Is It Bad That the Main Character's a Roleplayer?

Chapter 84: Don’t Do This (9)

Chapter 84: Don’t Do This (9)

About two weeks had passed. Reminiscing a little, the Archmage wondered just how so much time could have passed so quickly.

Spending every day overwhelmed with so much work had made it seem even more unreal to him.

But on the other hand, the citys security had been stabilized, and with the reinforcements joining in, theyd reclaimed even more space. The Inquisitor also ventured outside the city to take care of the remaining Demons.

However, that didnt mean hed completely stopped the internal crackdown on those pirates.

The members of the Vipurit gang, whom theyd left alone until now due to lack of manpower, were executed one after the other as soon as they had the time and personnel to spare.

Like that, his workload became lighter and lighter each day.

The Archmage, whod just gotten news that a second wave of reinforcements would be coming and was thinking something akin to, I can finally breathe again!, received another bit of news that seemed like a thunderbolt out of the blue.

This place isnt safe enough yet for the Lord to come here

Pion, the Lord of Jacrati, had come to the recently restored Ayu Hin.

While I wouldnt say the relationship between Jacrati and Ayu Hin was especially good, it wasnt so bad that I couldnt lend a helping hand in this situation.

Should he think it fortunate that she didnt request a protocol or something?

While he knew Pion was said to be different from other nobles, the Archmage had lived for too long to trust in things like rumors and hearsay.

Furthermore, not too long ago

Someone who embraces the power of a Great Demon. I think it would be more beneficial for us to kill him than keep him alive. Why did you make that kind of judgment?

The vessel of a Great Demon? If youre going to kill him, could you give us his corpse?

What about Purification? Well, I suppose they didnt do it because it didn't work. How about the Temples seals? Did they work?

A seal to prevent him from going berserk, how fun! Could you provide me with his physical information? Ill develop that right away!

Shed come here right after he finished dealing with those other Great Sages whose true personalities differed wildly from their public personas.

He felt consoled that he at least received limited cooperation from them.

If youre worried about my treatment, you dont have to be. I plan on leaving as soon as this matter is resolved.

Regardless of what he felt, Pion continued talking. In addition to the Guard Captain shed brought as an escort, some pirates tasked with transporting various things between the hidden port and Ayu Hin stood close to her, just slightly out of the way.

They were Windhand, Outlaw, and Blue Moon. They looked very reserved, eyes lowered and hands clasped together.

First, let us start with this.

At Pions words, the pirates and guards began to move in unison. They lifted the veil covering the object theyd brought all the way here with considerable difficulty.

They were the items Ayu Hin needed the most: food, clothing, and medicine. The people who came snooping around when they heard another citys Lord was visiting started to cheer.

Th-This is.

The treasurer theyd brought by pirate ship once word got out that Ayu Hin was nearly restoredhe was dispatched quickly, as they needed someone to placate and lead the peoplewas moved to tears.

While he might have expected something like that since Pion had brought over a lot of things, it was still different seeing it with his own eyes.

There wasnt much I could prepare with my own funds, so most of it was prepared by the citys people after they heard about the situation here.

I heard things arent going so well in Jacrati, either, so how could you

Arent we all from the same region? And didnt we also get a lot of help from you 40 years ago? Im sure everyone still remembers that favor. So, dont worry about it too much.

She waved her hand before adding some more words.

Other cities, and even Canavas across the sea, have agreed to send over supplies after learning of your situation, so even if this isnt quite enough, you just need to hold on for a little longer.

Thats the least we should do. We must hold on.

The supplies were too much to pile up on the beach, so we put the rest in the port. Please move them here once you can.

We are so grateful for your help.

You should thank the people rather than me, and the pirates who gave us access to the port. That port they built has actually become a great strategic point.

Incidentally, little justification was needed to explain why it turned out that way.

The port was chosen for this use thanks to the hard labor of the evacuees, the terrain that prevented Demons from easily entering it, and its central position.

Another reason was that it was the only free port.

