Is This a Novel or Something?…Everyone and Their Dog is Regressing, It’s Fking Ridiculous

Chapter 564

Side Story Chapter 10 – Injury.

I couldn’t escape.

The familiar yet strange male pleasure I’d felt before.

And the pleasure of a woman I had never experienced in my life until now.

Those two mixed together into a terrifying and dizzying pleasure.

If my physical condition had been serious, my consciousness would have blurred before I felt this.

The deep rest I had taken just moments ago, ironically, barely held my mind together.

Thus, trapped completely in the endless cycle of pleasure, both I and Piece were ensnared.

We poured all our life into various murky liquids.

While being swept around by the waves of pleasure crashing down on us.

Thanks to that, Piece and I were now laying together in death.

The more the pleasure compounded, the faster it intensified.

And then, unexpectedly, I felt a sense of floating.

I had no idea what was going on.

In fact, thinking itself seemed impossible.

It was astonishing that I could still feel such sensations.

Suddenly, my body and Piece‘s floated up into the air.

But there wasn’t much we could do.

Stuck in the swamp of pleasure and pain, we couldn’t even flail.

We just fell into the deep, dark void, held down by gravity.

Embarrassingly, we were holding onto each other, but only below.

How long had we fallen, and fallen again?

It felt like quite a long time had passed as we continued to descend.

Suddenly, I felt like I had landed on something hard.

Maybe we hadn’t fallen for that long after all.

When we landed, I didn’t feel much pain.

No, compared to the pain I felt now, it was just a minor inconvenience.

I had no clue what was going on, and I felt like I could just die.

However, the following two sudden sounds pulled my submerged consciousness back up.

Like pulling a cork from a tightly sealed bottle.

The sound of something thick and gooey flowing.

Finally, the part connecting me and Piece came apart.

Immediately afterward, the dizzying and dangerously intense pleasure hit me hard, jolting my awareness.

With a sense of liberation, my lower half vibrated, and I vomited the thick liquid.

Sensing this might be the last time, I let it out heavily for a long time.

I trembled as I expelled it.

Gradually, my senses began to return little by little.

My vision, which had been completely dark, started to form a faint image.

Fresh air slipped in between the blood blocking my nose.

As the dawning of the day gradually faded, my rough breathing faintly echoed.

My stiff body began to regain flexibility, and my cold skin warmed.

As if pouring hot blood into a cold corpse to revive it.

And among my senses, sight was the first to recover, taking in the information before me.

The content of that information was something I had never even considered.

But it was so familiar that I recognized it immediately upon seeing it.

Now, I felt so relieved that tears nearly welled up.

That was because the scene forming on my retina was not an incomprehensible darkness.

It was none other than my bedroom.

Besides, my previously malfunctioning thoughts were slowly starting to recover as well.

Of course, it seemed impossible for them to return completely, but they were clicking back together with a loud noise.

The first thought that crossed my mind was why Piece and I were here.

Had Piece lost the ability to maintain the god’s space?

Or had it somehow unconsciously sent us here?

Honestly, at this moment, I couldn’t know the exact reason.

But it didn’t seem likely that Piece, lying pile on the floor, would tell me.

The sight of Piece completely losing consciousness was truly horrific.

With her tongue bitten, eyes rolled back, and body convulsing awkwardly.

Her swollen belly slowly sank as it expelled all its contents.

Yet, amidst it all, the double Piece ahegao remained intact.

It was beyond absurd and, honestly, quite impressive.

I felt a slight sense of betrayal for being the only one knocked out.

After all, I was still in this dreadful reality.

Yet, relief washed over me at least.

The sensations connecting me to Piece completely severed.

No longer was overwhelming pleasure felt.

Of course, the memory of pleasure still lingered thickly on my body, causing continued vomiting.

“Return… came back-”



Anyway, I had just escaped the cycle of pleasure.

After trembling my body until no more thick liquid would come out, I clutched my painfully numb lower half and recalled what had happened.

Thinking back again, it had really been dangerous, maddening, and slightly terrifying.

They say a woman’s pleasure is far more intense than a man’s.

I had previously thought it was just a simple assumption someone had made.

Until I personally experienced it today.

I had firmly declared I wouldn’t succumb to female corruption before.

But at this moment, I desperately understood the actions of TS protagonists.

After all that talk, had I now simply become a female dog?

It was absolutely something beyond my control.

I’d never felt so distant from myself.

I didn’t let out any screams due to the last remnants of my pride.

But if that sensation had lasted just a bit longer, who knows what might have happened.

It was dangerously overwhelming for a human to handle.

I felt an unspoken awe for the heroines who experienced this regularly.

Anyway, it was a relief that everything had turned out okay.

I was somewhat free from pleasure and pain.

And I had safely returned to the place I was meant to be.

Regardless of the results, I had connected with Piece.

