Invade the Other Dimension

Page 6

"Lieutenant Colonel Lin, why don't you dismantle that gun!" Cheng Chen already had a plan for the girl's reaction.

The girl's reaction just now has caught Cheng Chen's attention.That gun should be the girl's favorite gun.Threatening people is not in line with the discipline of our army, so threatening with guns is no problem.

"You..." Seeing the other party say this in a language she understands, Ma Yin suddenly understood the other party's plan, "Ma Yin, my name is Ma Yin."

The costumes of these people were not common, but at any rate they were not unfamiliar, but this was the first time they heard the language. She couldn't think of any part of the empire where people used this unknown language.

The minister's new helper?

Cheng Chen nodded, then pointed to the purple-haired girl who was still unconscious beside her. "her name?"

"Hill." Even though she didn't want to say it, she had no choice but to think that her pumpkin cannon was in the other party's hands, and this wasn't any confidential information, so Ma Yin said it out.

But she didn't know that after explaining some mild and innocuous things, people will develop inertial thinking and their resistance to problems will be greatly reduced.

"Tell me what's wrong with Hill? Is there any danger?" Although she guessed that Hill was stunned by the other party, but the other party didn't make it clear, Ma Yin was still a little worried.

"It's just a hypnotic gas, it won't affect the body, and it will wake up after a while."

Lin Ye only felt that these two names were very familiar, but after thinking about them over and over again, she couldn't figure out where the familiarity came from.

Where did you hear these two names?

Lin Ye frowned, thinking hard.

ps: Please support me for the new book!

Chapter 012 This Different World Is A Little Familiar

"Then..." Then Cheng Chen communicated with the pink-haired girl as if chatting, of course, the premise was that he didn't ask any sensitive matters.

Although the girl is sometimes very arrogant, after practice and communication, she unexpectedly finds that these people in front of her are not from the empire at all, and they even lack the understanding of the empire.

A ray of hope rose in her eyes.

The man in front of him is a Teigu who possesses space. If he joins them in the night attack, it will definitely be a great help, not to mention the dozen or so people around him, Ma Yin has also discovered that they are all well-trained fighters, They are all elites, especially the weapons in their hands, which are much more powerful than the general guns of the empire. Moreover, she feels that this can be mass-produced. If the revolutionary army has a hand at that time, it will be just around the corner to overthrow the empire.

When the time comes, she will never again...

And Lin Ye next to him became more and more frightened as he listened to it. When he heard the word "Teigu", it reminded Lin Ye of an anime he had watched.And the names of the characters are matched one by one.

Pink-haired Ma Yin and purple-haired Hill, I remember right, these two girls ended up receiving lunch.

Although after accepting the hyperspace teleportation machine, he received some knowledge about the world, dimensions, and the mechanism of time travel, but he couldn't understand it at all.

But now a world that should have existed in the anime on the screen appeared in front of him, making Lin Ye's heart tremble uncontrollably.

"Lieutenant Colonel Lin, what's wrong with you!" Even though most of the attention was on the pink-haired girl, Lin Ye's changing expression caught Cheng Chen's attention.

"I have one thing to confirm." Lin Ye took a deep breath and stared at the girl with extremely serious eyes, which made Ma Yin very dissatisfied.

Could it be that her thoughts just now were seen, which made Ma Yin very embarrassed.

"That black-haired girl with a knife in a red and black sailor suit is called Chitong, right?"

Maine froze for a moment, then nodded.After all, Chitong is on the most wanted list, so it is normal to be known.

"And that yellow-haired woman with revealing clothes is called Leona, right?"

Leona didn't reveal it, why would this man know that Ma Yin's eyes were full of astonishment.

"You are members of the Revolutionary Army's assassination organization Night Raid, right?"

Ma Yin didn't want to answer, but under Lin Ye's gaze, she finally nodded.

"Lieutenant Colonel Lin, you..."

At this time, Cheng Chen used Chinese to prevent information leakage.