Of course, right after the Heros party left, they were caught up in yet another incident due to the presence of a traitor.

If not for the main forces arriving there at just the right time, the place might have already been destroyed.

Rather, I heard that the Magic Tower has uncovered some information regarding the Zombie outbreak.

It seemed Pions first goal for the visit had been met.

So, she immediately moved on to the next matter. That may have been the primary reason behind her coming here personally instead of just sending over the supplies.

The Archmages hand gently swept over his staff.

Im sorry to interrupt, but this talk will be too long to have here. If its fine with you, how about we first move somewhere else.

Hed planned to explain this to her from the beginning. Pion had hurriedly asked the next best person she could find because she had little time, but there was no reason he couldnt tell her himself.

I apologize for my late greetings. It is a pleasure to be seeing you again, Great Sage.

Pion, who was late to notice the Archmage, bowed slightly in greeting.

Then, hmm. I really want to see Vipurits corpse, so would it be alright if you tell me while leading me there?

Of course.

Vipurits corpse had been put on display for everyone to see. It wouldnt be an ideal place to have this talk, but it was far better than doing it while standing here.

I will guide you.

Thank you for your consideration.

The Archmage started to guide her. Pion and some of her escorts followed behind. Their presence was partially due to the privateers, wary of the information theyd received, wanting to confirm it for themselves.

Ah, and the treasurer, who had considered following along, ultimately decided to stay behind to collect the supplies theyd been gifted.

Not only had he already been informed of this matter, but there was still so much work left for him to do while the Archmage entertained their guest.

So, I heard you discovered why the Zombies spread so quickly.

The Archmage and Pion, surrounded by escortsit seemed somewhat comical considering that privateers, Windhand included, were part of said escortbegan moving forward.

Both seemed to have nerves of steel, able to ignore all those people bowing toward them. Their only indication showing they were conscious of their entourage was how they lowered their voices.

Yes. The Demon Worshipers brought some of their research data here.

It was fortunate theyd died before getting the chance to hide it away. More precisely, they were killed when the Demon Knight went berserk.

First, the principle behind shortening the speed of infection It appears to be based on the fear caused by the incident 40 years ago.

Based on fear.

Sometimes, experience can be much more troublesome than unfamiliarity.

There was a saying that ignorance made one brave. The opposite of that was the main cause behind all this. Theyd taken advantage of those whod become more fearful due to their experiences weakening their minds, which only served to amplify the curse.

Yes, high amounts of anxiety serve as an amplification. The greater the fear, the greater the curses effect.

So thats why the infection rate varied so much between people.

Your assumption is correct.

Setting aside the generation that had lived through the incident, the generation whod only heard about it could be divided into two groups: those who felt great fear because the previous generation had practically brainwashed them about this incident, and those left ignorant because they still couldnt believe what was happening.

The infection rate would have been relatively fast for the former and slow for the latter. So, in this case, the latter group was in a far better situation.

This was only possible because they attacked this region.

While knowing it wouldnt be much help now You are right. Something like this wouldnt have happened in any other region. Although other cities and villages fear Zombies This is the only region so entirely afraid of them.


Pion frowned even more at the Archmages calm explanation. The escorts listening in nearby also wore dark expressions, but they didnt join the conversation.

Understood. From now on We must encourage our people to be prepared but not fearful.

That is the right decision.

While their fear of Zombies may never vanish completely, such encouragement would undoubtedly help.

The Archmage also acknowledged this as he slowly stopped his steps.

Near the collapsed castle, the remains of what used to be Vipurit were propped up on skewers, one at a time. The lined-up wooden skewers almost made them seem like decorations.

This is it.

This thing?

You might not believe it, but we have witnesses.

A thief who was lucky enough to surviveno, could it really be chalked up to luck? The thief herself claimed it wasntreported everything to them.

How the Demon Knight walked into a trap, what he was like after awakening, how she survived, how Vipurit died, and so on.

There were still some who doubted whether that really was Vipurit Most were convinced that it was, though.