It was just that…

There was a tiny, minor issue.

The fact that the spot I had landed on was Hyeji’s sleeping face.

The hard sensation I felt upon landing was Hyeji’s chest.

No wonder it felt unusually hard compared to the ground.

The ground at least had a slight resilience due to the flooring.

Still, I figured it was precariously okay for now.

Though I had stained Hyeji’s face with murky white liquid.

If I just cleaned it perfectly, I could manage somehow.

The fact that I had connected with Piece wouldn’t be a problem, either.

Regardless of what happened, it was not an issue as long as Hyeji didn’t wake up.



But there was a problem.

Whether it was the unpleasant sensation covering her face.

Or the weight I felt on her chest.

Either way, the fact that Hyeji had woken up was a big problem.

“What the hell is this?”



Hyeji shot a look at me demanding an explanation.

She slowly wiped away the thick liquid covering her face.

Each time she did, her eyes sparkled brighter and brighter.

Before Hyeji’s eyes shifted to full anger, I quickly began my explanation.

“Hyeji, we got married, right?”


I maintained utmost calmness and even managed a slight laugh.

“There’s a custom called ‘rice shower’ for celebrating a marriage.”

“Sprinkling rice?”


But my mind wasn’t working properly, so I blurted out nonsense.

“Is this my food, you dog?”

“……You seemed to enjoy it…”

Hyeji’s sodden hand began to shake and form a fist.

There was no way to brush this off.

This time, I decided on special measures.

I said things I would never normally say.

“Actually, Hyeji, I wanted to do it with you, but you were sleeping.”

“Really? You wanted to do it with me but couldn’t resist?”

“That’s right. I just couldn’t wait until tomorrow because we’re married.”

It seemed Hyeji liked that, as she smiled and licked her lips.

I felt again I was about to experience unwanted pleasure.

But I decided to endure it at all costs.

I had to act like nothing happened.

Especially the existence of Piece sprawled on the floor.

It was still writhing and expelling various mixtures.

If I got caught with this, there would be no good way to end it.

Especially since sex was already forbidden, this was even worse.

Fortunately, Hyeji hadn’t caught on yet, so there was still an escape route.

“But you already had a honeymoon, didn’t you?”

“…Who, who did I do it with? Absolutely not—”

It wasn’t fortunate at all.

“That fucking bitch.”


She had noticed.

“Did it feel good, you shithead?”


I was screwed.

My body started to tremble uncontrollably.

Not from pleasure or pain, but from fear.

And that feeling paralyzed my mind.

I was scared.

I was terrified.

At that moment, Hyeji gently smiled and spoke to me.



She seemed to have calmed down, but that made me even more cautious as I carefully responded.

What on earth was Hyeji about to say to me?

Was she suddenly going to bite me?

Whatever it was, I desperately wanted to escape.

But what came out of Hyeji’s mouth was a somewhat unexpected line.

“Ah, try it.”


At those words, I willingly opened my mouth.

“I’ll feed you.”


I shouldn’t have opened it.

What happened next was truly horrifying.

Thanks to a bit of noise, the other heroines woke up.

After kneeling and explaining the situation to them.

The true nightmare began.

“It’s time to serve.”

“Finally, it’s my turn! I’ll eat well!”


I was bound, limbs and all, and caught by the heroines.

I was equipped with even more handcuffs and restraints than usual.

And, injected with some mysterious, dangerous drugs obtained from somewhere.

Thanks to that, my mind was painfully sharp amidst the blinding agony.

“Hurry, give me food!”

“It… won’t come out…”

Of course, my body had already reached its limit, unable to satisfy them.

“If that’s the case, it’s time to use the succubus’s weapons.”

“Let’s begin.”

That thought barely crossed my mind when.

Caressy and Ayeon wore serious expressions and stimulated Piece.

With a massager as thick as my arm, they ruthlessly treated Piece‘s lower half.

Unable to withstand the heroines’ threats, it reconnected with Piece’s lower half.

– *Wooooo!!!


Thanks to that, the dizzying sensations from Piece transferred over, and my lower half reacted as it pleased.

– *Vrrrrrrr!!!


At that, Elcia, partially satisfied, patted her belly and moved away.


“Anyway, now it’s my turn. Come on.”

“Hurry and finish it, then give it to the main heroine.”

Late-night snacks tend to be eaten in excess.

Were they trying to prove that saying true?

They indulged in my body fiercely throughout the night.

Top or bottom, not a single spot overlooked.

The honeymoon.

It was said to be the sweetest day in marriage.

But you can never assert that it was necessarily sweet.

At least for me, even in faint memories.

“…….Save me… please…”

“If you want to live, stand up, Shinwoo.”


It remained a vivid and cruel scar.

Today, I died.

Or maybe it was yesterday.

I can no longer tell.

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