Iron Fist Alexander in One piece

Gin’iro island (IV)

‘ Fear simply assures me the ordeal is worth taking.. ‘

Those were the words he once said, in a past life, on a different land where he set off from his home in search of glory and battle.

He could recall the day he left Jarburg, how he shook in excitement when he faced his first opponent and the joy that didn't settle after victory, as he traced his cracked shell.

It wasn't within his expectations, but still, he strode forward plunging into battle with his usual laugh. Still, only he knew how he felt after each bout as he picked up the shards that fell off his body.

He had a feeling that he wouldn't last as long as he had expected.

Under his jubilant facade, he felt as if his joy and excitement were slowly getting hammered down into a realisation that this vessel wouldn't be able to carry him to reach his dreams.

He laughed less and less, he almost despaired at the time his shell cracked under General Radhan’s earth-shattering strikes, as he stood there watching Rake finish the fight.

He felt ashamed and missed home. Alexander took another journey to visit his home, albeit from afar, standing atop a cliff watching the young jars serenely playing.

He turned back with mixed feelings and a renewed hope to strive until he finished what he set out for or until death claimed him.

He fought once again, he tempered his body inside Mount Gelmir’s volcano and at the Mountaintops of the Giants with The Flame of Ruin where he had to escape under the hunt of those who labelled him a heretic.

They wouldn't understand his pursuit, nor would any explanation have worked.

Alexander would never stray from his sworn path or hesitate at the first sight of battle, however, he couldn't deny how heavy his soul felt, he felt deprived of his joy as he came to a realisation that his dream might be far-fetched.

That was his burden and what he carried inside as he stood watching the storm beyond time before he challenged his friend.

And what a mighty battle that followed, he fought, laughed and felt released.

Despite how quickly he was defeated, he was content. His heavy heart felt gratified as he passed into another life with a sincere laugh, he didn’t have in a long time.


The surprise attack was swift, faster than he had expected a sentient weapon could move. 


The chain attacked him frenzied as if it wouldn’t rest until he either was killed or bound by it. 

Alexander quickly sidestepped the tip of the chain that passed under his nose like a bullet. He marvelled at how the chain extended despite the majority of its length tightly bounding the skeleton.

Taking the opportunity when the chain still followed its velocity, he grabbed it and yanked hard causing the tip of the spear to turn in his direction. 


He thought he had misheard, but a second later the hissing persisted. 

‘’ What are you? ‘’ He wondered. 

No reply came, however he was shocked as the chain he was grasping turned into smoke, so was the part binding the skeleton.

A moment later the smoke moved to a distance and gathered like a cloud that soon elongated and turned into a pitch-black snake. Its length was about twenty meters, it stood there flicking its tongue while its eerie yellow eyes fixed on him. 


The snake exploded in a cloud of white smoke that soon blanketed the whole area. 

Alexander spread his observational haki while taking a few steps forward. 

‘’ I take it you won’t settle down without a fight.. ‘’ 

‘’ Don’t disappoint me then... ‘’ He grinned then his eyes widened as an image appeared in his head where a giant snake head lunged at him from behind. 

He immediately spun and delivered a fist toward the quickly materialising snake head. His fist was fast, yet the snake didn’t dodge seemingly confident in its ability. 

‘’ You fool. ‘’ Alexander laughed. 


His fist connected, and an explosion of air followed as the snake was launched back flying toward the wind vortex. 

Yet the snake showed intelligence by dissipating into smoke which slowed its speed. 

Alexander waited and didn't move. After a few moments he sensed a movement to his right, an image premonition flashed through his mind, he quickly turned and threw a punch.


The air exploded, pushing the majority of smoke back revealing a tip of a spear heading in the direction of his fist.


A metallic sound rang out and sparks flew at the moment of their clash. Alexander had a relaxed and pondering expression on his face.

He exerted a bit more strength pushing the tip back, sensing the force behind the fist the chains tried turning into smoke once again, however.

