Is This a Novel or Something?…Everyone and Their Dog is Regressing, It’s Fking Ridiculous

Chapter 54

The family came to a big mart for groceries.

With all the food we consume at home, the plan was to buy in bulk.

Choco Hyung was waiting at home.

He was super mad at first but eventually decided to wait quietly on the condition that he gets beef jerky.

So, we roamed around the mart, pushing two carts and filling them with items, mostly ingredients to fuel dad’s energy.

[Look at your father! He’s really dying here.]

‘I’m really worried. If he doesn’t get pregnant, he’ll waste away more.’

[What’s with those skinny arms! Just bones and skin! Standing is all he can manage!]

We started checking out a mountain of items.

Just then, a hand was suddenly thrust at me.

It was my mom.

“Hand it over.”


“Your card.”

“No way, why are you swiping with my money?”

The way she was trying to extort me when I just got here was like a robber.

But then…

“I’ll reveal the CD.”

“Here you go, Mom.”

I quickly capitulated.

The money in my bank account started disappearing in real-time via my banking app.

All the remaining money vanished in an instant.

[It’s all gone.]

‘I have no choice. It’s not good to be too tied up with money anyway.’

Then, I struggled to move the purchased items by myself.

Of course, it was just me.

I couldn’t ask dad to help, and mom had already settled herself in the driver’s seat.

Mom rolled down the window and was busy taking in the sights.

I attempted a little rebellion.

“No, I swiped my card; you should help me.”

“Stop your nonsense and move it already.”

Usually, mom would have carried the stuff, but today, she was making me do it just because I was there.

I couldn’t help but be upset and protested continuously.

“Isn’t it downright shameless? You’re just stealing my money and now my labor too?”

“Stop talking nonsense and just move it.”

“……Well, you are still my mom.”

“Ah, right.”

My heart ached.

I really wished I could meet Mama.

‘Yuzu Mama. Alice Mama. Kokoro Mama. I miss you.’

[Just f*ck off. Please hold your breath and die.]

Then I saw a little kid in the distance.

Lying on the ground, crying as if throwing a tantrum.

When I moved the last load, mom saw that kid too.

And she chuckled and said to me,

“Hey son, remember? I brought you when you were crying and throwing a fit at the mart like that.”

An unexpected pre-emptive strike.

I couldn’t lose.

“Sure, ma’am. Of course, I remember.”

No sooner had I said that than mom slammed on the accelerator and sped away from the mart.

I tried to chase after her, but it was hard to keep up with her seasoned housewife driving skills.

In the end, all I could do was walk home from the far-off mart.

[What the hell! Why aren’t you fighting back!]

‘Don’t avoid a fight that’s come to you. That’s the tower.’

Then I remembered the beef jerky I promised Choco Hyung and turned back to buy it.

As soon as I got home, Choco Hyung welcomed me.

We extended our fists towards each other.

[This is what a protagonist looks like…?]

‘It’s fine. Better than countless cringe-worthy protagonists.’

I took the now-happier Choco Hyung for a walk.


“So, what’s up, idiot?”

“I smashed into a utility pole.”

Right now, I was at the police station.

Hyeji had come to find me.

Naturally, my parents didn’t show up.

Old Man Kanghyuk had lost contact.

Thanks to the process of elimination, it was only logical that Hyeji would come looking for me.

Hyeji grabbed my collar and started yelling at me.

Her words were especially sharp today.

“What the hell! Why’d you run into a utility pole while walking the dog?!!”

I ended up at the police station due to a minor accident while walking Choco Hyung.

Without realizing it, I spoke formally to Hyeji, who glared at me harshly.

“I got so excited running that I crashed my head into a utility pole.”

“F*ck, really.”

Hyeji gripped my collar even tighter, cradling her head.

She must have thought it made no sense at all.

“And what? While you were knocked out, the dog stayed by your side!!”

“Yup, that’s right.”

“Are you nuts??? Why did your IQ switch with the dog!!!”

“Well, since he’s my older brother, it’s natural for him to protect his younger brother.”

“No, why is that dog the older brother!!!!!!!”

Hyeji protested intensely, as if it was weirder that Choco Hyung was my older brother.

‘Oh, Hyeji doesn’t know I forged a brotherhood with Choco Hyung.’

[……I have no clue where to start pointing out the absurdities here.]

So I gave her a brief explanation.

That we became brothers after drinking and having a heartfelt conversation.

After hearing my story, Hyeji started laughing.

