Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 173: Lightning Alex Vs Gorgon (Final Part)

With a brand new power under my belt, I began to have a fierce fight with Gorgon.

Bzazzazazazaz!!!! *Lightning SFX

Graaadadan!!! *series of explosion SFX

As the blue lightning wreaking havoc inside the wrecked structure, Gorgon slithering around and keep shooting her light arrows to try nailing me who had my body turned into a flash of lightning down.

She shoots arrows after arrows, only found that all her lights arrow failed to land a hit into me miserably.

Annoyed, Gorgon began to perform a bow drawing posture once again.

However, unlike the usual light arrows, this time, she releases a dark arrow in the shape of a viper.

Just like what the arrow's shape suggests, after it's released, unlike the normal light arrows that flying in a straight line, this dark arrow is actually slithering like a snake in the air, trying to chase me down as if it has some consciousness in it.

[Ssszzzaaa~~ Boya, time is up~

this time, I will seriously get your head off!


Slther slitherrrr~

Hissing in annoyance, Gorgon shouted with a hint of teasing in her voice.

I, who has already turned myself into a flash of lightning and have my back being chased by the dark viper-like thing, keep moving at a blinding speed and trying to shake the dark viper off.

In the beginning, I intended to head on Gorgon to engage in some close combat with her.

But when I feel a threatening aura coming from the dark viper which was Gorgon shot at me, I decided to shake this thing off first before continuing my plan to clash with Gorgon in close combat later on.


[This bitch sure has a lot of trick under her sleeve!] *Me

Irritated, I gradually control my body to perform a difficult maneuver throughout the air.


Swuush swuush swuussh!!

Bang Bang Bang!!  Crattle cratle*



Creeping in the air with lightning speed, I'm doing some zig-zag, dodging the light arrows Gorgon shoots restlessly to my direction with the dark viper following behind me persistently.

'This is bad! I can't keep running like a rat like this… isn't it the same pattern as before?!'


While having the scenery in my eyes changing at incredible speed, my heart began to grow restless.

Moving around in blinding speed in my lightning form, I accidentally see Gorgon who keeps shooting her light arrows in annoyance at me.

'Fu*ck itt! Let's bet it all!'

As I convinced myself inside my heart, a plan gradually formed inside my head.


As the blue lightning blinking in bright light, I abruptly change the direction at a breakneck speed and head toward Gorgon's location.

Looking at me who suddenly dives toward her direction, Gorgon is stunned.

[Sssszzzzaaa~~ Boya! You sure have some guts!

Fine then, let's see if our skill as great as your courage~~


Ignoring Gorgon voices, I focussed myself to perform the combat strategy inside my head,


Making an abrupt stop right in front of Gorgon mid-air, I turned the top half of myself into a humanoid form.

As the other half of my body, since the lower one was already petrified, I decided to keep it in an Elementalize state as it is.

[Nir! Long spear!]

With my scream, all of sudden, pinkish lightning energy suddenly formed into a long spear in my hand out of nowhere.


Transferring some part of the lightning energy within my body to the spear, I swing it abruptly toward Gorgon.

As the spear vertically moving down toward Gorgon and trying to divide her body into two, she dodges it skillfully as if she's already predicted its move.

Bzzzaaaaat! Bzzazazaza!!!!

Failed to land a hit on the target, the spear blade continues to dive down toward the ground as it created a powerful shock of lightning!

At this moment, I turned my head to the back and see the dark viper already engulfed by the lightning shock, and vanished.


Relieved as the plan inside my head successfully goes as I predicted, I hurriedly turned my head to focus on Gorgon once again.

[Nir, Blade!]

With my command, this time, the spear in my hand change into a blade.


Without hesitation, I swung the blade at Gorgon, trying to behead her head in one stroke.

But, Just as my blade moving toward her neck, 

Tang!!! *Blade hitting blade SFX

A blade of light suddenly appeared at Gorgon's hand, blocking my strike and stopping my blade to advance further.


It's not finished with just that!

When I get my attention on the blocked blade in my hand, all of a sudden, another blade of light appeared on Gorgon's other hands, as she swung it into my chest.

Looking at the incoming fast light blade, I hurriedly dodged it by elemental my body into lightning, creeping in the air swiftly and moved right behind Gorgon's back. 

Changing back into my humanoid form, I swung my blade once again to her neck.

But this time, a scene that made me dumbfounded suddenly appear in front of my eyes,

Spashhhpp!! Blocked by mysterious energy SFX*


zazaza, marvelous~~] *Gorgon

Having my blade advance seemingly being blocked by a mysterious power, Gorgon suddenly said before she's slithering off to take a distance from me.

Swuuuk swuuuk!!

Waving her twin blade of light to the air, giving an impression that she was just warming up, Gorgon staring at me and gave me a thin smile.

Looking at her taunting expression, I avoid myself to look at her bewitching eyes and moved my gaze at her enchanting twin mountain on her chest instead.

[Gorgon, you surely have great assets~] *Me

Just as I finished giving her this playful statement, I sense her snake body part abruptly started jolting as she dashed at me with breakneck speed.

[SSszzzaaaa~~] *Gorgon

With an annoyed hissing noise as a sign, 

Gorgon began slithering in incredible speed at my direction and began to engage me into a close-range battle with her light twin-blade in her slender hand.

Swaaak swaak swaak!!

Bzzzt bzzt bzaaaazazazaza!!

Swwiiissh! Tang!

