Intelligent Design: A Monster Evolution LitRPG

132 - A groovy start

David perched on the edge of a derelict military jeep, his wings folded neatly against his back as he surveyed the Observatory compound. The morning sun cast long shadows across the gravel-strewn ground, highlighting the debris scattered around the base of the massive radio telescope. His gaze lingered on the makeshift lean-to Gideon had constructed, a pang of nostalgia tugging at his chest.

"What a ride, huh?" he mused aloud, glancing down at the clever Cuddlebug nestled comfortably nearby. The creature chittered softly, its purple eyes gleaming with intelligence as it followed David's gaze.

A gentle breeze ruffled David's fur, carrying with it the crisp scent of the mountain air. He inhaled deeply, savoring the familiar smell.

It's strange, to feel so comfortable here and glad to be leaving it behind at the same time.

"You know, little buddy," David continued, absently stroking the Cuddlebug's fuzzy head, "when we first came up here, I thought we'd find some answers. Maybe a lone worker who'd overheard something juicy about the Integration." He chuckled, shaking his head.

Hell, part of me was half-expecting to find some drunk deity on a bender, rewriting reality before his babysitters could drag him away.

The Cuddlebug tilted its head, clearly not following but attentive nonetheless.

"Instead, we got..." David trailed off, his expression darkening. "Overseers. Omega. Xi. The Dark Star."

He hopped off the jeep, stretching his wings wide. The other Cuddlebugs scattered around the compound perked up at his movement, their tiny ears swiveling in his direction.

David growled a bit to himself as he paced between the abandoned vehicles.

I've gotten stronger. A lot stronger. But that probably would've happened anywhere. Instead, I've apparently become 'interesting' to the Overseers. Had to kill a crazy cultist. And then there was that whole mess with Omega's Quest.

David's fur bristled at the memory, a low hiss escaping his lips. The Cuddlebugs chittered nervously, picking up on their master's unease.

"Easy, guys," he soothed, forcing himself to relax. "Ancient history now. Well, recent ancient history."

He meandered over to the lean-to, running a wing along its rough-hewn surface.

At least we met some good people. Kozlov, Wally, Gideon, Adam... They're probably halfway to Riverport by now, if Kozlov kept them moving into the night a bit.

David's gaze drifted to the horizon, where the first hints of the approaching transformed human horde were just barely visible. A mix of anticipation and apprehension churned in his gut.

You know what the funny thing is? Part of me still hoped we'd find some all-powerful, extremely elderly wizard up here. Someone who wasn't quite sure what they were doing anymore, but was still damn good at it.

He chuckled, the sound tinged with a hint of melancholy.

Instead, we got cosmic horror and existential dread. Careful what you wish for, I guess?

A gust of wind swept across the compound, sending dead grass and debris skittering across the gravel. David watched them dance in the breeze, lost in thought.

Still, it hasn't all been bad. I mean, look at these little guys. Who'd have thought I'd end up with my own army of adorable, deadly furballs?

David extended his attention towards the bulk of the swarm he'd sent off to spy, checking in as they darted through the forest or sailed high through the air on their approaches. They seemed to be taking their job seriously, and David grinned at their determination.

And hey, another Evolution under my belt. Even if I'm not entirely sure what to expect from it yet.

He resumed his pacing, circling the remains of the crumbling parking lot. The massive dish loomed overhead, a silent sentinel to all that had transpired here.

You know what, though? Maybe not knowing is okay. Maybe it's even better. After all, if I'd known what I was getting into, I might've chickened out. And where's the fun in that?

The Cuddlebugs chirped in agreement, their tiny wings fluttering excitedly.

“Besides,” David muttered, his gaze drifting back to the horizon, “we've got a whole new adventure waiting for us down there. New people to meet, new challenges to face.” He chuckled, shaking his head. “And hey, maybe they won't even want to kill us or ambush me this time. Wouldn't that be a nice change of pace?”

