Intelligent Design: A Monster Evolution LitRPG

131 - Moving on out

The Observatory loomed ahead, its dish a sentinel against the lightening sky. The surrounding landscape was a patchwork of shadows and muted colors, dawn’s light painting everything in soft, ethereal hues. Mist clung to the lower ground, giving the approaching David and his swarm an almost ghostly appearance as they emerged from the gloom.

David's wings cut through the wind as he approached the mountain, his enhanced body barely registering the exertion of the long flight. Behind him, his Cuddlebugs struggled to keep pace, their wings barely rustling the air as they flew.

As he neared, a massive silhouette emerged, Claire's enormous form outlined against the pale horizon. Her posture was tense, radiating an energy that made David's fur stand on end. Despite the gravity of his mission, he couldn't help the grin that spread across his face at the sight of her.

"Hey there, Freaky Friday!" he called out, preparing to land. "Miss me? Because boy, do I have a story for y—"

Claire's roar hit him like a physical wave, nearly knocking him out of the air. David's ears flattened against his skull as he touched down, his grin erased under the intensity of her anger. The newer Cuddlebugs huddled behind him, tiny eyes wide with terror as they beheld the colossal armored theropod. The roar echoed across the landscape, sending ripples through the morning mist. A flock of bird-like creatures erupted from a downslope copse of trees, their startled cries a discordant counterpoint to the woman's earth-shaking bellow. Small, unidentifiable critters scurried for cover, their tiny forms barely visible as they disappeared into the underbrush.

"Yeah, I deserve that," David managed, his voice barely audible over the ringing in his ears. He watched as his newer minions steeled themselves, preparing for what they clearly thought would be a heroic last stand.

But before David could explain or the Cuddlebugs could launch their doomed assault, his clever little minion decided to take matters into its own tiny paws. With a confidence that bordered on suicidal, the enlarged Cuddlebug strutted forward, its newly fluffy tail held high as it approached the still-roaring Claire.

Claire's earth-shaking roar cut off abruptly, replaced by a strangled squawk as she caught sight of the approaching Cuddlebug. The contrast was almost comical - this tiny, fluffy creature strutting fearlessly towards a multi-ton predator. Morning light danced across Claire's scales, painting her in a shifting mosaic of colors. Her armored bulk cast deep shadows, somehow making her even more imposing. Yet there was the clever Cuddlebug, all swagger and confidence, marching right up to the theropod's massive claws.

Her eyes, previously narrowed in fury, widened hugely as she took in the preening Cuddlebug.

David, sensing an opportunity, launched into a frenzied explanation. "Okay, so you're not going to believe this, but—"

Claire's head snapped up, fixing David with a glare that made every hair on his body stand on end. He froze mid-sentence, suddenly very aware of just how small he was compared to his best friend-slash-maybe-more.

"David," Claire growled, her voice low and dangerous, "do you have any idea how worried I was? I could sense you were alive, but for all I knew, you were out there bleeding to death or worse. You could have been glued to a wall until they decided to eat you or something, you bastard."

David's mouth opened and closed silently, any witty comeback dying in his throat. He nodded meekly, deciding that silence was probably the better part of valor at this point.

Claire turned her attention back to the clever Cuddlebug, who was now practically swooning under her gaze. The massive theropod made a sound that was halfway between a purr and a croon, all traces of her earlier fury gone as she nuzzled the enlarged minion.

David watched in amazement as his clever little friend basked in Claire's attention, chirping and fluttering its wings in what could only be described as pure joy. The newer Cuddlebugs exchanged confused glances, clearly struggling to reconcile the terrifying creature from moments ago with this display of affection.

With a graceful leap that belied its increased size, the clever Cuddlebug sprang up and latched onto one of Claire's stubby horns, its fluffy tail curling around the bony protrusion like some kind of demented Christmas ornament. Claire's eyes crossed slightly as she tried to look at her new headgear, and David could have sworn he saw a hint of amusement in her reptilian gaze.

"So," Claire rumbled, her eyes refocusing on David, "care to explain why you look like a reject from Bumblefuq's 'Darkest Forests' expansion pack?"

David chuckled nervously, running a wing through his newly thickened fur. "Funny story? I might have gone a little overboard with the rewards from Omega’s Quest and the Boss…Also, I managed to pull it off, obviously."

Claire snorted, a sound that sent a small tremor through the ground. "A little overboard? David, you look like someone tried to cross a bat with a sleep paralysis demon and ended up with... whatever this is."

"Hey, I'll have you know this look is very in right now," David protested, puffing out his chest in mock indignation. "All the cool guys are wearing it."

Claire's massive head swayed slightly, and David could practically see her fighting back a smile. It was hard to stay mad at him when he was being... well, him. Still, the set of her jaw told David she wasn't quite ready to let him off the hook entirely.

"Alright, you overgrown fuzz ball," she sighed, "I suppose you'd better tell me what was so important that you had to disappear for an entire day and come back looking like... this."

