Iron Fist Alexander in One piece

Testing the recruits

They say that soldiers grieve alone. Warriors or Pirates, the notion blurs when one picks their arms in defence. The ones who took sword stabs, blood seeping from their veins, muffled screams, broken arms, honour soiled, comrades falling, teary eyes.

Isolation was their solace. In corners hidden from sight, they watched, weary, as life shone black and white. They chose to be there as a witness, their hearts covered with scars, their minds riddled with chaos, as they shut everything out for steady breaths that their heavy hearts wouldn’t allow.


Hands trembling, Alarin watched from the palace window as the girl named Sabine conjured a cloud, which Alexander and his crew jumped on. A gust of wind bellowed from a long knot she untied, sending the cloud toward the marine ships.

His bloodless lips tore as he bit hard at the sight of the marine battleships, nothing was forgotten nor could he do that, when all he could remember from his past life were the Marine's cannonballs flying over his head in pursuit and the Rocks knife tearing his flesh.

It was a hard thing to do, to forget tragedy, maybe not entirely possible. Alarin in shackles searched hard for a solution, a numbness that could cool his deep-seated hatred.

However, when a person’s time got stolen from him and he sits there almost in time statis as memories begin to blur, the wind howl and snake hissing becomes the only thing dragging him back from the verge of insanity.

You realise that it wasn’t so bad at all, to hate. If it can keep you hoping for the day when you’ll be able to see the sea again and cut some limbs off those who wronged you in the past.

Alarin took a deep breath and looked to his side, a cutlass leaning against the wall. A gift from Gulam after he left. He hesitated, slowly reaching for the sword pommel and then, he firmly grabbed it.

[Marine Battleship]

Vice Admiral Onigumo, Doberman and Dalmatian, stood facing the cloud closing in, behind them several captains lined up prepared to fend off the pirates.

Apprehension engulfed everyone on the battleships, even the three Vice Admirals' presence did little to alleviate the tension when they realised a Shichibukai and her forces were about to wreak havoc on them.

“ Should we fire the cannons, sir? “ A Marine captain came forward and asked Doberman.

“ No. “ He shook his head. “ We'll only waste ammunition. ‘’ 

Dalmatian growled, he knew that maybe they wouldn’t get out of here unscathed. ‘’ I  witnessed Boa Hancock’s raid before she became a Shichibukai. She's faster than a bullet and canons have no effect, they'll be turned to stone before they can reach her. ‘’ 

‘’ He’s right, back to your position captain, we won’t engage until we know why is she helping the revolutionary army.. ‘’ Onigumo replied, annoyed that he had to hold back against pirates, but he knew how heavy the consequences would be if he became reckless.

Seconds passed quickly, the cloud was merely tens of meters from them. Dalmatian noticed that there were several people beside Hancock, a black-haired young man, a bit older brown-haired burly man with an Axe, and another two females, this trio he recognized as pirate captains from posters. And lastly four Kuja pirates.

‘’ Did you inform the Headquarters? ‘’ Doberman asked hastily.

‘’ We couldn’t reach them, sir." A marine replied. 

‘’ Damn it. ‘’ He replied 

The cloud drew closer and floated before the ship. 

‘’ Do not seek reinforcement for they won’t come. ‘’ Came a voice, then the Black haired young man jumped into the ship followed by everyone else.

Alexander smiled, watching how the Marines retreated was amusing. He hoisted a horned den den mushi.

‘’ Do you know what it is? ‘’ He asked while looking at the three Vice Admirals.

‘’ You Jammed our signals!! ‘’ Onigumo spat his cigarette and spoke.

‘’ Correct! ‘’ Alexander nodded. 

Doberman took a step forward. 

‘’ What do you want? Do you know the consequences of your actions by obstructing justice? ‘’ 

Then he turned to Hancock. ‘’ Are you willing to put your homeland at risk? You’re no longer a Shichibukai. ‘’ 

‘’ SILENCE!! ‘’ Hancock shouted, Her eyes had a dangerous gleam to them as a burst of Conqueror’s Haki swept past everyone.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Marine soldiers started falling off by the dozens, Hancock swept her hair back under the tense stare of the Marines. 

