Is This a Novel or Something?…Everyone and Their Dog is Regressing, It’s Fking Ridiculous

Chapter 557

Side Story Chapter 5 – Wedding

“Now, let’s begin the wedding ceremony.”

Yerim, the host, declared the start of the ceremony in a rather bright voice.

While countless guests filled the many empty seats.

Our parents began lighting the candles on the dining table.

With each flame that flickered to life, a rush of emotions surged within me.

Thump-thump. I’m nervous. My hands are soaked with cold sweat.

Thump-thump. My heart is racing more violently than the flickering flames.

Thump-thump. I feel suffocated. The tuxedo that’s certainly comfortable, yet feels so restrictive at this moment.

Thump-thump. I’m scared. What if I mess up during the ceremony?

Just the thought of actually getting married has my heart ready to burst.

But I steeled myself, forcing a faint smile onto my face.

I never expected to be the main character of this wedding.

Yet I had no intention of escaping from it.

And I couldn’t let myself look so timid as the groom.

So, I decided to smile even brighter than before.

That was the best I could do right now.

“The groom, Kim Shinwoo, please proceed.”

As soon as Yerim finished her sentence, a wave of cheers followed from the guests.

To respond to that warm welcome, my feet began to lift off the ground.

I stood there, leaving behind all the negativity.




Somehow, it felt like the weight of my steps was becoming lighter.

Maybe because I was casting away things I no longer needed.

Or perhaps the cheers from the guests were gently pushing me forward.

Whether it was the situation or the anticipation for a new future, I didn’t care.

Soon, I arrived at the podium with lighter steps, turning my back to patiently wait for them.

At that moment, Yerim flashed me a wink and spoke the words I had been waiting for.

“The brides, Hyeji Kim, Ershiana, Jeong Ahyeon, Caressy, and Piece, please enter.”

A thunderous cheer erupted, a stark contrast to the one directed at me moments ago.

Yet, amidst that grand sound, the footsteps of the girls approaching were crystal clear in my ears.

They would have been walking in with their parents or suitable companions.

And soon enough, I felt the presence of five girls on my right.

Yerim beamed at me and the girls standing next to me.

“The groom and brides should bow to each other.”

As she spoke, I turned my body to the girls next to me.

Upon seeing them, I froze on the spot.

I was so shocked that no words could escape my mouth.

The makeup they rarely used accentuated their beauty even more.

Their wedding dresses for this day were downright dangerous to my heart.

I was at a loss for words, my smile completely fading.

The feeling was different from earlier; my heart felt like it could explode.

They were more beautiful than anything I had ever seen.

Nothing in my surroundings registered at all.

Only their images dominated my vision completely.

As I stood there dumbfounded, Hyeji started to bring back the smile that had disappeared from my face.

“Shinwoo, surprised?”

Only then did my drifting consciousness return to me.

I barely managed to move my partly frozen mouth to mutter a response.

It was too meager to be called an answer, a simple mumble.


“Your mind?”

Yet Hyeji seemed to like it, smiling even brighter.

“My heart.”

“You dog!”

Meanwhile, the other girls started to break into smiles as well.

“Master, you’re so cool! I’m glad to be alive!”

“I’m so happy to be with you in such a place.”

[Turns out a wedding isn’t that bad after all.]

“I feel like I might cry from happiness.”

Soon after, without anyone saying a word, we all bowed our heads together in greeting.

After a little while, when we lifted our faces once more.

Bright smiles adorned each of our faces.

Of course, mine was no exception.

Then suddenly, looking at them, I felt an emptiness within me.

They were so perfect that I noticed the glaring absence.

It was, without a doubt, the absence of rings on their left ring fingers.

How did I not prepare a single ring for them until now?

What on earth had I been doing all this time?

I felt sickened by myself, and equally guilty towards them.

In that moment, Hyeji subtly moved her lips.

She sent me a silent message.

To check my left chest pocket.

As I glanced into my left chest pocket at Hyeji’s cue.

There lay the best gift for them.

A small box containing the rings.

When I opened it, there were five rings inside.

Identical in shape, but with completely different colored gemstones.

Five rings that felt both simple yet extravagant.

They probably went to the trouble of preparing their own rings without me knowing.

I felt so apologetic for not being able to offer them any help until the end.

I was slightly surprised; they were genuinely an ideal match for them.

I felt a bit scared, thinking they had meticulously planned this.

But more than anything,

I was grateful.