David's eyes dulled, his earlier excitement withering up and blowing away like dust. "Oh man, Claire, you're not going to believe this. So after I took down that Hive Queen yesterday, things got..."

Claire's massive head tilted slightly, her expression a mix of curiosity and lingering annoyance.

"The whole world went red," David continued, stress clear in his voice. "And then... Omega showed up. No mirror, nothing."

At this, Claire's eyes widened, a low angry rumble emanating from her throat.

"Yeah, exactly," David nodded, suppressing a shudder. "It was like it pinned me in the air, but I was still conscious. Omega congratulated me on finishing its Quest, said it was happy with me, and that it'd have more 'tasks’ for me to do later."

Claire clacked her jaws together several times anxiously, clearly struggling to process this information.

"Let me tell you," David pressed on, "Omega in person? Terrifying doesn't even begin to cover it. It's like... imagine if a black hole could grin. That kind of worse."

"I cannot even begin to imagine that fucking thing being happy," Claire growled. "The idea is almost gross."

"Tell me about it," David agreed emphatically. "After that, I just... flew. Couldn't think straight. When the adrenaline crash hit, I barely managed to land in this grove. Found a certain super awesome fruit tree that made it all worth it, though."

Claire's massive form shifted, her armored bulk scraping against the ground as she adjusted her stance, claws gouging deep furrows into the earth. David could almost feel her confusion as she fixed him with an intense stare.

A few seconds ticked by, while David fought the urge to check if he'd spontaneously combusted under her gaze. Then, like someone had flipped a switch in her brain, Claire's eyes widened. Her tail twitched in what David recognized as her version of raised eyebrows.

"Hold up," Claire rumbled, her voice a mix of disbelief and something warmer. "You found another one of those trees? The ones with the fruit that taste like-"

"Like they were grown by angels?" David finished, grinning. "Yep. Bit hard on the old stomach now, unfortunately."

Claire's massive head bobbed in a slow nod, and David could've sworn he saw her maw drop open in a tiny grin. The clever Cuddlebug, rocked by Claire’s agreement, let out an excited squeak as it happily swung around without a care in the world.

"But that's not even why I'm late getting back," David said, leaning in. "After all that, I spotted this massive group of transformed humans heading straight for Riverport..."

He gesticulated wildly with his wings as Claire settled in to listen, and he pointed towards the horizon. The Observatory's vantage point revealed a sprawling vista - rolling terrain dotted with dense vegetation, punctuated by the occasional glint of water. Far in the distance, a faint dust cloud betrayed the approach of the transformed human horde.

David leaned in, his eyes shining dully as he launched into his tale. "So, picture this: a whole horde of people, marching towards Riverport like they're on a mission. But here's the kicker - I don't think they're just some ragtag bunch of survivors. These guys had a plan, and it obviously isn’t a new one. They know what they’re doing, you can see it plain as day in the way they move."

Claire's massive head tilted, her reptilian gaze fixed on David with rapt attention.

"You should've seen their air support," David continued, wings tracing patterns wildly in the air. "They had flyers, Claire! Way more than in Riverport even, circling overhead like some kind of lookouts. It was..." He trailed off, momentarily lost in thought. "Actually, it was pretty damn impressive. Wonder if I could pull off something similar with the Team. Might be useful, you know?"

Claire's tail twitched, a low rumble emanating from her throat. "David," she growled, "did you seriously sneak up on a massive group of potentially hostile people?"

David blinked, momentarily taken aback. "Well, yeah. I mean, come on. I'm basically the bat-ninja of the apocalypse now. Advanced camouflage, speed, Flight and Echolocation, plus I can even kill my own scent. I literally have Mutagens dedicated to sneaking. What's the problem?"

Claire's eyes rolled so hard David was briefly concerned they might pop out of her skull. "And what if you'd gotten unlucky, caused a panic? What if you'd had to hurt someone just to get away? Did you think about that, Mr. Ninja?"

David opened his mouth to retort, but the words died in his throat. A cold feeling settled in his gut as he realized what she was getting at. Even his non-lethal options were... well, nightmarish was putting it mildly. Against monsters? Fair game. But against people? He'd be weaponizing terror itself, just like...

Oof, yeah, I almost forgot. Gideon nearly had a stroke and Wally forgot how to breathe the first time they laid eyes on me. And that was before all these upgrades. I've Evolved since then, I probably look like a nightmare now. Haven't even tried juicing Apex Terror with Wildsoul yet - that's bound to work, too. At this rate, I'll need a vacation just to figure out all my new tricks. Meeting new folks is gonna be... interesting.

The realization hit him like a punch to the gut. For a moment, David felt his fur stand on end, a shudder running through his frame. But then, surprisingly, he felt the fear ebb away. He'd changed, sure, but he was still himself. Still David.

"Okay, point taken," he admitted, running a wing through his fur. "I'm not exactly the poster child of ‘Visibly Trustworthy’ right now. But hey, I'm pretty good at making friends even after scaring the piss out of someone. I mean, exhibit A," he gestured between them with a grin. "How many times did I accidentally terrify you when we first met? Three?"