‘’ You’re not qualified to threaten me, nor do I need your protection anymore… You’ll do your best to remember that. ‘’ She said, her voice containing a hint of venom rarely seen from her.

‘’ Whom do you serve? Is it Justice? The world government and the celestial dragons? ‘’ Alexander strode a few feet from the marine and asked.

‘’ We have no time to entertain your questions, tell us what you want. ‘’ Onigumo’s fury bubbled within as he slammed his eight sword-bearing hands on the shipwood.

‘’ Ha, Ha how amusing. ‘’ Alexander laughed. ‘’ You know that your situation is dire and yet you still put this front before me. ‘’ 

‘’ Do you know that you might not see tomorrow huh? You are like a lone boat battered by the sea‘’ He pressed a little with his right leg, and then, as if it were made of dust, the wood disintegrated.

A heavy atmosphere immediately spread on the ship. Everyone looked at Alexander in fright, maybe he might not have noticed it but his eyes were flashing gold, almost inhumane to look at. 

Alexander raised an eyebrow at the silence.

“Hmm, why the silence? Have your delusions finally broken, did I make you remember the harsh truth about this world? “

Dalmatian looked behind him, there were only six captains still awake. He gritted his teeth then exchanged a glance with Onigumo and Doberman.

They came to a realisation, that the Kujas weren't led by Hancock but by this young man with inhumane eyes, and it made their already wary eyes turn grave.

Doberman noticed how this wouldn't be solved without their utter destruction.

“ We'll stop pursuing the revolutionary army— Just pull your forces.. “ Doberman's face scrunched in disgust at the words he couldn't believe he was saying.

“ Revolutionary army? What are you talking about?” He denied it immediately and turned to his crew.

“ Did any one of you deal with the revolutionary army behind my back?”

“ No, liars. “ 

“ Heresy! “ Andretta shouted.

“ We didn't Alexander-sama. “

“ I'm partially blind. “ Axe awkwardly put a hand over his left eye. “ 

“ See. “ Alexander turned back.

“ No matter… Today you'll kneel to my demands the same way you've kneeled to celestial dragons for centuries.”

At the mention of the world nobles, the three vice admirals flinched, If it was another person who said that they'd have arrested him right now.

“ Axe, Andretta, Sabine step forward.“ Alexander calmly said.

Axe and Andretta unhesitatingly did as they were told, they knew what was coming ever since he flashed them that smile. But Sabine lagged behind, hesitating.

“ Why hesitate Sabine? “ Alexander said without looking behind, as if he knew what was going on in her mind.

“ I'm not sure about this captain. “ She replied, her tone wavering, she never wanted to be a pirate. Instead, this life was what chose her.

“ Don't shy away from it Sabine, you're a pirate you'll face the Marines today, and will continue to do so tomorrow. Should you falter you'll fall… “ 

He looked back at her. 

“ Suffering and death hold meaning, in betterment, in honour… tear thee hesitation and embrace what I'm offering a path of champions… The decision is yours, but no matter what you choose no one can take your place as my comrade. “ 

“ BEGIN!! “ He shouted.

Andretta didn't wait a second before transforming into a silver lioness hybrid. She rushed forward and slashed with her long claws at Dalmatian.

The vice admiral already knew that things were out of control, he snarled and rushed forward. 

CLANG! Their coated slashes made sparks fly, Dalmatian felt a great force push him a step back, and he realised he was outmatched, her savage grin let him know she realised it too. 

She swept her leg toward his torso, which he managed to block, albeit at the cost of another kick smashing into his head. 

BOOM! He flew straight back with great force but still managed to kick the air and fly back at her with great speed. 

‘’ ARGH. ‘’ Axe shouted and swung his coated axe down at Onigumo, however, he was disappointed when the six spider arms easily deflected it down with the swords. 

‘’ You’re not my match. ‘’ Onigumo viciously smiled, however, it soon vanished when he remembered Hancock and Alexander who were watching.

‘’ You can’t decide that yet. ‘’ Axe clenched his teeth. 

‘ Damn, he may be right! ‘ 

He once again struck with his Axe. CLANG! But it was easily deflected, not feeling disappointed he became faster and struck numerous times but each one of them was blocked. 