Regained my focus on her skillful technique, I controlled my Elementalize body to dodge all her swift attacks swift like lightning.

Not only focusing on dodging, but I also began to retaliate when seeing a chance to, making our blades crossing into each other and creating a strong shockwave from the clash.

Grattle gratle


As our battle started to heat up, the surrounding area began to tremble as the ground below us began to crack.


The blue lightning lit up the place from time to time, brighten the dark place in blue luster, making our battle look more mystical.

Clashes after clashes, we began to create havoc, as our attack residue destroying the debris as well as wrecking our surrounding place more and more.




And so, our battle continues for a long time and looks like on a stalemate.

With all my concentration already placed only on the battle, I already absorbed in it and lost myself to feel the flow of time here.

Thus, I didn't know how long actually my battle continues in a stalemate like this with Gorgon.

At first, I have some confidence in my sword mastery, as I believe, even without the system assistance my swordsmanship is still with me.

It's true!

During the battle, I can feel my swordsmanship was still intact and made me increase my fighting spirit more.

However, along the time, I gradually realize that my situation is not going in a good direction as I thought.

Even though I give it my all on keep attacking Gorgon, she actually can keep up with me in no time at all, adjusting her swordsmanship with mine with ease.

When I glance at her face, I was shocked when I realize that she was actually smiling teasingly at me.

Looking at her appearance which was taking it easy and still have some leisure to give me a mocking smile like this, at this moment I gradually realize that what she said about being a true immortal at the beginning was not a joke!


Just give it up brat!

even if by some chance you can land a hit on my body, the chance of you successfully complete your quest is zero! Zazazaza~~ Ssszaaaa~~~] *Gorgon

[Shut up!] *Me

Annoyed I began to retort at the talkative Gorgon, who keep blabbering throughout the battle.

At this moment, my heart gradually became cold.

I mean it literally becomes colder the longer I fight with Gorgon.

When I feel this sign, even if there's no one who told me what symptom it is, the fact that this situation kind of dangerous for me is very clear to me.

'Did I gradually exhausted the mysterious Lightning power within me?

This is bad… I have to do something… 

But how?

I can tell that this Gorgon bitch just going easy on me all this time…

This evil bitch, I don't have time to play with your shenanigans!'

Desperate, I decided to truly bet it all this time!

'Chali, Silvi,…. And all my ladies…. I'm sorry, it seems my journey ended here….

Sigh, I should hear what Anna said to not enter this place…

But, There's no use in regretting it now, at least, killing the snake woman bitch in front of me is more important..

after all, I'm sure my woman will enter this room after knowing that I was here…

At least, by preventing them to meet and fight with this Bitch here, I can increase the probability of them leaving this place with their lives intact!'

And so, I firmed my will and rise my fighting spirit to the max!

With a fiery heart, at this moment I decided to ignite the Mysterious Thunder Energy thing within me to the limit!

[Haaaaaaaattt!!!!!!!] *Me

Bazazzazazazaaaaaa!!! Zzzzip zzzaaaaap!!!



Turning myself into a flash of lightning, I began to fiercely attack Gorgon with a lightning blade I created by manipulated my limbs into it!

At this moment, ending this battle with the remaining thunder energy left is the only option for me.

Bzzaaaap zzzap zap!

The blue lightning wreaking havoc, destroying the terrain on its surrounding in madness.

That wild blinding lightning brightens from time to time within the darkness inside the ruin, creating an indescribably beautiful scene, yet deadly.

As if letting itself out from the restriction cage, the blue lightning besieging Gorgon without mercy, gradually making her take some step back, albeit she's a legless one.

With my fierce onslaught, Gorgon gradually changed her leisure expression into a serious one as she blocking my fierce endless attack with her light twin blade, leaving a shadow of it.


Swwaak swwwak!


As the clock continues ticking, the chance I was waiting for finally appears!

When I tried to behead her before, I realize that the mysterious power that blocked my blade has a certain cool down before it could perform the absolute defense once again.

And this time, I realize that power should be still on the cooldown!

Just as I take the chance to move my lighting blade into her neck,

[[Boy! Behead her head now]]

A mysterious feminine voice suddenly echoed in my soul.

This voice is very unfamiliar to me, as I believe is not possible the Old Wolf, Fenrir.

Rather than it coming from within me, I feel like this voice is coming from inside Gorgon who still fight with me right now.

But, since this is a crucial moment, I ignore it and proceed on moving my lightning blade to behead Gorgon.


[Sssszzaaaa~~~ Futile! All of your efforts are futile in fron-> *Gorgon

Before she could finish her words, my lightning blade suddenly flashed and behead her head!


[T-This! Impossible!!!


Brat! Don't think of yourself as winning!!! I will not let you!!!


As she had her head flying in the air, Gorgon began to let out nonsense and began leaking an eerie melody-like noise from her mouth.

At the moment this weird noise coming out from her mouth, her reptile eyes suddenly shined brightly, along with her thin snake-like hair which was suddenly glowing with dark energy.

Petrified, I, who already have my Thunder energy exhausted and back into my human form, gradually have my body who still have a swinging blade-like pose turned into a stone statue.

At this moment, I know I am done for and gradually begin to lose my consciousness.

But before I have my vision fall into the darkness, I could feel something within my whole being started to swell up uncontrollably.

This feeling is very familiar to me.

After all, I already experienced it often in this lifetime.

'This is….'

Before I could finish my thought, my consciousness already falls into darkness as my body completely turned into a stone statue.

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