Into The Portal: Monster Invasion

Chapter 395: Pyramids

“There is a strange force field in here,” Miles muttered to himself as he looked at the giant structure in front of him. It took him almost a day to arrive at the base of the biggest pyramid. There were three in total creating a perfect triangle in between, and now that he was close, he could feel some sort of vibe from the place.

“It is not only energy. I feel a massive amount of electrical discharge from this place. How is this even possible? The 6 ancient races of Portal World went extinct thousands of years ago. And Mother AI said once that even then these pyramids were ancient and mysterious. How can there be a force field here?” Coin questioned.

“Can it be that humans or other champion races took over these structures and turned them to their bases?” Miles asked.

“It is not plausible.” Coin rejected the idea, “Even before Monsters invaded this world, this place was mysterious. Many from 6 ancient races perished while trying to discover the riddles shrouding these ancient structures. Especially after the invasion, Mystic Monsters changed this part of the world into Phantom World. Even the elite soldiers can survive in this place.”

“True that.” Miles nodded as he looked at the entrance. It was four meter tails and six meters wide. It looked like a giant maw, ready to devour any foolish creature that made the mistake of approaching it. This place was a lethal place and Milosh warned him several times to keep his distance from it. And Miles had realized why it was so.

Although he had cheat-like eyes that could see through heat, energy, or elements, he still bumped into creatures that could threaten his life on his journey there. There was this one monster that looked like a cloud drifting in the air. Although it looked out of place only ten meters in the air, it wasn’t suspicious enough to alert hunters. But that very monster possessed wind and lightning elements even Miles couldn’t cope with. The way the monster fused his two elemental abilities was something he had never seen before. Truth be told, he was lucky to be alive after that encounter.

At the time, he used the mount orb and dashed away at record speed. Lucky or unlucky for him he encountered another beast stronger than the cloud that frightened the latter. Otherwise, Miles might not be able to ditch that floating ball of death. Of course, the other monster too wanted to eat this puny human and barged into its territory, but luckily, it wasn’t as smart, so Miles used Virtual Room and illusions to get away.

“Let’s go in.” Miles puffed the air in his lungs, as he took a testing step forward. As soon as he stepped into the door, he looked around to see if there was anything waiting, but nothing happened. “So far so good.”

He activated energy vision to look around. The walls were made of special stones preventing any energy from escaping from them, thus blinding Miles’s energy vision. Heat vision was the same, as it looked like these stones could prevent heat from escaping. With no other choice, he activated the dark vision to at least see around. The stones weren’t carved with hieroglyphics, they were plain and simple. Although Miles thought these structures carried a deep history and meaning of ancient times, the creators probably didn’t share the same enthusiasm. They were clumsily placed as if this building had no importance.

The winding corridors were narrow and long, and there wasn't enough lighting to see around. Luckily Miles could see with the dark vision. The faint smell of mold and little humming coming from the deep inside was the only compass he had, otherwise he might have lost his way on those maze-like corridors.

“You are mapping, right? It is all too confusing.” Miles asked in a whisper.

“Yes, although the magnetic field is in all shambles here, I believe I can find the way out.” Coin answered, much to Miles's relief.

“That is good to hear.” The latter sighed as he kept on walking. Out of four pyramids, only this one had an entrance, thus Miles was hoping in this one he would find Miles. Because if he couldn’t, that would be really troublesome. Although he wanted to find some information about these structures that would explain how the same type of buildings appeared in two unrelated worlds, he wasn’t too hopeful about that. It had been thousands of years since these pyramids had been built after all.


As Miles was walking, he heard something that made his blood run cold. He stopped immediately as he brandished the Orb Claw that he charged before he entered. His bow was on his back, and there was a sword on his belt. This sword was the first ever Dual Elemental Frenzy-Rank orb. His Uncle, Adam’s, greatest success. It was Wind and Fire Dual Elemental and had devastating attack power.

When they were on the plane, with a unanimous vote, every student wanted Miles to have it. That included second years. After all, not only Miles won the first-year competition by a landslide, but he also saved their lives in the elevator. Most of the students there were already awed by the abilities of this freshman.

Miles wasn’t pretentious either. He needed a good quality weapon, thus he thanked them and humbly accepted the orb. And he tested it for the first time ever on his way to the pyramids.

The sword could unleash blazing sword slashes that could travel tens of meters. Miles cut down a monster at the peak of the middle-tier with ease. The weapon was, after all, at the peak of Frenzy-Rank. Although it used lots of energy, it was still the best weapon Miles had so far.

“There is something in the darkness.” Coin intoned heavily. Despite all the technological upgrades, he still couldn’t see the monster. This was how it was in the F-Circle and beyond. Monsters had too many uncanny abilities, and most of the time, AIs were useless in front of them. AIs had been created to be guides for hunters, but the further humans traveled, the more and more dependent they would become.

“It sounds like a strange creature with at least some sort of sapience.” Miles analyzed. Most monsters were vicious in nature. They would act on instinct and attack at first sight. A small percentage had hunting talents, like snakes, they would prey on unexpecting victims. Only the rare few had the intelligence to enjoy the hunt.

As Miles was walking carefully, Coin's next words reverberated in his mind. They were simple words, but the meaning behind them was enough to shake his mind.

"I am picking up a signal from within. It says...

...Welcome, my child!"

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