Caught in his barrage of flurry he didn’t realise a sword was swinging at him from a wide angle. His eyes widened, he couldn’t stop his strikes unless he wished to be skewered. 

Knowing there were no other options, he stomped the ground, rapidly backing off. 

‘’ ARGH! You bastard. ‘’ He shouted in pain as the sword tore the flesh around his biceps before he could be out of range.

Fueled by rage he raised his Axe high and struck the air, sending a flying Axe attack enhanced with Armament Haki.

Onigumo didn’t dare to underestimate this attack as he brought all of his eight arms to block. 

CLANG! He blocked it, but he noticed that the force behind the attack was not what he had expected, as he felt his arms trembling. 

‘’ Are you feeling it? ‘’ Axe grinned and sent another Flying attack. To which Onigumo quickly sidestepped with Soru and closed the distance, arms swinging. Axe felt his muscles heat up as he quickly blocked the attacks coming from all sides. 

Doberman was left alone, but not for long as Sabine slowly stepped forward under Alexander's calm gaze. 

She twirled her staff a few times then exhaled, a series of clouds emerged from her hand that soon cut the distance between her and Doberman, once she saw that they were close to the Vice Admiral. She struck a cloud with her staff.

In an Instant, electric sparks sprang from one cloud to another, and quickly they reached Doberman who raised his Sheathed Katana to block.

‘’ Argh. ‘’ He groaned, the potency of the attack wasn’t high but still, it made him feel uncomfortable. 

He narrowed his eyes and narrowed his stance, then quickly unsheated his sword, sending a Flying sword attack that tore through the cloud, reaching for Sabine. 

Sabine felt her hair rise as the sharp sword energy closed in, She lifted the staff and blocked.

BOOM! However, she was sent flying back smashing against the ship mast.

Silently she slowly got up and cast a gloomy look a Doberman.

‘’ You’re strong. ‘’ She said. 

‘’ I know… you better stop here, it isn’t worth it fighting me… I already said that I’ll let you go… ‘’ 

Sabine narrowed her eyes.

‘’ Captain’s orders. ‘’ She said, and in the next instant, her body turned into clouds that soon covered Doberman and the whole area between them.

Doberman felt something was amiss, he remembered the attack earlier. He didn’t hesitate to retreat, yet he was a beat slower as a thick blue lighting bolt struck his back.

‘’ ARGH ‘’ He screamed, his suit and coat torn and black torched skin was revealed. 

‘’ You! ‘’ He gritted his teeth, he was going easy on her but her attack told him all that he needed to know about her resolve to fight.

He fully coated his sword and closed his eyes sensing her presence, a second later he swung to the left where he felt movement.

His sword passed unimpeded, but when he looked at the katana’s edge, there was a stain of blood. He calmly closed his eyes and waited for the next attack which soon turned out to be a lightning bolt flying for his head.

‘’ Sabine, is hard at work. ‘’ Alexander said with a smile.

‘’ But she’s outmatched… ‘’ Hancock replied, she knew how strong these Vice Admirals were, especially Onigumo and Doberman.

‘’ Let her try first, after that we’ll start working on improving their abilities. ‘’ 

‘’ This won’t take long. ‘’ He continued, the battles were fast-paced and he could already see the outcome. Axe was bloodstained with many wounds all over his body. Sabine was landing multiple lightning hits on Doberman, but he was faster than her, and it looked like she couldn’t use the lightning attack at quick intervals.

On the other hand, Andretta was doing alright, Dalmatian supported many wounds over his body but none of them were fatal.

Alexander and Hancock stood silent for several minutes, they didn’t even move from their place when Sabine was knocked from her cloud form, bleeding, they merely asked Daisy to take care of her. 

A minute later Axe was blasted by Onigumo, his axe shattered on the floor. He couldn’t even raise his head, he knew he lost badly, the only reason he wasn’t dead was because of Alexander and Hancock's presence behind him.

‘’ You did Alright. ‘’ Alexander smiled ‘’ Get back here Andretta is about to finish and moreover, someone is coming." 

He turned around, where a small boat reached the battleship, a second later a green smoke rose from beneath the ship and materialised into the green haired Alarin. 

