Iron Blooded Hound

Chapter 173 - 173: Small Species

Chapter 173: Chapter 173: Small Species

[Exclusive] The unfathomably evil "Night Hound" (views: 3,872)

The Night Hound has crossed the line. The crimes against the Imperial Family and the Seven Families have reached heaven... Turning yourself in now and waiting to be hanged may be your last chance for a peaceful ending!


??(1 2019 Hot Class Student): This country is doing well...

?? (1st year cold class student): ?? Do you think it is necessary to arrest Nighthound quickly? What is the imperial family doing?

?? (2nd year cold class student): How busy are you this time of year? What is the imperial family? Is it your friend's house? Things have been getting out of control lately.

(Hot 4th grade): Both of my classmates hate dogs at night!

??(Cold class 4th grade): Exactly~~^^*

??(Hot class, 1st grade): Hmm, the comment section smells like an old man.

?? (cold class, 3rd year student): Good article. Please spread the word. Always~~ happy~~?

?? (hot class 1st year student): By the way, the person who wrote this column was a nighthound, wasn't he?



Vikil was a little surprised when he saw the newspaper this morning.

``I can't believe they actually published this column.''

Vikir was a little surprised to see this morning's newspaper column.

He was surprised to see so many views and comments.

``...the fear of dogs at night is becoming widespread.''

Recently, I heard that many parents in the Imperial Capital are saying, ``If you keep crying, a dog will bite you at night.'' When calming down crying children,.

Apparently, he has established himself as a villain who terrorizes the Empire.

"You'll have to be careful when going monster hunting from now on."

It would be troublesome if you encountered the Imperial Knights while walking outside the academy.

Vikir thought about his future plans.


A cold voice called.

When Vikir looks up, Professor Morgue Banshee's black-rimmed gaze follows him.

``Did you close your eyes today and not only concentrate but also get lost in thought?''

``Yes.'' Yes.

``Bold as ever, I get it. I need to see if you have what it takes.''

Professor Banshee, as usual, didn't like Vikir. For example, he would ask him questions with intentionally twisted puns that he would not be able to solve or extremely difficult questions that the students would not be able to understand. There was a huge outbreak of pinworms. It was rainy season on the Western Front. Tell me how to deal with the smaller ones, which are less than a meter long, and the larger ones, which are more than 10 meters long."

"Travelers are being attacked by goblins. Goblins are small, weak creatures, but their swarming behavior makes them a threat to those without access to mana. Discuss a realistic plan to prevent travelers from being attacked by goblins at the gates of the Imperial Capital."

The monster that currently causes the most damage to the knights and mages guarding the highland fortress is the wyvern, but it is also quite true that it is the opposite of impossible to say that it is not. What do you think?"

The problem is that Vikir has never been wrong about such things.

"Smaller species, less than a meter long, can be mortally wounded by a sprinkling of salt, sugar, or carbonic acid, while larger ones can be easily repelled by shooting copper arrows."

"Goblins have a sensitive sense of smell and are weak to bad smells. If a ginkgo tree planted as a street tree drops fruit, rather than throwing it away, it would be a good idea to collect it and provide a bag each to travelers leaving the Imperial Capital. If you throw a ginkgo at a goblin, most of them will lose their will to fight and run away due to the strange smell.''


Vikir always answered Professor Banshee's aggressive questions without any hesitation.

He had two reasons for this. The first is that Professor Banshee's main themes have always had to do with actual monster strategy. This had been Vikir's specialty for the past few decades, so he couldn't have been wrong.

Therefore, he may be able to develop innovative strategies that complement or even replace decades of outdated research.

The second thing is Professor Banshee's way of asking questions.

Vikir's attention-seeking personality allowed him to accomplish whatever he wanted, but Professor Banshee deducted points from the entire faculty for hiring students who didn't answer a question or gave an incorrect answer. Ta.

In other words, since Vikir was being targeted by Professor Banshee, he had to continue to fend off Professor Banshee's attacks in order to maintain the attitude value of the entire cold class.

Vikhil will be better off than other students if he solves problems well and earns extra points for his general attitude because people remember grudges long and forget favors quickly. I concluded that it would be less noticeable.

This is because people remember punishments received from others for a long time, but they quickly forget rewards received from others.

On the other hand,.


Professor Banshee couldn't help but feel angry that the interrogation had been terminated.

Vikir's answer was the kind that only a veteran who had spent decades on the battlefield could give, so he couldn't immediately point it out.

How can an 18-year-old novice know things that even he, an academy professor, can only understand theoretically from his lab desk?

That's not all.

Professor Banshee couldn't help but frown even more, as some of Vikir's answers contained strategies and theories that had never been discovered before.

"Cue. This is what happened a long time ago during the Venonpion incident."

A giant scorpion-like demon that lives in the desert.

Who knew there was a second hidden needle?

Professor Banshee once sent samples of Venompion to the Royal Institute of Magical Creatures to determine whether Vikir's claims were true, and they all proved to be true.

He brushed off a barrage of interview requests.

"That wasn't my research; it was my student's research."

Professor Banshee has been observing Vikir with interest ever since.

