Is It Bad That the Main Character's a Roleplayer?

Chapter 68: From the Very Beginning (3)

Chapter 68: From the Very Beginning (3)

The moment Blue Moon Watia saw Windhand, she clenched her teeth and her face distorted slightly.

The same went for Windhand. His brown eyes were shaking like a candle in the wind.

“I’m glad you’re alive.”

“M-Me too.”

The two hugged each other and patted each other’s backs. It wasn’t a long hug, but it was enough to glimpse into the nature of their relationship.

“Rather than that, why are you here…? Ah, I see now! You must have managed to get someone from the mainland to help us, right? Well, I was quite surprised that I‘d never heard of someone as strong as him, so I guess he's the one you brought!”

Like that, Blue Moon easily determined my identity—or origin, rather—apparently knowing the kind of mission Windhand had undertaken.

Her eyes softened when she looked at me.

“There are others here, as well…”

Of course, that warmth completely cut off in the next moment. It was when her gaze left me and Windhand, drawn to the people who’d been taken captive.

More specifically, to the Inquisitor, who was using her Divine Powers to heal the people.

“A cult bastard—!”

A loud roar of anger then left her mouth. It was now Windhand’s time to endure suffering.

* * *

“I will keep a close eye on you, you cult dog!”

Fortunately, it only took a few minutes. After Windhand persuaded her desperately, he successfully convinced her.

Of course, she only ‘tolerated’ the Inquisitor. As though her emotions hadn’t yet cooled, she turned around the instant their conversation ended.

Pure resentment pulled at the corners of her mouth.

“Get ready! We’re going back to base!”

Her subordinates, glaring fiercely at the Inquisitor, began gesturing to the people. As I’d expected, they made the first step to take on these burdens themselves.

In return, we received a mule and a carriage… However, I decided to just give it to them since it would be far more useful for them than us.

“That’s a relief.”

Deb squatted next to me and spoke up. I didn’t know whether he was relieved that the defenseless people’s issue had gotten resolved or that Windhand managed to persuade Blue Moon.

“I’m sorry, it’s all because of me.”

“If you know, do better.”

“I didn’t apologize to you.”

“What? You don’t feel sorry for me?”


Hmm, did the Inquisitor even have anything to apologize to me for? Blue Moon’s hostility was directed solely toward the Temple, which didn’t include Deb or me.

Of course, if I were to intervene by speaking up or something like during the argument with Windhand back then, I would receive plenty of hostile glares, but that would be my own fault.


Then, showing his exhaustion from trying to deal with Blue Moon—as he hadn’t forgiven the Inquisitor himself, it should have been even more difficult for him—Windhand approached us. His face was somewhat pale, like any exhausted person’s.

“If it’s okay, can we just escort them back until they reach the base? You know how many Demons are in the forest. Even now, many are attacking us.”

I mean, Blue Moon had been shouting so loudly before that I couldn't ignore it and forced myself to intervene, even though it went against my character settings.

“And… I also need to tell her about the other people of the Temple who’ll follow us later. Knowing Watia's personality, she probably assumed this girl was the only one.”

Right. Wait a second. She was so angry just because there was a single Temple person here? If she actually ran into the people we’d left behind, that would spell disaster.

“Hmm. I don't really mind, but it would make interrogating that guy much easier.”

“I’m fine with it, as well.”

The other two quickly agreed before glancing at me. They were obviously worried I would just leave, given how little I seemed to care about those people.

“Most of all, the resistance should be the most knowledgeable regarding Montata's situation. I think it would be well worth our time stopping by at least once.”

The same went for Windhand, who seemed quite upset about that part of me. He quickly continued speaking.

He seemed to be slowly grasping how my character worked. Rather than appealing to my emotions, he emphasized efficiency (in hunting Demons).

「? Fangs Aimed at Jacrati

? Find the bases of Vipurit's gang: 11 / ??

? Destroy the bases of Vipurit's gang: 11 / ??

? Optional: Help Blue Moon escort the people

? Optional: Kill Vipurit 」

Despite just being optional, it still was added to the Quest.


Of course, given how things were, I had no choice but to agree.

Although I clicked my tongue right as I was about to head out, I gave up on leaving by myself. The people, noticing that their persuasion had worked, seemed incredibly relieved.

“…Then let's go.”

Right then, Blue Moon finally rounded everyone up and was ready to leave.

The four of us stuck to the back of the group.

* * *

“Not only does the entrance look like a cliff, I also didn’t expect there to be a bay inside… It's a whole lot bigger than I thought.”

“…I'm glad to see there are so many survivors.”

The base we reached after several hours of walking was larger than I’d expected: dozens of ships lined the bay, and hundreds of people were moving about.

