Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 188: The Day I Came Back From The Dungeon #1

----Alex POV---

Murmur murmur *lively atmosphere

Murmur murmur



Lively adventurers having a conversation with their party, a broker trying to sell their handwritten map, to baggage carriers who running around to offer their services.

The frozen world that just has its time stop reverted back to its originally used to be, having the time to flow normally once again.

As for Ameria and the weird living armor army?

They were nowhere to be found as if the conversation that we had just now never happened.

However, I know that what happened a while ago between me and the Goddess is not an illusion.

After all, the plain silver bracelet that she just gave me before is still in my hand right now.

'Still… the weird-looking living armor army she brought with her giving a really familiar feeling somehow….




Right! their aura!

it somewhat feels the same as the Devout Army I had!


I wonder if that thing is the infamous Templar that people here always mentioned'

'That aside, the thing about a faction also quite bothered me a bit…

based on the Information I get from medusa, the last war ended with the Devil race and the Immortal race compromised with each other and signed a peace treaty.

But, now after hearing that there's still a small scale war happened between the created faction in this timeline, I can't help myself to think that something must have happened after that peace treaty, and caused the current situation where faction was established and tension happened between them' 


I was deeply lost in my own thought and absentmindedly staring at the Silver bracelet in my hand.

[Master, what is that bracelet? Is that kind of a special item dropped inside the dungeon?] *Silvi

Silvi voices behind me sounded and bring me back to my sense.

[Ah… actually, I myself not check this bracelet yet, wait…] *Me

After replying to her, I activated my God's eyes and tried to appraise the bracelet.

[Huh?] *Me


{God of Thunder Alex's sigil}

-This sigil is proof of your position as an Official God within this Universe.

Upon wearing it, you can get access to the Immortal Union server's bulletin board to take the Quest that was still available in it.


A brief and easy-to-understand description.

that's why it somewhat surprises me that an item given by the Goddess is just having this very simple of use.

[Master?] *Silvi

[Ah… it's nothing.

About this bracelet, it turned out to be my God sigil] *Me

[So, the strange feeling that happened just now…] *Chali

[God Sigil? Strange feeling?] *Silvi

[Oh? Did you sense their presence, Chali?] *Me

[Umu, it's more like my intuition rather than feeling it directly.

Did they really came here just now, Master?] *Chali


They came and officially registered me into the God rank] *Me


If you guys wondered how Chali know about the existence called Immortal Union, it's because I already told her and my other woman about my situation, and how I successfully ascended into Godhood and stuff.

[Lady Chali, could you not speaking so ambiguously?

I'm here and can't follow your conversation with Master at all] *Silvi


Don't worry, It's not that too important of a topic.

Chali just implying about the people from the Immortal Union who gave me this braclet] *Me


Hearing the word Immortal Union, my woman who was around me suddenly gasped and flinched.

They cautiously raised their guard and observed their surrounding with sharp eyes.

[M-Master! How you called this Immortal Union stuff as something unimportant!

Where are they?!] *Silvi

[They've already left.

Anyway, let's go home and don't worry about them~] *Me

Ended the conversation with Silvi, I continue to walk, forcing the still confused Silvi and the others who still didn't know what happened, to follow suit.




Upon arriving at the mansion that I built not far from the dungeon, all the ladies began to scatter and do their own things.

I, on the other hand, decided to check the condition outside of my mansion here after seeing something that took my interest.

When I observed the surrounding mansion along the way, I saw the vineyard that I built, already had the plant growing in lush.

As a reminder for you all, when I leave to explore the dungeon with the other, I placed my undead here to look after this place.

When I Looking at the green scenery in the vineyard right now, it seems they worked really hard in these couple of months in my absence.

As I checking out the green vineyard in satisfaction,

[Master~] ???

Someone suddenly called me.

Turning my head in the direction of the voice, a beautiful mature woman with brown hair and a calm temperament is greeted me.

[You are….. right, one of the three Chali's bring from Madam Catherine place to replace her work! It's been a while~

err….] *Me

[Carren, My name is Carren, lady Sofia placed me in this city to handle the business expansion here and looking after Master newly built mansion~] *Carren


Carren, I will remember your name.

so, did you need something from me?] *Me


U-umm… I just want to show my face to master, and see if I could help Master with something…

After all, the management Office leaves me with the duty to handle all the thing here] *Carren


Ah, I think you don't have to think about those formalities too much.

I'll be fine by myself.

Right, since you're here, I want to give my thanks for your hard work to oversee the vineyard here~

I know "those" guys just evolved not too long time ago, and still a little bit hard to handle before.

