Invade the Other Dimension

Page 325

For the benefit of more people, I choose to submit.

Although the two will definitely have conflicting emotions, at least in Lin Ye's view, this is an acceptable thing.

Just let them both hate themselves.

Rather than knowing that you have been betrayed by the person you are loyal to, you should bear this resentment yourself!

However, thinking of the last two leaving this world and living in the new area, the resentment towards him will be even more serious!

When they learned about the situation in the new world where they were, and thought of the sufferings of their compatriots in another world, the two of them enjoyed a peaceful life in the new world.

This unwillingness and guilt will definitely accompany the two of them for the rest of their lives!

Because if he was in that position, he would rather die for the country than live alone like this.

If you don't want the two of you to bear such pain,

Unless Huaguo agrees to...

That... at least for now is completely impossible.

So far, they have never considered admitting Japan's tens of millions of people.

People who do not belong to muv Huaguo are indeed within the scope of their immigration considerations, but they will have a choice, and most of the members are talents with various high-tech capabilities and their families.

And the first choice of these people is those homeless people who have lost their land because of beta.

"Your Excellency, what do you mean?"

Wearing a camouflage uniform without a logo, Mr. Shancheng frowned after hearing Lin Ye's words, with a puzzled expression on his face.

Go through the formalities and report back.

This gave her a bad idea.

Are the two of them...

"Tell you two the truth. You two will be forced to retire by the Japanese Empire and leave your original nationality. Then, you will officially join the Chinese nationality and become a member of the National Defense Force. I will be the direct superior of the two of you from now on. "

With the foreshadowing, Lin Ye also began to explain further, but Lin Ye still couldn't open his mouth about the retainer, it might be better to say that he himself didn't make up his mind whether to accept the condition of Youyang of Huangwu Academy.

As if it was a fact, Lin Ye said lightly.But the two girls in front of them suddenly exclaimed, their faces were very ugly.

"Impossible, we will never join Huaguo. We would rather die than be loyal to other countries."

The two girls spoke with a firm tone.

"You are currently a member of the Siwei Army and a member of the Wu Family. Your Royal Highness Youyang of the Huangwu Academy, to which you are loyal, has already agreed to this. The relevant procedures for the two of you from the Empire and our Hua Kingdom have also begun to go through. Of course, if the two of you have objections, you can raise objections to His Royal Highness Huangwu Yuan, but I believe this result will not change."

Even if the families behind these two are Wu family, it is useless.

In the political system that this country retains today, Huangwuyuan, who is a powerful general, has the greatest power on the bright side. Moreover, in the imperial aristocratic system, the families of the two of them are only Pudai Wujia and Waiyang Wujia. The level difference is too great.

The decision to oppose the person they are loyal to is also against the family and family education that both of them have received.

"Even if I retire, even if I am deprived of my nationality, I will never join Huaguo."

Huang Weiyi had a firm expression on his face, and there was anger on his delicate face.

The other party said such a result, of course she could guess that it was because of which empire made such an arrangement for the two of them.

As soldiers, it is their bounden duty to obey orders, let them go to the battlefield to fight BETA, even if they are afraid, even if they are afraid, they will still go to fight.

However, she—— Huang Weiyi couldn't accept that it was given to someone else as an item because of some completely unknown factors.

She would never accept such a result.

"Then what about you! Student Yamashiro."

Lin Ye set his sights on Mr. Shangzong in Shancheng.

"I am the same as Weiyi. Even if we are deprived of our identity, we will definitely not join Huaguo."

The girl with long black hair had a firm demeanor, and her eyes were full of stubbornness as she looked at Lin Ye.

Yes, even if they lost the identity they had always been proud of, even if they chose, they would not choose to join the country of Hua that caused this situation.

"That is to say, if I let the two of you leave here, even if Japan doesn't want you two, it will not choose to come back here."

What I just said will make the two of them resist, but Lin Ye is somewhat disappointed in this way!

After taking care of them for so many days, they really didn't impress the two of them at all.

"Yes." The two said in unison.

They wanted to use their firm attitude to make Lin Ye give up the idea of ​​keeping the two of them, so that the empire would give up its treatment of them.

Losing military and nationality is really a painful thing for the two of them.

They have always been proud of their status as military guards and members of the samurai family, and they are proud of being able to fight against beta for the country and mankind.

" have to understand that there may be a better future in Huaguo."

Not only better, but also the future pursued by the billion people living on this planet.

Living in a world without betas, enjoying the rich fruits created by human civilization.

Enjoying the study and life that a 15-year-old girl should have.

As long as the two of them nod and agree, the two of them will have tickets to a happy life.


It had been expected, but Lin Ye still felt very regretful.

On the one hand, I admire the qualities of the two, and on the other hand, I know that my work needs to enter the next stage.

