Internet 24

New Affair (Part 2)


Better hold the back of your head before

your brain blasts out! Here it is, our office!

Standing next to each other are the two siblings in formal attire.


Can’t believe this.


Don’t tell me you don’t like it?


Well, it’s in a mall.

People swiftly walk around the siblings with their destinations in sight. Others meander and gaze at storefronts. It reminds Don of children at a zoo, equal parts intrigued and ready to leave at a moment’s notice.


I know, it’s great. Plus, the renovations

are done, and we signed on the dotted line.

There’s no turning back now.

Aly walks to the roller shutters in front of the glass doors. Don surveys the stores around them. They are in a five-story mall. The building is large and considered spectacular compared to those in the country. For Aly, walking around for quite some time, and trying to pick a location before today, made it feel cramped for her.

Aly walks through the glass doors.


Wait out there for one second.

Don can feel the glances of the people passing him. He adjusts his jacket and checks his collar in hopes of looking professional and distinguished. A soft glow hits his face as he looks up to see a sigh above the glass doors light up to say:

Isabela Detective Agency


It feels good seeing it lit up like that.

Don stands there, and Aly can tell he feels the same by the glimmer in his eye.


The font’s good, but what do you think

about the logo? Is it too much?

I don’t think it’s too much.

The glimmer is replaced with annoyance. Don glares at Aly while he walks toward the glass doors. He opens the glass door with care.


Oh god, I already told you it’s okay.


I know, but now that you see it lit up,

do you still feel the same?

Before they step inside, he stops and notices a small fingerprint smudge on the door. He pulls a handkerchief used to clean a phone screen and wipes the glass. He steps back to make sure there are no other marks. Once satisfied, he allows them to walk in. They step into a small waiting area. There is a table with magazines thrown about. A small TV with Netflix is on, and the cursor hovers over an account called “Office Lounge.”

Decorating the area is a series of fake plants to create the illusion that the people inside are responsible. There is a painting of a lighthouse standing on a hill, surrounding a forest. There is a desk on the other side of the waiting room, waiting to house the secretary one day they will be able to afford. Finally, across the room is a door leading to their shared office.


This is definitely a waiting room.


Saved some cash by getting everything

secondhand, but no way anyone

will be able to tell.

They will, he thinks to himself, as he was able to tell when he stepped in. Everything looked nice at first, but minor blemishes on the furniture and the fact nothing flowed or matched gave it away.


Wait ‘til you see our office.

She opens the door, and he basks in the sight. There are two new desks next to each other with a trash can in between them on the tiled floor. They each have their own computer, office faux leather brown chairs, two chairs in front of the desks, and a couch is nuzzled in by the door. There is a bookshelf filled with books of varying ages and a door in the corner. The last thing that stands out the most to him is the neon-colored signs over the desk. The one on the left spells out Donald Isabela, and the right says Alysa Isabela. Both scream over-the-top.


Now this, this an office.


Those signs are beyond tacky.

By looking around, he can

see where the money went. T

he contrasting setups in

both rooms tell different stories.

The office exudes professional, diligent detectives who can solve any case. The waiting room whimpers, Maybe we can find your cat, but it probably won’t be alive.


You don’t like them?


I’m not saying that. I love them.

I’m just saying, does it look,

you know, professional?

She nods with a smile, hoping that will be enough for her worried brother. His eyes glance at his desk, and he can feel the blood pump through his body when he finds the paper-thin computer screen.


It is just like I wanted?


Like the one, you have at home.

Don walks over to his desk. His eyes widen as his hand grazes the surface. On it is a monitor, a picture in a frame, and a computer tower hidden in a cabinet on the desk. He checks to make sure his sister put air holes in the back, so his new baby won’t overheat. She did.

He presses his thumb to the wood, and a green light is emitted from the desk. Sections flip over, revealing secret compartments. There are various tools here, ranging from wrenches, screwdrivers, and many thin metal rods to strange medical tools. It looks like a mix of a mechanic’s garage and a hospital’s operating theater. The tools are on top of each other and unorganized. He can tell that Aly threw them in haphazardly. He won’t be able to focus until this is in order.


Good, we don’t have to run home

if you need maintenance.

He presses his thumb again on the wood, and the desk reverts back to normal. He finds a small black circle embedded in the wood of the desk. He pulls out his phone from his pocket and puts it on the circle. Bright, multicolored lights streak through the desk surface and into the computer. It starts to charge the phone, and his computer screen lights up. He is logged in, and the screen welcomes him.


Now, this is amazing. I can’t believe

we got this, and I can’t wait to tear into it.


Good, because it cost us a lot.

My desk isn’t the same, so we

didn’t go overbudget, but

I did treat myself.

Aly says with a smile on her face. Her desk has a similar monitor and an above-average computer. She opens a small cabinet door, revealing a small minifridge built into the desk. It is filled with soda, bottled water, and snacks.

Don’s eyes drift to the door in the corner.


What’s with the door?


Private bathroom and shower.

Aly opens the door. True to her word, there is a small bathroom with a shower.


What did you do?


Get this. Some guy tried to make this

place his apartment and had it built.

Once the mall found it, they kicked him out.

Now, we have a shower! I won’t have

to worry about smelling bad in

front of clients after the gym.

The sounds of tiny scurrying feet come from above their heads. Don looks up at the ceiling as he feels a chill down his spine.





Don looks at her, but Aly avoids his gaze with a nervous smile.


What was that?


What was what?

The sound of tiny feet scraping the ceiling as something runs by continues. It’s clear that they both hear it. Don echoes the noise by rubbing his nails on his desk.


Sounded like this, kinda like rats.

Don’s eyes burn through his sister as she tries to stay strong.


Rats? You’re hearing things.

There are no rats.


Don’t lie to me. I need to

know if we have ra—

He stops speaking once his hand taps the picture frame on his desk. There is a lighter-skinned Hispanic man in a button-down standing next to a black woman in a lovely dress. In front of them are two children resembling Aly and Don. His smile fades as his eyes focus on the picture.


What’s up?


It’s just, Mom and Dad. What they

want for us. I just don’t feel this is it.

Aly flashes Don a soft smile as she leans on his desk while talking.


This is what we want, and that’s

all that matters, to them and us.

Remember, it’s what Papi said

all the time, just find your

piece of peace, that’s all.

Plus, with this business and this mall, I feel that they can only be positives. We have a constant flow of customers. We are next to all of these great stores.


Isn’t the store in front of us closing?

Aly shushes Don before continuing.


They have a great gym here, too,

and I feel you’ve forgotten the best part.


What’s that?

Aly has a hungry grin.


Food court!


Food court.

Don says softly as his eyes widen with joy. Aly turns back to the door and prepares to leave.


Speaking of, let’s go gets something.

I say either Pizza or Chinese.


I’ve been smelling that pizza since

we walked in. Still, you go ahead.

I’ll stay in case we get a customer.

Don notices Aly closing and opening her hand.


Is your hand giving you trouble? Need me to look at it?


When I get back.

She says, gripping her hand tightly.


I like your optimism, though.

We’ve been open for a second,

and you think we will have a client by now.

Aly opens the office door to find a woman waiting for them in the lounge.


Can I help you?

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