As if on cue, the sound of heavy footsteps approaching caught David's attention. He turned, grinning as Claire's massive form came into view. His eyes widened as he noticed something small and glittery dangling from one of her teeth – a necklace, comically tiny against her enormous maw.

"About time!" he called out, wings spread wide in mock exasperation. "I was starting to think you'd gotten lost. Or worse, found a stegosaurus to elope with."

Claire's rumbling growl carried a note of amusement, slightly muffled by the necklace looped around her tooth. As she drew closer, David could see faint scratches around her snout, testament to the difficulty she'd had in retrieving such a delicate item with her massive jaws.

David watched with growing amusement as Claire approached, the necklace dangling precariously from a single tooth in her massive maw. As she came to a stop in front of him, looming over his smaller form, he could see the determination in her eyes.

Claire attempted to drop the necklace, her jaw opening wide. The tiny piece of jewelry stubbornly clung to her tooth. She tried again, and again, each attempt more forceful than the last. David bit his lip, fighting back a chuckle as Claire's frustration became increasingly apparent.

Growling softly, Claire raised one of her comically small arms, trying to claw at the necklace. Her efforts were in vain, her stubby claws unable to reach or dislodge the offending item. David's wings twitched with the effort of containing his laughter.

In a final, desperate attempt, Claire angled her head straight down and shook it vigorously. The necklace swung wildly, suddenly colliding with another of her massive fangs with a crisp 'snack'. Claire winced, her eyes crossing slightly at the impact.

Don't laugh. Don't laugh. Don't you dare laugh…

David steeled himself, his face contorting with the effort of maintaining composure.

After a few more moments of futile attempts, Claire let out a resigned sigh. "This is for you," she grumbled, her words slightly muffled. "But apparently, you're going to have to take it yourself."

David's grin was equal parts amusement and affection as he flounced over to Claire. "Allow me," he said, bowing dramatically before reaching up to carefully extract the necklace from her teeth. It took a bit of maneuvering, the chain having wedged itself slightly during Claire's efforts, but eventually it came loose with a soft 'pop'.

As David finally got a good look at the necklace, his witty remark died on his lips. The piece of jewelry had clearly seen better days and had probably been rather gaudy at some point. It was cheap, but well-made, with a solid chain supporting a large peace sign pendant. However, it was the obvious modifications that caught his attention.

The entire necklace had an odd sheen to it, as if it had been coated with something. Dangling from the chain was an eclectic assortment of items, each with roughly bored holes allowing them to hang. David recognized pieces of crystalline antler from the glimmerstag he'd killed when he first summoned the Cuddlebugs. There were also various fangs of different sizes, their pointed tips glinting in the morning light.

But what truly stunned David were the fragments wired into the gaps of the peace symbol. His eyes widened as he realized what they were.

Holy shit, are those... pieces of the Shard of Supremacy?

The once-powerful artifact fragments were now dull and lifeless, but they still retained their ethereal beauty. As David turned the pendant, the shard pieces caught the light, shimmering with a prismatic reflection that seemed to dance across the surface.

For once in his life, David found himself utterly speechless. He looked up at Claire, his mouth opening and closing without a sound.

Claire's massive head dipped slightly. "I know it'll make you look like a hippy," she rumbled, "but nobody's scared of hippies. Even the ugly, scary ones will, at worst, try to do drugs with you and tell you long, rambling stories about their spirititual journeys."

David snorted, finally finding his voice. "Well, when you put it that way, how can I resist?"

Claire continued, her voice softening. "Gideon found it on a desk somewhere in the observatory. He'd been playing with it, and I asked if I could have it. He... he helped me make it, actually.”

David raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. "Oh? You two working on arts and crafts together now? Should I be jealous?"

Claire's tail swished, nearly taking out a nearby jeep. "Oh, shut up," she growled, amusement plain in her voice. "Anyway, we coated it with some industrial sealant the military left behind. It might resist your Miasma a little." She paused, then added sheepishly, "Though you only had Gloom when I started making it. Plus the sealer cans were mostly solidified, might have gone off. I'd be careful with it."

