Invade the Other Dimension

Page 28

It is precisely because of drugs a hundred years ago that the door was forced to open and began...

Forget it, let's not recall history.After all, memories are useless.

Here, the empire where the drug business has always existed has lasted for thousands of years, Lin Ye is also a little puzzled.You must know that this kind of thing is not banned by official agencies, and it will not stop at all.Relying on the consciousness of the people is useless at all. As long as this thing is contaminated once, it is completely impossible to resist and remove it by one's own will.

"Lin Ye, there are drugs in your country too?"

Seeing the sneer at the corner of Lin Ye's mouth, Ma Yin asked curiously.Even Leona on the side was a little curious whether Lin Ye's Huaguo had the same drug trade as the empire.

"Yes, and it has been repeatedly prohibited. Every year, many policemen and armed policemen have died in the battle against drug dealers." Then Lin Ye changed the subject and continued, "Overall, it is still good. Propagating the dangers of drugs, people can basically understand the dangers of drugs, and there are corresponding drug rehabilitation centers. In addition, the country's attitude towards drugs is only a resolute crackdown, and those who traffic in drugs are sentenced according to the number of drugs trafficked. "

"Prohibited?" Leona was a little unbelievable, the benefits generated by this drug were huge, and even the empire turned a blind eye to it, because it involved many nobles. Benefit.Of course, the empire itself also gained huge benefits from this.

You must know that the last minister, Jolly, had a plan to control drugs ten years ago, but unfortunately it was nothing in the end.

Even if the minister belongs to the position of less than one person and more than ten thousand people, he cannot ignore the opposition of other nobles.

Leona and the others went to assassinate these drug traffickers because they knew the harm this drug would cause to the people, so they did so.Although, they also knew that they could kill one person, but they couldn't kill everyone.

Therefore, it is hoped to overthrow this empire, establish a new country, and change all these things that are not good for the people.

And now they heard Lin Ye's case of the country's prohibition of drugs, and they also raised expectations.

If the country takes the lead in drug control, then most of the transactions are likely to disappear, and the rest, even if there are, have no impact on most people.

This is the country they are looking forward to. With the existence of Huaguo, their expectations for building a brand new country are even stronger.

"Except for drugs, gambling, pornography, etc. are all prohibited by law. Therefore, people who do these things in our country are illegal and criminal. The police will arrest their relevant personnel, and then the procuratorate will prosecute them and the court will sentence them. .”

"Your country is really..." Leona, who grew up in a slum, knows the threat of these three things to the people, but at the same time, she also knows the profits of these three things, but they are all banned in China. , This really made her think not only, but besides the astonishment, it was more of a compliment.

If the empire did what Huaguo did, those childhood playmates would not be what they are now.

Controlled by drugs, forced to sell his body.

Unforgivable, those people absolutely cannot forgive.

Even if it is the playmate who wants to save himself, but without drugs, can he really live?Even in that situation, Leona wanted her playmate to live rather than die.

But... as expected, there are still contradictions...


For the two commissions received this time, Najie Xitan finally adopted the plan of dividing the troops and completing them together.

Leona and Tatsumi were given the task of Flower Street in the Imperial Capital, because Leona was the most familiar with the terrain there, and Tatsumi's words were also a corresponding adaptation for the assassination.Originally, Shayou also asked to participate, but Najie Xitan considered that the other party's body had not fully recovered, so she refused.

The bow and arrow that Shayou is good at are more suitable for the task of ambush and sniping in the noble manor of Qibul, but there is no need to go there with Ma Yin.As a frequent partner of Ma Yin, Hill and Ma Yin went together to work as a guard during Ma Yin's sniping period.

But after confirming it, Lin Ye made a request to go with Ma Yin. Although Najie Xitan didn't know what Lin Ye's plan was, she still nodded and agreed.

As for betraying the night attack, Najie Xitan didn't even think about it.If Lin Ye really had such a plan, he would have brought the empire's army to wipe out the night attack.

His abilities are terrifying.

Moreover, the behavior of the other party gave her the feeling that she was relatively close to Night Attack.As for the previous contact with the empire and the signing of an agreement to establish a relationship are the needs of the country.Perhaps he himself was involuntary.

