Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 151: I Don't Want To End Up As An Emotionless MC!

Titan Dungeon 40th Floor.

Inside the boss room, I and the twin just slaughter the Boss.

If you asked me my impression about the Boss, is just so-so…

Anyway, I and the twin kill it under 10 seconds, so I think it's not considered a hard one.

Maybe sharing the Boss status while it was still alive will be a help for you guys to picture its strength.


{Alraune [Temptress of The Wood]}

-Lord Rank

Lv 75

HP : B

MP : A




Skill : Bewitching pollen [Unique] Temptress [Unique] Lord Class Monster [Unique] Plant manipulation VII [Rare] Sleeping Dust V [Rare] Dazzled V[Rare] Dungeon Monster[???]


Bewitching Pollen [Unique] : The Unique Skill that only a plant-type monster could possess. Spread pollens from your body and affecting the enemy mind in your surrounding area to be temporarily controlled by you. The more the enemy inhaled the pollen, the easier its mind to be manipulated.

Temptress [Unique] : Giving a beautiful effect to your appearance(Only working on females). Increase the potent level of any mental attack that depends on your appearance by 400%. Forever Youth effect(your appearance will stay at your most prime age and stop aging until the end of your lifespan)

Sleeping Dust V[Rare] : Target one enemy to inhale the special dust created from your magic power. The higher the MAtk status the higher the chance that the enemy will be affected with a "sleeping" negative condition.(LV 5, 50% chance to debuff enemy with "slumber" negative effect, Slumber : the target will be lost his consciousness and will be lost in his deep slumber for half a day)

Dazzled V[Rare] : Using your magic power, you will affect one specific enemy in your vision to get Dazzled negative effect, Dazzled : losing the ability to control the body and mind. The chance of this negative status to successfully be applied to the enemy depends on the beauty level appearance of the caster.(Female caster will have a higher chance to inflict this negative effect rather than Male caster)

As you all already saw the Boss skillset inclined into a mental type of attack.

Its HP wasn't that much, so with me and the twin(Who has Anna already paste with Lord Class Monster skill), we can drain its HP quickly with our attack and finished it off.

'It's a pity…'

Like you guys already guess on your mind when hearing the name Alraune, its appearance was very beautiful and bewitching, 100 times more than Nymphs.

But I don't know why, I feel no remorse when killing it for some reason.

'Did the baptism on the 21st floor already made my heart numb?'


There's quite a complicated feeling when I realized this change in myself.

'It would be best if I balancing my mind more, from now on…'

'I don't want to stop being a human and somewhat ended up being an emotionless god, like what the typical OP protagonist in the novel to begin with… getting a lot of power and strength at the cost of my emotion isn't worth it anyway~'

As I was lost in my own thought,

[Alex, look what I found among the loots the Boss drop! It's a seed! I wonder if it's some kind of rare stuff?]

Anna suddenly rushed to me excitedly with a piece of some kind of seed in her hand.

With her loud voice, I gradually came back to my sense.

Seeing how big her smile is, I know the seed is not an ordinary seed so I decided to appraise it.


{Special Item}

Alraune's seed

Rank : Epic

-Alraune's seed. After burying it on the ground, you can raise the Lord Rank Monster Alraune to be your pet.

*warning : If the Alraune deemed you to be unworthy, she will force you to be her pet instead.*(Upon failure on the pet contract, the Alraune will be self-destructed and inflicted you with a special curse [Damned by Nature] for your entire life. Damned by Nature : when you enter into an area that heavily filled with Nature Energy, your HP will continuously decrease)


[Oh! It's Alraune seed! It seems we can make the Alraune growing from it into our pet! Anna, is there another thing that looks interesting aside from this seed among the loots?]

Seeing that the seed was quite a decent item that I saw for the first time throughout this Dungeon Exploration, I became slightly excited and expect to get another rare or special item.

Thus I looked at Anna's face to confirm my expectation.

[Master… the other thing is just Rare rating equipment and some Dungeon coin and Silver ore…]

Unfortunately, Anni who finished storing the loots, back at me with cruel reality, pouring the cold water into my excited heart.




Ah~ Anna, Anni, let's back to the 40th floor Safe Area first and delay our exploration on the next floor at the moment.

I have something in my mind and need to do outside the dungeon…

Don't worry, it will not take a lot of time, maybe a couple of hours will be sufficed]

Hearing my abrupt request, Anna and Anni look toward each other faces for a while questionably, before nodding their head in agreement at me.

