Interconnected: Spliced Souls

Chapter Nine: Library Visit (Illustrations)

The image in the Spoiler Box is SFW.

During the return trip, Momo really complimented Srassa and her fighting style. “You remind me of a little mouse, but you know how to swing that sword. You gotta have more confidence, girl!”  


“No buts! Ya did good out there. You too, Servi. As your captain, I couldn't be prouder of my juniors.”  

“It was just one quest. And it took less than 2 hours, but okay. I appreciate it. I had fun, you know. Srassa?”  

“Umm… I– I did too. Thank you for putting up with me. And Ms. Momo, I look forward to learning from your guidance!.” She folded her hands across her stomach and slightly bowed.   

“Putting up? Nah, it sounds like you think you were a burden or something. And no, you weren't. We all came out mostly unscathed, right? We killed the rats, took their tails, ate a tasty sandwich, enjoyed a nice spring day, and made Canary safer. But Ms. Momo? I'm not some old granny or fogey, ya know. I'm just barely 20, but I won't stop you if that's what you want to call me. Besides, it's kinda fun being a teacher like this. I've been here a few weeks, but I couldn't have asked for anything better.”  

“It's the same with me. You know, with the whole lack of memories thing.” I smiled, stretching my arms above my head. “I just know that elf and her friend, and I guess Claire, too. But it was cool meeting you two. If it isn't a hassle, I hope you don't mind my asking questions, captain. Oh, and if we could keep this between us? Perhaps I used to be cynical, but people would definitely take advantage of an amnesiac girl.”  

“Even if you hadn't asked, my lips are sealed. That's another rule I need to impart. Never share what they choose to confide in you unless you have explicit permission to tell someone else. Your ring and lacking memories will never leave my mouth.”  

“Umm… I won't say anything either, Servi,” Srassa squeaked out. “I wouldn't dare of it.”  

“Thank you, seriously. I appreciate it.” 

After returning to the guild, Claire was all smiles when she saw our smiling faces. Since we had a rapport with her, we silently decided to stand in her line. She asked us how it went when Momo handed the five tails, then marveled at how remarkable they were. Claire noted that if blood or fat was stuck on any quest materials, your monetary reward would be deducted from the cleaning cost.   

After Claire dished out the 11 dupla, which were metal coins, she asked if we were done for the day. Momo nodded and said today would be easygoing since Srassa and I were new, and Claire said she was excited to be working with us in the near future. Her soft smile and deep, purple eyes sent us off with a wave as we left.   

Our destination? We really didn't have one until Momo brought up the library. Srassa said she could sponsor us, even if we weren't nobles. It really was awfully nice of her to do that.   

So, that was our goal. The three of us walked through the city square and broke off to the east, navigating past shops of all kinds. Momo said she scouted around on her first day, but the large gate separating the noble district from anywhere else refused to let her in because you needed a reason to enter if you weren't a noble. 

The quality of materials and overall engineering increased the further east we went. Even the air seemed to become cleaner. Though there was already very little trash, litter ceased to exist after a certain point. The number of guard patrols doubled. Srassa received a lot of nods and pleasant wishes.   

After seeing it, there was a reason why Momo called it a large gate.   

Because it was literally that. A tremendously tall and thick gate, reinforced with probably two or three feet of metal. Five heavily armored warriors stood on each side. Srassa reached around her neck and showed one of the guards an amulet I hadn't seen before. It was of a fox and dog sitting back to back, their tails intertwining while the moon and stars sparkled in the bright sky.   

It was very well made-- a genuine piece of craftsman-- yet it was no bigger than an inch in diameter.   

After looking at it, they nodded their helmets and allowed us passage through the open gate. If we rushed through, we'd probably taste the ends of their spears through our stomachs and necks. I inquired about that necklace while we continued to follow Srassa.  

“It’s our family crest. When my family was first established, we were given a symbol.”  

“From who?”  

“Warden. It’s more than just the guild. They handle a lot of different things,” Momo added. “The world is different, and what’s in one country won’t be the same in another country, but the one thing the world agrees on is the treatment of nobles. There’s a department in the guild in charge of registering and tracking the world's noble families. Grandpa once said there are ten giant vaults full of unregistered crests, so if you ever become one, you can choose what you want it to be.”  

“Ms. Momo's right. If I show this crest to anyone at Warden, they can look it up and identify who I am. If I’m lost, then they can work on getting me back home to the addresses on file.”  

“It’s like a lifeline, I guess? What happens if I try to hold it?”  