Claire didn't budge an inch, her expression remaining stern. "That's true, and you are a good guy. Anyone willing to talk to you would figure that out pretty quick. But a huge group of scared people? They won't stop to ask questions. They'll just react. Especially now."

David's grin faded as the wisdom in Claire's words sank in. He grumbled a bit, kicking at the ground with a clawed foot. "Yeah, yeah, I get it. But I had to know if they were going to be hostile or not. What was I supposed to do, send in my fuzzy little spies?"

Claire's bony frill caught the light as she tilted her head in what David had come to recognize as exasperation. “Duh. Weren’t you just doing that yesterday?"

David blinked, then let out a bark of laughter. "Well, shit." He paused, a mischievous glint entering his eye. "You know what? No time like the present."

With a mental command, most of the Cuddlebugs took flight, their small forms quickly lost against the complex tapestry of the mountain. Some darted low, using the terrain for cover, while others climbed high, becoming mere specks against the brightening sky. Their purple eyes glinted occasionally as they caught the light, brief flashes of color in the shifting landscape.

"Alright, little buddy," David said, focusing on the mental link with his most intelligent minion. "I need you to find the boss types in that group. You know, the ones that look important."

To David's amazement, its eyes lit up with understanding. A series of images and emotions flashed through their mental connection, catching David off guard. The clever Cuddlebug projected mental images of David himself, commanding the swarm, followed by a startlingly vivid recollection of the Hive Queen surrounded by her drones. The message was clear: It was seeking out creatures that commanded others, just like David or the Queen.

David blinked, momentarily stunned by his minion's initiative and comprehension. "Well, I'll be damned," he muttered, then nodded approvingly. "That's exactly right, little guy. Find the ones in charge, just like that. And remember, we're going for subtle here. No getting caught, okay?"

Clever chirped in affirmation, its purple eyes gleaming with intelligence and determination. As it took off to join its brethren, David couldn't help but feel a swell of pride.

Fuzzy little dude is growing up so fast. I wonder how far I can push Nightshade Swarm? Need to start working on that pronto.

Claire let out a rumbling chuckle. "Look at you, being all responsible. I'm almost impressed."

David struck a heroic pose, wings spread wide. "What can I say? I'm a quick learner. Now, want to place bets on how long it takes before one of them gets distracted by something shiny?"

"If they're anything like you? I'd give it five minutes, tops."

David's expression suddenly turned serious. "Jokes aside, we should probably get moving. Beat them back to Riverport, warn everyone they're about to have a lot of company."

Claire nodded, her massive head bobbing in agreement. "Good thinking. But we should also try to make friendly contact, y’know, if we can. Maybe find a few scouts or stragglers."

"Brilliant!" David exclaimed, his mind already racing. "We could isolate a few of them, figure out the best way to-"

He froze mid-sentence, a chill running down his spine. The thought had come so naturally, so smoothly, it almost reminded him of...

Spooky. Fuck. Same old shit, new spin.

David's fur bristled as he recognized the telltale signs of influence seeping through his Evolution. His experience with Spooky had left him hyper-aware of his own knee-jerk reactions, and he quickly quashed the manipulative impulse.

After a moment's consideration, David sighed. "Okay, that was weird. Got a little vibe there for a second. Thanks, Xi, you sneaky bastard." He shook his head, as if to clear it. "It's not a bad idea, strategically speaking. But I gotta remember not to be a dick about it. No pulling strings. I'm way too dumb for that kind of 4D chess bullshit."

Claire tilted her head, her reptilian eyes narrowing slightly in concern.

David waved a wing dismissively. "Don't worry, I'm fine. Just... growing pains, I guess. Turns out knowing yourself is half the battle. Who knew?" He chuckled, but there was a hint of unease in his voice.

"Anyway," he continued, eager to change the subject, "we should probably get moving. The sooner we warn Riverport, the better."

Claire nodded, but then hesitated. "There's something I need to take care of first. Won't take long."

David's eyebrows shot up, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Oh? Something you need to take care of, huh? You're not about to lay an egg or something, are you?"

The words had barely left his mouth when Claire's tail whipped towards him. David hissed, his wings snapping open instinctively. With a powerful thrust, he launched himself skyward, corkscrewing through the air in a maneuver that was equal parts graceful and ridiculous. He knew she wasn't really trying to hit him - the swing was too wide, too telegraphed - but old habits died hard.

Landing in a crouch, David grinned up at Claire. "Touchy subject? Don't worry, your secret's safe with me. I won't tell anyone about your little dino-"

Claire's growl cut him off, but there was a hint of amusement in her eyes. "Oh my god, enough already."

David held up his wings in mock surrender. "Alright, alright. Your mysterious errand shall remain a mystery. For now." He winked, then turned to gather the remaining Cuddlebugs. "Don't take too long, though. We've got people to warn and people to meet. And they might not even want to kill us this time! Imagine!"

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