Getting their confirmation, without further ado, I and the twin choose to back on the 40th floor Safe Area where the dungeon crystal placed.

For your information, the dungeon crystal in the dungeon was used as a teleportation point on conquered floors.

The destination was always set to the place where was the crystal was found, so if some people want to back to the previous floor that they already conquered, they will always be teleported to where the Dungeon Crystal placed on that certain floor.

Upon teleporting back to the Safe Area, I bade goodbye to the twin and prepare myself to use the dungeon crystal for exiting this dungeon for a while.


'After all, I think it will be better for me to start doing it while the iron is still hot…'

After getting my soul unrestrained from the seal, somehow, the hesitation of me about a "certain" plan, that I always justifiedly delaying it, gradually disappear.

That's why… after gained permission from the twin to delay the exploration for a couple of hours, I decided to take this chance to start "it"…



------------ 3rd Person POV--------------------



Seeing Alex actually teleporting back to exit the dungeon using the Dungeon Crystal, Anna, and Anni looking at each other faces in wonder.

[Anna, do you feel some change on Master these couple of days? Somehow, I can feel like he was rushing to climb the dungeon and getting into this Safe Zone recently… Do you think this time he's exiting the Dungeon to settle that unsettled feeling?]

Anni suddenly asked.

[I'm not sure either…]

Anna replied to her with a hint of unsureness in her voice.


After silent for a while, Anna subconsciously asking,

[Sister, what do you think about the previous Boss battle? Did Alex overcame his softness and became… more coldhearted?]


[Maybe it's just your feeling, anyway, even though the Boss Monster Alraune looks like a human, she was still a monster inside out, so maybe he just thinking it that way to kill it without remorse.

Furthermore, At that time, I still somewhat perceives a hint of pity in his expression when we kill that monster after all, I think you're overthinking it]

[Is that so?

I just afraid that he suddenly change...]

freezing air*


If he was really changed, will you stop loving him?

Is your love for him just that much and that shallow?]

Hearing Anni's voice that had a hint of coldness in it alongside the sudden freezing air between them, Anna suddenly feels a chill running down her spine.

She hurriedly faced Anni and saw her cold face staring at her coldly.

[S-sister! You misunderstand things!

Is not that I will stop loving him or anything!

I-I just hate it if he became a cold-blooded man that lost his feeling after being used to blood and slaughter!

A-anyway, isn't that also bother you if he became a cruel and heartless killing machine that has no emotion? Now think! What did you do if he stops looking at us as his woman and lost interest in us at that moment?]

Anna began rambling out her true thought to her twin sister who already began making a scary face to clear their misunderstanding.

Anni who heard what Anna said, gradually eased her emotion and think of the worst possibility that lied in her sister's words deeper.

Logically speaking, what Anna said isn't completely wrong.

There's a chance that Alex will grow in a bad direction if he continuously being poisoned with the cruelness and the unreasonableness of this "survival of the fittest" world.

There's a chance that he will abandon his woman and lost any interest in anything, the more powerful he became as he continuously being poisoned with the darkness of this world.

Gradually, Anni became more worried.

After a while, seemingly finding her own solution to deal with the worst possibility, pictured by her twin sister, she began to smile at her sister, Anna, albeit it was the stiff and scary smile.

[Don't worry!

As long as we continue to pour him with our love passionately, I think he will not turn that way!

Ah! Maybe I should ask Master to give me the Temptress skill that Alraune possessed!

I believe I'll become more beautiful and could satisfy his need more!

Isn't like master needs that skill anyway!]

Looking at the twisted smile that her sister made, Anna gradually taking a step back from her, scarred.

([Since when did my sister become so passionate like this!

Somehow, she looks scarier now after devoting herself to Alex like this!

....I think, it would be good if I mind my words while speaking about Alex with her in the future…])

While having this thought, Anna gradually shifting the conversation into a lighthearted topic.

They waiting patiently for Alex near the Dungeon crystal vicinity and continue to have a light conversation to fill their boredom.

After a while, a group of people approaching them from the crowded market-like place of the Safe Zone's direction.

[Anna, Anni? Where is Master? Why it's just the two of you guys here?]


That group of people was one of the Silver Wolf teams.

With Chali leading the group, they're approaching Anna and Anni who already turning their head in their direction with a pleasantly surprised face.

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