She had hoped that the Hua Kingdom behind Lin Ye could establish a relationship with the revolutionary army, but considering the reality, she also gave up this plan.

Even if this request is made, she must not be the first to speak.If the other party has this plan, they will definitely speak.If there is no plan, then she proposed that it is useless to promise a lot of benefits.

Moreover, based on the information collected so far, Huaguo has obtained huge benefits in the transaction with the empire.

The goods brought by Huaguo are of high quality and low price, and now they are all good things that are hard to find.

Their night raids recently used the supplies directly provided by Lin Ye, so they felt the strongest about it.

PS1: This month, this book will start a double update. I hope readers will continue to support it. Taking advantage of the few monthly tickets in these two days, I hope I can stay on the new book list for a few days.

PS2: Ten chapters need to be added for last month's statistics. After subtracting the two chapters that have already been added, there are still 8 chapters left, which will be added slowly on weekends, but there is no debt.

PS3: Thanks to Ji Lyuan, old soul driver, Su De, L. Lan En, the monthly ticket in the three-dimensional, old soul driver, Su De, Nicole Zhenzhen Hao Shuai's blade.Nicole Zhenzhen Hao Shuai's 1188 reward

PS4: Adding updates in July will be at the top of the comment area, and the conditions have been greatly improved. In fact, I just don’t want to add updates, so you can hit me.In fact, it is because the old books are also being updated, and the pressure in this regard is really a bit heavy.Monthly tickets, recommendations, blades are here, I will accept them...

Chapter 056

The three of them had been lurking here for an hour on a certain big tree outside Qibul's manor, but Ma Yin never saw Qibul appear.

"Why hasn't Zibul appeared yet? Damn it!" Maine, who was aiming at her stomach, complained a little dissatisfied, "Leona and the others must have finished their mission and went back to have a good rest. I really want to take a bath." Take a shower and sleep!"

Now Ma Yin kind of misses the big bathtub when she was at Lin Ye. She lay all over in the bathtub, feeling the temperature of the hot water, and completely relaxed her tired body. This feeling is really amazing. Can't stop.

It's just a pity that there is no hot bath here at Ye Attack.Or... Let Lin Ye take him there to take a shower, and then return, anyway, the time will not exceed an hour, and it is completely fine not to talk to the BOSS and the others.

"As a sniper, you are unqualified Ma Yin." After only one hour, she complained unbearably, and did not settle down to continue waiting for the target. This is indeed a disqualification as a sniper.

"What, I'm a shooting genius, how could I be unqualified."

"The highest latency time I ever had was 36 hours. During this period, apart from eating some chocolate to supplement the energy needed by the body, I was always awake and waiting for the target to appear. Even if I felt sleepy, I just endured it."

This is only my own level, a true sniper master has been able to hide for three days and three nights.And in the history of war, it's even more so.

That was to the point of directly starving the confronting opponent's sniper to death.Although in the end he himself died because of hunger and lack of water.

"I...I see. It's just that these guests have almost left. Why hasn't Qibul appeared yet? He's so vigilant, or he has already noticed our actions."

Through the monocle on the bridge of her nose, Maine waited for the target to appear.

Hill beside him just sat quietly, waiting for the moment when Ma Yin completed the mission and retreated together.

Seeing the subtle movements of Ma Yin becoming irritable, Lin Ye picked up the infrared telescope and looked at the manor.

Although there were three people in the room, the behavior of the other two made Lin Ye sure who was Qibul.

"Ma Yin, at eleven o'clock, 550 meters away, the black shadow in the middle is Qibul."

Ma Yin chose to trust Lin Ye, and the pumpkin cannon fired a shock wave after aiming directly at the position. Then, after the black figure fell, it seemed as if something had happened in the manor, and suddenly there was a commotion, and a large number of guards rushed out.

After seeing this, Ma Yin was sure that the shot she had just killed Zibul.

Even if it is not him, it is an important person.

But no matter who the opponent is at this time, it is time to retreat.

"Take us back!"

Lin Ye nodded, and put her hands on Ma Yin's body.

When Ma Yin realized that she had returned to the night attack base, she found that neither Lin Ye nor Hill had returned. No matter how much she shouted, neither of them responded.