It would be impossible to face the fact that these two girls are mature in another world in order to let these two girls join Huaguo willingly.

Perhaps, one of them has the key information of the space gate, so one day in the future they will know all this, but it is definitely not now.

All the conditions are not mature, whether it is the world here or the new area, the work of dealing with immigrants has just begun.

What the Hua Kingdoms on both sides lacked was time.

And these two people know the facts of the new area in the different world, and know that the muv Hua country has started population migration to the different world, and what will happen is completely unpredictable.

Lin Ye can't imprison these two people.

Until the last moment, never use too strong measures. .

"Don't ask me what the conditions are that made the high-level give up the two of you and let the two of you join our Huaguo. Life is very cheap in this world, but as far as the identities of the two of you are concerned, Japan still has something It has certain value, but even so, I chose to give up, I remember Lieutenant Yamashiro, your father was a major general of the Japanese Empire, and in this era, he holds military power, but he has a considerable right to speak."

In this world, positions related to the military and food are often the most powerful.


The mountain city always wanted to say it, saying that his father would never give up on her, but seeing the indifferent expression of the man with two bars of four stars hanging on his shoulders in front of her, she couldn't open her mouth, and forced her to say it. The words were swallowed back.

Even though Hua Guo has lost its former international status in the world today, it is still the Five Constants, with the confidence and pride of belonging to the Five Constants.

No one knows what strength is hidden in this country with a population of [-] million.

"It seems that if I don't make it clear, you won't accept it." Lin Ye raised his finger and pointed to the ground,

"The southern part of the Kyoto defense line is currently our expeditionary force stationed here."

This is the reason already prepared.

One movement, one sentence, but it made the two of them turn pale and at the same time reveal anger.

To use such a method to let them join Huaguo, maybe it's just that the man in front of him wants them both.

And once again, Huang Weiyi, even though she was unwilling to believe that this was true, still believed that the man in front of her had other plans for her.

At the Lanshan logistics base, he forcefully took himself away, and Shancheng was taken away only because he was implicated. Afterwards, he allowed the boss of Shancheng to leave, but not allowed himself to leave. It is impossible for Huang Weiyi not to notice The other party's attitude towards oneself is different.

But... why?

She couldn't figure it out, really couldn't figure it out.

What exactly do they have? It is worth them thinking about themselves, restricting their freedom, and even fighting against the empire for this.

The family behind it?


own talent?

That's even more impossible,

Compared with ordinary soldiers, guards have a natural advantage in mental strength, but facing Huaguo, which still has a population of [-] million, there is no difference between a guard who has not even graduated from the guard training school.

So, why?

Young, in a high position, with great power in his hands, and in charge of the elite troops of the Hua Kingdom, it can be said that power is no longer a problem for him.And in this desperate world, what else is worth pursuing.

There is still something in him that deserves his attention, and he does not hesitate to threaten the government to compromise with the withdrawal of the Huaguo Expeditionary Army from the Kyoto line of defense.

It's all because of my appearance!

Once again, Huang Weiyi fell into the thoughts of the past.

She really couldn't think of any other reason.

That time, she forcibly corrected her guess because of Azka-chan, but now, she really can't stop thinking about it.

Even at the age of 14, under the condition of a lot of hormones added to the food in this world, she has grown and developed very well. Even if she is sixteen or seventeen years old, no one doubts it at all.

No matter when, beautiful women can't escape this.Even in this world of common resistance to beta, women are still vulnerable.

Huang Weiyi flashed a hint of ridicule.

No matter how upright the man in the military uniform looked, the good impression he had had in the past few days had disappeared.

Mingming is still looking forward to learning why Lin Ye himself is so obsessed with the two of them during this conversation, so that he can inform Miss Yujian and ask her to find a way to get the two of them back through the imperial route.

But now, as soon as Lin Ye said this, Huang Weiyi and Shancheng Shangzong both knew that it didn't make any sense whether they knew the reason for Lin Ye's obsession.

Faced with the threat of Lin Ye, the empire chose to give in, and the two of them had no choice but to give in when faced with this reason.

This is for the benefit of the empire, for the lives of tens of millions of citizens behind the line of defense.

If the expeditionary force abandoned the southern defense line only because of the two of them, the two of them would become sinners of the country.

They will live in pain all their lives.

PS: I survived, and there should still be full attendance last month.I hope there will be no more trouble.Today I took the time to read the post, um, the plot progress is slow, how should I put it, my writing habit is generally progress in leaps and bounds, a certain period of time is described in detail, and a certain place is briefly written, and the recent plots are all for Prepare for the next episode.That can be regarded as the high point of my preparation!Although it is said that the doujin does not deviate from the original work, I do not plan to follow the original work. So far, I think many plots in this book belong to the original plot.

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