Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 49: Maybe I Should Take Some Rest! #2

After getting the useful information from Silvi and pondered about it, I formed temporary speculation that there is a chance that all of this scheme is targeting Al.

I connected Eliz information that some Aristocrats from the Capital trying to erase the Federic house because they deemed the Federic House hinder their personal agenda to gather more political power, my speculation somehow strengthen with this Gorchef rambling about annihilate Guild Master Harminton, with the defeat of the guild master the powerhouse within Arkhaim city will be lessened.. but is that really it? I don't know why but with the Baltimore empire intervention and joining hand with the Duke.

It made me feel there is more "something" about this scheme, and I didn't know what it is, as I really didn't know actual shit about the Empire. or maybe is it the crown prince? I am not sure as I didn't see the political situation in there with my own eyes yet and the information about the Empire Chali provide wasn't that detailed in the first place... Anyway, let's not think about it yet and discuss this thing with Eliz later!

I finished pondering and called the 5 people and 1 child that choose to go to the viscountess house.

[You guys came here!]

They obediently came closer and looked at me with some expectation.

I amusingly looking at them before opened my mouth

[I will teleport you guys to Viscountess manor, so don't scream and tried to calm yourself during the process okay?]

They gasp after hearing me using teleportation skills to move them. their eyes widen in shock as their mouth hanging in disbelieving expression.

I ignore them and started activated my teleportation skill


the scenery around us suddenly distorted and started to stabilize before changing to a beautiful garden.

[Umu, it seems its already night outside, I wonder if Al will scold me after trespassing her manor without permission]

I murmuring while checking the surrounding beautiful garden that illuminated with some magic crystal, oh! yes! even tho this world didn't have electricity, some nobles use crystals imbued with magic power crafted by Alchemists to illuminate their house in the night.

Eliz asked about the lamp in the bedroom before that if its the same with magic crystal, but I just give her a smile and made her pouted in annoyance, hmph! did that fox think if she is acting cute I would tell her about it? too naive!

Mah... I told her that is one of my skills to her after that in the end.. it's not that I was weak-willed! but.. A-anyway it's not that I told her about it in detail!! yes! so it's safe..

[Sir Alex, please, no teleport suddenly, here!]

A stiff flat feminine voice suddenly echoed and brought me back from my trance state. I smiled at a beautiful woman wearing a maid dress that suddenly appeared out of nowhere and tried to greet her.. yes.. who was her name again? come to think of it I never know about the other two maids name except for Marie

[Name, Lucia...]

[Ah yes yes! nice to meet you, Miss Lucia! ah!->

I tried to tell her about my situation but after seeing the shocked people that I brought, I slapped one of the burly men back and sobered them up with the loud sound that came from it.


I looked at Lucia and told her about my quest subjugating the bandit without revealing any detailed thing, I just made it short that the people here forcefully became slaves because of the bandit, and they wish to meet Al as they were her unfortunate subjects in the first place.

[So that is the situation, I just delivered them here, it's up to Lady Alein now since I completed my duty. but I think Lady Alein is a trustworthy noble, after all, they seem to trust her a lot, right Lucia?~]

[Of course, Young Lady, never, abandoned her people!]

I nodded at her reaction, It was good that Lucia statement eased the 5 people a lot, the children? he still innocently looking around while wiped her snot with his hand. It's just a child after all... what you guys expect?

[Oh yeah, Miss Lucia could you call Eli- I mean Miss Elizabeth while you bring them to the manor later? I need to discuss a very important thing with her, told her I will wait for her here]

My eyes became serious, I leaked my strength aura unconsciously, oops it's bad, as expected a sudden gain of power is double edge sword... I need to consolidate my power to better control it later..

Seeing Lucia nodded after seeing my seriousness, she brought the peoples back with her to the manor silently.

I could see her shoulder trembled slightly from time to time... ughh... I am sorry I didn't mean too.... anyway..

I really want to tell this scheme thing to Alein too... but after that night incident, it's quite uncomfortable to talk with her... did I do it wrongly? maybe it's better if I not having sex with her that night... but I am a man and my libido at the highest at that time after all....

sigh.. lets not thinking it too much, what I should do now is taking my responsibility because of my action, I never thought of myself as a good person in the first place, you could call me trash or whatever, but seeing her in pain because of lust and let her be is worst than trash! and my principle is as long as a mature beautiful woman want to do it, I will take it without batting an eye! of course, if she is a bitch, she needs to be disciplined first ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), what? Do you guys think I am scum of the human being? I will say again! I never thought of myself as a good person in the first place! my motto is MILF for LIFE!

Straight up yourself Alex! what you have to do now is became a man that could take care of her and made her happy! and the asshole who plotted against my woman! I don't know who you are but just wait, I will make it 100 times worst for you!! I will steal all your woman and cut your manhood to end your wretched lineage forever!!

[Alex, what is it? Lucia said you have something important? then why did you become absentminded for?]

A beautiful intelligent blondie elven woman with glasses and wore a masculine butler suit walking leisurely towards me

[Eliz, ck! I like it more when you use your formal tone... sigh.. anyway it's a really important thing..]

[What is it?]

Trying to ignoring me eh? anyway, it isn't the time to flirting around, and with her character, she would only use her formal tone when we are only at a public place after all...

My face became serious before started to tell her about the information I got, and my speculation about someone targeting the Federic house.

I didn't forget to took out Gorchef Corpses and showed it to her. after hearing my story and information her face became serious, she gasps in disbelief after seeing Gorchef corpse and hurriedly took the corpse inside her storage bag, she grabbed my hand while looking at the surrounding area cautiously before dragged me to a more secluded place

[You! why you take the corpse so casually! never the less is a noble corpse!! do you want to die?]

