Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 43: Uncontrollable Rage!!!

After resting for one day, we continued our journey toward the Almwaldo Village.

I Teleported the three of us to the checkpoint that we stopped yesterday. Since I landed Sable in the deserted and hidden place where no living-being was detected around it yesterday, I could teleport there at ease without worry about being found out by other people or living beings.

We Flew on Sable back until the afternoon before we almost arrived at the Almwaldo Village.

For some reason, I had this unsettled feeling when we're approaching closer toward the village direction. This Unsettled feeling became stronger after we're seeing a billowing smoke in the village direction from the sky.


[It seems we are late....]

I made Sable speeding up by signaling him with a light kick to check the situation there faster.

before long, I could see the village Silhouette from the sky that's already covered with smoke. Not only that, but I also smelled a dense bloody smell and burnt flesh from the sky, this smell became stronger and stronger as we flew closer to the village.

Upon arriving in the village vicinity, all of a sudden, I feel something like hitting my head hard and made me froze after I moved my eyes to the village below me from Sable's body.

Seeing the scene under me, my blood became cold and an indescribable feeling slowly swelled up inside my heart.


Not only me, but I could also feel Chali's face became very cold that even made the surrounding atmosphere around her heavy.

It couldn't be helped, after seeing the scene of carnage where the pile of the broken houses and corpses, which already charred and burnt strewn around the ground all over the village, if you're still had some little humanity inside your heart you would become cold and enraged!

The scene below us shown what kind of terrible and barbaric thing that happened in this place as it looked like what I described before, really happened in this village.

I could see uncompleted corpses of a humanoid being in terrible condition all over the places, some of it's already charred and burnt. 

After I observed it carefully, I realized that most of the corpses were men, and a few of them were women. looking at its slightly recognizable appearance, I found out that their ages varied from children to an elder.

Upon seeing the innocent children's corpses among them, suddenly, I felt my rage inside my heart exploded furiously!

I control Sable to land toward the ground before getting off from his body after descending near the corpses.

After I patted Sable's head with a heavy heart, I slowly headed toward the children's corpses who lied lifelessly in the ground not far from me with heavy steps.






As I shouted to vent my enraged heart, my eyes slowly redden from the anger feeling that started to enveloped my heart. Without knowing, the blue sky above me became darker and darker after covered by the dark clouds as the sound of thunder roaring inside it from time to time! within a few moments, the rain started to pour down from the dark clouds and slowly extinguished the lightly burning pile, corpses, and debris all over the village.

I never considered myself as a saint or a man of virtue that always upholding justice and some bullshit! but... but... even with this trashy personality... I still had some bottom line...

'And this ANIMAL-like bastard already passed the bottom line inside my conscience!!!'

I held my angered feeling inside my heart and crouching toward the ground where the corpses of the children lying around lifelessly before closing the children's corpses eyes one by one which still opened with disbelieving expression even after their death. From their expression, I could read the disbelieve, fear, and painful feelings that they have before they're slaughtered by the bandit.

After I finished closing their eyes, I stood up slowly as I gripped my palm so hard that it started bleeding...

'This world... is not the peaceful world like Earth I live before, maybe there is the same scene happened somewhere in some country where still had some conflict escalating everywhere on there... but I've never seen one myself...


But here, in this world... it's the first time for me to see a scene that drained my blood and angered me greatly, this angry feeling even erased the disgusting smell in this place that should have made me vomited!'

I lifted up my head and looked toward the raining dark clouds that already covered the sun as I slowly felt the rain that drenched my face and whole body. I could feel the cold rain slowly calming my burning rage and eased my nerves slightly.

As I started closing my eyes to feel the cold rain, without knowing, a warm feeling suddenly embraced me from behind...

[Master... you must've used to this scene, you have to strengthen your mind and never break at any terrible scene you've seen, you have to face it, this is the dark side of this world, it happened often, there is more worst than this scene somewhere as I speak now... So, I hope Master could adapt and be used to these dark scenes. I believe Master can do it...]

Chali embraced my body from behind and eased my almost broken rage a lot...


