Into The Portal: Monster Invasion

Chapter 351: Heart Branch

“I taught you the basic Heart Branch abilities, but let’s repeat the essentials.” The course tutor said. Jes Vester was a plump lady with a kind smile. Her superpower was a wind wall, allowing her to create a wall made of wind that could defend against projectiles. But her mastery over Heart Branch was so good, that she could shape her element in every form.

“The basic four sub-branches of this type of energy are, Form, Power, Creation, Essentials.

Form, as its name suggests, allows you to freely shape your element. As you already know, our ancient genes limit our superpowers to a single form. But, with energy, this limitation is lifted. For example, I can create any form of wind by using energy to reform my superpower.

As we already mentioned, people with superpowers of different categories, cannot reform their superpowers, but gain the ability to shape the element upon learning this sub-branch.

The second is Power. You all went through Grace-Rank and know that leveling up Elemental Superpowers requires you to expand your superpower and increase its powers. To reach the peak of it, you must be able to use both of them together. This sub-branch is also about the power of elemental attacks. For example, a wind blade as big as my arm can be weaker than a wind blade smaller than my finger.” She created a wind blade in each hand, one bigger than her arm, and the other was smaller than her finger as she said it.

This alone showed her master over Heart Branch. When she fired the big wind blade, it passed through the practice wall and dissipated, but when she fired the smaller ones, it exploded upon impact and demolished the wall.

“Amount of energy and density of the wind allowed me to create a stronger wind blade by keeping it small. That is power.” She said with a smile.

“Now, Creation. That is the hardest sub-branch, and also the most important. As you know, most elements have rarer forms. For example, my wind element is the simplest form of it. There are cold winds, hot winds, rotten winds, poisonous winds, and so on and so forth. Some are a rarer form of the element while the rest are a mixture of two different elements allowing those who have it to use two different elemental abilities.

I don’t have a rare form of the element, but I can change the type of wind I have because of my mastery. Now, try to notice the difference.” She raised both hands, and two orbs of wind appeared in her hands. One looked a little bit cyan while the other was a bit orangish.

“Despite not having the ability to use hot and cold winds, by the Creation sub-branch, I can change the wind I have to both.”

“Essentials, as I told you in the previous class, is about mixing your elemental abilities with ultimate, zone, and other regular abilities. When you advance in your powers, you will learn how to change the characteristics of your energy. Number Two can already do it, but sadly he doesn’t have an element, so cannot be used in this example.

But not to worry, I can use it too.” She pointed at Miles and then to herself. Miles looked at her smiling face with a deadpan face.

“Now, the wind can be soft or can be deadly. But what if I change the characteristics of my energy to an elastic form? What will happen to the wind?” She raised her hand and created a wind blade with a string attached to it. She stuck the string to a wall just with energy and pulled the blade. The wind string started to elongate the longer she pulled and when she let it go, the blade yanked back with the full force of the string and embedded itself into the wall. Miles looked at the blade and string with an awestruck face.

“Using two different characteristics at the same time can be a little tough, but nonetheless achievable and the possibilities it allows are endless.” She smiled and turned to the class. “Any idea?”

“You can create a typhoon with your power. Wind will make it spin endlessly and it will suck everything inside. If you change the characteristics of your energy into quagmire form, it will be an inescapable death trap.” Miles said as he imagined the possibilities.

“Very vivid, Number 2.” She smiled and raised her two hands. “Ten merit points.”

“Alright, some of you already know how to use different types of your elements. Number 1 is exempt as he is the God of Lightning, so can use most of the element already. Which is something not many tutors can claim to do.” Tutor Vester said.

As she said, Alex could use most forms of the lightning element. He could even use stun, heal, and explosion forms. These three were the rarest form of any element. Xavic was lucky to have both of them in the same superpower, and when he advanced, he also learned the most basic form of the element, allowing him to learn 3 forms in one go. But still, he was not even close to Alex.

“Now, I want you to create different crafts with different types. And if you can’t use different types, work on it now. Ask your friends how they learned them. I know this is something you will pick up when you advance to the Extol-Rank, but it wouldn’t hurt to practice them now.”

“Number Two, you can continue with your regular practice.” With it, she ended the class. Miles observed the classroom and tried to understand the process of changing the type. In the first Heart Branch class, he didn’t have an element. But now, he could change his energy to lightning. He didn’t know if he could use other forms, but he must be. After all, his energy was in its purest form and could turn into anything.

He already asked Alex many times and learned how he changed the form. It came easy to Alex as if he was remembering them and not learning. But it made sense, after all, he was the incarnation of Norsen God of Lightning, Ukko. But Miles wasn’t. He didn’t have these in his genes.

‘I can imitate Queen Ant’s attack, that should be enough for now.’

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