Invade the Other Dimension

Page 304

"All I have to worry about is you, Chief... For example, now, please give me the wine you brought back..."

He didn't notice it before, but later discovered that after Lin Ye came back, the bag he was carrying smelled of alcohol.


Lin Ye turned his attention to the two bottles of wine that he had placed on the table not long ago.

"Smoking and drinking are harmful to health. As your life secretary, I have the right to manage and arrange these things. So, chief, give me your cigarettes too!"

Zhao Wanyang had never smelled smoke from Lin Ye, but maybe it was because he didn't smoke much so he wasn't contaminated.

"I... don't smoke."

Lin Ye shook his head.

I don't smoke, and maybe I won't drink alcohol in the future.

Lin Ye feels that her living habits are still very good.

He not only knows the saying that the body is the capital of revolution, but is actually doing it.

"That's good. Since the chief has no habit of smoking, I also hope not to show up in the future. If I find out, I think I have the right to confiscate the cigarettes."

Thinking of this, Zhao Wanyang was filled with excitement.

All this time, she had been frustrated by Lin Ye, and now she could see Lin Ye like this, and she suddenly felt very happy.

Although, the expression on her face was still cold and unchanged.

However, she suddenly felt so sad that she could be happy with such a small victory.Could it be that her happiness standard has been lowered a lot.


Whenever Lin Ye thinks of this word, he always thinks of the time when he was caught playing with his mobile phone in high school and was caught by the teacher, and the mobile phone was confiscated.

Although he studied hard in high school, there were things like playing with his mobile phone and fighting guerrilla warfare with his teacher.

Thinking of some things that happened at that time, Lin Ye felt nostalgic.

Is it just high school life? The main thing in the past was studying, studying, and non-stop fighting various exercises. Now if he is allowed to go to high school again, he will not do this. Enjoying his youth may be a good choice .

But it is no longer possible.

If I want to enjoy life, at least I have to wait until I retire.

Maybe I still need to work after retirement.

"Don't you want to? Chief."

Facing Lin Ye's hesitation, Zhao Wanyang asked.

She wondered if Lin Ye said that on purpose.

"I don't have any reluctance. I really don't smoke, but there are special cigarettes distributed by the state for military supplies. I usually keep them in my room or give them away. Since you want to keep them, Lieutenant, that's even better!"

When the time comes, just ask Zhao Wanyang to give it away.

But now, these cigarettes can be given to the leaders of Huaguo in the muv world.

Anyway, it is also a special supply for military supplies, which is better than ordinary cigarettes.

"Then, I will keep these two bottles of wine for you, Chief,"

After cigarettes came alcohol.

Zhao Wanyang is very clear that cigarettes and alcohol are the most common consumables in the army.

But these two things do harm to the human body.

As we get older, it is often all kinds of problems that appear because of this.

Usually those chiefs who are equipped with life secretaries are required to quit cigarettes, and alcohol is also strictly controlled.

Generally speaking, it is only available on special festivals.

"When the chief thinks you need to drink, please contact me in advance, and I will decide whether to hand over the wine to you according to the actual situation."

It seems that the decision-making power of this thing is no longer in their own hands.

But it is true, given her current situation, if she wants to drink, she can't stop it at all.

"fair enough!"

But leave it to her!

Lin Yezheng was still having a headache as to what to do with the two bottles of wine. Since Zhao Wanyang wanted to keep them for him, it would be even better!

After getting the consent, Zhao Wanyang brought two bottles of wine to her eyes.

After opening it and confirming it, I found that one of the bottles was white wine with red bayberry.

It is already August, which means that the wines were brewed in June at the earliest, which is really intentional!

Zhao Wanyang had to admire the performance of that beautiful white-haired girl.


After Lin Ye returned again, he received a banquet invitation from Youyang of Huangwuyuan.

The location is Kyoto.

The capital of Japan in this world is also a capital that has been half destroyed by beta and artillery fire.

This time the invitation, participation is definitely going, but there is a difference in the selection of personnel.

Some people in the Expeditionary Army Command believed that Lin Ye himself should not go, and that sending other officers to go would be enough, even if the Japanese side invited Lin Ye himself.