Blue Moon's expression was full of pride.

“It's a hidden port known only to pirates. None of the landlubbers knew about it. Considering the situation, we’re currently using it as the base for the resistance and shelter for civilians.”

It was definitely worth the time.

The entrance wasn't wide, making it very easy to guard and defend against intruders. They were also well prepared. It seemed safer than even a castle.


「Hidden Port」

「? Fangs Aimed at Jacrati

? Find the bases of Vipurit's gang: 11 / ??

? Destroy the bases of Vipurit’s gang: 11 / ??

? Optional: Help Blue Moon escort the people

? Optional: Kill Vipurit」

The location name and Quest updated with a ding.

“I heard many pirates aligned with Vipurit. Won’t they know about this place?”

“Ah, don’t worry. The only pirates who know are my brothers. And as far as I’m aware, there are no traitors among them.”

“That’s good to hear.”

However, those words were essentially a flag that there was absolutely a traitor among them.

It would be nice if this ended as just paranoia, but I had a really bad feeling about this.

“Let’s talk about the person in charge of this place first…”

“Sister Watia! You’re back!”

“What’s up? Come here, I brought our brother with me, too!”

“Huh? Who do you… No way, look who it is? Aren’t you Brother Suriya!”

“What’s going on?! What brings you here!”

“Haha, I just accompanied our sister!”

Why did I get such a bad feeling? The itchy sensation in my right arm doubled. It felt like something would happen at any moment.

“Rather, brother, why did you have to come at such a bad time?”

“Isn’t that something pirates are especially good at?”

“Wahaha, you’re right about that.”

“What is it this time?”

“Well, I… Wait a sec, Rahong? Huh, Rahong was also here? I even see that bastard’s ship. I’m guessing all the pirates who didn’t switch sides are here?”

“It ain’t just pirates. Some of the city's armed forces also came along trying to protect the people….”

“Blue Moon, Windhand. Stop talking just among yourselves and explain who those people behind you are. Why is there a woman with the Temple’s emblem on her armor?”

“Huh? For real? Brother! What happened?!”

“Hey there, calm down. Just listen for a sec—”

Crack, crack, crack.


I stood corrected.

「? Fangs Aimed at Jacrati

? Find the bases of Vipurit's gang: 11 / ??

? Destroy the bases of Vipurit’s gang: 11 / ??

? Optional: Stop the Demons’ attack

? Optional: Kill Vipurit」

Something did happen.

* * *

* * *

“Demons! Flying Demons!”

“Ten ships are approaching us! Unregistered ships!”

Bells rang out as reports came flying from all sides. Screams and shouts were heard intermittently, evidence of the despair felt right before disaster struck.

“How did they get here?!”

“Damn it, they found this place after all.”

“…Why right now?!”

“Seems your timing really is the worst.”

The captains present each said something before raising their heads.

“You guys, go block the entrance! And you! Evacuate the people!”

“Got it!”

“Get your weapons and prepare for battle! The Demons are coming!”

“Grab your weapons!”

“You guys, get off your asses and get your weapons!”

Captains were people who led people across the vast sea to find land. Now, they desperately sought to protect their birthplace and shouted out orders.

It seemed they’d forgotten our existence for the moment. Anyone would have when something like this happened.

“Boss, Outlaw! Ah, also Blue Moon! Quickly, go to Dock 4! The guard captain and the others have already gathered!”

“I’m going right away!”

“Windhand! You come too!”

Immediately after giving their orders, all the captains rushed somewhere. They were probably gathering somewhere to discuss countermeasures.

“Demon Knight.”

Right as he was about to rush off, he turned and tried to grab my arm.

I pulled it away before he could take hold. Windhand smiled at my expected reaction and frowning face.

“I want to expand on the request.”

“Not needed.”

“Huh? What?”

What request? Rather, he would have to beg me not to kill them.

I moved forward with such idle thoughts coursing through my mind. The direction I took was different from Windhand’s, my goal being the dock.

“I’ll go with you, as well.”

Aargh, she could do whatever she wanted. Although, if I fought along with a priest, I wouldn’t have to worry about getting hit by an arrow, right?

“I’m gonna eavesdrop on the captains’ conversations.”


“Don’t you need to know what they’ll do? I might find out which places are the weak points, so go and fight first!”

“…If that’s what you mean, I understand!”

Our stubborn Inquisitor was finally convinced and sent Deb on his way. I was already heading straight for the dock. No one stopped us; they didn’t have the presence of mind to do that.

“Who are you? It’s my first time seeing your face around here!”

“Windhand sent me here.”

“Windhand? Huh, did he get new members? But why are you wearing the Temple’s emblem…”

I drew my sword as I watched the Inquisitor preparing to tell the truth, confusing the pirates in the middle of preparing for battle.

