Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 148: The three New Slaves' Impression

On the outskirt of the Arkham mountainous area.

Hidden with the dense and dangerous jungle, a modern city full of towering high buildings could be found, covered by a mysterious barrier-like thing encircling it. 

Although this city looked very misplaced within the dense green scenery surrounding it and seemingly isolated, however, it does not stop the people who live in it to continue their life with smiles and vigor, satisfied with the safety and convenient public facility that made their life easier and 100 times more comfortable than the outside world.

This was what the three people thought after they just coming here.

They're the three new slaves that were just bought by Chali and transferred to Alex, to replace her duty overseeing Alex's business in the Gharam Kingdom a couple of days before Alex and the Other leaving into the Alabatrost city.

The beautiful mature woman with a cute face from a human race, a slender and elegant beautiful blonde Half-Elf, and a mature brown haired human bewitching beauty who was oozing with charm.

After coming into Alex's hidden city, the representative of the management office, Sofia, placed them to stay in three rooms of one of the apartment buildings in the urban area, crowded with high-rise office buildings, and soon to be shopping district.

Before completely handling all the jobs left by Chali, they needed to learn all the basic knowledge as well as attending an Online course about economic, and business management in the public library of this city for the time being.

Today, after finished attending the Online Course from some education website on the internet inside the city public library, as usual, they're going to spend their lunchtime at the fast-food restaurant across the road from the library.

Since this is the only active and cheap restaurant in this town, during the lunch break, this place usually quite crowded(Since the inhabitant of this city is still few, is not actually that crowded) and needed to line up before they can order the food.

After lining up for quite a time, finally, the three of them get their turn to order their meal.

[Welcome to Elli's, what can I get you today?]

[Can I have 3 Elli's double cheeseburger sets? And please replace the coke with diet coke instead]

[Sure, it'll be 45 rham]


[Thank you for your order, please wait for your meal to be ready at the side counter, it took approximately 3 minutes before we get it for you~]

After paying for her meal, the Half-Elf that was just placing her order moved to the side and wait for her meal to be ready with the other two women beside her.

During the waiting, the three of them began a light conversation to fill their boredom.

[Shasa, why you didn't add extra fries to your order?! You know that the burger and 1 fries is not enough for me right?]

A busty woman with a cute face and having a dark blue hair complained at the Half-Elf blonde slender beauty beside her.

[Armin, please be more thrifty with our spending.

Even though Master gave us enough allowance, but we can't waste it willfully.

If you don't agree with what I order, why you don't order your own food by yourself anyway?]

Shasa, the Half-Elf beauty retort to Armin, the busty dark blue-haired woman that just reprimanded her.

[Wha-?!! Y-you!

Did I already told you before?! I-I didn't use to the lifestyle here yet!

This place is a brand new world for me after all.. I afraid I will make a mistake and troubled others]

Armin replied meekly.

[Still, Armin, I think you have to adapt quickly here, else you'll become a burden for master.

Leaving aside Sasha who was a former merchant, even though both of us magicians who has a high INT status and could learn the knowledge faster, but our job is dealing with communication and human relationship after all.

Please stop being timid like this and be more confident in yourself]

This time, a brown-haired bewitching mature beauty added and join the two, Sasha and Armin conversations.

[Carren! Not you too!

I-I know what you mean by that, b-but how can you two adapt can in this strange place so quickly->


[3 Double cheeseburger sets, please enjoy your meal~]

Before Armin could retort the brown-haired bewitching beauty Carren and finished her words, their food already arrived as the teenage girl wearing Elli's uniform cut their conversation.

[Let's continue the conversation after we found a table to eat]

Sasha signifies the two to take their respective food and taking them to find a table for eating their lunch.

As the people came and go after finished their meal, it wouldn't hard for the three of them to find a suitable table for themselves.

Upon having their seat and placing their meal on the table, they begin to eat their lunch.

As they enjoying their meal, Armin suddenly stopped taking a bite of the burger in her hands.

She absentmindedly gazing at the burger in her hands before turning her head left and right slowly, observing the crowded modern-style decorated fast food restaurant with an absentminded expression.

