Into The Portal: Monster Invasion

Chapter 383: Space Gate

“Matt, when you hear the big boom, have Safire and Madeline attack. We will pincer them.” Miles relayed his orders as he looked at the normal-looking ground. Although it looked as if it was natural, there was a big base underneath the place.

“They are ready to dash out,” Matt replied. Miles acknowledged his message then turned to the empty field with nothing but a big boulder.

“You can come out now,” Miles shouted towards the big rock standing inconspicuously 10 meters away from them. Although his senses weren’t as great as Matt’s, he could see several energy signs within the boulder.

“Impressive alertness, Mr. Cross.” A girl walked out from the boulder as if it was just a mirage. Miles could see that the big boulder was as hard as the ground they were standing on, and although several people were hiding within, the rock was not an illusion. Still, the girl walked out as if the rock had no solid form. “Your fame precedes you.”

“So is yours.” Miles nodded. The girl across wasn’t tall. She was only 160 centimeters tall. Her white hair and pale violet eyes looked good on her face. She was wearing violet armor. There was a hilt of a sword on her belt, but there was no sword.

“Oh, the famous Battle Beast heard of me? I am honored.” The girl chuckled and for a second the world lost its luster. But Miles was too busy to curse at Val to notice it. “Seems like we are disadvantaged. You teamed up with Cross Academy.”

“Enough chit-chat.” Miles tersely said, “You can stop that parlor trick now. Even if you spend another decade, that illusion will never affect me.”

With it, the white-haired beauty lost her composure for the first time. She thought she could delay Miles and others while her people created an illusion they came up with before the competition started, but Miles could even see what they were doing. How could he see that? Even if he could feel the energy fluctuations, he shouldn’t be able to pinpoint what the energy was used for. After all, even higher-ranked hunters can’t predict the attack before it is at its final phase.

“You are truly a beast,” Yasmin said with a frown. “Since that is the case, forgive me. I have to use this.”

As she said her part, energy started to leak out from her every pore. Miles could feel that something big was coming, but he didn’t know what it was. It was indeed difficult to predict the attack before the attacker was about to unleash it. After all, energy could manifest in endless variations, and no one could memorize every single possibility. But thanks to Energy Vision, he could see that Lares Academy Students were leading massive amounts of energy to their mindlimbs to create an illusion.

But in Yasmin’s case, the energy was gathering outside of her body. It felt like a Heart Branch move, but he wasn’t sure as it wasn’t manifesting in any form. He didn’t have to wait long, as soon, something appeared in front of everyone.

“What the hell is that?” A student from Cross Academy gulped as he looked at the thing that appeared in front of them. Carl, Mae, Xavic, Zall… All of them felt the same. What appeared in front of them looked deadly, yet beautiful.

“Zall!” Miles shouted as the big guy jumped forward. He pulled out an orb and it turned into a giant shield. It was as big as him. Miles wasn’t any slower, he jumped in front of the group and his forearms turned into shields. Although he wasn’t as durable as Zall, he couldn’t let others get hurt.

In the next second, bullets started to rain on their groups. Across Zall and Xavic, there was a swirling gate of space. From within, they could see tens of Gatling guns aiming at them. Although all of them knew what Yasmin’s ability was, they didn’t think she could use something like this. After all, her range was limited.

“This is my ultimate. Fixed Space Gate.” Yasmin smiled as she explained. “Don’t worry, it is not a breach of rules. No one is using the guns, they are firing automatically. It is just that, they are aimed at you.”

Frenzy-Rank Low-Tier bullets rained down on Zall and Miles in hundreds. Miles already used the sixth serum and his body was as hard as a mid-tier monster thus bullets weren’t very effective and Zall was Zall. Although there were thousands of bullets, they couldn’t hurt them. Carl and others weren’t waiting idly either. With his orders, others started to disperse and attack.

Although all of them were amazed to see that Yasmin, a low-tier Form-Rank hunter had an ultimate, they had no time to show it. At the moment, Miles and Zall were defending hundreds of bullets, and they too had to move. Xavic jumped into the air and two beautiful wings appeared on his back. They were fluttering but still overshadowed by the lightning cracking in his hands. In the next second, the lightning fell on top of the guns. Lightning was the most devastating element among the basic ones. Several bolts of lightning caused wreckage in the space gate and it started to become unstable.

“Charge!” Yasmin, seeing her ultimate was about to crash, ordered. Behind her, tens of people started to attack. Although Miles saw the signs of people in the rock, they were overlapping, thus he couldn’t tell how many of them there were in that narrow place, but now that all of them charged out, he saw that Lares Academy too, grouped with another.

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