Alarin didn’t speak, he swept the area with his green eyes and understood what happened. He took a step forward toward Onigumo and unsheathed the cutlass on his hips. 

‘’ You took your time. ‘’ Alexander commented.

‘’ I had to clear my mind, and these younglings need help after all.. ‘’ He said and continued toward Onigumo.

Onigumo on the other hand narrowed his eyes, he didn’t recognize this man, unlike the three pirate captains, who he had seen their posters before.

‘’ Who are you? ‘’ He asked, wary of how calm the man was. 

‘’ You don’t need to know… I-I’m but a ghost of a past. ‘’ Alarin replied, he raised his cutlass and a green bewitching flame engulfed it. He kept staring at it as if mesmerised.

A second passed and then he vanished appearing before Onigumo, He swung his cutlass in a horizontal slash sending the green flame toward the Vice Admiral.

Onigumo sensed danger, he quickly coated his upper body and stuck with his swords. His strike managed to disperse the flame however as if it had a mind of its own it swiftly gathered and clung to his body. 

‘’ AHHH!! ‘’ He screamed, he never felt pain like this before, he felt his skin burning, even though he had coated his upper body there were areas bound to be weakly reinforced.

Alarin watched with apathy, then he swung his sword.

THUD two spider arms fell off. 

‘’ AHH, Who are you? ‘’ Onigumo screamed, pain flooding his senses.

‘’ I said you don’t need to know." 

SLASH! The other two arms fell off. 

‘’ Damn you stop this. ‘’ The fire couldn’t be extinguished it clung to his suit like glue. 

Alarin didn’t speak he hoisted his cutlass and pointed it toward Onigumo’s heart. 

BOOM! The floor cracked as he disappeared, and reappeared thrusting toward the Vice Admiral’s heart.

Onigumo felt the world slow down, the cutlass swiftly approached, he saw death, green eyes fueled by rage stared at him and then. 


An arm stretched and caught the cutlass before it could piece the Vice Admiral’s heart.

‘’ Calm down Alarin, there’s no need to kill him. ‘’ Alexander’s calm voice entered Alarin’s ear,  His eyes snapped open, and the anger in his eyes slowly vanished behind his green eyes. 

He lowered the cutlass and looked at Alexander. 

‘’ They pushed me to my death. ‘’ He said.

‘’ I know. ‘’ 

‘’ If it weren’t for them the Rocks wouldn’t have been able to catch me, torture me and feed me alive to the undead. ‘’ His voice quivered as anger blazed in his eyes once more.

‘’ You are filled with hatred for the marine. I can understand that, but it’s not honourable to take it on these soldiers, they didn’t have a hand in your plight. ‘’ Alexander patted his shoulder and looked him in the eyes.

‘’ Come let’s go, when the time comes I’ll be with you to get your revenge.. ‘’ 

Alarin's chest heaved up and down trying his best to ignore the marine behind him, after a second he opened his eyes.

‘’ Alright Captain, I’ll take your word for it. ‘’ 

‘’ Good. ‘’ Alexander smiled then turned to the Kuja’s who had been battling the few captains, and it was clear to him that they weren’t a match. 

‘’ Round the injured, it’s time to leave. ‘’ He turned to Andretta and found her already at Hancock’s side, while Dalmatian gloomily stood beside Doberman, his suit in tatters with various scratches and wounds. 

In no time they gathered everyone and jumped on the small boat Alarin came with. And slowly they headed for their ships. 

‘’ YOU’LL SOON ENOUGH KNOW THE CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR ACTIONS. ‘’ He heard Onigumo’s furious voice from atop the ship’s railing.


Onigumo gnashed his teeth ‘’ DAM- ‘’ He was about to say something, but then all sound disappeared as everyone raised their heads. 

It was as if the sky rippled like a stone falling in a lake, and from the epicentre of the round ripples, a meteor emerged, blazing and streaking through the sky.

Everyone stood watching in both amazement and worry, they had never seen a meteor this close, it was flying above their heads cutting through the clouds and in no time it disappeared beyond the horizon. 

Only Alexander knows what the meteor represented. He clenched his fists, his face grave, and filled with battle intent as he murmured.

‘’ The time has come…’’

Thanks for reading everyone, And what do you think about the story development so far?

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