Looking at her friend's country bumpkin-like act, Carren, the bewitching woman, couldn't help herself to sigh.

[Armin, how many times already, did we visited this place to eat lunch? I know your feeling really well since I was just like you when I came to this place.

However, can you stop acting like a country bumpkin and just enjoy your meal normally?]

Armin who heard Carren Sharp words suddenly back to her sense.

Annoyed with the word "country bumpkin", she begins to retort.

[It's you guys the one who's weird! Did you not see how weird this place- no- This whole city really is?

It's as if I was in a different wor->


Before Armin could finish her words, this time, it was Shasa who raised her voice and called her name to stop Armin from finishing her words.


You, by chance, did you not aware of your status right now?

We're just a slave, please be considerate for our master and watch your words carefully while you're in a public place like this]

Shasa added.

She looked at her surroundings and began to smile apologetically to the intrigued crowd who stop their meal and attracted to her loud voice.

Seeing there's nothing to see and further development of the three attractive woman table that'll interest them, the crowd gradually back to eat their own respective meal.


Looking at her surrounding, as well as the complicated face that her two friends made, Armin apologized.

[I know what you want to say just now.

I know very well why you act so anxious in this new place.

But, these days, did you not observe the face of the people living here carefully?


Looking at your expression, I guess you already did it.

That's what important.

Since the people living here always have this smiling and contended face, isn't it already proved to us that our Master is a trustworthy and benevolent one?

So, ease your worry and accept his grace for saving us from the bleak future of the unsold slave]

Hearing what Sasha just said, Armin began to lower her head in reflection.

With a sad face, she took a tiny bite of her burger pitifully and resuming to eat her meal.

Carren who was observing her two friends while eating her burger silently, begin to give her own opinion about their current situation.

[Armin, stop fussing about the lifestyle as well as the strange stuff here, and just do the job given to you from Chali- I mean Lady Chali.

I'll tell you what, these days, after observing the people living here and most of the management people who hold a voice to manage this city, I became aware that all of them are Master slaves, like us.

Some of them are already freed, and become free person tho… so saying they all are Master slaves isn't completely correct.


Anyway, by me saying this, you guys know what I mean right?]

This time, hearing Carren's opinion, both of them turned their head toward her with shining eyes.

[Did you mean? As long as we do our job properly, we will become free people like them and buy a property in this city to live as free people?]

Sasha voiced her thoughts with eyes full of hope.

Not only her but even Armin, who used to be downhearted, also had her eyes shining and became well once again after realizing this probability.

[This is a chance… A big chance for turning our life better!

That's why, Armin, stop fussing about the strangeness of this place and Master's mysterious identity.

What you have to forge inside your head is the enormous wealth as well as the great power our Master held in his hand!

So what if he really not a person who was coming from this world, that identity isn't too shocking since we have a story of the heroes in the past that have similar circumstances like Master too.

What you have to think right now is, how we can change our fate, and turned our lives to be better!



Look over there!]

Finishing her words, Carren suddenly pointing toward the outside place that became clearly visible from the inside, because of the full-glass transparent window of this restaurant.

In the place where her finger pointed to, a group of children coming out from the school, seemingly finishing their lesson.

In there, some of the adults come to fetch their kids to bring back home.

At first, Sasha and Armin confusedly looking at Carren to what did she mean by pointing to them, but it didn't take too long before the two of them realized something!

[Aren't they the people who just have finished their training in the military camp yesterday?

I heard they are people living in the slum of Arkhaim town.


But looking at them right now, it seems they don't go back to Arkhaim town with the bus as they usually do…



Don't tell me?!]

Hearing Sasha's amazed voice and seemingly realized something, Carren gave the two, Sasha and Armin a meaningful smile.

[By seeing them, surely you guys know, what our Master intention is…

This city… It will be developed into a terrifying place that the people all over the world dream to live!

As long as we do our job properly, I believe master will give us the opportunity to become free citizens of this city who have great potential to be developed!]


After Carren sharing her piece of thought two them, the other two, Sasha and Armin gasped in shock.

Inside their head, a dream where they live a prosperous life started to appear, making them losing in their own fantasy and forget the delicious burger in their hands…

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