Half-crazed laughter.

“Ha…ha…ha…f*ck. How did I end up with such a guy…”

Then, Hyeji collected herself and fired a question at me.

“Why the hell are you at the police station?”

“If I got hurt, I should’ve gone to the hospital. Why did I end up at the police station?”

“They said because I bumped my head, there was a blackout around, and I was identified as a suspect.”

She grabbed my collar again.

With even more fury that made me feel small.

“Why does your head seem fine while the utility pole is swaying!!!!!!”

“….Good question.”

[It would be more convincing if the utility pole claimed it hit you.]

‘I should’ve said that.’

Just then, Choco Hyung interjected to calm Hyeji down.

Hyeji, not grasping what Choco Hyung was saying, turned to me for an explanation.

“…Just checking, but… Shinwoo, what’s he saying?”

“He said not to bother his brother too much.”

“….Sh*t… this is driving me crazy.”

“Only the brother could save me.”

But this was too new of a situation to deal with, and the police were discussing it internally.

They were troubled by the fact that there’s no intent to do harm, and I’m still listed as a civilian in the system.

Also, the fact that a civilian caused a blackout purely by crashing headfirst.

These three points were leading the police to considerable deliberation.

They had faces that seemed half-convinced they’d get scolded if they reported this.

In the end, the incident was quietly buried.

‘It’s good being a powerless civilian at times like this.’

[Right. But when will your registration be complete?]

‘Maybe not until this story ends?’

The blackout incident concluded with a bit of a bitter note.

That was a relief.

“The walk is over.”

“Shinwoo, can you just go home?”

“Sure. Anyway, thanks for today. See you next time.”

Just when I was about to head home.

Hyeji suddenly grabbed me.

“…Shinwoo, do you have time next week?”

“I don’t have any friends, so nowhere to go.”

“Not bad.”

For some reason, Hyeji looked happy.

She jumped right in and made me an invitation.

“Then, how about coming over to my place next week?”

“Sure, got it. Send me the address later.”

Hyeji tightened her grip on my arm when she heard me.

As if making a strong indication that I absolutely had to come.

“You must come alone!!! Understand!!!”

“…I get it, but could you let go of my arm? I feel like I’m getting another joint.”

Before I could grow a second elbow, thankfully Hyeji released my arm.

Even while we were parting, she kept insisting I come alone.

It felt like not going would lead to big trouble instead.

[Are you really going to go?]

‘Yeah, I suppose. But since it’s someone else’s house, should I bring a gift?’

At that moment, a shock of confusion swept through Peace.

[…..What? What did you just say?]

‘Why? Isn’t that basic courtesy?’

[Finally, you’re starting to think like a human… I’m so moved.]

‘……Peace, I’ve been too lenient lately, right?’

Peace desperately apologized, but it was already too late.

First, I managed to return safely with Choco Hyung.

And I logged into the Mystic Sorcerer Gallery after a long time.

Because it was HAL’s working hours.

That night.

In my room, one voice echoed.
Inside my head, two voices screamed.


The day I promised Hyeji.

‘Is… is this the right place?’

[It is, but… I never imagined this.]

I was feeling quite flustered.

I bought a box of vitamin drinks at the pharmacy as a gift and headed to the address Hyeji sent me.

So far, everything was fine.

I had a gift, and the address itself was normal.

However, upon arrival, what came into view was…

‘Sh*t. Are these rich folks going to laugh at me at the entrance for being a commoner?’

[This place is uncomfortable for me as well.]

It was a luxurious apartment complex, devoid of any sense of reality.

A place that felt completely out of my league.

Now I was worried whether my current appearance even qualified me to enter that apartment.

[Can’t you just go in?]

‘There’s a minimum requirement for entry to those places.’

For example, Starbucks.

Going to Starbucks without a new iPhone and a MacBook?

You can’t even enter, let alone order.

Our house isn’t bad, but.

This apartment in front of me was on another level entirely.

The thought of escaping slowly crept into my mind.

‘……Should I run?’

[…This time, I agree with you.]

There’s no point in loitering around—I’d just get reported.

As I prepared to make a quick escape, suddenly Hyeji appeared and greeted me.

“Shinwoo, you made it. Let’s go in.”


“Are you hurt?”

Noticing my grim expression, Hyeji expressed concern for me.

“I can’t adjust to this fancy apartment. I want to run away.”

“All places where people live are the same. Let’s hurry.”

In the end, I followed Hyeji into the apartment complex.