The top leader of the expeditionary force left his headquarters to go to the capital of another country. Even if the current enemy is the alien creature Beta, it is not clear whether the other party will do anything.

This one may be small, but they dare not take the risk.

And with Lin Ye as the leader, no... Lin Ye was almost the only one who thought that he should go by himself.

With Chitong around, he didn't need to worry about his own safety.

If he is really in danger, Chitong can buy him a few seconds, which is enough time for him to evacuate.

Moreover, other forces such as the Empire or the United States are planning to do something to him, and their future actions will have more reasons.

In addition to using hybrid rice-related technology in exchange for the two, it is also necessary to obtain the right to use roads and railways, and control the transportation corridors in their own hands.

Even if it is necessary to send personnel for special management and scheduling, it can greatly reduce the risks of the expeditionary force's transportation and retreat.

It's worth it.

They don't trust the empire and other national powers today.

Today's Kyoto front has generally stabilized, but satellite images show that a large number of betas continue to go to sea.Next time, and next time, they will hold out, but no one knows whether the defense line guarded by the Imperial Japanese Army will be able to hold it.

If it comes to the moment when the defense line is pierced by barrels, in order to ensure the safety of the expeditionary force, they must retreat.Otherwise, it would really be a heavy loss to be made dumplings.

At this time, it is the transportation route that needs to be in hand.

In addition, Lin Ye also wanted to see the person who occupies an important role in the muv world...Huangwuyuan Youyang.The largest rights owner of the empire, Yujian Mingye's compatriot sister.

After the personnel are determined, the next step is to confirm the time, and Lin Ye doesn't need to worry about these.

Lin Ye, who was sorting out the materials at hand and thinking about how to talk to the young lady, was sitting at the desk, clicking the mouse with her right hand.


After hearing this voice, Lin Ye looked in the direction of his pocket, and the two chapter cards representing the chestnut ball and the winged chestnut ball flew out of the pocket. At the same time, the light flashed, and the two little guys appeared directly In front of Lin Ye.

From entering the world so far, both little ones have been cards that stay with him in his pocket.

Now seeing these two little guys running out by themselves, Lin Ye smiled helplessly.

He really forgot about these two guys.

"Okay, okay, I get it, it's my fault, anyway, since it's out, you two snacks want to eat, right?"

One was sitting on the table, and the other was using its wings to float in the air, but at this moment, they couldn't stop nodding.

There is obviously no obvious difference between the head and the body, but why can they still make such movements!

"Then, you two foodies, go together. In the cafeteria, there are cooks who know you and will give you food when they see you. Don't worry."

Thinking about the distance from the canteen to here, Lin Ye felt that it was unrealistic for Li Ziqiu to walk there, and it would be too wasteful to drive there.

As for letting the winged chestnut ball fly over with the chestnut ball, this is a bit too exaggerated.

Just looking at the bulging body of the chestnut ball with wings and short wings, it seems that it can't fly!

Not to mention whether the little wings move the two little fat ones with or without them, even if they can move them, it's not very good to be seen by people so swaggeringly!


"You really don't want to leave, so let Xiaobai pass by. It will be faster and more secretive when flying alone."

When Lin Ye focused on Yu Yi Li Ziqiu, the little guy shook his head desperately to express his refusal.

This guy looks like he doesn't even want to fly over.

Is this really the reason for eating too much!

"Woooooo... ah..."

Just as Lin Ye was thinking about how to save time and effort to let the chestnut ball pass by, Lin Ye heard the roar of a wolf, no, it was the cry of a husky.

"That's good, let's do it!"

The corner of Lin Ye's mouth curled up, thinking of a good idea.

In order to consume husky's excess physical strength, it's no problem for him to send Xiaoheixiaobai there.

Moreover, that husky still has high intelligence,

Let that energetic guy carry these two foodies over there should be no problem.

Moreover, huskies also know the way.

Lin Ye dialed Will's communication directly.

After all, Will is now in charge of this military dog ​​belonging to the expeditionary force.

Since returning from that mission, this husky has been entangled with Will, as if he wanted to follow Will.

Lin Ye reckoned that Will's masculinity convinced the husky.

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