[ck! why are you so cautious for? isn't this why I asked you to meet me here in the first place? I already checked the surrounding area and it's safe here after all]

[this reckless man! anyway, it's really serious! I need to discuss this with the young lady if this information is true...

to think Duke Grenfilts personally sending his former knight captain.... sigh... I am glad you found out about this soon... and the Baltimore Empire movement... haah...]

[Ah.. if you want to discuss it with Alein, discussed it yourself.. I decided to give her some time after looking at her expression that morning, and somehow it's quite awkward to discuss a serious thing with her if there is me there, I wonder that she will be focused on this situation, so it's better if you both discuss it by yourselves.

oh! and about that Duke greenfields or whatever! it seems his son is the one plotting about this with some of Baltimore empire dog, did he has some bad history with Al? or maybe he just wants to gain some merit to inherit the Duke title from his father?]

[Huh? Duke Grenfilts son? which one? wait-.... maybe it's his good for nothing son, the degenerate philanderer young masters from the Capital! Piter von Grenfilts! he is one of the young lady reckless pursuer who getting beat up by Young lady because he tried to rape her! he is a venomous man that always hold his grudge towards anyone that ever defy and humiliated him until the end! I am 99% sure its will be him if you said one of the Duke son is behind this scheme....]


without knowing I released a dangerous aura that surrounded the entire manor unconsciously! this is bad! I hold my annoyed feeling and tried to control my aura before made it disappear, ck! this lack of control... sigh.... anyway, its better if I leave here soon and discussed it in more detail later with Eliz and Al as Chali still waiting for me at the abandoned mine after all,

[Eliz, please get the information about this bastard Piter and Duke whatever greenfields for me, It will be better if you get their portraits, anyway I have to go, Chali is still waiting for me after all..]

Eliz tried to open her mouth but I already started to embrace and kissed her sexy mouth deeply before released her and waved my hands to bid goodbye with a smirk in my mouth, mwehehehe~ its taste like a cake, did she just eat the cakes that I gave her from before?

[Alex! you! sigh... anyway, I hope you could meet with Young lady later....]

[hohoho~ let's give her more time, don't forget your role, as her butler you should help her overcame this, anyway it's all because of you in the first place~]

[Sigh...., Young lady is still mad at me and always evades me, that's why I asked you to do it...]

I just gave her a light smile, before disappear and teleported back to the abandoned mine.

Before long I appeared in the room where Chali and Silvi still organize the people. mah... it's all women and children... I am happy and sad at the same time... I am happy because I could see some mature beautiful widow in the group, and sad because I wonder, if they could help me to build and developed my secret base to become larger and more productive... haahh... its quite conflicted

Seeing me suddenly appeared, Chali smile before approached me with a lighthearted feeling, I embraced her while looking at the people in front of me

[Did you guys already firmed your choice to follow me? I know maybe this sounds inappropriate after I save you guys from the bandit... but I want you guys to believe in me, you could see Chali's condition right? yes, she is my slave, but I never treated her as one. if you guys really want to follow me, this is the last test... let me register to be your master! if you want to back now, I will send you guys to viscountess manor like the 6 people from before..]

The Silver Wolf member didn't hesitate to walk towards me to register me as their master. Silvi that stand in front of me staring straight at my eyes firmly before opened her mouth

[Can we believe in you?]

I just gave her the most gentle smile I could muster, and she started closing her eyes before opening it with firm resolution.

I touched her slave collar to register her as my slave, with both parties' agreement I could register her safely without being branded with a criminal job. the other Silver Wolf members came to me one by one and before long all of them registered as my slaves.

Suddenly a beautiful mature woman with orange hair and has fluffy fox ears approached me from the former captives group. the group slightly hesitated after heard that they must register me as their master, but somehow they stop arguing and silently looking at the Fox woman.

It seems she is their leader. She sighs before looking at me with a serene expression

[We don't have a place to go back as we already lost everything... we also didn't have a man that protect us like the 2 women from before.... we didn't believe to any nobles anymore after hearing the one behind our misfortune is their kind... young master... please help us..]

Her eyes slightly red before she tried kneeling to the ground in front of me, I hurriedly hold her body to stop her action. and wiped her tears from her beautiful limpid eyes gently

[Leave it to me~]

I give her the most reassuring smile I could make to her before registered her and the others as my slaves, I leave the children as it is and not registered them.

I didn't know how to take out their collar, Hence, I just let it be for now and do it later in the future, I just need to grasp the adult as I need to make sure they not betray me after I brought them back to my hidden base.

There were too many secrets there, and it's necessary to register these women as my slave for my own protection. Of course, I wouldn't mistreat them, I gave them all the necessary things to live before trained them to suffice their need by themselves later.

I brought the people to exit the abandoned mine before whistled toward the sky, Sable and the other wyverns suddenly appear from the sky and made the peoples beside me and Chali trembled in fear, looking at this spectacle I sighed tiredly...

haaa..... Maybe I should take my rest after all.....

With this thought, I started to teleport them all to my hidden base.

There are 24 woman and 16 children, from the group of captives, 14 of them is a widow, while 10 of them is young adult, as for the children, 10 is a little girl and the other is a boy. their bright wide innocent's eyes is really cute... sigh... I didn't why, after looking at them, my shoulder became heavier, it seems I unconsciously regard them as my children now, and the feeling of responsibility pressed me hard after seeing their innocent eyes and smile...

Ah! there are still 25 women in the Silver Wolf, Sigh..... and it seems there are no bandits that escaped from the abandoned mine... so I overthinking it after all.....

as expected, I should take my rest...

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