Is This a Novel or Something?…Everyone and Their Dog is Regressing, It’s Fking Ridiculous

Chapter 66

You should never casually mention that things are peaceful.

Just one word can turn into a sudden plot twist.

Let me give you an example.

If you bombard someone and ask, “Did I take care of it?” the opponent will definitely still be alive.

If you say, “I’ll confess once this war is over,” the person you just mentioned will most certainly die during the war.

It’s common knowledge now that if you cram 5,700 characters into a writer, they’ll embody that work.

And if you’re feeling epic and use the phrase “calm before the storm” before starting something, it will fail spectacularly.

Yes, this is a kind of cliché.

Currently, I have created a beast autonomous defense system.

It can be viewed as a perfect system.

Using deer as the main labor force while controlling all beasts under the title of Beast King.

The unnecessary deer can later be used as meat.

“Maybe even Tony Stark would be amazed if he saw this.”

[The Nazis will be impressed, you crazy bastard.]

Thanks to this, I could relax and enjoy my time at the restaurant without working hard.

The only minor issue was when I blurted out that it was peaceful.

That was a big mistake.

On Friday, during practical training class, suddenly, a woman barged into the class.

A lizard beastman.

A 100% pure female lizard beastman, to be precise.

Honestly, I couldn’t tell by just looking at her face, but since she was wearing a skirt, I figured she was female.

[Isn’t that a bit archaic? Just because she wears a skirt, does that automatically make her a woman?]

“If you’re going to present a PC point of view, you should go to Netflix instead of NoPia.”

As soon as the lizard beastman arrived, she started looking for me.

“Is Shinwoo here?”

“That’s me?”

“Could you please come with me for a moment?”

Just like that, she asked me to follow her.

I was curious about what was going on.


“It’s because the Chief is looking for you.”

“Do I really have to go?”

“Please, I beg you.”

An unexpected summons from the Chief.

I had a bad feeling about it.

Reluctantly, I said, “Okay, let’s go.”

“Thank you.”

I decided to follow her.

Partly because I was curious about why I was summoned, and mostly because the lizard beastman was very polite.

So, I followed her into the biggest building at the Academy.

All buildings at the Academy looked the same.

However, this one was excessively large and extravagant.

The lizard beastman guiding me didn’t say anything except how to get there.

The silence continued until we reached the top floor of the building.

“I’ll stop here. You can go this way.”

As soon as the silence was broken, she said she was done, and she took the elevator down while I walked in the direction she indicated.

The top floor was quite bizarre.

A vast space, but the only thing present was a single door.

As soon as I opened the door and walked in, I was met with a luxurious sight that spanned the entire floor.

[Is the Academy swimming in money? Building a place like this?]

“I think this looks like military corruption.”

In the center was a massive desk with a chair turned away.

Someone was there.

Even with their back turned, I could tell they were a person of significant stature.

Suddenly, they sensed my presence and turned around to reveal themselves.

The first impression I had upon seeing this person was:

‘…Is that a pig?’

[Is that a freaking pig?]

Just a few of the rare common opinions shared between me and Piece.

Their face was coated in oil, shining like a well-fried dish.

Looking at the translucent fat dripping from their face, I could almost visualize them getting nicely crispy in an air fryer.

For now, I decided to think of them as a person.

At the very least, they seemed to have a nose, mouth, and eyes.

The person started to open a gap that looked like a mouth while staring at me.

“Are you Kim Shinwoo?”

“Yes, that’s me.”

“Come closer.”

I stepped closer to the desk as he instructed.

He began smiling at me.

“Nice to meet you, I’m the Chief of this Academy.”

There was nothing particularly surprising about it, of course.

This was a crazy Academy.

Why would I be shocked if a pig held the position of Chief?

[Considering a person like you exists, what could be more surprising?]

“What the hell.”

Right as I got close enough to examine the Chief’s grotesque face,

“Where’s my pet?!”


Suddenly, the Chief contorted his face and barked at me.

In that instant, a memory came rushing back.

The kitchen staff talking while handling a wild boar.

According to them, the boar I killed was the Chief’s beloved pet.

[That’s your karma.]

‘…I suppose it comes full circle.’

Honestly, the Chief’s first impression was awful.

Being so close had already surpassed my discomfort threshold.

There was no reason not to kill him.

But then again, who was he?

The Chief of the Academy, standing at the top.

He was not someone to make a reckless move against.

People show their weak sides in front of power.

And I’m no different.

I tried to feign a gloomy look, gathered my emotions, and spoke very carefully.

“Shit, did a pig raise a pig? Is this Academy a pig farm?”

“I’m sorry, that’s unfortunate.”

[…It seems your dialogue bubbles are reversed.]

“Oh, shit.”

The Chief couldn’t contain his rage and started trembling.

With his trembling, the fat dripping from his face started increasing.

“Guuh! You bastard!!!!”

Finally, the Chief’s anger exploded.

He slammed both hands on the luxurious desk, shouting.

“Where’s my pet, Lebowski!!!!”

‘Piggy, you’re going to get grease everywhere.’

[From now on, wear a Defensive Coat. I’ll treat grease as an attack and block it.]

The Chief had already lost half of his sanity.

His eyes blurred with hatred.