David's smirk faded as he realized the implications of what Claire was saying. He looked down at the necklace, then back up at his friend, his expression softening.

Claire's voice grew even quieter, a feat David wouldn't have thought possible for a multi-ton reptile. "I know the way you look and how other people react to you bothers you a lot. Even if you're good at pretending it doesn't." Her eyes, filled with warmth and understanding, met David's. "I can tell you'd rather everyone just treat you normally sometimes. I thought... maybe this would help."

David felt a lump forming in his throat. He swallowed hard, trying to maintain his composure. "Claire, I..." he began, his voice thick with emotion. "This is... I don't know what to say."

Claire nudged him gently with her snout, nearly knocking him over. "You don't have to say anything. Just... wear it. And maybe try not to scare the living daylights out of everyone we meet, yeah?"

David chuckled, the sound wavering slightly. "No promises, but I'll do my best." He slipped the necklace over his head, adjusting it so the peace sign pendant rested against his chest. The weight of it felt comforting, grounding.

It's not just a necklace, is it? It's a reminder. Of who I am, of the journey we've been on…the antler pieces are so cool looking too. I wonder how they managed to break them down?

Looking up at Claire, David felt a surge of gratitude and affection. "Thank you," he said simply, knowing that those two words carried more weight than any elaborate speech could.

Claire's rumbling purr filled the air, a sound of contentment. "Anytime, bat boy. Now, are you ready to face whatever's coming our way?"

David grinned, ears perking forward, his newfound confidence radiating from him like a tangible force. "With a friend along for the ride and this stylish accessory? Bring it on."

As they turned to face the horizon, where the dust cloud of the approaching horde grew ever larger, David couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. Whatever challenges lay ahead, he knew he wouldn't face them alone.

And really, that made all the difference in the world.

David suddenly wrapped his wings around Claire's snout in a surprise hug. Claire snorted in shock, the blast of air inflating David's wings like a parachute. For a moment, he felt like he might blow away, but then Claire's rumbling laughter filled the air.

"I really like the necklace, you know," David said, grinning widely. "It's groovy, baby, yeah!"

Claire giggled, a sound that seemed almost incongruous coming from such a massive creature. "What, you got a cravat hidden in your back pocket or something?"

"Nah, but I'll get right on that the next time we meet a friendly spider that can make silk," David quipped.

"You know worms make silk too, right?" Claire reminded him.

David waved a wing dismissively. "That was before spiders the size of motorcycles were running around."

"If spiders that big were around before, civilization would've collapsed in like three days," Claire countered.

"Can't argue with that logic," David agreed, then suddenly flapped away from the Observatory. "Come on, slowpoke! You're the one holding us up now!"

He landed near the compound gate, mentally recalling the Cuddlebugs he'd kept with him. To his surprise, all five of them were utterly captivated by his new necklace. The glittering pendant seemed to hypnotize them, and they kept jumping to grab it.

"Hey, hey! Easy there, magpies," David chuckled, fending them off playfully before bending down to let them see it. They crowded around, pawing and nipping at the pendant. One of the newer Cuddlebugs, apparently not grasping the concept of jewelry, tried to chew through the chain. It stopped after two bites, looking mystified at the material.

Claire caught up, shaking her head in amusement. "Don't let those little boogers ruin your real Quest reward."

David straightened up immediately, leaving one particularly determined Cuddlebug dangling from the pendant. He brushed it off with a wing, as casually as if he were dusting off crumbs after dinner.

Claire took a final look at the lean-to, inhaling deeply before letting out a long, rattling breath. With her head held high, she began walking purposefully out of the compound. David hopped into the air, gliding lazily beside her at about head height, his improved flying abilities allowing him to stay airborne effortlessly even at low speeds.