“ You don't learn, do you? “Alexander's bored voice sounded while his fist made contact with the rapidly dissipating chain.


It wailed loudly, enduring the force that sent it flying once more.

Alexander lowered his fist “If this is all that you can do... I must admit that I'm very disappointed… “ 

“ Show me what you have, I know that you have some degree of intelligence.. “ 


The chain, on the other hand, seemed to take his words as a provocation. It coiled its long body producing a grating sound, then without warning it exploded into a cloud of smoke far greater than before.


Alexander raised an eyebrow, feeling disappointed at its futile action yet that feeling didn't last for in the next second the scenery before his eyes changed.

Vast white clouds stretched before his eyes, yet the strange thing was that he was looking at them from above. He was rapidly falling from a thousand metres above.

“ Now this is interesting. “ He laughed as the wind flapped his hair around, despite the dangerous situation he found himself in.

He clenched his fist. “ Is this an illusion or a dream? “ His five senses were still there.

“ This must be the power of that snake.. “ 


He broke through the clouds and what appeared before him was Gin’iro island yet it wasn't exactly the same; it felt more primitive with green tall trees covering the entirety of the island. He could even spot a small city hidden beneath gigantic trees.

“ Ah, an echo of the past.“ Alexander murmured, he was fascinated by the power the snake held. 

His thoughts span and his eyes grow reminiscent. 

“ Can it show me what I've left behind? My village… my dear friend… “ 

He closed his eyes then exhaled, shaking off the feeling that had gotten ahold of him.

“ We'll see… “ He opened his eyes wide, staring at the rapidly approaching ground.

Alexander raised his fist and imbued it with Conqueror's Haki. It soon turned golden, a flashing meteor seemed to be descending from the sky as the light of his fist shone over the island bathing it in gold, and then.

“ BREAK” He roared and swung his fist.


The moment he hurtled his fist the island beneath him exploded and he was launched backwards, he floated upward watching as the world began to crack like glass.

On the outside.

*HISS* The black snake soon materialised as soon as the smoke covered Alexander.

It stood still watching his movement, it felt fear. This intruder was strong, very strong. He had hurt it multiple times while it didn't even manage to scratch him.

A few seconds passed waiting, then the snake couldn't hold itself back anymore.


Its gigantic body cracked the floor for several metres as it launched itself toward Alexander, subsequently transforming into a chain mid-air.


It was so fast that it reached Alexander in an instant, however, before it could pierce through his neck.

A palm moved, to the snake its movement appeared too slow however it couldn't react as the hand latched on it.


The snake tried to use its ability, but a few wisps of smoke escaped its body, only for them to return as the hand holding it shone golden then it felt pain like never before.


Alexander surged with Supreme King Haki as he yanked the chain and slammed it on the ground.

“ SUBMIT!” He bellowed, done with testing the snake. The time was ripe to subdue it.


The chain was clearly furious as it swung its other hand at Alexander. But it proved futile because he effortlessly caught it.

Alexander smiled now that he had both ends of the chain, beating it became an easy matter.


He slammed it to the ground while using Conqueror's Haki.




He didn't stop even after hearing the loud hissing seemingly in pain.




After god knows how many slams, the surrounding ground was ruined and dust filled the air. Alexander released the chain, watching it fall to the ground like a frail string without any strength to move.

Alexander looked down at it.

“ Do you submit? “ 

The chain didn't react at first but after a few seconds, it turned into smoke that climbed onto Alexander's shoulder then transformed into a small black snake wrapped around his shoulder.

“ Ha ha, wonderful. “ Alexander laughed, he felt satisfied with this new weapon.

“I didn't want to hurt you, but you were stubborn. “ he stretched his hand towards its small head, however it bit his finger with its comical small head.

“ Ha ha. “ Alexander laughed and then carried it before his eyes.

“ You're an amusing creature, but I truly want you to be at ease with me… I'll treat you like family… what say you? Do you want to journey with me? “ 

Alexander knew that he wouldn't be able to gain the snake's trust easily but he had to at least try.