Fortunately, no one glanced at me strangely as they passed by.

That was a relief.

“Well, thankfully it’s different from what I imagined.”

“…Shinwoo? What kind of thoughts led you to think that was a good thing?”

Hyeji tilted her head.

Still trembling with the lingering fear, I opened my mouth.

“I was worried I’d have to perform like a jester in front of people, being the commoner boy.”

[That was scary.]

‘I wasn’t kidding.’

Hyeji replied to my statement, but instead of words,

She delivered two powerful punches to my side.

I was momentarily speechless and could only draw quick breaths.

Hyeji dragged my incapacitated self towards her home.

This time, people glanced at us as we passed by.

Anyway, I hopped into the elevator pulled along by Hyeji.

Hyeji’s house was on the very top floor.

Even though the elevator was fast, it felt like it took a while to reach such a height.

‘Isn’t the top floor a bit chilly?”

[Are you really worried about that in this fancy apartment?]

‘It could be a rooftop room.’

But I was mistaken.

As I stepped out of the elevator and into Hyeji’s house, a scene unfolded that was clearly different from my home.

‘Oh my god, it’s a penthouse! Is this possible because Hyeji’s dad works at Samsung?’

[There’s no way this wouldn’t be possible unless he’s swamped with cash.]

In that moment, a man caught my eye.

He didn’t seem to realize we had arrived as he continued to water the plants.

His face looked vaguely familiar, but I couldn’t precisely remember.

“Welcome back.”


As the man caught sight of us, I remembered where I had seen him.

It was the man sitting in the driver’s seat when I borrowed the car from Hyeji.

I whispered just loudly enough for Hyeji to hear.

“Hyeji, did you call the driver home to water your plants?”

“What????? What nonsense are you spitting?”

“I’m pretty sure he was the driver who drove us then?”

“Are you insane? No way!”

Just then, the man directed his gaze towards us.

He had black hair, deep lines around his eyes, and striking golden irises that seemed completely at odds with his hair.

He had a tall frame and an unexpectedly well-trained body for his age.

He didn’t look like an ordinary person.

Especially, his eyes emitted a sharpness that felt like a weapon.

At that moment, Hyeji spoke up.

“Dad. I’m back.”

“Yeah, that’s the friend from last time.”

‘……So he’s my friend’s dad.’

[Except for the eyes, you have nothing in common.]

Now that I recognized he was Hyeji’s dad, I quickly introduced myself.

“Hello, I’m Kim Shinwoo.”


“This is just a small housewarming gift.”


Hyeji’s father responded with only one-syllable replies.

His scrutinizing gaze felt extremely burdensome.

‘Why is a Samsung guy looking at me like he wants to kill me?’

[Is he even a Samsung guy? That look in his eyes suggests he has linked to something worse.]

Hyeji said she’d be right back to her room.

With just the two of us left in the living room,

It was me and Hyeji’s father.


“Yes, sir.”

I complied and took a seat as instructed.

As I settled in, Hyeji’s father took a seat right across from me.

Facing each other, the conversation felt painfully stagnant.

It was silent on both sides as I had no idea what to say.

‘This is awkward.’


The tense silence didn’t last long, though.

Hyeji’s dad finally spoke up.

“Nice to meet you, Shinwoo. I’m Hyeji’s father.”

“Nice to meet you too.”

“Let me briefly introduce myself.”


“My name is Kim Baekhong. I’m 50 years old.”

Suddenly, my eyes were drawn to the strange decor in the background of the living room.

Various medals and name plates that didn’t have any words but looked like decorations.

They resembled the medals given to soldiers for recognition.


[What’s up?]

In that instant, various keywords began swirling in my mind.

Kim Hyeji. To manifest weapons, one often needs exposure to numerous kinds of weapons.

The environment to design and create blueprints. Excessive training starting from childhood.

Hyeji’s skilled swordsmanship and shooting ability. The intense gaze of Hyeji’s father.

The multitude of medals.

As those keywords began to form a connection in my mind,

Kim Baekhong’s last words connected the dots.

“I’m just working a bit in the Defense Ministry.”

With that, the realization hit.

‘Aww sh*t. I thought her dad was a Samsung (S Corporation) employee, but it turns out to be Samsung (three stars).’

[…He’s quite a high-ranking official.]

‘My friend’s dad is a general? This suddenly got super uncomfortable, you know?’

The middle-ranking official of the Defense Ministry, Kim Baekhong.

This was my first meeting with Hyeji’s father.

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