“Get on the boat! We must block the bay’s entrance so no ships can enter!”

Fortunately, the dock I’d rushed to held the ship about to blockade the bay’s entrance.

“Can we really just get on?”

“If you don’t want to, stay here.”

“I-I’ll get on—”

Pretending to be a pirate, I naturally blended in with the crowd and boarded the ship. Of course, I didn’t help with the preparations. I didn’t know how to do that, and it also didn’t fit my character.

“Why aren’t you helping?!”

Of course, the Inquisitor tried to assist, only to fail due to lacking the proper skills.

“Shit, why did you even get on if you’re like this?!”

“T-to fight…”

“Damn it, are you a mercenary or something?!”

“I’m an adventurer.”

“Fuck, then get out of the way!”

“Ah, got it!”

Jeez, our little dumpling got chewed out thoroughly.

As these thoughts emerged in my mind, I saw three ships, including ours, leave the bay simultaneously. I tried lightening my inner dialogue to lessen the tension I was feeling.


Then, we departed.

“Prepare for collision!”

And we just as soon came to a semi-forced halt. Bang! A loud rumbling sound echoed over the deck as part of the ship’s bow broke.

“We did it!”

The ships colliding was an accident, but the sailors seemed rather pleased. No matter whether this was truly an accident or planned, they couldn’t help but be happy.

“The bay is blocked!”

“Hurry, get in position!”

The entrance of the hidden port’s bay was wide enough for two ships to pass through beside one another. The moment three ships tried going through, they would inevitably collide and become stuck.

In other words, the ships themselves had become a blockade, completely sealing off the bay.

It damaged the vessels, but nothing was as effective as this.

For those ten approaching ships to get through this place, they had to destroy and sink these ships first or swim the remaining stretch to the port.


Around that time, flying Demons began appearing. There were Gargoyles, Demons that looked like dragons, and ones that looked like eagles.

「Wyvern │ A Demon that flies through the skies with a pair of wings and catches prey with its legs. Poison flows from its tail, which resembles an arrowhead.」

「Harpy │ A Demon with the body of a bird of prey and the head of a human. Its hideous face gives off a foul odor.」

There were so many of them; it was like looking at a flock of seagulls or pigeons gathering on the side of the road where many people would go to eat shrimp crackers.

“D-Damn it. There are too many.”

“Shit, will we even survive that?”

A swarm of Demons filled the sky, with ten ships following from below. Upon seeing that, the sailors trembled even as they adjusted their weapons.

The morale, which had been high after successfully blocking off the bay, was falling again due to the difference in their troops’ size.

“Wake up, you damn bastards! We have no other choice! We must hold on, no matter what!”

However, when an unknown captain—he was too flashily dressed to be a regular sailor—joined us, their fighting spirit rose again.

“Haha, were you guys waiting for me?”

Outlaw Chima, a beautiful young woman with long curly hair and light brown eyes that looked almost gold at first glance, also joined our ranks.

“Let’s have some fun, everyone!”


Her tone was light, completely unfitting for the situation, but its effect was actually pretty good. Sometimes, when the atmosphere was too heavy, you needed to force yourself to take the situation more lightly and relax.

The pirates prepared for the decisive battle, equipped with bows and swords. I glanced over the port and identified the civilians who had evacuated to one side. They’d formed a type of camp to protect them.

“Demon Knight.”

At that moment, the Inquisitor struck the deck with the shield she’d been carrying on her back. I could distinctly feel some Divine Power leaking out of her body.

Although it was only a little bit, it still felt heavy and burdensome. I would even describe it as somewhat unpleasant.

“I won’t let anything get through this place.”

“H-Here they come!”



However, that discomfort was only short-lived. Her words were incredibly reassuring.

As long as the Inquisitor managed to hold on, few would end up dying, which should prevent a GAME OVER. Probably.

“So feel free to run wild as much as you want!”


The first wyvern to reach our ship pounced on me.



Just as it came down, its body was bisected. Thud. I held a silver-white sword in my hand as the two slabs of meat landed on the deck and rolled away.


“T-The Demon…”

Clink. The scimitar’s metallic sound was now very familiar to me.

“Seems you finally learned how to use your tongue properly.”


As the Inquisitor’s face brightened, I jumped into the air. Bang! I stepped on the back of a Harpy’s neck with my military boots and stabbed my sword right between its eyes, causing it to fall.

“Victory to my sword.”


Then, as I jumped off its body, the fluttering three-pronged ends of my coat seemed like tail feathers or wings.

It marked the start of my bloody waltz through the air.

“Death to the Demons…!”

A massacre was about to take place in the sky.

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