Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 41: Preparation Before Special Quest (NSFW)

[Chali.. argh~]




[Mwaster~ your young strong cock is really gwoood~]

A while ago, I giving Chali love after moved by her beautiful appearance, Chali who already get a Dragonkin skill from me, got her appearance enhanced and became more beautiful~ 

Her body became more sexy and seductive, in my eyes, she became the most beautiful woman I ever met in my life now!

I just realized it when we were flirting on the balcony awhile ago, At that time, I started to embrace her and continued making out with her while I appreciated her beautiful figure in my heart-contented!

I brought her towards the shower in the bathroom while still making out and undressed her Along the way.

And that's what happened before we had the current situation now. At this time, I was banging her drenched mature pussy from behind under the hot shower.


Pa pa Pa!!

As I continued pounding her pussy from behind, the sound of flesh banging flash reverberated inside this narrow glasses shower!


sprararara* water sfx

The hot water that sprouted out from the shower, drenched our body that still connected and enhanced our love-making pleasure

Pa pa Pa!!


I grasped and relished on her drenched twin mountain peaks while inhale her aromatic body odor of that mature woman by kissing and licking her sexy beautiful neck from behind.

As I continued savoring her mature godly body that made me super aroused and thrust my mighty twitching young cock to the deepest part of her womb, I could feel the tip of my cock started making out with her cervix madly! at the same time, her fleshy folding mature pussy started enveloped my cock tightly as it squeezed my cock hard while it's squirting love juice vigorously everywhere at the same time!

[Mastwerrrrrrrrr!! cummmmiiiiiingggg~~~]

I stole her lips, sucked, and entwined our tongue lustfully while drinking her sweet nectar in her mouth greedily from behind. At the same time I sucking her mouth, I kept thrusting my cock to her plump pussy vigorously from behind as Chali still cumming heavily!

While she still cumming in ecstasy and embraced my head by lifting up her hands to the back, she started stroking my head in madness within my embrace as her body continued shaking madly from my pounding!

[Ahh! AHH!! AHhhnNNNnnnn~~ Yess yess! Fuck me! Master young cock fweelll swoo gooood!! moooooaaaaannn!!!~~]


[Argghh~~ Chaliii!!]

Her love juice gushing out more vigorously and drenched her mature pussy that still connecting with my hot mighty rod as it slowly soaking in white sticky foam!

'it seems I unconsciously cumming inside her'

I continued moving my waist to shove my still ejaculating cock inside her pussy as I make my pounding became faster!

Pa pa Pa!!

We continued to indulge in heavenly pleasures and moving towards the bed while kept fucking along the way.


Pa pa Pa!!


Pa pa Pa!!


We continued having sex for a long time until we're both satiated with our lust! I continuously cum inside Chali as we had orgasms together. Every time she has her orgasm, she jerked her body like a shrimp because of the heavenly pleasure the orgasm gave!

I indulged myself in her womanly fleshy mature body by licking all her wet body that's drenched by her savory sweat as my cock continuously penetrating her swollen drenched mature pussy to my heart-contended.

I enjoyed and savoring her godly mature body while licking and kissing all over it. without knowing, we messed and drenched the bed with our love juices and liquid before dying the room with our sex-intercourse smell and traces. 

We continued having sex and stopped at the last orgasm before Chali rolled her eyes white while had her tongue hanging out as it's dripping some saliva. She started moaning in full ecstasy before passing out!

[Mastwerr big cock, mwaster big cock is de bwesssttt!!!]

Mooooaannnnn ahhhn~~~

'it seems Chali became stronger after getting some unique skill from me! even though my lust is not completely satiated but I am quite satisfied and eased a lot~]

After having this thought, I embraced her body and sleep comfortably while indulging myself from the warmness radiated by her godly mature thic body....







The next day, we made a preparation to do the Special quest that Guildmaster gave to us. Chali gave the information and quest paper to me as I read the quest description carefully with Chali beside me in the mansion living room

[So, the bandit operates in the outskirt of Al territory, we never go to that place yet so it's impossible to use my teleportation skill there..]

[Master, why don't we riding on sable back to travel there faster? Master could teleport the three of us outside the Arkham mountain and we could continue to head toward the village in the outskirt of young lady Alein territory.

If my memory is right, there's Almwaldo village near the bandit area operation, it's a small farming village that mainly produced wheat and dairy product in viscountess territory. we could go there and started investigating the bandit activity around, maybe we also could find a refuge from the previous pillaged village there~]

It's a good idea since it's faster if we air traveling on Sable back, we could investigate the bandit quickly considering we didn't know when the bandit changed their operation pattern. maybe, if we took a too long time they already changed their pattern and it would be troublesome later.

More importantly, even though I have a higher level of Sky Monarch skill, I couldn't fly as fast as sable. 

To begin with, he's a winged creature so of course, he could fly faster than me.

