Interceder of Chaos

Chapter 6 : Double Trouble

In Lilithra's study, the air grew tense as she stood beside the window, gazing at the sun setting slowly, its golden rays casting a warm glow over the room. Her expression was cold, devoid of the warmth she had shown earlier.

"Come out," Lilithra's voice rang with an intense pressure, cutting through the quiet.

A shadow slowly detached itself from the darkness, forming the figure of the maid who had just delivered the books to Axis. The maid smiled, seating herself on the couch where Axis had sat previously. "You have quite the interesting brother, you know. How about giving him to me for a few days?"

The maid's attempt to provoke Lilithra failed, met only with an unchanging cold stare.

"He's not possessed, but it's worse," the maid continued as shadows began to swirl around her. A moment later, the shadows dispersed, revealing a stunning beauty with pale white skin, silver hair, and red eyes. She wore a black gown, her presence mesmerizing and dangerous.

"And what does that mean, Shadow Queen?" Lilithra's eyes turned even colder, like shards of ice.

"You know I mentioned that he has a hole in his soul, a part that's dormant, yes?" the Shadow Queen reminded her.

"Yes, you don't mean..." Lilithra's cold eyes widened as realization dawned.

"Yes, it has woken up, and it's unstable. I can't imagine what could happen," the Shadow Queen showed a rare flicker of helplessness.

Lilithra's eyes grew even colder. "Give me three scenarios: best, okay, and worst."

The Shadow Queen's expression turned grave. "Best case, he gains his memories slowly and recovers, though I can't predict what changes may occur."

Lilithra's face hardened, her gaze never wavering.

"An okay case would be he loses his memories and continues to live, or he gets his memories back and changes completely," the Shadow Queen said, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"And the worst?" Lilithra's voice was barely more than a whisper, yet it carried the weight of a command.

"The worst case," the Shadow Queen said, her tone somber, "is he could fall back into a coma, go berserk, or his soul could be consumed."

Lilithra's eyes flickered with a mixture of fear and determination. She took a deep breath, her expression steely. "We must prepare for all possibilities. He is our brother, and we will protect him at any cost."

The Shadow Queen's gaze lingered on Lilithra for a moment before she spoke again, a hint of something darker in her eyes. "You know, Lilithra, he fascinates me. His potential, his power... it's unlike anything I've ever seen. If he were to be under my guidance, imagine what he could become."

Lilithra's jaw tightened, her voice firm. "Axis is not a tool for your amusement, Shadow Queen. He stays with his family."

The Shadow Queen's lips curled into a sly smile. "Very well, for now. But don't forget, Lilithra, there are forces at play that even you cannot control. The creatures of the night that devour souls will be drawn to him like moths to a flame. His fractured soul, that dormant part, will be like a beacon to them."

Lilithra's eyes widened slightly, the coldness in her gaze intensifying. "Are you saying he's in danger from these creatures?"

"Precisely," the Shadow Queen replied, her tone grave. "If they sense his soul's instability, they will come for him. And once they latch onto a soul, there is little that can stop them. You must be vigilant, Lilithra. Protect him at all costs."

Lilithra's expression remained steely, but a flicker of fear passed through her eyes. "We will be prepared. He is our brother, and we will not let anything happen to him."

The Shadow Queen nodded, her expression softening slightly. "I will do everything in my power to help. But be vigilant, Lilithra. The path ahead is fraught with danger."

With that, the shadows around her began to coalesce once more, enveloping her form. As the last rays of the sun disappeared below the horizon, she vanished into the darkness, her parting words echoing in the room.

"Stay vigilant, Lilithra. The creatures of the night are relentless."

The room was left in a deepening twilight, the gravity of the situation settling heavily over Lilithra as she stood alone. Her resolve hardened in the face of the looming challenges, she moved swiftly to her desk. With determined precision, she pulled out parchment and ink.

She began writing, her pen moving swiftly across the paper. Her first letter was addressed to their mother, Elyndra Archborn.


There are grave matters concerning Axis that require your immediate attention. The hole in his soul the part that was slumbering has waken up, His soul's instability has made him a beacon for creatures of the night that devour souls. We must discuss the measures needed to ensure his safety.

Your daughter, Lilithra

Next, she penned a letter to their eldest sister, Luna.



Axis's condition has become dire. His soul's instability has awakened, drawing dangerous creatures that feed on such disturbances. Your expertise and strength are needed here urgently.

With urgency, Lilithra


Finally, she wrote to Elara, her tone softer but equally urgent.



I know you care deeply for Axis, and right now, he needs us more than ever. His soul's instability has awakened, and it has made him a target for creatures that devour souls. Please be ready to assist in any way you can.

Stay strong, Lilithra


Sealing each letter with her personal insignia, Lilithra summoned a trusted courier. "Deliver these at once," she commanded, her voice brooking no delay.

her trusted courier was noting the than a owl with its grey feathers it dove into the night. not making even a little sound as it disappeared in the distance.

As the courier left, Lilithra returned to the window, her eyes scanning the darkening sky. The weight of her responsibility pressed heavily on her shoulders, but her resolve was unshakable. No matter the cost, she would protect her brother.

" Mother please come back soon... "

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