"I already know which world this is, and I will explain it in detail when I go back. Now we have to go back and make plans for the future."

Thinking of the Teigu envoys in this world, there is no way to deal with them only by relying on the soldiers of the Republic, unless they use all kinds of weapons with huge lethality. The possibility is too high, so we have to think long-term.

Moreover, compared to the strong men in this world who belong to human beings, what are more dangerous are those dangerous species with unknown numbers and unknown strengths.

The Teigu of these Teigu envoys are weapons made from the bodies of these dangerous species.Then the power of the ontology is not to mention.

Afterwards, it was Lin Ye who had been confirming all the situations in this world based on the memories in his mind, confirming to Ma Yin, and the conclusions he came to were basically the same, with little difference.

After finding a place to set up a temporary camp, Yang Anli ordered three special soldiers to be on guard, and everyone else began to prepare dinner.

The purple-haired girl Hill has also woken up, and she is relatively stable under Ma Yin's explanation, without any noise or resistance.

"I can help with the cooking." Hill has always wanted to be responsible for the food for the night raid, but her personality relationship was banned, and now when she saw that the other party was obviously preparing dinner, she made such a suggestion.She is very interested in cooking.

However, what the other party started the fire was not firewood, but a metal barrel, which surprised Hill for a while.

Because it is in a different world, the prepared food is only instant food, and it will be ready after a little cooking, less than 15 minutes before and after.But the smell made Main and Hill's eyes widen.

This scent is really alluring.

"Okay, here are the two of you." He took out two more plates, filled them with leaves, and handed them in front of them.

It's just that after Ma Yin's eyes stayed on the plate for a while, she turned her head, "How can I eat like this."

Ma Yin's hands, which were originally clasped behind her back, have been adjusted to the front of her body, but she is still dissatisfied and wants to untie the handcuffs before eating.

"You can choose not to eat." Lin Ye just smiled helplessly, and did not agree to Ma Yin's unreasonable request.I generally know what kind of person the other party is, but the necessary defensive measures are still necessary.

And the two of them are just captives, there is no need to take too much care of their emotional problems.

But Hill, a purple-haired girl wearing glasses, took the plate and ate it with a spoon.

"Ahh..." Seeing her companion take the enemy's food like this, Ma Yin was very sad and angry at Hill's defection to the enemy. "Sill, why did you eat the enemy's food?"

"Didn't he just say that it was just a misunderstanding, aren't we enemies?"

"But take a look, if it wasn't for the enemy, why did they still torture us and Teigu didn't return it to us?"

"But didn't we say that we will leave tomorrow!"

"Hill, you trust them like this, don't you..." Ma Yin understands Hill's character, but is it too natural to trust them like this?Moreover, it is still sending food to its mouth mouthful now.

That satisfied look made Ma Yin, who was already hungry, finally choose to start.After entering the mouth, the delicious taste from the tip of her tongue made Ma Yin subconsciously yell out. If it wasn't for the girl's restraint that made her choose to stop her mouth in time, otherwise such a thing would be really too embarrassing.

After seeing the two girls not far away eating dinner with peace of mind, Lin Ye also began to prepare information about this world. He needs to go back later, report these, and then try to carry out a trial with the night attack touch.At least for now, it seems that the members of the Night Attack are thinking about the future of the people and the country, and they are only the upper echelons of the revolutionary army, so Lin Ye just smiled.

In a country under such a feudal system, the superstructure is not much better even if it is well thought out.

In other words, people's hearts will change, especially under the influence of power, there will always be people who cannot withstand the temptation.

Of course, the real situation of the night attack must also be contacted and understood before a conclusion can be drawn.There is absolutely no basis for relying solely on the content of anime and manga.

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass and the 100 tip.The new book is still asking for all kinds of support.Even if it is fattening, I hope that I can occasionally vote for recommendation.

Chapter 013 We Have No Malice

"Major Yang, Comrade Cheng Chen and I will go back first. If there is no accident, we will return in an hour. Please pay attention to safety during this period of time."