A wedding ceremony would not have been easy.

The fact that they had prepared this venue perfectly for us was testament to that.

And they didn’t bombard me with accusations for not getting them rings.

Instead, they even prepared the rings themselves.

Their consideration to spare me further embarrassment was a bonus.

So, I had to repay them for the kindness they showed me.

Though it might be insignificant compared to their efforts, I would do my best.

Soon, I approached them unbidden, kneeling on one knee.



As I did, Hyeji noticed what I was about to do and slowly extended her left hand.

A small, slender hand covered in scars of all sorts.

Others may find it slightly unsightly, but I gently took her hand.

“My hand isn’t too pretty, huh?”

“I’m the one who’s worse, so what?”

Those scars represented Hyeji’s life; nothing could be more precious to me than that.

“I know.”

“You dog.”

Normally, it would be standard to read marriage vows at this point.

But I decided to boldly disregard such formalities.

I felt I couldn’t convey my feelings through prepared words by others.

And since this was such a sudden wedding, a little variation felt acceptable.

So, I spoke the honest words my heart whispered as I slipped the ring onto her finger.

“I won’t make it hard for you, Hyeji.”

“That’s something I should say, Shinwoo.”

It was a ring adorned with a deep red gemstone that suited her best.

As Hyeji stepped back slightly with red-rimmed eyes, Elcia approached right then.

She extended her left hand with all her might, a brighter smile on her face than ever.

And likewise, I spoke words prepared just for her, slipping the ring onto her finger.

“Thank you for being with me, Elcia.”

“I’ll always be there for you!”

It was a ring decorated with a blue gemstone that captured the clarity of her eyes.

As Elcia beamed while focusing solely on the ring, Ayeon quietly approached me with a soft smile.

However, perhaps she was hesitant to show her rougher hands more ugly than Hyeji’s.

I firmly held her calloused hand and filled her empty ring finger.

“I’ll rely on you going forward, Ayeon.”

“I’m a bit lacking, but I’ll do my best, my love.”

It was a ring adorned with a pure white gemstone even whiter than her wedding dress.

As Ayeon shyly pointed her hand while continuously fidgeting with the ring, Caressy hesitantly took her steps towards me.

Seemingly quite nervous, her left hand trembled noticeably as she extended it.

I cautiously held her hand, and when the trembling stopped, I finally adorned her bare ring finger.

“Me… I’m… gonna be happy too…”

“I’ll give you even more overflowing happiness, Caressy.”

It was a ring adorned with a golden gemstone that radiated a brilliant glow.

“……But it kind of overflowed a bit now…”

“Oh, f*ck.”

The small droplet formed on the ground where Caressy stood was a minor flaw, at least no one else nearby noticed it.

Just as Caressy nonchalantly wiped away the droplet of moisture with her foot.

Finally, the quiet Piece approached me with graceful footsteps.

As I slowly extended my hand towards her, Piece gently placed her left hand on mine.

“Lady Piece.”

[What is it?]

This time, feeling Piece in a way I could genuinely touch, I slipped the ring onto her finger.

“I promise to take care of you for life, as promised.”

[I shall do the same.]

It was a ring that captured the cozy embrace of a starry night in its dark gemstone.

At last, I had placed rings on every one of their fingers.

As I breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that one task was complete.

Suddenly, they came close to me and lifted me up.

Confused by the situation, I cast a questioning glance at them, but.

They just smiled brightly, gently holding my left hand.

At the same time, Hyeji pulled something from her large bouquet.

“We have something to give you too.”

“What is it?”

It was a hammer.

“Oh, f*ck. Not this yet.”


It couldn’t be.

I had to be mistaken.

It must be.

It has to be.

Anyway, what Hyeji pulled out of the bouquet was a ring.

The shape was the same as those I had given the girls, merely slightly different in size.

If you exclude the gemstones decorating hers.

A ring adorned with five gemstones of different colors, incredibly extravagant for me.

This was the ring they had prepared for me.



Then Hyeji carefully slipped the ring onto my finger.

Plain, without any special embellishments, yet genuine in its meaning.

And along with the most beautiful smile in the world.

“I love you.”

As soon as her words finished, the cheers and applause of the guests erupted.

At that sign, all the girls embraced me simultaneously.

Tears poured out as I overflowed with happiness, my smile brighter than the starlight.

Each of us completely unique.

Never the same.

But now,

In this moment,

In this place.

We were finally bound together as one.

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