“It falls through your hand because you’re not on the registry. Only my father can authorize changes to the registry, and only the guild magistrate– the title of the person in charge of every guild within a country or region– can alter the registry.”  

“That’s pretty amazing.” Srassa asked if I wanted to try it, and I nodded. It phased through my hand after she let it go. I wondered if it could be stored in my ring, but I didn’t try it. Instead, she picked it up, dusted it off with a cloth pulled from a pouch, put it back around her neck, and continued our little journey. 

The library was, for all intents and purposes, absolutely massive. Standing over four floors tall, expertly crafted marble pillars stood at the entrance, blanketing two very large doors. In an odd design, there were about 56 stairs leading to the actual front door, and there was a statue of a portly fellow in a striking suit halfway up. Srassa said that was Lord Parrel Biggins, the sole man who led the Canary Duchy, which enshrouded about 1/4th of all Lando. 

In other words, he's like the leading lord of southeastern Lando? He must hold a lot of power, but that statue isn’t flattering towards him. 

Inside, the building’s name certainly lived up to it. Srassa mentioned the Canary Academy was built about ten minutes from here, so the men and women in the school uniforms must’ve been students. Most sat around tables with their heads deep in their studying, so no one looked up.  

At the front desk, Srassa introduced us and asked for two membership cards. The receptionist didn’t seem into it because neither Momo nor I fit the dress code, but Srassa dropped her last name, which changed the elderly woman’s tune. In seconds, we had our cards. The library had a device to add them to our Skill Tablets, so we did just that.  

The woman explained the rules, which was very self-explanatory. We could check out two books at a time, and while it was free to do so, we would be given a heavy debt if the books weren’t returned by the due date. Furthermore, failure to do so would mean Srassa’s family would pay an expensive fine.  

Yeah, I didn’t want that to happen.  

Not at all. 

But really, the books? There was no safer place than within my ring, and Itarr said she would keep me reminded of their due dates. Then again, she could manipulate absorbed items. If she could read them, could the knowledge be somehow transferred to me? We did share a soul and body, but not a mind. Srassa was much more relaxed as she guided Momo and me around to a section marked history. It was on the third floor, and we took a teleportation pad. It was the first time for Momo, and myself, I guess, but her tail wagged like pure excitement as she exclaimed how cool it was.  

She was loud, though, and a group of studying individuals hushed us, causing her to grow red in the face.  

It was cute seeing her like that. I teased her by calling her my totally reliable captain.  

“Servi…” she adorably whined, her tail sticking straight out. She stuck out her tongue and closed her eyes, but it was playful fun.  

Even Srassa lightly giggled. Suppose it was intimidating meeting brand-new people, and even though we only fought for a handful of hours, I suppose that was enough to break the ice between us. The noble picked a book titled Inith’s History. 

That’s the name Lando used when it was allied with Westera and Keywater? Itarr asked. I nodded.   

She handed it to me and said it would probably answer my questions. She then walked over to another section and pulled something titled Wildkin Biology. “Umm… This book might be helpful too–”  

“Lady Srassa?” A familiar voice rang out, and we turned to see Srassa’s butler standing nearby with a load of books in his hands. “How remarkable it is to run into each other like this. I’m glad I found you, though, since your mother wishes to speak with you.”  

“She does? Is everything okay?”  

“There are no problems, my lady. There is just the matter of the ball your mother is to attend with your father. The one in Adenaford?”  

“Oh no! I forgot about that. Ms. Momo, Servi, I’m sorry, but I must leave. Umm… Will– Will I see you again?” Srassa’s cute face went through about sixteen different emotions before settling on sadness and loneliness.  

“Why wouldn’t you? Got another team we don’t know about?”  

“W–what?! No– I would never! I–”  

“Haha, sorry, I'm just teasing ya. That's something I get from my grampy. Of course, we'll see each other again. I'm the one helping you with understanding Warden, after all.” Momo's smile was like a blossoming flower.   

“I had fun today, Srassa. If it’s fine with you, how about we meet at the guild after breakfast? Is that a plan?” We looked at our new friend, who held both hands close to her chest.  

Just how sheltered was she that this was something she didn’t think would happen? If not that, why else would she act like this?  

“Tomorrow morning is excellent! I promise I won't be late!” Srassa nodded, her eyes shining vibrantly.   

“By the by, Ms. Momo. It wouldn't be proper for Lady Srassa’s teacher to live elsewhere. I have been authorized to offer you a room at the estate.”  

“Woah, really? Someone like me?” Momo looked shocked. “Staying in a fancy mansion? Are ya sure that's okay?”  

