Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 180: Olympus Codex


--- status ---

True Name : Alex

Race : Thunder God

Power level : 1000 (SS)

God Rank : Fledging God (Star I)

Divinity Rank : Small Star


Innate Ability : 

-God's Eye

-God's Strength

-God Prestige

-Thunder Overlord


Zen Rank : Demigod

***Special Ability : Olympus Codex & Star Gate


After confirming the information about the new World of God, I appraised my status once again with the Private System established by Olympus Codex.

'Olympus Codex and Star Gate…'

Murmuring the name of the Zen Ability, I began to deeply think about the two Specialist Type Zen abilities that I just got.

Hearing what Gorgon explained about this specialist type of Zen power, I recalled that it's only could be found from the artifact.

'The problem is… I just get one artifact called Prometheus's Sacred Fire…  Of course, if that thing is really considered an Artifact.

And by chance, it's somewhat evolved into Olymous Codex and Star Gate after absorbing the Nature of Absolute Copy Skill and Online Shopping for some reasons...'

While still having this thought, I began to concentrate on my Godseed.

Through my sense, I perceive two artifact-like things floating around and connected to each other as it circling around my Godseed harmoniously.

Those two items are an ancient-looking book and something like a token.

Founding these two linked with my Godseed, I believe it was the two artifacts that gave me a special Zen Ability called, Olympus codex and Star Gate.

After giving some thought, I decided to focus on the Ancient book one to further learn about it.

Concentrating on it, all of a sudden, I feel the Zen power began to tremble and flowed all over my body.

The flow of the pure and powerful energy of Zen that just spread all over my body gradually started coming out from my body like an aura before gradually gathering right in front of my eyes magically.

Before long, this energy gradually started forming an ancient book the same as what I perceive within me before.

'Olympus Codex…'


[Artifact?!!] *Gorgon

Hearing the sudden gasp of gorgon followed with her disbelieving expression after seeing the book that suddenly appeared on my hand, I tilted my head at her while having a slight of doubt inside my head.

[I thought you already know about it?

the thing about getting a World message and Inheritance thing, you already know about it right? why are you so surprised after seeing my artifact?] *Me

[It's not that!

Frankly speaking, I didn't know what kind of reward that will you get after you successfully completed the Mount Olympus inheritance Quest given by this dead world…

But a book? Hmm…. And looking at it, it looks very unfamiliar to me~] *Gorgon

[Is that so?] *Me

After just replying to her with a brief answer, I decided to ignore the intrigued Gorgon who already eyeing the Ancient book in my hand with great interest, and began to examine this brand new ability called Olympus Codex in my hand.

'Let's see…'

Closing my eyes, I began to observe the Codex in my hand spiritually, as the information about the Codex began to flow inside my head.




As the Information about it keep flowing, gradually, I slowly learned about its function.

First of All, this Codex actually contained an archive of uncompleted knowledge about Mount Olympus and something about the Titan World.

With the compiled data as the Base, it began to create an intelligent system like a special A.I to help me understand my power level and a World of Immortal better.

I have a hunch, that the System created is based on the knowledge of my previous world inside my head.

If you asked why I suddenly assume it to be like that, it's because, at this moment, when I glance at Gorgon, I somehow could see something Like her seemingly True Name along with HP Bar and Zen Energy Bar below it, complete with her estimated Power level.

Maybe, If you guys seeing it directly, you guys will understand it better.



HP : [===============>

Zen :  [===============>

Power Level : 50.000


Even though it's not the same with the detailed information of MMORPG I used to have on the outside world, but this is enough to measure the Immortal Or god power level.

After all, when I still a mortal, appraising God is basically an impossible feat for me.

Ma, the template basically the same as a Fighting Game I used to play, so it's not quite bad to assist me on my future battle with the Immortal…

Anyway, speaking of Gorgon's true name, it seems her true name is Medusa after all.

'Why did she decided to hide it, and rather had herself being called as Gorgon?


Whatever maybe there's some back story that made her to abandoned her true name'

Anyway, let's move on to the next function of the Olympus Codex.

Just like what the notification I got when I ascended, this Olympus Codex seemingly absorbed the nature of Absolute Copy skill that I previously had before.

On some of the pages, I saw recorded skills that I used to copy in it.