In the end, Professor Banshee had no choice but to acknowledge Vikir's intelligence.

``You're very good. You know enough theory to stand here and teach your classmates, seniors, and maybe even me.''

``Not yet.'' Vikiel's short answer. Banshee's expression contorted again.

Finally, he growled.

"I hope someday you go to graduate school. Then you'll be under my care."

Vikiel trembled when he heard those words for the first time.

The academy's graduate school was famous for being extremely tough.

There are also rumors that prisoners of war from other countries who lost the war and became slaves feel sorry for the graduate students at the academy.

However, the new students do not know this yet and look back at Vikir with wide eyes.

Not only was his theory recognized by Professor Banshee, but he was also encouraged to attend graduate school.

This was harder than putting a camel through the eye of a needle.


Sinclair, the head of the hot class who was sitting in the front row, was now openly staring at Vikir without hiding.

His eyes sparkled with curiosity.

* * *

After class.

Vikile joined the crowd of students, grabbed her backpack, and headed to her next class or dormitory.

However, there was one person standing in his way.

Professor Morgue Banshee, Professor of Practical Monster Strategy.


He called out to Vikir in a firm voice, but there was just a hint of discomfort in his tone.

When Vikir turned to face him, he stepped forward and spoke with his gnarled, distorted mouth.

"So this is your last column. It's in the newspaper."

Professor Banshee is an advisor to a newspaper company.

He is the one who published the commentary on Vikir's ``Nighthound'' in the newspaper. Banshee asked, genuinely curious.

``Did you really see a night hound while volunteering?''

``That's exactly what I said last time. I was walking down the hallway at night, and I happened to catch a glimpse of it."

"So, are you sure you don't know his face, voice, etc?" ...


"Then I understand."

Professor Banshee frowned.

He then looked at Vikir and continued, ``Because things like flies keep on me.''

He then looked at Vikir and continued.

"If any outside reporters start pestering you for interviews, tell them to tell me. I have a duty to protect the students of the Academy Newspaper."


Vikir's Professor Banshee nodded at the short answer.

"...Oh, wait."

Just as he was about to turn away, Professor Banshee turned his head as if remembering something.

"If you were doing community service, it would have been bedtime and curfew time. Why were you walking down the hallway at night instead of going to the bathroom or water cooler?"

"I'm sorry."

"Excuse me, are you sure?"


Vikir answered briefly.

Professor Banshee frowned.

``...Well, it's customary for men and women to gather for drinks on the last day of worship.''

``Really?'' But you're not obligated to put up with that, right?


Professor Banshee held up his ledger in a stern gesture as he deducted one point from Vikir's attitude score.

"From now on, there is no need to wander at night."

Night dogs no longer need to wander at night.

Vikir gave a half-hearted nod, and Professor Banshee snorted happily at him, turned him around, and started walking.

Only then did my friends, who had been watching from afar, approach me.

Piggy was first.

"Vikir, did you just lose your set point? Why?"

"Because you violated the curfew on your last day of volunteering."

"Wow! You're crazy! Did you really say that? You liar! If you make a mistake here again, you'll have to do community service again, but this time on campus."

Due to the current situation, the principal has decided to send the students to social service. The decision was made not to have them participate in service activities, and instead the students would have been in the unfortunate position of having to perform school service during the Golden Festival.

``Hey, Vikil, what did Professor Banshee say?''

``At least there would have been a discussion.''

They were part of the same newspaper team as Vikil, and the column was written by Vikil. I already knew that.

Tudor opened his mouth.

``Hello, Vikir. Did you really see the Night Hound that time?''

``Yes, I do.''

``Hey, why didn't you tell me about that?'' You've been so busy all day. It was serious. He patted Vikir on the shoulder with a serious look on his face.

"You would have been terrified of running into this vile villain. And I think it's because you kept being late and shit on your way back to the academy on your last day of work because you thought too much."

``If something like this happens in the future, please come to us with your problems.''

Sancho stood next to Vikir and nodded.

Meanwhile, his friends asked Vikir.

They wanted to know what nighthounds were like and how scary they were.

Vikir answered immediately.

"It's very big and well made. His face is covered with a mask, and his whole body is covered with a black cloak. His voice was hoarse. It was too far away to hear."

Tudor, Sancho, and Piggy wiped the goosebumps from their arms.

"Wow, you've seen it before; it must have been really scary!"

"I don't think I could have moved from that spot; you're so nervous." Night Hound should be at least a graduate, but how strong is it? Are they better than the professors or not as strong?"

The day puppies were still shaking their fur and barking at each other to catch the night dog.

Vikir watched the scene with a kind of joy.

Just then.

``Hey, aren't we some cold-class idiots here?''

Another fluffy, one-day-old puppy steps in front of Vikir.

A handsome man with a cold face under his jet black hair.

He wears a small snake-like insignia on his chest patch.

Tudor, Sancho, and Piggy stiffened slightly when they saw his face.


Grenouille de Leviathan.

A member of the Leviathan family, one of the seven most powerful families in the empire.

It was the arrival of an extremely arrogant new student who was the deputy leader of the hot class.



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