“It is more than okay, Ms. Momo,” Jony replied.   

“Umm… Then….Yes, I'll accept. Thanks a ton for that. Srassa, I guess we'll be roomies for the foreseeable future! Oh, but I gotta get my stuff from the inn I'm staying at. Is it okay if I come by later?”  

“It most certainly is. I shall tell the lord and lady of the house to be expecting you.”  

“Thank you, Ms. Momo!” Srassa left with Jony after he wished us well. From the scorned looks Momo and I received from the others…  

It was time for us to leave as well. The receptionist gave us the stink eye, so we weren't welcome here. I would probably wager she was hoping for me to fuck up. When the grouch gave me my books, she wasn't looking. In fact, she ‘dropped’ them a second too soon, causing me to overextend my arm to catch them.   

The bitch.   

Momo's tail was angry, the fluffy ears on her head seemingly growling in how they folded against her head. I grabbed her arm and walked away, and she let me know her displeasure the moment the door closed behind us.   

“Gah! I just can't stand people like that, ya know? We were loud. I get that, but purposely dropping a book? I swear, these nobles don't know how good they got it. In my village, most people didn't even know how to read! Grampy had to teach me. He taught me to treat books with respect!”  

“You sound kinda heated, captain.”  

“Oh, I am! Grrrr…”  

“You growl kinda like a dog, captain.”  

“Eh? But I'm a cat. Haha!” Momo suddenly laughed. I stashed the books in my ring, and Itarr said she would organize them.   

She's pretty easygoing. I like that about her.   

I'd have to ask her if we could link our minds later. Together, we returned to the casual district, and I honestly felt relieved. Nothing ‘bad’ happened, and it was a stroke of pure luck I found two people who pitied my lacking memories.   

“It’s kinda stressful not knowing the world around you,” I confessed, sitting on a bench near the city square. Momo plopped beside me and hugged her bag, watching the wagons and carriages drive by us. “But it's also nice because it's like a fresh start. From what? I dunno, but wildkin, skills, skill energy, spells, Warden? All of that is completely foreign to me. But I would like to know who my parents are. And if I have any siblings.”  

“I can't even imagine,” Momo replied. “But skill energy isn’t like the official name. I mean, it is, but only because we have skills we acquire from Skill Paths. It’s only natural to assume the energy required to use skills is called skill energy. But that’s just... My grandpa said every language calls it something different, but it all translates to mean something like ‘energy of the skill.’ Everyone has this energy inside of them. Me, you, Srassa... Those rats... Dragons, basilisks. Giant frogs.” Momo continued, saying that after a monster inhabited an area long enough, they impart their skill energy. Once enough had gathered, the collected energy spawns a monster of a similar type and species to what imparted it. So, if a bunch of rats lived in a sewer, nothing but rats would spawn until something else moved in and replaced the energy with theirs.  She used giant roaches as an example. If things had been a little differently, we would've been killing them, not rats. 

“It might be weird, but I'm glad I met you and Srassa. I was expecting to go solo, but I guess I'm lucky I have an amazing captain. Ha, that's kinda growing on me.”  

“And I'm happy about that. Grandpa said the world was dangerous. It isn't a pleasant place to be without any friends or allies. You gotta have compassion and respect for your fellow man because we're all trying to survive in this world. No one is owed anything, but no one owes anything, either. It's kinda like what you said– about a fresh start. Grandpa said we were all born with one. And what we do defines who we are. We gotta carve our identity in the world.”  

“That's pretty deep. From how you sound, I'm guessing you respect him?”  

“Uh-huh.” Momo swung her feet. “Grandpa’s my only family. It's been just him and me for as long as I can remember. You usually have a mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, a few siblings, an aunt, maybe a few cousins, but grandpa had to be all that. He's the one man I look up to more than anything. Oh, check this out!” Momo pulled a book from her bag and flipped it to the last page. “Grandpa gave me his sword, bag, and this diary on my 19th birthday. And he was an awesome artist. See? When I was a kitten, this is what he drew.” 


“It's the first portrait grampy ever drew of me, and I like it a lot.”  

“It's a nice image. You were a cute kitten.”  

“Hehe! Thanks! Grampy always said I was the cutest kitten in the village– mainly because we were the only singi, and there were no cats.”  

“Srassa had something similar. When she sat down, she dropped a small drawing. It was her in this heroic-like pose. I wonder if that's who she wants to be?”  