After a few moments, I slowly opened my eyes before looking at my bleeding palm silently and try to calm my burning rage that wriggled inside my heart.

Without speaking, I took out some wooden blocks that had the symbol of a dagger that I drew with a pen before. 

Without further ado, I checked and appraised them one by one and stopped after I found an Assassination IV that one of Al combat maids had.

Assassination IV [Uncommon] : the must-have Ability of assassin. able to track the target by enhancing the sense of smell, you will have the ability to differentiate the target smell and know the jobs as well as the gender of the target. the higher the level the detailed the information the wielder of the skill got. After activation, Erase your presence (Medium) and deal critical strike once, after successfully doing a surprise attack, consume 20MP/s.

After reading the skill description, I appraised and checked Chali copied skill slot one by one

slot: Dragonkin III[Unique] Lord Class Monster[Unique] Sky Monarch I[Unique] Absolute Stealth IV[Unique] Herculean Strength[Rare]

As there's no empty slot on it, I replaced her Sky Monarch I[Unique] skill to Assassination IV [Uncommon] and it became like this

slot: Dragonkin III[Unique] Lord Class Monster[Unique] Assassination IV [Uncommon] Absolute Stealth IV[Unique] Herculean Strength[Rare]

[Chali.. I already replace your flying skill with some tracking skill... could you help me trace these bastards' whereabouts ?]

Chali silently checking her status for a while. After confirming she had Assassination skill, she nodded toward me and started twitching her nose, and closed her eyes with a face full of concentration.

'It seems it's slightly difficult because the rain almost erased their smell, damn it!! sigh... I need more training and control my emotion better... should I do some yoga or meditation to calm my mind and stable my mental condition in any situation more in the future?'


After lamenting my lack of self-control for a while, I inhaled and exhaled the air from my lungs and calming the rage feeling inside my heart. 

With the dark cloud and thunder that slowly and slightly disappear, I could feel my heart started to cool down and control my rage better. the dark cloud it's still there a little but the rain and thunder already stopped. 

'As expected I can't erase this angry feeling at once, I have to vent it somewhere! and that's will be the bandits bastard!! I will kill and annihilate you all scum of human beings!!'

As I still busily calming my rage, Chali continued to concentrate before opening her beautiful and enchanting eyes all of a sudden. After a second, she looked at me and opened her mouth to speak

[Master I already identify the bandit smell, even though it's slightly faint it should be no problem if we trace it slowly from the ground, so master, it's unfortunate, but we couldn't trace them while flying with Sable in the sky...]

[it's no problem, we just trace them slowly.... they must pay for what they did in this village!!]

I patted Sable's head twice before he started flying and roaming to the sky above us.

[Sable! follow us from the sky and checking for any suspicious being that you found around us!]

After hearing my command, he started purring cutely in affirmation before flying around energetically.

[Chali let's go!]


She nodded her head and started walking while twitching her nose from time to time at the same time.

I paste the skill to Chali because as a werewolf race her sense of smell already stronger than mine, so, she could maximize the skill and used it more efficiently than me.

As we continued walking slowly, without knowing, we already left the village periphery.

Before long, Chali seems to smell the trace more clear as it's fastened our movement to track the bandits' trace. 

We passed by the forest and continued to the small rocky mountainous Area, its already 5 hours before Sable started purring excitedly and landed right beside me!

Upon hearing the information Sable passed to me telepathically, I realized that he seemed to find some suspicious people guarding the cave-like thing in the direction of the mountainous rocky Area.

Without further ado, I told about the information that Sable got to Chali.

After thinking about the information for a few seconds, she took out the information paper that Guildmaster gave us before. As I examined it silently, I found out that there's a simple map drawn in there about this area.

After realizing her action, I grasped what she's trying to do with it and decided to just wait silently beside her. After a while, Chali staring at me seriously before opening her mouth

[It seems there's some abandoned mine around the rocky area where Sable discovered, if Sable's information is really true then there's a chance they make their base in there~]

'Found them!'

A smirk suddenly appeared on my mouth and changed to a cruel smile after a few moments. 

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