"Understood." Of course Yang Anli knew the danger of Lin Ye's absence, at least they had no way out for this hour and could only stay in this world.

But everyone can go back, but it's impossible, at least Hill and Ma Yin, who are currently captives, must not be taken back without permission.

"When necessary, give Teigu to those two girls. They also have good combat power. In addition to the personnel here, please be careful of a creature called a dangerous species. They are strong and weak. I think the words of those two girls should be able to judge the degree of danger."

Yang Anli nodded, expressing his understanding.

But at the same time, Lin Ye also knows the risks of this suggestion, and the best hope is that nothing happens within an hour.


After Lin Ye handed in his judgment and related anthology records and video materials, he teleported back directly. If he stayed here for an extra minute, Yang Anli and the others would be in more danger.

Lin Ye has already obtained General Ye's consent to make tentative contact with Night Raider, and Ye Tianping will investigate and collect relevant information about the world of the Crimson Red Pupil, and gather experts to investigate the relevant figures. and analyze the world.

"You two, I just said that all of this is a misunderstanding, so we are going to send you two back. If possible, can you take us to your base? Of course, I guess your previous base is already abandoned. , Think about which alternate base you will activate."

"Hmph!" Ma Yin turned her head with a look of dissatisfaction, "Whoever believes what you say, you attacked us."

"But I remember who fired the first shot, so we finally had no choice but to choose to fight back, and the parts we chose to attack at that time were not fatal parts. If there is any malice towards you, neither of you will It will be treated like this."

Thinking back, Ma Yin realized that she was the first to move her hands, and felt embarrassed for a while, but she didn't want to admit it either.Moreover, the location where the opponent shot was indeed not a fatal part. I thought he wanted to capture him, but now the opponent uses this reason, which is barely justified.

"Since there is no malice, why hide it?"

"It's just for our safety, as our sincerity." Lin Ye picked up the key and opened the alloy handcuffs on Ma Yin and Hill.

"Hmph, you're smart." Twisting her wrist, Ma Yin stretched out her right palm again and spread it out in front of Lin Ye, "Give it to me."

"The Teigu of the two will be returned after we complete the communication with Ye Raider."

He just sent it to the base for related research.After all, it is a unique weapon of this world, and the black technology contained in it, as long as one can discover a little principle, it can promote the technology of one's own world.

It is even possible to research the Teigu belonging to the Hua Kingdom.

Ma Yin pouted, but there was no other way.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves.Besides, the attitude of these people towards her and Hill is considered good.If there is any malice towards them, in addition to torture, even their virginity will be taken away.

Such a thing is absolutely not allowed.

Of course, even though Lin Ye and the others didn't do anything excessive to them, Ma Yin still has the basic vigilance.As for Hill, seeing her like this, Ma Yin sighed inwardly.

I have to keep an eye on it, otherwise, Hill might still be counting the money for the other party after being sold!


Even though he changed his base, Brand, who was worried about his companions, was not in the mood to sleep at all, and when he got up early, he found that there was more worry in the cold expression of the awake red pupil.

Brand knew that it was the comfort of Chitong who cared about Ma Yin and Hill.

"Hungry!" Feeling his stomach growling, but looking at the food not far away, especially the meat that he liked very much before, Chi Tong has no appetite at this time.

"Eat when you're hungry." Throwing the leg meat of the dangerous species over, Brand said with a serious face, "Only when you're full can you save Main and Hill."

"I see." Chitong grabbed the piece of meat and ate it with big mouthfuls.

But they said it was rescue, but they didn't even know where Ma Yin and Hill were now.

And just after Chitong swallowed the last mouthful, there was a very unusual sound outside.

Brand first put on the Teigu Evil Haunting and rushed out, followed by Chi Tong, while the green-fur Lubbock and Leona also rushed out from another house.

Yesterday's loss made the four of them not sleep well at all, and they were vigilant all night, but now such an unusual sound is obviously a problem.

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