“Maybe. Grandpa said it isn't unusual to carry around an example of what you either want to do or become in the future. I got his bag and sword, and I wanna be someone he can be proud of. That's why I came here, you know? A long time ago, before Canary was Canary, there used to be a village here. I can't remember the name, but grandpa joined Warden at that village's guild branch. I wanted to follow in his footsteps, but I joined the branch in my village instead. But hey! I'm here now. And it's just the beginning of the Rise of Momo!”  

“To the Rise of Momo!!”  

We shared a look and laughed. It was almost unnatural how easy I felt with Momo and Srassa. We spent a few more minutes together before she rummaged around her bag. “Okay, I should have enough room to stash the rest of my gear. I've never stayed in a mansion before. I'm almost getting goosebumps.”  

“Being hired to train and guard the daughter of a noble is serious.”  


“Yep. I noticed you didn't exactly say it, but I can read between the lines. You're supposed to be like an on-the-field type of guardian... To make sure she doesn't get hurt.” 

“You're pretty sharp. Yep. That's what it is. But I don't have any secret mission or anything. Srassa's been formally trained. You can see that in how she fights. But she definitely lacks the societal knowledge to act. And I guess common sense, too. If you break it down, I was hired to help her break out of that shell.” 

But something doesn't quite add up. If they wanted their daughter to be safe, wouldn't Srassa's family hire someone that's ranked Expert? Or is that too much of a difference? Momo has a year or two on us, so maybe they think that's enough. Maybe they don't want to hint at any corruption? If they hired someone super strong, Srassa could soar through the ranks by riding on that person's coattails.  

“Anyways, I think it's about time I head out. Gotta get my supplies and stuff from the inn and checkout. Then I gotta find where the estate is. Jony didn't leave me a map. But we're meeting tomorrow morning at Warden, right?” 

“Yep,” I replied. Momo stood and extended a hand, and I took it, giving her a firm shake and a confident smile. “Take it easy. Be safe, okay?” 

“You too.” Momo started to run, but she stopped on one foot and doubled back. “Hey, I never did catch where you're staying.” 

“It's an inn, kinda. It's called the Crimson Grotto.” 

“Crimson…Grotto? Weird name, but I got it. See ya tomorrow, Servi.” Momo waved and sped off, tripping over her feet. She recovered into a roll and returned to her stride.  

 That Momo is something, isn't she? 

“Yeah, she is. And Srassa, too. The two couldn't be more different if they tried, but today worked out somehow. I'm happy, though.” 

I am as well. Do you think we can be friends? When I acquire a body, that is.  

“I don't see why not? If they took to an amnesiac like me, what's wrong with befriending a goddess? Especially one who's been with them since the beginning.” 

I am glad to hear you say that. What are we going to do? What is the plan? 

“Let's head back to Nimyra’s. I'm going to patrol the slums tonight. Might stop by Cassidy's and see if she needs some help. I could always do some cleaning, too. Ah, if that's fine with you. I don't wanna fill our little world with gross, nasty trash.” 

That is nothing to worry about. Once we acquire a more destructive spell, I can destroy things we do not need, including garbage.  

“Oh, you think you can do me a favor?” I asked, speaking to myself out loud while returning to my temporary home.  

Yes? What do you need? 

Well, it was actually two favors. The first was to see if Itarr could read the books I checked out. If she could, and I learned from her learning, that would accelerate my education in understanding more of this world.  

The second? It was abstract. I couldn't get my point across because it was to explain the functions of a particular item without sounding like a mad woman.   

And I wasn't even sure if this was possible. Even if it was, would it actually work like I wanted it? And how would people react to it? Was something like that possible for those who didn't have a goddess to share their soul? 

I do not know if I understand you, but I will try to meet your expectations. I require some time, however. I do not know if that is allowable.  

“Thanks. Don't worry about it if you can't."

Meghann welcomed me back with a sweet smile and a tilt of her head. Her eyes hastily glanced downwards to my crotch. I caught her gazing, and she quickly stammered, making up some excuse about seeing dirt. I told her it was fine. There probably weren't many women with penises like me.   

I certainly didn't consider it rude. If anything, Meghann's beautiful eyes locking on almost gave me a stiffy.   

Okay, it did give me one.  

My dick was held back by the special panties and denim overalls. If not for that, the proof would be visible to all.   

But maybe…  

“Hey, where did you get these clothes from?”  

“There's a store in the noble district we have a contract with. You can get there quickly if you have a carriage. Is there something you require?”  

“I was just curious. Is Nimyra in her room?” Meghann nodded, and I left her with a pleasant farewell.   

The stairs were kinda annoying, but they didn't tire me out.   

