Internet 24

On The Road (Part 1)

What's up, my name is Grant Burns, and this is my story.

This is what I want—a peaceful and chill life. In front of me is an empty road off this cliffside. The light of the setting sun bouncing off the ocean. Tobi Lou mixing with the soft hum of my tires driving down a highway. Not a lot of people get what they want. They aim for the stars but don't enjoy the grass below their feet. I don't need some big calling or purpose when I have this.

I roll down my windows, letting that sea air caress my face. Getting this bus was the best purchase of my life. Better than any home, BMW, or... I can't think of a third. I don't know what came over me, but when I saw a video online about all these renovated buses, I decided that's what I wanted to do! I uhh... man, that wind is cold. Let's roll that up.

But, yeah, a single town is too small for me for my whole life. I decided to drop the extra dollars and get myself a school bus. I got it from a seller and went into full contractor mode. I'm talking wood floors, fridge, bed, pc set up, shower, internet, and a sweet indoor griddle. The kind that doesn't produce smoke. Let's not forget the essential feature, a toilet! God, that was the number one thing I wanted. I'm not taking a deuce in the woods. No bear or raccoon is catching me with my pants around my ankles.

I thought everything was working, but my ac or heater has to be broken. It's freezing. Well, tonight is going to suck. I'm still a few miles from the nearest rest stop, and I probably won't get there until late at night. It means I am closer to waking up in the morning if I don't freeze in my sleep.

A few cold hours later, I make it to a rest stop. I park the bus and begin my security checks. I installed security blinds on the windows. I hit the security locks and make sure I am all set to knock out in bed.

GRUUGLE. My stomach calls for a midnight snack. Of course, after I lock everything. I doubt any places to eat in the open rest stops, but I know I saw vending machines. I head into the building and get myself $15 worth of snacks.

I step out of the building, and it's quiet. No music, only the sounds of cars passing by from the road in the distance and the soft chirps of crickets. A quick look around me, and out of the four other cars here at this rest stop, I'm the only one awake.

I head into my bus and drop into my bed. My bed was littered with crumbs as I got to town on these bad boys: chips, chocolate with nougat, cheese, and beef jerky. The vending machine gods blessed me today. Oh, I can knock out good.

The bus rocks softly as the wind goes hard outside. It wasn't like that earlier. Under the harsh wind, I hear something. It's soft, a mumble. The voice is high-pitched. A kid? Damn, it's cold. That was my breath. I can see my breath. Did I leave the ac on? I hear the keys jingle as I tap them on the counter ... wait. I tap the window by my bed, and it's frozen. Like, I am in a snowstorm, but that can't be. It was like 80 degrees when I walked outside. The glass is coated in a thin layer of ice.

I push on the door to get out, but it's not budging. Come on! Open! Hugghh!

The door flings open as the last bit of ice gives out. My nose is inches from slamming into the asphalt. Luckily, I catch myself by gripping the door. I pull myself up to have a gust of freezing wind slam into my face.

There isn't a cloud in the sky, and I can see the moon and stars as they work in tandem with the parking lot lights to illuminate the lot. It was just 80 degrees, so why is every car in the lot frozen? The floor feels like ice under my feet.

I run to the closet's car, and someone is inside. His door is frozen, and he is knocked out of the driver's seat. He is in a suit, with the jacket off.


Sir! Are you okay?

The man jolts awake as if he's being pulled out of Hade's grip. He turns to me, and I feel the chill of my body get snuffed out by the fire in his eyes.


What!?! What's so important, you wake me up?

Grant gestures to the whole parking lot as he shivers.


Look for yourself. Everything is frozen,

and I thought you might have been dead.

The man looks around, absorbing his surroundings.


Oh, is this for some video? Am I getting pranked?


I have nothing to do with this.


You're the one who woke me up.

For what, an empty parking lot?


I'm not talking about how many people;

I mean, look! It's freezing; your car is covered in ice.


You're crazy


How am I crazy? You're

the one still in the car.


Step away from the car before I call the cops.


For what? Saving your li-

I stopped because I noticed something. The cold wind is hitting my back, maid my legs feel numb. My hand grows paler by the minute, and if I let my feet stand still for too long, ice chunks form and connect them to the asphalt. Yet, I can see drips of sweat accumulating on the tip of the man's nose. His dress shirt is drenched like he finished ruining a 5-minute mile.

I took a step back, and a whisper carried by the frost crawled into my ear. It wasn't one voice but many. The voices are soft and young, and I can hear the words tremble. The slight crackle of electricity accompanied their words. They spoke.


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