As they made their way down the remains of the road, they passed the wrecked truck where David had found the skeletal remains of the driver on their arrival to the observatory. David frowned, noticing the truck had been disturbed, debris cleared into a pile by the side of the cab. He flew over and let off an Echolocation pulse, confirming that the bones were indeed gone.

Confused, David looked around until his eyes landed on a sight that made his heart skip a beat. Off to the side of the road stood a rough cross made from two thick sticks snapped cleanly – clearly Kozlov's handiwork. A necklace with a pair of dog tags was draped over the wooden cross, and the resin holding it together, while a bit messy, was unmistakably from Pinchy, Gideon's summon.

Why didn't I ever think of doing that?

Claire continued onward at the same pace, but glanced over her shoulder at David as he landed in front of the grave. He tried to read the dog tags, but they were too weathered to make out any details.

That's a bummer. A grave, but no name.

He stood in silence for a moment, taking in the scene.

The soil around the cross had softened, no longer the hard-packed earth of the roadside but a gentle mound that spoke of recent disturbance. Tiny flowers, their species unrecognizable in this new world, had begun to sprout in clusters. Their delicate petals ranged from soft lavender to a deep, rich purple, creating a soft contrast to the harsh, rocky surroundings. The blooms swayed gently in the mountain breeze, as if nodding in acknowledgment of the grave's occupant.

A small vine, its leaves a bright neon green that seemed almost to glow in the morning light, had already started to creep up the makeshift cross. It wound its way around the rough wood, tiny tendrils reaching out as if trying to embrace the structure. The vine's vibrant color stood out against the weathered wood and faded dog tags, as if nature itself was paying its respects and reclaiming one of its own.

The entire tableau seemed to exist in its own little bubble, a pocket of life and remembrance amidst the wild, untamed landscape of the post-Integration world. It was beautiful in its own way.

"I won't forget you, whoever you were," David murmured to the unnamed soldier before rejoining Claire with a few powerful flaps of his wings.

They walked in silence for a while, the gravel crunching beneath Claire's massive feet and the gentle whoosh of David's wings the only sounds breaking the mountain air. With a graceful swoop, David alighted on his favorite perch - the small hollow just behind Claire's head, nestled between her bony frill and the thick scales of her neck. He settled in, folding his wings comfortably against his body.

As he made himself at home, David extended his awareness to the Cuddlebugs flying alongside them. With a series of mental commands, he directed them to spread out.

Some darted into the forest on either side of the road, their purple eyes gleaming as they weaved between trees and underbrush. Others took to the air, climbing high to keep a watchful eye on the surrounding terrain. Within moments, they had formed a protective net around the pair, alert for any potential threats.

Let it never be said I won't steal a good trick when I see one. I'd love to pick the brain of whoever is in charge of that group's flyers.

Satisfied with their formation, David leaned forward against Claire's scales, feeling the warmth radiating from her body. He absently fiddled with his new necklace, the peace sign pendant cool against his fur. After a moment, he declared, "After this next crisis is dealt with, I'm taking some 'me time'."

Claire snorted. "You basically got to pick our last two adventures. It's clearly my turn this time."

David barked out a laugh. "Fair enough. What's your pleasure, oh scaly one?"

"I always wanted to take a seaside vacation," Claire mused.

"As long as there's no sea-serpents or awakened elder gods doing jazzercise on the beach, I'm down for a little R&R," David agreed.

As they continued their journey down the mountain, leaving the Observatory behind, David couldn't help but feel a mix of nostalgia and excitement. The weight of the necklace against his chest was a reminder of the people he'd met and the challenges he'd overcome. Whatever lay ahead, he knew he was ready to face it – preferably with a little less cosmic horror and a lot more beach time.

The sun climbed higher in the sky, casting long shadows behind them as they made their way towards Riverport and the approaching horde. Another chapter in their adventure was ending, but a new one was just beginning.

And this time, I'll be going into it all fancy. I should make Claire a scarf or something...

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