I can call her here if you want.

No, thats not necessary. Its not as if I came here completely unaware of the situation.

Pion politely informed him that the pirates had briefed her beforehand, and she was only surprised that the corpse looked even more monstrous than shed expected.

Knowing him, he would do something like this.

She looked over the chopped-up and dismembered body. Her dark brown eyes betrayed no emotion.

So, its time for me to pay those 10 million Gal. Where is the person whom I made this agreement with?

The Archmage blinked for a moment upon hearing that question. He hadnt heard anything about that.

Ah, Sir Great Sage, you didnt know. I asked an adventurer called Demon Knight to kill Vipurit. You didnt miss much.

That. The Archmage felt like he was drenched in copious amounts of sweat.

Information regarding the Demon Knights situation had only been shared with the Magic Tower, the Temple, and those in power in Ayu Hin. It wouldnt be good if talk of this spread, after all.


However, if the Demon Knight stayed unconscious like he was now, then

He has been cursed and is currently in isolation. I think it would be better if you postpone this meeting with him.

No, there was no way he wouldn't wake up.

The Archmage responded to her, wondering whether he was truthfully far more dependent on the Demon Knight than even the Inquisitor.

What he said wasnt exactly wrong. The Demon Knight really was cursed and had been placed in isolation by means of seals.

He just left out that the decisive reason for all this was the Demon residing in his body.

Is that so? Then theres nothing we can do about that. What about his colleague? The one with the green hood.

Well, he

Fortunately, this was something he could share. He didnt know the answer, though.

I guess hes wandering around the streets?

The Archmage trailed off at the end of his sentence.

* * *

* * *

What are you guys doing?

Meanwhile, the person the Lord and Archmage were looking for had both his arms suddenly caught by someone.

Why did you suddenly jump out and grab my arms?

Now that all the pirates under Vipurit had been executed, there was little left for the Deathbringer to do. So, he was just wandering around the city.

This stood in great contrast to the Archmages and Inquisitors situationsthey were still grappling with a lot of workbut it couldn't be helped. Compared to before, there simply wasnt much left for him to do except watch out for those Demon Worshipers.

Actually, it might be correct to say he was currently jobless.

Lets just calm down for a sec.

Haha, dont be so offended.

However, there was clearly a price to pay for not having any work.

Deathbringer, having almost reached his destination, was caught by Windhand and Outlaw. Blue Moon was also leaning against the wall not too far away.

Why are you here? Shouldnt you be busy moving supplies around?

What can we do if the Lord asked us to accompany her for a day?

We tried pretty hard to avoid her, but we still ended up running into her at the port. Hahaha. So, what can we do? We had no other choice but to comply.

What are you talking about?

He had heard that the Lord of Jacrati had come. He didnt really want to see her, though, so he didnt head over.

However, he didnt know these pirates were also around here. Deathbringer glared at them.

Then, shouldnt you be with the Lord?

We escaped after some time. Even if we cant refuse the Lords words, it still was too uncomfortable staying with those stuck-up guards.


Where are you going?

It seemed the guards didnt view them kindly after seeing the Lord paying so much attention to mere pirates.

He blinked at Outlaws question. The place he was heading to wasnt open to others.

Even if it were, he wouldnt have taken them there.

Erm, well

As he thought about his destination, which was just a dozen steps away, the words escaped him.

Was it because his mind was filled with too many thoughts? Words that normally would have flowed from his mouth like water stuck in his throat.

Whats the matter? Is something wrong?

Windhand, perceptive as he was, caught on to him.

There is.

Is that so?

Still, he couldnt talk about it. How could he tell them the Demon Knight had been possessed by the Demon and, despite stopping himself, was still deemed dangerous and was currently sealed away?

Hey, do you know where the Demon Knight is? I want to say something to him.

Ah, right, right. Please tell me, as well.

Blue Moon and Outlaw were no help, either. Deathbringers face, partially covered by his hood, subtly hardened.