How...could it be...could it be...

Ma Yin, whose eyes were full of horror, suddenly had a bad premonition. Lin Ye hadn't made any mistakes before, but what if, if something went wrong this time, he and Hill stayed there, then...

For a moment, Ma Yin, whose heart was full of urgency, was at a loss, completely not knowing what to do.

"By the way, go back and find the BOSS, she will definitely have a solution."

After finding a way, Ma Yin ran at full speed towards the place where Najie Xitan might be.


"Mr. Lin Ye, aren't we going back?"

Seeing that he was still in the same place, while Ma Yin was gone, Hill asked Lin Ye curiously.

"I want Hill to help me with something, so..."

"I see, Mr. Lin Ye, please tell me! As long as I can do it." What she needs most is to be needed by others.She was in Ye Zha before because she was needed by Ye Zha as a killer, but now she was needed by Lin Ye. She was very satisfied.

"What you say will make me have some bad thoughts." Lin Ye showed a helpless smile. For a person with Hill's personality, he didn't know whether his preaching would be useful. Withdraw to the night attack base at a fast speed, but you can rest assured that I will be around you, and if there is any danger, I will take you away."

If you want Sai Liu to appear, this method should be the most effective.As for what during the day, it's not okay at all.They are absolutely not allowed to appear in the empire and use force.

Of course, if you don't find it, then everything is fine.Therefore, night is the best choice.

According to the information they investigated about Sai Liu, the other party stayed in the guard at night.I usually don't go out.

Go to the police to intercept people?This is too dangerous.

Therefore, if you want to subdue the opponent, you have to use the inertia of the world.

As for the final disposition, it should be her own decision.

"Okay, then I'll go right away."

Turning over, Hill got off the big tree and was ready to go.

"Aren't you going to ask me why I asked you to do this?" Lin Ye stood in front of Hill, and the helpless smile on his face was even more obvious.

It feels like if this girl is sold, she will count the money for herself.

However, many people will like it!The most important thing about these silly, naturally dumb girls is that they are beautiful, have a great figure, and...

"Mr. Lin Ye must have his own plan, I just have to follow through." Hill said in a serious tone.

"Okay, let's go! As for Hill, your mission is actually just a bait. I want to lure someone out, and you are the most suitable bait."

Hill didn't show any dissatisfaction because Lin Ye let him be the bait, but after nodding, he withdrew towards the night attack base as quickly as possible.

Lin Ye used teleportation to ensure that Hill was within his sight.

Lin Ye never thought he was strong, and he kept reminding himself of this fact over and over again.Let yourself always keep a clear mind.

He is just an ordinary person with special abilities. It is precisely because of the support of the country and his comrades behind him that he has come to where he is today.

Facing the possible inertia of the world, Lin Ye never dared to take it lightly.Because one of his mistakes would cause a fresh life to disappear.

Therefore, Lin Ye, who had raised his vigilance, stared at Hill intently, and also paid attention to the surrounding environment.

Chapter 057 This Is The World's Fault (Add One)

After Ma Yin approached the boss to report the matter, Najie Xitan just squinted her eyes and thought.

Didn't come back, why did Lin Ye and Hill not come back? Could it be that Lin Ye wanted to do something to Hill, but it was wrong. If he really did this, he would never choose this time.

As for accidents, that is even more impossible. Lin Ye will definitely appear together in every transfer.In other words, after Ma Yin came back, Lin Ye left again.It's just that Ma Yin, who didn't respond in time, didn't see it, and she was confused and lost the ability to think, so she thought that the other party might have an accident.

"Ma Yin, don't worry, let's wait for a while. If Lin Ye and Hill haven't come back within half an hour, we'll go out and look for them. You also know the ability of Lieutenant Colonel Lin Ye. If he wants to escape, no one can stop him." he."

After a brief explanation, Ma Yin also nodded in understanding.I also know that I was too worried just now, so I didn't think of these possibilities.

"I... I know, boss." I will go to look for it. Apart from the noble manor, Ma Yin can't think of other places, but it is under martial law now, and there are many dangers. If I go back by myself, I might not find Lin Ye and Xi. Er, on the contrary, fell into a dangerous situation.

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