampire Alucard De Maria. it seems he betrayed De Maria after getting his power from her and became a well-known criminal and bounty hunter. The rumor said he could still alive even after betraying the Grand-Duke was because the Grand-Duke De Maria used him to trained her hounds the Blood Servant and didn't kill him directly, but these playful attitudes of De Maria affected Golden Serpent a lot before made me lost my husband forever in the end.

He sacrifices himself to save me and the Other Golden Serpent member by using "the moon's tear", the forbidden ability that the Night Elves has. It used our soul and life essence as a catalyst to enhance our power greatly. if we used to be the Night Elves from the Ancestor Generation maybe it's not a big deal if we used it once as we had a long lifespan before, but in my generation of Night Elves is different.

We just have a short lifespan like a human. and as expected he traded his life to cripple Edward Athrast, I lost my husband while the enemy that killed my husband escaped successfully. at that time I really hated my powerlessness, I swore to myself to bear the burden my husband has and became stronger to avenge him!

I lead the Organization alone while searching the news about the one-eyed Banshee Edward Athrast for 3 years, but get nothing in the end. Edward Arthast vanished like air and the news about him couldn't be found anywhere, it's great if the Grand-Duke Alucard de Maria Blood Servants already killed him, but before I look at his corpse with my own eyes, I will not give up!

I planned to go to the Arshlan Dukedom but suddenly a traitor sold the organization that I and my husband build with blood and sweat to some Baltimore Empire Nobles bastard!! I will never forgive him!! I fought with the Oldman called Gorchef before he dirtily used underhanded mean by grabbed one of my subordinates as a hostage before someone used poison dart to paralyze my body from behind.

I lost my consciousness and saw myself already in miserable condition with a slave collar on my neck.

My heart suddenly crumbled, the death of my husband, My revenge to kill Edward Athrast, all gone like smoke, even I didn't know what my future would be from now on after all.

Before long the traitor treacherous bastard Eric told me about the truth! about how he leaked the information about my husband's job, this bastard even dares to tarnish the Golden Serpent Organization by slaving and pillaging the village like a bandit! he used my female faithful subordinates as him and his lackey's toy!

Ohhh The Moon Goddess, I will forget about revenge I will stop doing this thievery as long as you give me a chance to tortured and killed that wretched man! I will be content!

I desperately holding the unbearable feeling to not losing my mind by focused my hatred toward that bastard Eric! I bear all the pain and wait! wait until the Moon Goddess granted my prayer! I still wanted to believe that the goddess didn't abandon me yet! she could abandon our race, but I never diminished my faith in her! at least.... somehow... please..... I desperately praying until my fated young man suddenly appeared out of nowhere. he was a young charming man, he was my savior that the Moon Goddess Sent to me! And he was my young master


[Miss Silvia- Miss Silvia what are you daydreaming about?]

The sound of the serene mature woman suddenly brought me back to reality, she was a mature beauty, the Chief of the young master people.

[Ah? no-nothing, I just remembered about my lives before coming here]

[Umu umu, I know that feeling really well.. after all, there is a lot of unbelievable thing in this young master place. The magic crystal-like bulb that could illuminate the house, the magical thing that showed a living person inside a slim box, the magic tool that could washing clothes by itself.... what is young master identity really? he is so young but already that strong and mysterious, his future is boundless... I feel really lucky to be one of his people right now~]

[Mmmm... He is really spectacular young man... if I was young maybe I would fall in love with him.. but I already an old unappealing lady.. anyway lets helped the others to build this yurt stuff, I don't know which part of the continent this language came from, but because of Young Master ability we somehow could understand it]

[Kunkunkun~ Miss Silvia, don't be discouraged, you see lady Chali that always together with master right? by looking at her, I wonder if you still not understand what Young Master taste of a woman is like? kunkunkun~]

I startled in surprise after hearing Sofia's words.. I realized it but I didn't want to admit it... after all... I still loved my former husband very much, isn't this betraying him?

[What are you hesitating for? It's one chance in a lifetime to meet a young charming person like Young Master you know? or maybe should I take my chance first? kunkunkun~ just don't regret it later okay?~ maybe Young Master will touch your subordinate first before laying his hand on you, right?~ kunkunkun~]

Sofia teased me while giggling charmingly with her unique Foxkin Laugh, It's not that all foxkin laughed like that, but they mostly used kon or kun in their speech or laugh, anyway! I couldn't let my subordinates sleep with Young Master! they already bear the hardship violated by their former comrades, I am sure it would hurt their mind more than anything, I couldn't let them suffer more, should I sacrifice my self and made young master satisfied, as long as young master satisfied with my body, I believed he wouldn't touch my subordinates.... maybe...

I walked weakly side by side with Sofia, we started helping the others to build their temporary yurt.

Far from us, I could see Young Master started building something like a tower with a big propeller at fast speed, Lady Chali said its master side job skill.... Young master, what kind of person you will be in the future.. ah... I cannot... I cannot betray my husband... but... but... I couldn't let my comrades suffer again....

Husband..... What should I do...

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