When I studying it deeper, somehow I began to understand that just like my Absolute Copy skill, I can pass the skill that I already recorded to other people! Of course, I can also record a new skill that I saw with my God's eyes inside this codex, and collected it here.

However, unlike Absolute Copy that required me to copy the skill first before pasting it, the Codex didn't need this tedious process, as what all I need is just a magic energy source for a catalyst to recreate the skill and give it to other people.

In short, with the price of something like magic stone or something similar, I could recreate the skill and give it to other people like what my paste ability does.

So, as long as I have magic stones, I could recreate the skill as much as I could.

Huh? did You guys asked if I could use these mortal skills?

Ma, about this… after telling you guys the other function of Olympus Codex later, you guys will understand that all these mortal skills will not worth even a penny, so please be quiet and let me finish my explanation about this special codex.

Leaving that aside, maybe you guys think with this function I could enhance my subordinate as I please to become a very OP warrior so they could fight for my case and being invisible among the mortal.

I'm sorry to tell you this, but that's not gonna happen.

While I began to understand this function, I found something that made me understand the thing called limitation.

It seems what Fenrir told me about using Soul Power as a catalyst to giving skill and store the copied skill is true after all.

All things have a certain limit.

Just like a tank, the living being in this world has a certain capacity to hold the power inside their body.

Just like what restriction in my Absolute Copy skill had before, I could not give someone a number of skills that exceeded their limit.

If I force it, their tank, which was their soul will explode and made them die.

And just like this, I couldn't abuse this function as you guys thought. 

Enough with this thing at let's move to the last function and true function of this codex!

If all the function I previously mentioned before sounds more like recording and analyzing things, this last function I about to explain is the true power of the Specialist Zen Type Ability I got!

That is, Designing and created Zen Ability!

With the Information of the recorded skills, I could design Zen Ability that was aligned with a Zen-type I most suitable for.

When I Understand this function I already found myself to be able to create an ability that aligned with Essenciel type Zen power!

'Just I was ascended, I could get a new ability with this codex!

As expected, this thing is a cheat!'

If other gods need to train recklessly for a thousand years and waiting for enlightenment just to create a new ability, all that I need is just record what I see in the codex and began formulating it!

Speaking of the ability that I could make from the codex, it's just one ability.


{The Kingdom Of God}

-Essenciel type

All the people that have their soul linked with you will become the citizen of your Kingdom.

with the price of the spiritual energy they have continuously given to you, they will be blessed with a Long lifespan, Power, and beauty.

Upon death, they have a choice to be revived as your devout Army and keep fighting alongside you forever.

However, upon being your army. Their soul will be yours forever and have their fate linked with yours.

Reference to create this ability : Immortal Bloodline, Monarch of Death, .... Etc


[Do you want to learn this ability? *Warning, upon learning this ability you can't learn another ability for 6 months]

When I tried to learn this ability with the Codex, the private system message suddenly appeared inside my head and warned me.

'Right… there must be a certain limitation… sigh.....

Whatever, 6 months isn't that long anyway~, Learn!!]


With my confirmation, all of sudden, an enormous influx of information suddenly appeared in my head, as the ability began to forged inside the Codex. 

At this moment, I suddenly feel my connection with all the ladies (both my slaves and my lovers) started to strengthen as powerful Zen energy started to flow through them.

Through this connection, a flow of multiple spiritual energy also began to enter my body continuously as it began to strengthen my Godseed, albeit just very very little, and could only be called minuscule.

'Th-This!!! Even though it's only slightly enhanced my Godseed, but if this continues to pile up, it's will be huge!!

D-didn't the people need meditation and doing a Godly deed to get spiritual energy?!! If I can continuously get spiritual energy while doing nothing like this…. Isn't this ability is more ridiculous than I thought!!!'

As I became amazed and excited by the sudden flow of Spiritual energy that continuously flowing inside and its possibilities, something incredible also began to happen!

This time, it was my connection with my undead!

All of a sudden, their artificial soul gradually gathered in my Godseed as I feel a sudden change happened to their body that was slowly growing flesh and skin and having themselves back to their living appearance before the death!

'Devout Army?!!! Did the Undead that I used to have turned into Devout Army in my Kingdom Of God ability?!!'

Sensing their sudden change of appearance, this thought suddenly appeared inside my head.

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