Nimyra was sitting in the grand living room, wearing only panties. She read a book, and a fruity, multicolored drink sat on the nearby table. 

“Ah, welcome back,” she said, waving a hand and explaining she was taking a chance to relax before her next appointment. She went to stand and put on a shirt next to her, but I said she didn't have to cover up just for me. “Oohhh~~~ Entranced by my body, are you?” she seductively whispered, pressing her rather large, bountiful, soft boobs together.   

“Suppose you could say that,” I replied, sitting in the recliner across from her.   

“Hmm? I sense something's wrong.”  

“Eh, you could say that, too. I got something to talk to you about.” Since I shared it with Srassa and Momo, I figured letting Nimyra know my lacking past wasn't much of an issue. Almost right away, the gears clicked in her head.   

“It was something like that? No wonder you didn't know what Warden was. But I'm sorry, Servi. Not remembering who you were? That has to be awful.” I told her I perceived it as a fresh start. From what? Fuck if I knew, but I did tell her I was worried about finding out who I used to be because what if this new me didn't like my former self?  

She was stumped. But she was also encouraging. Much nicer than I would've thought. For some reason, it felt like Nimyra should have been a rotten woman to the core– someone who preyed on a person's loneliness to suck their wallets dry, but she was shown to be very friendly. That kindness didn't extend to me, but it also showered Lucy, Meghann, and that Mud Ogre from before. 

Sorry I can't remember your name, guy.  

“I'm pathetic as a teacher, but I've experienced a lot. If something's unclear, I'm happy to talk to you. It's still the very least I could do.”  

I asked her about Lucy. The Goatkin stirred awake, but when Cassidy arrived to check on her, Lucy was already out cold. But she was speaking, if only barely. Lucy asked for a drink of water. The Goatkin cried for someone, but Nimyra said she didn't recognize the name Lucy whispered. She was probably having a nightmare or something. 

Cassidy gave her another shot to flush the rest of that phrine bullshit out of her system. 

Maybe I'll ask Cassidy about that. It sounds ominous as hell. I wonder what it's composed of? It can't be mere adrenaline. It's too different. The old bat is brave, treating Lucy without caring about the contract Lucy signed. 

Nimyra then wanted to know more about my day, and I told her. She found my striking friendship with a noble impressive, but her jaw nearly dropped when she heard Srassa's last name.   

It turned out Nimyra knew him, but not in the carnal sense. Nimyra was often invited as a date to some snobby event in Canary’s and Adenaford’s noble districts. Often, she was hired to be a piece of arm candy for whoever wanted to make a bigger splash.   

It always ended with her being fucked in the carriage on the way home, but she said that was beside the point because her lovers were gentle and took her needs into account before their own. Harold Flynn, Srassa's father-- and head of the Flynn name-- was one of the only nobles in Canary to have not asked Nimyra for her services. She said he was strikingly handsome, with a wit that could match even the brightest minds. He oozed charisma, from his soft, rugged accent to his dashing figure.   

“Don't get me wrong. While I've been used as a homewrecker, I don't make it a point to purposely do that kind of stuff. I have rules and standards, you know. But it's hard to find a man that devoted to his family. I recalled hearing his daughter spent a decade training in Keywater.”  

“Yeah, Srassa said something like that. But she’s skittish. Even more nervous than…almost anything. She's a technical fighter, but she has almost zero self-confidence.”  

“With her father being who he is, I wonder if she's feeling pressured to–” 

Knock! Knock! Knock! 

“Ms. Nimyra? It's me, Grogn. I'm…here as requested.”  

“As requested…?” I was confused.   

"He helped bring Lucy up the stairs last night. I told him I would thank him for his help, and there's just one thing he wanted. Sorry, sweetie, but unless you're into watching, I have to cut this short.”  

“It's fine. Have fun, I guess? I don't really know what to say.”  

“Haha,” Nimyra giggled. When she stood, her breasts lightly jiggled. “That's so cute. But thank you. Feel free to take a bath if you like.”  

“I checked out some books from the library. Gonna read them, and then I'll do that.”  

“Okay, sweetie. Have fun,” she waved while I walked to my room. From behind, I heard the door swing open. Judging from Grogn’s moans and shaky voice, it appeared Nimyra pulled down his pants and started to jerk him off right then and there.   

I didn't turn around and confirm, though. I didn't need to see that. 

Momo was a cute kid, wasn't she? I have another image of her, in the present day, coming later. It's of her sitting in a park, so I hope you're looking forward to it!

Also, what do you think Servi asked Itarr to do? What particular item do you think she meant?


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