Drool dripped from his open mouth.

I saw nothing normal about him.

Then, he released a scream-like shout.

“My little cute cutie!!! Bring cutie here immediately!!!!!”

In this state, it was clear he wouldn’t comprehend me.

So I decided to go with shock therapy.

Everyone learns to accept heartbreak.

Whether it’s early or late.

So, the Chief might as well learn this lesson now.

I put on the most wicked smile and tossed an item from my pocket onto the Chief’s desk with a thud.

The item landed right in front of the Chief’s hands.

“Your pet? Ah, you mean ‘this’?”

“This… this is….!”

The object was a bag with something inside.

The Chief, with trembling hands, opened the bag to check its contents.

Soon, tears began to flow from his eyes.

Those tears mixed with the grease, forming a murky little waterfall.

The contents of the bag were nothing special.

It’s just the hind leg of the wild boar I was supposed to give to Elcia.

That’s all it was.

“It’s too tough to eat. I just spoiled my appetite.”

“You bastard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

The Chief started to tear at what little hair was left on his sideburns.

Luckily, his hair follicles were strong, as his hair didn’t seem to fall out despite his actions.

However, due to the shock, the Chief began to forget his native language while only speaking the language of Japan.

“Dou shite waranouka!!! (Why are you laughing!!!)”

“Ah… this is reality. That’s all.”

“Zettaini… zettaini yurusenai!! (I absolutely can’t forgive you!!)”

“Kehehe… it’s impossible. You’re weak.”

“Itsuka…kanarazu buchikorosu!!! (One day… I’ll definitely kill you!!!)”

With that, the Chief held on tightly to what used to be cutie.

He continued to sob.

Regardless, the Chief had just shouted in Japanese, pouring his soul into it.

So, I had to respond in kind.

With my only knowledge of Japanese.

“Heh… yatte miro. (Give it a try.)”

With that said, the Chief began to wail as if the world was ending.

As I slowly walked out of the room, leaving the Chief behind, an unexpected emotion hit me.


This feeling made my feet stop.

I instantly turned my body and dashed back into the Chief’s room.

[What are you thinking? You should have apologized from the start, and now you’re back for what?]


I burst through the door of the Chief’s room.

Immediately, I was met with a resentful look from him.

I ignored his glare and walked slowly toward him.

He was silent, just shedding tears.

I looked at him with pity.

And reached out to retrieve the hind leg that was buried within his embrace.

[Have you lost your mind? Lost it?]

‘But… I told you I was going to give it to Elcia.’

The Chief, caught off guard by my action, belatedly realized the meaning of his empty embrace.

He soon screamed, begging me to return the hind leg.

“Give it back! That’s my precious cutie!!!”

“Kehehe. Not gonna happen.”

As I rejected him, he tried to snatch the hind leg back himself.

With an unexpectedly swift movement for his size.

But the hind leg was already too far from him.

His hands merely sliced through empty air.

I quickly dashed to the elevator.

‘Every incident has been perfectly resolved!’

[How long has it been since the plus ended, and you’re already acting like this!!!]

‘The Chief needs to go on a diet. He should just eat chicken breast.’

As soon as I stepped out of the elevator, the lizard beastman who had been waiting for me spoke.

“What did you talk about? There seems to have been some commotion upstairs.”

“Oh, nothing. The Chief is just going through puberty.”


“He’s struggling to accept the breakup. Please go and comfort him.”

“Yes, understood.”

The lizard beastman simply tilted her head but agreed.

After saying a polite farewell to me, she took the elevator back up.

Since I had no more business here, I decided to leave the building.

‘How warm am I to those around me? A real sweet guy.’

[You’re a fucking sweet guy! No, you’re just a dude!!!]

“Oh, come on! Mind your words! That’s a misogynistic comment.”

Upon exiting the building, it was already well past class time.

After all, the Chief called me.

I had nothing to fear.

I gently strolled toward the cafeteria.

Just in time, I spotted Hyeji and Elcia waiting for me at the restaurant.

“Hyeji, where’s Jeong Ahyeon?”

“She said she was training in seclusion lately, unsure if she’s normal.”

“In a one-eyed world, two-eyed people are abnormal.”

“Husband! What about the meat?”

“I brought it with me. Here you go.”

“Thank you! I’m really grateful!”

I handed over the hind leg I ‘acquired’ from the Chief to Elcia.

However, as soon as Elcia received the meat, she suddenly started sniffing it intensely.

Followed by her retching.

“…This has a really strong grease smell. Isn’t this spoiled?”

“Wow, just because I hugged it for a moment, the grease left a trace?”

“Did you hug this, husband?”

“No. It was just a boy learning about heartbreak who was hugging it momentarily.”

“Ugh… I can’t eat this.”

“Get rid of it, you dirty girl.”

The last legacy of the cutie, the hind leg of the wild boar.

The journey of that hind leg ended at the food waste bin.

A clean ending after a heartfelt breakup.

While the hind leg met its cold end in the food waste bin, it would eventually nourish another and bloom into flowers one day.

Whether as animal feed or plant compost.

The possibilities are endless.

One day, that potential will bloom into beautiful flowers.

By then, maybe the Chief can smile again while looking at the flowers.

That’s what I think.

[You crazy bastard.]

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