Silence prevailed as Golden eyes stared into yellow eyes.


The snake frolicked its tongue and then lowered its head slightly.

“ Good. “ Alexander smiled then put the snake back on his shoulder.

“ Now then, why don't you release this poor soul from your dreams? “

He said as he looked at the skeleton, if there was anyone else beside him they'd think that he's a crazy man talking about a still living skeleton.

Nevertheless, Alexander wasn't crazy; his Observation Haki caught a plethora of emotion from the skeleton indicating that somehow it was alive.

The Snake did as it was told, it opened its jaws and inhaled. Wisps of smoke escaped from the skeleton returning to the snake.

“ AHH!! “ the skeleton came back alive, flailing its arm and screaming.

Yet a second later, it paused as it looked at its arms and legs, the skeleton appeared to be in shock as it touched every part of its body seemingly in disbelief at its unshackled body.

“ Kahkakakaka “ the skeleton laughed an eerie laugh, and then it stopped, staring at nothing.

“ AHHHHH! “ it let out a soul-wrenching scream while smashing its bony arm repeatedly.

It didn't stop, and Alexander didn't interrupt it, he knew that the skeleton noticed him however it was too busy letting out its emotions.

A few seconds later the skeleton stopped and began sobbing.

“ Damned beast, Damned Rocks, Damned Marines… “ It let out a long string of curses.

“ Are you alright? “ Alexander asked while approaching the skeleton.

The skeleton lifted its head and then crawled on all fours toward Alexander. It hugged his arms as it spoke.

“ You, yes you. You were the one that unshackled that damn snake from me… Oh how can I repay you? “diadem

Alexander stared bewildered at the skeleton's actions, however, he softly sighed in the next second.

“ All those years did a number on you didn't they? “ He said as he bent down and broke the sea stone shackles.

“ Years… yes years.. a long time passed, Hapless insect… snakes… Rocks..Marines… they killed me and took my boat. Then they sacrificed me to the great snake… “ 

“ I see… “ Alexander said then pointed outside the wind wall.

“ Can you recall your undead? “

The skeleton whipped its head outside then as if sensing something it exclaimed in shock.

“ Oh, what I've done!!! “ 

“ COME BACK. “ The skeleton shouted.

Nothing happened at first but then a stream of green flames burst inside the vortex heading to the skeleton.

As soon as the fire touched the bony fingers of the skeleton, flesh started growing rapidly.

Alexander had to watch the eerie scene of flesh squirming and growing over the skeleton for about half a minute.

Then finally before his eyes the skeleton transformed into a man of thirty years of age who had green hair and eyes. His face was angular with high cheekbones and golden tattoos inscribed around his forehead like a diadem.

“ Why do you ignore the snake's presence? “ Despite the magical scene before him, Alexander was calm.

“Snake, what Snake? “ The man replied.

Alexander dropped his head and sighed “ I think that you need some rest… “

It was obvious to him that the man was in shock and had experienced too much over the years, the moment he was released a dam of emotions exploded inside of him to the degree of turning him hysterical.

“ Let him sleep a little, give him a nice dream… something related to what he desires… “

Alexander said to the snake testing its powers even though he didn't know if it had the ability to generate precise dreams.


The snake bobbed its head and sent out a few wisps of smoke that entered silently through the man's nostril.

“ I see… one must breathe in the smoke for your power to take effect.. “ 


The man didn't resist, he was so lost in his mind that he didn't notice the snake's actions and fell asleep.

Alexander picked the man up and threw him over his shoulder then turned to the Poneglyph.

“ A Poneglyph… “ he sensed something from the rock, a strange feeling as if someone was talking to him but he couldn't hear the exact words.

“ We'll make a copy of it later, although it isn't a road Poneglyph it might give some historical information. “ He turned around and strode outside the vortex.

Once he stepped out he found everyone was waiting for him. His new crew, a band of warriors.

He smiled.

“ I hope I didn't take too long. “

Chapter end.

there'll be another chapter tomorrow.

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