You do a great job, Carren~

Thank you for your hard work~] *Me


I humbly accepted Master's praise gratefully~] *Carren


[Right, you just told me that you handle all the business matter here, how is it? did the expansion go well?] *Me

[Master, don't worry~

After we told the City lord if we are master subordinates, everything goes well and smoothly with the City lord's assistance.

Of course, we did as Master requested and create a partnership with the City lord on Elli's franchise business, and the coming convenient store that was already planned in the near future~] *Carren


keep up the good work.

I'll leave it to you.

if you are ever troubled about something, please discuss it with either Chali or Elizabeth, they are both the ones who fully manage the business sector after all~] *Me

[I'll take Master's words in mind.

Then, if there's nothing else, excuse me~] *Carren

Answering Carren reserved leaving, I replied to her with a nod and gentle smile, easing the tense atmosphere that surrounding us.

Seeing my smile, Carren courteously gave me a polite smile in return before she left.

Seeing her already left, I turned my head back to the group of Devout army( used to be undead that was looked after the vineyard) that's still working on the vineyard.

Seeing the Devout army, I began to silently ponder about them.

About this former undead that now already turned into a new living being existences,

Maybe you guys curious and want to know more about them.

And if by chance you're not, then just simply count my explanation that I was about to explain as me mumbling about to no one.

As you guys already know, this Army was evolved from my former undead, and so, the one who has their corpse intact before I turned into undead still have their appearance unchanged.

The ones who had their appearance change a lot only counted on the skeleton army.

And after I scanned them with my soul, I found that most of them were a human race.

Now about the remaining undead that I stored on Shadow Palace ability previously.

As you guys know, my Shadow Palace only could store undead, and not a living thing like my Devout army.

Now, the question is, where are these guys reside after getting kicked out from the Shadow Palace?

The answer is, within my spiritual world.

The mini-world inside my Godseed that was formed after I gained the Zen ability, "Kingdom of God".

Maybe you guys already guessed the thing that I mentioned above.

So just take those explanations as confirmation, okay?

Now, the most essential thing about them, the true essence of the Devout Army existences.

I just told you guys that they are a living thing, and not undead anymore.

Albeit, their body consists of spiritual energy rather than a fleshy body.

Then, what about their Artificial soul and intelligence? Is their soul now changing into a full natural soul?

The answer is no.

Their soul has remained the artificial one that I once created for them.

The difference is, they now have their soul inside my Godseed, thus, make them became semi-immortal existences.

what I mean as a semi-immortal is, basically, as long as I'm still alive, they cannot die.

The demerit of it, their strength is the same as their undead past, and can't be strengthened or growing anymore.

That's why became my Devout army means their strength will become stagnant forever.

Ma… considering devout army is created from the dead, this much demerit is understandable and makes sense.

Getting their intelligence intact itself and reborn to be a living being is already Godly enough, if it was added with their growth capability intact, it sounds too heaven-defying to be true.

Right, speaking of their intelligence, after they evolved, their intelligence now already back to normal people state.

Thus, just like I mentioned to Carren before, managing them would be easier now unlike the previous undead state that has limited intelligence.




[Hey! Alex!] *Alexa

As I was lost deep within my thought, Alexa's voice was resounded near my ears as her hand tapping on my shoulder.

feeling her hand, I back to my sense, and turned to her questionably,

[Alexa? since when you already here?] *Me


All this time!

Did you forget your promise to take me back to Arkhaim town?!] *Alexa

speechless, Alexa stared at me before answering me with a hint of thick annoyance within her voice.


hehe.. hehehe~ sorry sorry.

let's go, I'll take you to Al's place] *Me

[Humph!] *Alexa

Ignoring her snort that full of annoyance, I hurriedly had my mind connected with the codex, and began to activate the teleportation ability of the Space&Time magic that was recorded within.

Actually, I could take her to pass through the teleportation gate that I installed within this mansion's secret basement, but since I don't want to make her mood became worse more than this, I decided to directly bring her back with teleportation.




With a blink of an eye, I and Alexa teleported and appeared on the garden inside of Al manor.

Observing the surrounding, I sense some people's presence coming to my location from inside manor direction.


With the door that was suddenly being flung open forcefully, a group of beautiful women wearing a victorian maid uniform and the butler Eliz led by Al shown themselves in front of my eyes.

[Alex!! you are finally back!!] *Al

And just like this, I have my long-awaited reunion with the Federic house woman~

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