He couldnt say anything. No matter what came out of his mouth, they would find out if they asked just a little more about it.

Well, thats

Dont block the road.

However, even if they found out, that would be better than actually telling them the truth. Just as Deathbringer was about to open his mouth, a new voice interrupted him.

A member of the religious order.

Aah, arent you that priest?

Its been a while. What happened to your hair?

It was the Inquisitor.

Apparently, shed left to Purify the corrupted land outside the city and deal with some Demons, and now shed returned.

It was cut during a fight.

Is that so?

He couldnt believe she arrived at this exact time. Anyway, that iron wall wouldnt be much help.

Deathbringer was very anxious inside, seeing that stubborn mule appearing before them now. He worried shed tell Windhand the truth if he asked about the Demon Knight.

Rather, if youre here to see the Demon Knight, you should just head in quickly. Dont block the road.

As she did right now!



You idiot

He seriously was about to go crazy. Deathbringer touched his forehead. The three pirates looked dumbfounded at her sudden mention of the Demon Knight, and the priest only stared at them blankly as if she couldnt understand what was happening.

What What do you mean? You came to see the Demon Knight?

Didnt you come here to see the Demon Knight?

Why are you telling them this?! The Archmage told us to keep it a secret!

I-I told them because I thought you were taking them with you!

Wait, what do you mean? The Great Sage told you to keep what a secret?

Erm Doesnt this seem a bit problematic?

Just what is going on?

They were doomed. They had already heard so much; there was no way they would just back off.

After Deathbringer wiped over his face, he saw others looking at them. Shit. Still, the only fortunate thing was that these three werent the type to spread things.

Please follow me.

He walked forward, a sigh leaving his mouth. The pirates, realizing this situation was pretty off, followed him with serious expressions, and the iron wall, having realized her mistake, also joined them with an anxious face.

I-Im sorry

Say that to Mister Knight, not me.

Is there something wrong with the Demon Knight?

Yes. If you see him, youll understand.

Deathbringer entered the space surrounded by a mud wall to conceal what was within from curious eyes. Fortunately, a door had been installed to make it easier for guards and such to enter.

Just what are you trying to show us

The moment the door opened, the three pirates faces hardened. Especially Windhands. It was far removed from his usual expressions.

Is that the Demon Knight?


Wh-Why is he!

Because of the Demon Worshipers, the Demon Knight was possessed by a Demon. In that state, he couldnt differentiate friends from foes and fought with us for a bit. So, he was sealed.

However, there was no reason not to tell them anymore. Deathbringer explained the situation, a bitter expression on his face. They didnt seem to understand.

Thats ridiculous.

But thats what happened.

They also wanted to deny this reality more than anyone. Nevertheless, that wouldnt change anything.

So, the only thing remaining was acceptance.

Even if he was taken over by a Demon, to treat him like this is!

If this continues, I wont even be able to thank him.

Was he strong enough that they needed to put him in that state?

Unlike Windhand, whod been with them a while and had built up much trust in the Demon Knight, Outlaw, who held less affection for him, asked a question.

Immediately after, however, she seemed to regret her wordswhat shed witnessed seemed answer enoughbut Deathbringer had already opened his mouth to respond.

Didnt you notice that most of the castle is gone?


Mister Knight did that.

I did notice, but to think hes the one who did that

Hah, the Temple must have been in an uproar.

So, thats why hes in this state.

Him? But how?

Unlike Blue Moon and Outlaw, Windhand didnt seem to find it easy to accept. Deathbringer didnt try to persuade him, either.

It was hard enough for him to talk about this, after all.

Bullshit That man to a Demon

Wait a second.

Then, the only person who hadnt spoken since coming here finally said something. Wait a second.

What is it?

She couldnt help but move forward. The wizard keeping an eye on them from a corner stood up to stop her, but that red-haired iron wall was faster.

Demon Knight, are you awake?

She stopped right before she could touch the magic circle and whispered.


At that moment, too perfect to be mere coincidence, the chains restraining the man began to shake.

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