Interceder of Chaos

Chapter 12 : New Entry

"How would I know if you are a big sister or a wrinkly grandma if I can't even see you?" I raised my hands up a little, pointing out as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

And it is common sense, you know! One can't judge one's age from voice, sounds, and appearance. Those can all be deceiving. Ah, but… by that logic, her appearing before me wouldn't matter much, would it? Aiya…

Silence fell upon the area as if the conversation I had was but an illusion, but although faint, I could still feel her presence. It was a strange sensation, knowing someone was there yet not being able to see them.

The anticipation was almost unbearable, my mind racing with possibilities of who or what this mysterious figure might be.

Suddenly, I got shivers down my spine as a cold wind assaulted my ear. My body jerked, and I turned around hastily to see something unbelievable.

My heart pounded in my chest, and I could feel my palms growing sweaty with a mix of excitement and fear.


Standing there was a beauty seemingly in her early twenties, with crimson hair and garnet eyes, wearing a gray cloak with red embroidery forming a rose. A sword lay sheathed, strapped to her waist.

Her appearance was breathtaking, and for a moment, I forgot where I was and what I was doing. Her presence was overwhelming, exuding an aura of power and elegance that was hard to ignore.

Seeing her, the only words that came to mind were that she is a catastrophic beauty, the kind that makes kingdoms go to war with each other. It was like she had stepped out of a legend, a figure of unparalleled grace and strength.

"How do I look? Dazzling, am I right?" Breaking me out of my stupor was her sweet, enchanting voice, the same as before. Her voice was like honey, smooth and rich, making it hard to focus on anything else.

"You look just a tiny bit better than my maid," I said, which was indeed the truth. Comparing Renal with her, it can be said that Caldia was way better looking than Renal, though I can't actually say it aloud.

I'm trying to save some face here, after all. There was something almost otherworldly about her beauty, a quality that made her seem both real and unreal at the same time.

"Haven't you heard that a man should never be stingy when complimenting a lady?" Raising her eyebrows a little and waving her hand in the air, she said, as if reprimanding me. Her playful demeanor made it hard to gauge her true intentions, adding to the mystery surrounding her.

"They also say that it's bad to tease little children, now haven't they…?"

"Now what's the fun in that…?" she said, waving her hand and smiling as if she heard a joke. Her smile was infectious, and despite my initial wariness, I found myself smiling back.

"That aside, you really shouldn't go near the orb just yet," she reminded me, pointing at the pitch-black orb seemingly made of obsidian, hovering over the altar. The orb had a sinister look to it, an aura of darkness that seemed to pull at the edges of my consciousness.

"What's that orb? I don't think it should be there."

"Normally, it wouldn't show up, and even if it did, the size would be nothing more than a marble. In fact, the biggest I have seen to date is the size of a child's fist." Her words only deepened the mystery of the orb, making me even more curious about its origins and purpose.

"And what does it signify?" Unable to contain my curiosity, with my tiny hands, I nudged her to say more. The urge to understand the significance of the orb was overwhelming, driving me to seek answers.

"It symbolizes one's talent, or you can say the limit of one's current self. And the stairs were a test. The temptations and allures offered were all to test how pure a child is. Though I can't say for certain how it measures one's talent, I can say this much…" She paused, firing up my already wild curiosity, causing me to lean a bit toward her to ensure I didn't miss any of it. The anticipation was almost too much to bear, and I hung on her every word.

"The bigger and darker the crystal, the more monstrous the talent. Those who have seen a crystal like this during mana awakening can be counted on one hand… For some, the crystal brought blessings, and for others, ruin. Whatever awaits you shall lead you to your destiny… your fate." Her words lingered in the air, heavy with meaning. I stared at the pitch-black orb, feeling a mixture of awe and trepidation.

I couldn't help but stare at the ominous orb. Its size and darkness were unlike anything Caldia described, and a creeping unease settled in my stomach. The orb seemed to pulse with a life of its own, drawing me in with an irresistible force.

"Why is mine so different?" I whispered, my voice barely audible. The question hung in the air, echoing my growing sense of dread and wonder.

Caldia's eyes softened slightly as she knelt beside me, her gaze fixed on the orb. "That, little one, is the question we must answer together."

"Huh? Together…" Just as I was about to ask what she meant by "together"…

" yes, together i have taken on the duty of witness for your awakening "

"Come, we must complete the mana awakening ritual," she said with a sense of urgency. Her sudden shift in tone brought a new level of seriousness to the situation, and I felt a pang of anxiety.

Reluctantly, I tore my gaze away from the orb and followed her instructions. As we approached the altar again, Caldia began to chant in a language I didn't recognize. The air around us crackled with energy, and the orb started to glow even darker, if that was possible. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation, and I could feel the weight of the moment pressing down on me.

"Remember, little one, the moment that orb appeared, you were to forget the steps you were told before coming here. Nothing will go like you expect now…" Her words echoed in my head as the chanting came to an abrupt stop. The sudden silence was almost deafening, heightening the tension.

Caldia took a deep breath and began to explain. "The awakening process is divided into four parts: The Vision, The Challenge, The Blessing, and The Integration." Her explanation was both intriguing and intimidating, making me realize just how little I understood about what was happening.

"Place your hand on the orb," she instructed, her voice steady and calm. There was an underlying current of assurance in her voice, a promise that she would guide me through this.

"Wait, you didn't tell me what to do yet…" I said as the situation dawned on me. I was like a blind sheep waiting to be slaughtered. The fear and uncertainty were almost paralyzing, but I knew I had to trust Caldia.

As my hand inched closer to the ominous orb, I could feel the weight of destiny pressing down on me. This was it—the moment that would define my future.

" Do you know anyone by the name Alnaria, here ? "I asked.

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