Speaking about Sable and his 24 wyverns, I already moved them inside the illusive barrier area and they made their own nest in some boulder area, where it wasn't far from my mansion. they used some small branches and leaves from the fallen tree that I cut before and made their nest with it.

Anyway, I decided to let him be and not artificially made a nest for him, since it's more comfortable that way for the wyverns as I didn't have any knowledge about the monster habits and lifestyle.

As they're pets, the wyverns could recognize the Illusive Barrier and could freely enter or left inside the barrier area.

'Anyway, let's back to the current situation'

I looked at the small simple map on the information paper and touched my chin while thinking deeply. 

'Chali advice isn't bad... and I think it'll be better if I followed her advice as I don't have any experience dealing with the bandits. speaking about bandit subjugation, should I buy some handcuff? nah! it's useless since the people in this world is stronger, and I doubt an ordinary handcuff will do anything to them in the first place'

I stared at Chali face before opening my mouth

[Chali, how did we deal with the defeated bandit? should we catch them alive or...]

As I hesitating a little, Chali voice suddenly sounded

[Behead them~ there is no option to catch them alive as it's too troublesome for the adventurer and the guilds, master only have to collect their heads, as they are a mass murderer that threat humanoid or intelligent being as goods. 

If someone falls to a criminal job and became a bandit, it means they already do countless sins as killing innocent people, rape, and doing illegal slavery. they're pillaging merchant and village without remorse and always do massacre except towards female or the person with combat job, as they could slaving them and get more profit with it]

Somehow, I could feel Chali has a cold smile as she's describing the bandit.... 

'did she has some personal dark experienced with them? more importantly, as expected, it'll be my first experience in killing a human being... it'll be different from killing some monster.. as I was a person raised from a peaceful place after all...

To begin with, I could kill the Orc king without remorse because of his pig appearance. so I could kill him easier like killing a monster without guilty. 


But... as expected, the intelligent being in this world almost looks like a human, even a beastkin, elf, werewolf and demon they look like humans to me, and as a person came from Earth, there's some psychological burden when thinking about killing someone... or maybe it's because I always live as civilian on earth that I have this thought?

Anyway, it/s considered as a trial for me, I should adapt myself to this world way or I would get a more painful experience later. I couldn't be weak-willed and must strengthen my willpower to be a powerhouse in this world!


There is a lot of things that I need to accomplished, there is my business with Federic House, and also, there's Chali's past too. I didn't know what is her past is, but I got the feeling that I need more power and strength to help her, as she is the most important woman and partner for me, I have to take half of her burden with me now...'


I hit both of my cheeks and fired up myself! after finishing pondering about these thoughts in my head


[Hmm? ah... its nothing, I just rising my spirit to finish the quest smoothly hehehe~]

After hearing my answer, She smiled gently before giving me a reassuring expression. Without her expressed it by talking, I could feel her sincere smile, as well as her gentle and mature aura, calmed my mind greatly. 

'What a good partner that I have! yes! I'm not alone anymore, there is Chali that always by my side and accompanied me now, whatever obstacles that'll appear in the future, I didn't have to always face it alone...'

I hurriedly geared up my self with my Night Stalker leather armor and Blood Talon Rapier after firmed my heart. After equipped them, I could feel my power increased slightly.

At the same time I equipped myself, Chali started changing into her battle dress and equipped her precious gloves.

Upon finished changing her appearance, I could feel a heroic aura radiated from her body, and made her mature woman temperament increased to a new level. After seeing her, I really wanted to embrace and started making love with her, but held myself in the end, as we have to do some quest now.

'ughh... ever since she got the Dragonkin skill her bewitching aura became stronger that's I almost thought her race change to a succubus or something...

we both left the mansion and headed toward Sable with me lamenting about these things in my mind


Sable started acting cutely after seeing me before snuggling his head towards my body.

He is quite spoiled for a pet, it couldn't be helped since his intelligence regressed to that 1-year-old.

But it seems his prestige to ordinary wyverns was still strong as the wyverns always served and played with him without complaining.

After caressed and stroking Sable for a while, I started teleporting with Chali and Sable outside the Arkham mountain. 

Seeing the green prairie outside the Arkham mountainous Area that not far from the Arkhaim town, I mounted Sable's body and stick out my hand towards Chali to help her climb up.

With my help, she climbed on top of Sable body and sit in front of me

[Thank you master~]

[Your welcome~]

I embraced her body from behind and started to activate Illusive Barrier spell to enveloped all of us. we could feel the Barrier hides our presence from outside, but for some reason, we could still see the surrounding area normally.

After feeling the warmness radiated by Chali's body in my embrace, I calmed my mind and resolve myself once again!

With my light kick as the signal, Sable started purring before taking off from the ground and flapping his giant wing to fly towards the sky

[Let's go! Sable!!]

I used telepathic ability to communicate with Sable and control him to fly towards the direction I strived to!

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